View Full Version : Staying Out of the Middle

09-12-2013, 11:22 AM
"I don't want to get in the middle, but..."
is a sign that we may have just stepped into the middle.
We do not have to get caught in the middle of other people's
issues, problems, or communication.
We can let others take responsibility for themselves in their relationships.
We can let them work out their issues with each other.
Being a peacemaker does not mean we get in the middle.
We are bearers of peace by staying peaceful ourselves
and not harboring turmoil.
We are peacemakers by not causing the extra chaos created when we get
in the middle of other people's affairs and relationships.
Don't get in the middle unless you want to be there.

Today, I will refuse to accept any invitations to jump
in the middle of other's affairs, issues, and relationships.
I will trust others to work out their own affairs,
including the ideas and feelings they want to communicate to each other.

By Melody Beattie