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yukonm 06-15-2014 07:21 AM

June 15

AA 'Big Book' - Quote

Drinking isolates most homes from the outside world. - Pg. 131 - The Family Afterwards

Hour To Hour - Book - Quote

Whether we choose a treatment facility, are in a lock up ward, or are using a 12th step program to begin recovery, we are embarking on the most challenging, but rewarding, journey of our lives.

May I recognize that whatever doubts I have now, will dissolve as I work my way toward recovery.

The Mystery

Today, I accept that part of myself that will never be satisfied, and I comfort and tame it. There is a place in me that knows it will never necessarily solve the eternal questions of life: Who am I and where do I come from, and where do I go when I die? At times, I can get depressed about that and feel that there's no real point to life. But I am beginning to feel that to accept and love this side of myself is what also gives life beauty and meaning. Perhaps meaning is not knowing and understanding, but an acceptance of mystery, an embracing of the unknown. After all, it is that mystery that gives even the most ordinary circumstance an eternal sort of glow - a sense of depth, a feeling that there is more.

I accept that I will never fully understand - I embrace the mystery.
- Tian Dayton Phd

'The soul is restless and furious; it wants to tear itself apart and cure itself of being human.'- Ugo Betti

Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote

In the ups and downs of life, remember that the most productive ups and downs are getting up for a meeting and down to the steps.

When I'm down, I take a Step and then the Step takes me.

"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

If you come here and are done using, you can't work the program bad enough; if you're not done using, you can't work the program good enough.

Time for Joy - Book - Quote

It is exciting to know I am in charge of my life today. God gives me all the faith and courage I need to be present and aware in each moment and the wisdom to see what needs to be done.

Alkiespeak - Book - Quote

I'd call him up and say; Norm, my program ain't working.' He'd say, 'Yea, why don't you try ours.' - Johnny H.

yukonm 06-16-2014 07:08 AM

June 16

AA 'Big Book' - Quote

As we look back, we feel we had gone on drinking many years beyond the point where we could quit on our will power. If anyone questions whether he has entered this dangerous area, let him try leaving liquor alone for one year. If he is a real alcoholic and very far advanced, there is scant chance of success. - Pg. 34 - More About Alcoholism

Hour To Hour - Book - Quote

Tomorrow is not a day to worry about. Yes, there are possible adversities, burdens, and fears but the sun will rise without our control and we know not whether it rises in splendor or behind a mask of stormy weather. Therefore, we leave tomorrow to tend itself.

Tomorrow is a day I will never meet so I stay focused in this hour and tend to my needs now--not project about unknown needs tomorrow.

Anger and Blame

Today, I accept my feelings of anger and blame without beating myself up for them. Feelings aren't facts; they are meant to inform me of what is going on inside me. When I constantly judge myself for what I feel, I make my difficult emotions much more complicated, and they last ten times as long. There is nothing inherently wrong with any feelings - so what if I am angry and feel like getting mad? Accepting this allows the feeling to pass through me. Fighting it keeps me tangled up inside with no way out. Judging myself doesn't help anyone, least of all me. Frightening feelings are just frightening feelings. I do not have to overreact to them.

My own feelings need not toss me in every direction.
- Tian Dayton PhD

Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote

There are many times when crying is the appropriate thing to do. Tears let us know that you need to be supported and consoled. Do not be afraid to cry. Do not be afraid to support others when they cry.

Tears are liquid prayers.

"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

A good listener is not only popular everywhere but after awhile he knows something.

Time for Joy - Book - Quote

Today I choose to see myself well and whole. Today I put all my energy into positive thoughts, knowing that my body is healthy and strong.

Alkiespeak - Book - Quote

The world is so full of a number of things, I'm sure we should be as happy as kings. - Robert Louis Stevenson.

yukonm 06-17-2014 06:19 AM

June 17

AA 'Big Book' - Quote

In the early days of our drinking we occasionally remained sober for a year or more, becoming serious drinkers again later. Though you may yet be a potential alcoholic. We think few, to whom this book will appeal, can stay dry anything like a year. Some will be drunk the day after making their resolutions; most of them within a few weeks. - Pg. 34 - More About Alcoholism

Hour To Hour - Book - Quote

It is a good idea to take five minutes to reflect on our situation while we go through the beginning stages of abstinence. For many of us the battle is acute withdrawal, pain and confusion. 'Taking five to revive' can be very important to our focus on survival.

As I 'take five' give me the thoughts necessary to carry me forward.

The Witness

Today, I will become aware of that part of me that is separate and observes all that I say, do, think and feel. I have a witness within me that can become a very useful part of my life. Watching my behavior with a little bit of objectivity will help me to see myself as I really am. I will look with a compassionate eye. Just as I know it is not right to hurt others intentionally, it is equally not right to hurt myself. I recognize the godlike nature within me and others - we are all a part of the same Higher Power. By allowing my mind to watch itself with no thought of controlling or participating, I can learn a great deal about the way I work.

I am an uncritical observer of my own inner workings.

- Tian Dayton PhD

Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote

There will always be people who did worse than you and always people who do better. You can use comparison to prove anything you want: that you lack thus and such or that you are better than so and so. We learn not to compare our selves and our stories, but to identify.

