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yukonm 10-16-2013 07:40 AM

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Stronger than the problems

Do not seek to be free of the problems. Work to be stronger than the problems.

A life with no problems would be a life with no opportunities for growth or achievement. That’s not what you want, and it is certainly not realistic.

In the real world there are difficult problems, and there will always be. Yet there are also countless possibilities for progress and true fulfillment.

Don’t waste your time fantasizing about a life free of problems. Instead, use your imagination and your efforts to transform those problems into positive value.

Embrace each situation as it is, along with all the problems. Accept that the problems exist, and you can then begin to successfully work through them.

Life will always be challenging in one way or another. So rise to the challenges and use your unique set of abilities to make life great.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-17-2013 06:35 AM

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Make it great

It is nearly impossible for one person to quickly achieve great things. Yet it is within any person’s reach to do small things, again and again, until they add up to great results.

If you attempt to jump across a wide chasm in a single bound, you’ll fall helplessly to the bottom. However, when you walk carefully down one side, then across the floor and back up again, you’ll make it successfully to the other side.

What is it you seek to do, or have, or become, or experience? Work on it steadily, in challenging yet achievable steps, beginning right now.

Those who greedily want it all immediately end up with nothing but frustration. Those who persist, and then persist some more with one step after another, can reach whatever level they choose to reach.

The only way to truly enjoy the reward is to also enjoy the journey that brings you to it. Every moment, every obstacle, every advance and setback, every twist and turn is part of that journey.

Have faith, patience, purpose and unstoppable persistence. You’ll get there, and will indeed make it great.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-18-2013 07:31 AM

Friday, October 18, 2013

Choose to feel

When you don’t feel like smiling, that’s when a smile will absolutely do the most good. When you don’t feel like laughter, that’s when a laugh can completely change your whole outlook.

You do not have to live at the mercy of your feelings. You can choose to be the master of those feelings and the master of your actions.

It doesn’t matter whether it is easy or hard, reasonable or unreasonable to choose the way you act and feel. You can do it anyway.

Don’t use your feelings as an easy excuse to do the wrong thing. Use them as a well-informed guide for doing what is good and right.

Pay attention to your feelings, learn from them, experience, enjoy and appreciate them. But don’t let them enslave you.

Go ahead, feel life intensely. And make the choice to be in control and to live with intelligent, positively focused purpose.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-19-2013 10:18 AM

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Persistent positive perspective

If you are resentful about the interruptions, you make those interruptions last even longer. When you get angry about being hurt, you prolong the pain.

Negativity wastes your time and your life. In return, it brings you nothing desirable.

Negativity causes you to see and experience troubles that otherwise would not be there. Negativity blinds you to the goodness that is all around you, and separates you from much of life’s richness.

When you feel resentment, anger, envy, despair, anxiety or any other negative feeling coming on, quickly let it go. Make the choice to not allow a negative perspective to drain value from your life.

It can be very easy to be negative in response to life’s various occurrences. Yet it becomes extremely difficult to live with the consequences of all that negativity.

It is actually just as easy to let the negativity go. Make that choice, and fill your life with the real treasures that come from a persistent positive perspective.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-20-2013 07:13 AM

Monday, October 20, 2008

Plenty of time

You have time. It is now.

Think of something that is truly a priority for you. And know, without a doubt, that you can find the time to get it done.

Of course you’re busy, and your time is valuable. That’s why it is so important to make sure you use your time to achieve the outcomes you desire.

Simply being busy won’t really get you anywhere. Being effective, in a way that’s meaningful, is what will take you places.

Achievement takes time and you have the time. As each moment passes, grab the immense value that’s in it by using it to move your world forward.

There is plenty of time in this day to take action. Choose right now to stop making excuses and to start making progress.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-21-2013 07:19 AM

Monday, October 21, 2013

Widen your view

If you’re having trouble finding an answer, it’s probably because you’re continuing to look where you’ve already looked. If it seems that the problems have no good solutions, widen your view.

The answers and the opportunities are most certainly out there. In order to discover them you must let go of some assumptions and open yourself to new possibilities.

Conditions change, people change, and the whole world can change quickly. If you continue to see things exactly the way you did yesterday, you’re missing a whole lot of new opportunities.

It’s great to stay firmly anchored in your long-held, most treasured values. Yet it’s also vitally important to live and express those values in new, creative and updated ways.

There are countless ways to enrich your life and your world that you’ve never even considered. Step out of your routine, step back from your assumptions, widen your view and see some of those possibilities.

Make the choice to venture beyond what you’re comfortable with, beyond what you already know and assume. Great new treasures are waiting for you there.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-22-2013 06:52 AM

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Energy and drive

Just about any technique, process or system can lead to success or to failure. What matters most is not the technique, but the energy and drive you put into it.

If you feel you’re stuck in a hopeless situation, you’ll remain stuck as long as you feel that way. As soon as you become enthusiastic about the opportunities for improvement, you’ll begin to make those improvements.

In every kind of endeavor, there are those who succeed spectacularly and those who barely get by. The difference is not in the occupation, but in attitude, commitment and level of energy.

There are people who make it their business to make a positive difference in life. Choosing each day to be one of those people will give you a continuing supply of amazingly effective energy.

Even though you may not be in an ideal situation, you can create an ideal outcome. Use the day, use the moment, use the encounter, use the circumstance to lift the world higher.

With an attitude of generosity and a commitment to excellence, every day can be a great day. Decide to give real, meaningful value to life right now, and feel the positive energy begin to flow.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-23-2013 07:10 AM

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Something for something

Plenty of people will promise you something for nothing, yet those are always empty promises. Even when you can manage to get something for nothing, it does not bring any real joy to your life.

