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bluidkiti 01-16-2016 06:52 AM

January 16

It’s All Good

Whatever happens in your life…. are you ready to take on the perspective, “it’s all good”?

“It’s all good” doesn’t mean that it is all good. It’s not wishful thinking or sweeping things under the carpet. Perceive what’s happening as “it’s all good”, and you make it easier for yourself to think positively and handle things better.

Ready to take on “it’s all good”?

bluidkiti 01-16-2016 06:53 AM

January 17

Conversation Battles

When someone brings their opinions to a conversation, armed and ready for battle, it’s easy to react or get defensive. How about taking a moment to: 1) Think through how you can disarm the other person and voice your opinions tactfully. 2) Decide if you want to continue with the conversation, redirect it or resume it a later time. Remember, you don’t have to engage in the conversation. You can always make a graceful exit from the conversation!

bluidkiti 01-18-2016 05:42 AM

Every Last Moment

You've probably heard something similar to this, "Live every moment as if it is your last."

Now, what does this mean to you? For me, this is not about being morbid or about living like you’re dying. It is about discovering what really matters and not sweating about the small stuff. It is about taking life by the reins and living purposefully and fearlessly.

Live every moment as if it is your last and you'll give your best to every interaction, every task, and every moment.

bluidkiti 01-19-2016 01:45 AM

Wanting to Please Others

Who doesn't want to please others and make them happy? There's nothing wrong in it, in fact, it's healthy. But it becomes unhealthy when pleasing others becomes the reason why we are not true to ourselves. And often, despite our best efforts, it's impossible to please everyone.

Do things for others whilst being true to yourself. Put in your best efforts and you will be happy and pleased with yourself. And the happier you are, the happier and pleased others will be with you.

bluidkiti 01-20-2016 05:27 AM

A Meditation to Energize You

If you want to start your day feeling full of energy, try this energizing morning meditation.

Remove your mind from everything and imagine that you’re sitting under the warm sun. Let the heat dissolve all the tension in your body, from the top of your head right through to the tips of your toes. Open your mind to catch the sunlight and let the warmth pour into your mind. Absorb the rays of strength and power up your whole being with energy and vitality. Feeling energized, return your awareness to the present. Now carry that energy into your day.

bluidkiti 01-21-2016 05:18 AM

While You Wait

We do a lot of waiting. Waiting at the airport, at the traffic lights, the bus stop, checkout counters.... What do you do while you wait? Keep checking your watch, tapping your feet, getting annoyed?

Next time you find yourself waiting, turn it into an experience. Resolve something that's been at the back of your mind or just let your mind wander. Strike up a conversation with someone or make phone calls. Or people watch, doodle, write a poem, stretch your muscles.... Of course, it all depends on where you are.

What are some of your favorite things to do while you wait?

bluidkiti 01-22-2016 06:53 AM

Thinking All The Time

We think, think and think. Most of the thinking starts off as necessary thoughts, but when these thoughts become repetitive they become unnecessary thoughts. If we keep thinking all the time, we use up lots of energy. It's exhausting and it just weakens our ability to focus.

Next time you find yourself thinking unnecessarily, put a stop to it. Think when it's necessary to think. This way, you will strengthen your ability to think clearly and constructively. You will also conserve your energy to focus when you need to.

bluidkiti 01-22-2016 08:26 AM

January 23

Tangled Up

There are times when we become entangled in negative thoughts. Get all tangled up and you create confusion and agitation.

Here are two simple ways to untangle yourself:
1. Use the same method of becoming entangled in a different way. Get entangled in happy, positive thoughts.
2. Remind yourself that you are not your thoughts. Become separate from your thoughts and you create space and freedom.

bluidkiti 01-22-2016 08:26 AM

January 24

The 3 R’s of Relationships

Here are the 3 R’s to make the relationships that matter most, easier: Roles, Rules, and Rituals. Roles clarify what is expected of you. Otherwise there’s frustration and confusion when roles are unclear. Know your specific role in each relationship and play your part well. Rules are boundaries that outline what your limits are and where you stand. For healthy relationships, it’s good to discuss and review your rules regularly, and know when to compromise. Rituals are simple things that build meaningful connections, such as making eye contact as you say ‘good morning’ and ‘goodbye’. Make up and keep up with rituals that work for you.

bluidkiti 01-25-2016 05:23 AM

Turning Envy into Motivation

Ever wallow in envy? Even when you're happy with your life? If the answer is yes, don't be embarrassed, acknowledge and accept how you feel.

Now, identify what's really making you envious? Your colleague's promotion or their success? Your boss's schedule or their flexible hours? Friends who travel the world or their sense of adventure?

Do you really want what the other person has? If the answer is yes, ask yourself, if you're willing to put in the work? If the answer is yes, turn your envy into motivation, and go for what you really want in life. If the answer is no, then be happy for the other person and admire the skills and strengths, the drive and determination that got them where they are.

bluidkiti 01-26-2016 06:59 AM

The New Relaxation Trend

Have you tried the new relaxation trend? Coloring in.

When you're coloring in, you're so concentrated on staying between the lines that you're completely in the moment. Imagine, you have complete creative freedom over what colors to use. It’s a great way to de-stress and express yourself.

Come on, give it a try. Try it, you might just get hooked.

bluidkiti 01-27-2016 06:11 AM

Spontaneous or a Planner?

When it comes to having fun, do you plan or are you spontaneous? Well, even fun needs to be organized. We have to research the activity, make the time, coordinate with others, book things in advance. But when we over-plan, it's likely that we will take the fun out of fun.

Try not to over-organize the fun. Instead, add a little more spontaneity. Be spontaneous & you give yourself the freedom to discover & play. You also give yourself the space to do what you feel like doing in that moment.

There's a time to plan & a time to be spontaneous. And maybe there's a time for a bit of both, planning just enough & at the same time, leaving some room for spontaneity.

bluidkiti 01-28-2016 07:36 AM

Your Inner Library

Our inner world is a bit like a library; a world of words and images. Everything we’ve seen, heard, experienced, and the lessons we’ve learnt - all our memories and wisdom are stored here. But, often when we visit our inner library, we only choose books that are dark and negative.

Why not, reframe some of those stories and make them positive. Then, when you're next browsing through those books, they may actually be enlightening. Why not, recycle all that is not helpful. Then you'll refresh your inner library and make space for something new.

bluidkiti 01-29-2016 06:15 AM

Keep Forgetting?

Remember those good intentions you had at the start of the year? Well, if you haven't yet turned your intentions into actions, ask yourself, why! If the reason is simply because you keep forgetting, try this:
1. Remind yourself why your goal or resolution matters.
2. Place visual reminders where you will see them.
3. Attach your goal or resolution to something you already do.

Hopefully, one of the above will remind you to put your intention into action.

bluidkiti 01-30-2016 06:03 AM

January 30

Pull Yourself Out of a Mood

Sometimes we wake up in a bad mood, or our mood crashes for a reason or even no reason. Now, as a lot in life depends on our mood, remember, we don't have to put up with our bad mood.

To pull yourself out of a mood, remind yourself: I am not my mood. Moods come and go. They do not represent the state of your life, they just pretend to. So, do something, anything that feels good to shift and lift your mood.

Once you pull yourself out of that mood, try to understand what really put you in that mood.

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