I identify, I don't compare.

"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

No matter how much sobriety you have, you will never rise above the level of human being.

Time for Joy - Book - Quote

I am learning new ways to deal with all that comes up in my life today. I am letting go of all negative ways of dealing with stress and anxiety that are harmful to my mind and my body.

Alkiespeak - Book - Quote

I'm never going to forget about self, but the Big Book tells me that I'm supposed to be of maximum service to God and my fellows - I'm not even mentioned. And in that process, I'm of maximum service when I'm focused on others; folding chairs, emptying ashtrays, making coffee, a commitment at my home group. As it says: 'Our very lives as ex problem drinkers depends on our constant thought of others.' What do they mean by that? They can't possibly mean that we're supposed to constantly think of others. Could they? Who's going to think about me? - Chris C.

yukonm 06-18-2014 06:24 AM

June 18

AA 'Big Book' - Quote

We believe, and so suggested a few years ago, that the action of alcohol on these chronic alcoholics is a manifestation of an allergy; that the phenomenon of craving is limited to this class and never occurs in the average temperate drinker. These allergic types can never safely use alcohol in any form at all; and once having formed the habit and found they cannot break it, once having lost their self-confidence, their reliance upon things human, their problems pile up on them and become astonishingly difficult to solve.

Frothy emotional appeal seldom suffices. The message which can interest and hold these alcoholic people must have depth and weight. In nearly all cases, their ideals must be grounded in a power greater than themselves, if they are to re-create their lives. - Pg. xxviii - 4th. Editon - The Doctor's Opinion

Hour To Hour - Book - Quote

The origin of our disease mystifies us -- genetic, societal, environmental, or all three? But we can't wait on science or medicine to untangle the addiction web. We must work on recovery today! That means no mind-affecting chemicals in this 24 hours!

May I stay clean and sober this day, this hour.


Today, I see that some of my anger towards my parents or their generation is about my need to separate from them and seek an individual identity. Even if my parents were wonderful, it would be natural to want to become my own person. Healthy parents have an easier time allowing this process because they have their own identity and intuitively understand what their children are doing. Less healthy parents take separation as a personal indictment and tend either to hold on tighter or to reject the relationships altogether. It is difficult to separate under these circumstances because it becomes so threatening. It is difficult to establish an individual identity without fearing either great loss or engulfment.

I see separation for what it is.

- Tian Dayton PhD

Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote

Take heart. There is no situation too difficult to be bettered and no unhappiness too great to be lessened. This is because the spiritual tools you require reside within-within that heart you 'take.'

What lies in front of me and what lies behind me is insignificant compared to what lies within me.

"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

Not asking for support is a sign of weakness.

Time for Joy - Book - Quote

Today I look honestly at what is real without denial or judgement. I accept my reality without struggle and this gives me all the courage I need to deal with what needs to be done.

Alkiespeak - Book - Quote

They say there are no 'musts' in AA, that it's a 'suggested program'. That's right. The same way that when you jump out of a plane, it's suggested you take a parachute. Unknown origin.

yukonm 06-19-2014 07:35 AM

June 19

AA 'Big Book' - Quote

Some day we hope that every alcoholic who journeys will find a Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous at his destination. - Pg. 162 - A Vision For You

Hour To Hour - Book - Quote

One hour at a time leads to one day at a time in our recovery program. Each hour is one of 24 building blocks of each day of our sobriety and clean time.

My current building block is to raise above fear and practice faith this hour.


Today, I understand that when I project my feelings outward and see them as belonging to other people and not to me, I postpone my own self-awareness. The only way I can deal with difficult feelings is first to claim them as my own. Sitting with anxiety, anger, rage and jealousy is not pleasant, but actually experiencing my own feelings is the only way to get through them.

I own my feelings and am willing to experience them.
- Tian Dayton PhD

'Self-forgiveness brings your mental and emotional energy systems back into balance. That's all. No big deal. It's not necessarily religious or spiritual, it's just good ol' street sense - the missing link in intelligence that scientists are looking for. Once you practice forgiving and releasing yourself, you'll realize the benefits soon in the way you feel overall.'
- Doc Childre

Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote

Ramana Marhrshi talks about life's journey and likens it to a train trip. He says that you can carry your baggage on your head or set it on the floor beside you. Either way, both you and your baggage arrive at your destination. This is because the train carries your baggage, not you. If you prefer to carry your burdens on your head, it doesn't change the destination, it simply gives you a head ache.

I chose to let my Higher Power carry my baggage and my burdens.

"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

You woke up this morning clean and sober. That's your spiritual awakening.

Time for Joy - Book - Quote

I trust that I have all that I need in every moment of this day.