The point of life is not to figure out how to get something for nothing. The real fulfillment in life comes not from merely consuming, but from creating.

You cannot be truly rich simply by having a certain set of material possessions. The richness that matters is genuine inner richness, and the satisfaction that comes from knowing that you’re making a positive difference in life.

Don’t waste your time wishing, hoping, demanding or begging to get something for nothing. Joyfully put your energy into creating new, useful and beautiful value out of the unique abundance with which you’ve been blessed.

The great thing about being alive is that you can, through your creative endeavors, transform whatever you have into whatever you desire. That amazing, limitless opportunity presents itself every moment of every day.

If you wish to have something of value, then work to create something of even greater value. That’s the reliable way to be truly rich in all matters small and large.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-24-2013 06:56 AM

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Vast abundance

You have much more than you can ever possibly realize. Life is a process of connecting with deeper and deeper levels of value that have always been there, and always will.

Does it ever seem that the world has passed you by, or that there are just no opportunities for you? Then it’s time to move to a more profound and fulfilling level.

You are capable of much more than you have yet attempted. Fill your heart with goodness, make the commitment to express that goodness, and there will be a way.

The reason you get stuck is not because you have too little. It is because you expect too little.

The way to expect more, at your deepest level, is to make the commitment to give more goodness to life. Make that commitment, and suddenly new, exciting possibilities come into view.

Think for a moment, and realize that always, there is something good you can give. In that simple thought you know without a doubt that life’s vast abundance is always available to you.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-25-2013 06:50 AM

Friday, October 25, 2013

Enjoy being the real you

Fear is the enemy of creativity. If you are anxious and worried about what you are creating, then what you are creating will not be worth very much.

Let go of your attachment to getting it right. Allow yourself to enjoy the experience of simply letting it flow.

When you are truly having fun you can create magnificent things. When you stop worrying about whether people will like it, people will love it.

The way to be great is to be authentic. The way to be authentic is to enjoy who you truly are and what you truly love.

Don’t waste a lot of time trying to guess what might matter to someone else. Put your love and effort and energy into what matters to you, and many others will benefit.

In order to give of yourself you must fully be yourself. Enjoy being the real you, and bring great value to life.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-26-2013 06:45 AM

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Right here and now

If you wish to have it done, begin to do it now. If you wish to experience life, then fully live it today.

The future is not certain and the past is out of reach. Now is where your possibilities dwell, and now is when you must live them.

Don’t waste your wish on what might never be, or long for what is finished. Invest your energy in the magnificent life that is right here and now.

Yes, by all means work toward a meaningful purpose. And as you do, find richness and joy in the portion of the journey that is happening now.

Everything that is, is now, and it is more than enough. Let go of any sense of lack or need, and open yourself to the unique wonder of this moment.

There is limitless value to be lived right here and now. This is when you can experience life at its best, so do.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-27-2013 06:47 AM

Sunday, October 27, 2013

What does it take?

When you’re feeling down and would like to feel better, what does it take? It takes nothing more than your choice.

When there is something you know you must do and yet you can’t bring yourself to do it, what does it take to get you moving? It takes nothing more than your decision to make it happen.

When your world is dull and gray, and happiness seems like an unreachable, distant dream, what does it take to make you happy? It takes nothing more than understanding that the happiness you experience comes not to you, but from you.

What does it take to live the life of your dreams? It takes nothing more than your moment-by-moment commitment to do so.

What does it take to bring achievement and fulfillment into your life? It takes nothing more than letting go of the limitations you have imposed on yourself.

When life is here and now, ready to be lived in all its richness and value, what else does it take? It takes you, and your choice to let the best of who you are come fully to life.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-28-2013 07:35 AM

Monday, October 28, 2013

New level of courage

It is comfortable to stay where you are. But soon, that comfort will turn into boredom, frustration and regret.

It is uncomfortable to take on a challenge and to venture along a new path. Yet that is precisely what makes you stronger, more interesting, more capable and more fully alive.

Go ahead and do what makes you feel slightly apprehensive. That is also what makes you grow.

Feel the fear and apprehension. Learn from it all and let it prepare you.

Then, step boldly forward. Experience the new level of courage you have just attained.

Make good, purposeful use of that courage so that it grows ever stronger. And let it lead you forward into the true greatness that is your destiny.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-29-2013 08:12 AM

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Your great potential

To build something beautiful and wonderful takes time and effort. Make good use of every moment you have.

You can go a long, long way. To do so, you must be going on that way every chance you get.

What you can accomplish is truly amazing. So work on it with persistence and commitment, and bring all that great value to life.

The minutes and hours of this day will quickly pass no matter what you do with them. Choose to do the highest and best with each of them, and to fulfill your great potential.

Rather than dwelling on the excuses, focus intently on the possibilities. Find great joy in the fact that you can make a difference, and make that difference again and again.

You can do great things. Feel that potential, then get busy and fulfill it.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-30-2013 07:07 AM

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Focus on the good things

Your mind is astonishingly powerful. Focus that power on the good things.

Your thoughts create the landscape in which you experience life. Make that landscape empowering in a positive and fulfilling way.

Even if something is very small, you can make it enormous in your life by choosing to intensely focus your thoughts upon it. So focus on what you wish to make bigger, and not on what you want to avoid.

Let your thoughts center around all that you love, respect, admire and treasure. Give positive power to each of your moments by giving positive focus to your thoughts.

Sure, there are plenty of negative things that can quickly capture your attention. That’s why it is important to be able to just as quickly put yourself back into a positive perspective.

By all means deal with the bad things as necessary, while keeping your primary focus on the good things. Make the best use of the mental power that is yours by keeping it pointed in a positive direction.

— Ralph Marston


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