View Full Version : Giving

08-12-2013, 07:20 AM
It's not what you get, but what you give,
That makes worthwhile the Life you live;
The transient thrill of receiving is gone,
While the joy of giving goes on and on;
For when you've performed a kindly deed,
Healed a hurt or supplied a need,
Deep in your heart there begins to glow
A warmth of gladness it's good to know!
You love the world! It loves you, too!
You smile, and it smiles right back at you;
And you say to yourself, "It's good to live!"
But, better still, when you've learned to give.
--Thelma Williamson, Sunshine Magazine, January 1972

05-04-2016, 09:24 PM
Found it much easier to give than to receive. When you give, you get back. If you are closed to receiving, you miss out on a lot of God's Grace.