Alkiespeak - Book - Quote

A sober alcoholic is like a turtle on a fence post - You know it had help. - Anon.

yukonm 06-20-2014 06:11 AM

June 20

AA 'Big Book' - Quote

When we retire at night, we constructively review our day. Were we resentful, selfish, dishonest or afraid? Do we owe an apology? Have we kept something to ourselves which should be discussed with another person at once? Were we kind and loving toward all? What could we have done better? Were we thinking of ourselves most of the time? Or were we thinking of what we could do for others, of what we could pack into the stream of life? But we must be careful not to drift into worry, remorse or morbid reflection, for that would diminish our usefulness to others. After making our review we ask God's forgiveness and inquire what corrective measures should be taken. - Pg. 86 - Into Action

Hour To Hour - Book - Quote

The best decision you have ever made is to opt for the health that sobriety and clean time will give you. If the decision was someone else's then your decision to accept it was the best one ever made. You will gain a new perspective on life and for this you need to thank yourself.

As I thank myself, I also thank any others, including a Higher Power, as I understand Him / Her, for giving me another hour without mind-affecting chemicals.

Inner Belief

I believe in this world; it is the place that I have been born into. I love the breeze and the grass, the sky and the water. I have an intimate exchange with nature - like a lover. I feel held and nourished by it. I believe in people; they are the species to which I belong. I recognize that, underneath our superficial differences, we all want and need the same things. I believe that truth and goodness will prevail. I have experienced and seen more healing than I thought would ever happen. I feel good with small gains. I see deep meaning in quiet things, and I am moved by a power that I cannot explain but that I sense inside and out. Today, I feel good.

I believe in life.

- Tian Dayton PhD

Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote

Trying to pray is praying, even when we aren't sure exactly what God wants from us. Trying means we have the desire to communicate with the Divine Source. Even if no words come, just hitting your knees means a prayer has occurred.

My healing begins in kneeling.

"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

Pray and wait for the answer. If you don't get an answer, that's the answer.

Time for Joy - Book - Quote

My past experience no longer take up room and live in my mind and body. I am free to live in today.

Alkiespeak - Book - Quote

'When you think that you've lost everything. You find that you can always lose a little more.' - Bob Dylan. Tying To Get To Heaven'

MajestyJo 06-20-2014 04:19 PM


Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote

In the ups and downs of life, remember that the most productive ups and downs are getting up for a meeting and down to the steps.

When I'm down, I take a Step and then the Step takes me.
This spoke to me today. I thought, "The Step takes me to where I need to be."

There are not so many ups and downs, if I LIVE the program daily.

yukonm 06-21-2014 08:03 AM

June 21

AA 'Big Book' - Quote

In the spring of 1940, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. gave a dinner for many of his friends to which he invited A.A. members to tell their stories. News of this got on the world wires; inquiries poured in again and many people went to the bookstores to get the book 'Alcoholics Anonymous.' By March 1941 the membership had shot up to 2,000. Then Jack Alexander wrote a feature article in the SATURDAY EVENING POST and placed such a compelling picture of A.A. before the general public that alcoholics in need of help really deluged us. By the close of 1941, A.A. numbered 8,000 members. The mushrooming process was in full swing. A.A. had become a national institution. - Pg. xviii - 4th. Edition - Foreward To Second Edition

Hour To Hour - Book - Quote

As we learn to accept our disease, our circumstances and what we must do to recover, we come to realize that although we may not have control over these situations, we do have control over how we react to them. Bill W., co-founder of 12-step programs, wrote 'We neither ran nor fought. But accept we did. And then we were free.'

I chose to accept this wonderful opportunity to grow spiritually and know this 'new freedom and new happiness' of which they speak.

Personal Truth

Today, I know that no one from my past needs to see things the way I do for me to get better and move on. Trying to convince others of what I have learned through my own journey can be an exercise in futility and delay my progress. First of all, each of us has our own truth that is unique unto itself. Second of all, each of us is at a different level of understanding and acceptance of who and where we are in life. Each member in my family had different experiences. That I thought we somehow matched up was an illusion. We each experienced our childhoods in our own way and have a right to our own perceptions. I do not have to get anyone to see it my way in order for me to feel comfortable. My truth is my truth, theirs is theirs.

I honor my own experiences and personal truth, as well as those of others.

- Tian Dayton PhD

Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote

There is a difference between sharing our experience and imposing our opinions on someone. A sure way to set yourself up for a 'slip' is to be convinced that others will slip if they don't listen to your opinion.

When my opinion means more to me than my sobriety, I set myself up for a SLIP (Sobriety Loses Its Priority).

"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

In AA, we surrender to win, not to whine.

Time for Joy - Book - Quote

'Faith is the thread we hang on to when our life is falling apart' - Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse

Sometimes faith is right there, holding us up, keeping us light so that hard times feel manageable. And other times we have to 'act as if' we have faith to get through the tough times. We have to pray for faith.

It feels so good to know that no matter what is going on today, I have the faith to know that my Higher Power is guiding and supporting me.

Alkiespeak - Book - Quote

For an alcoholic, drinking alcohol is like dancing with a gorilla; you're only finished dancing when the gorilla says so. Tom W.

yukonm 06-22-2014 08:03 AM

June 22

AA 'Big Book' - Quote

And acceptance is the answer to ALL my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing, or situation - some fact of life - unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment. - Pg. 417 - 4th. Edition - Personal Stories - Acceptance Was The Answer

Hour To Hour - Book - Quote

There have been many disappointments, trials, and tribulations for you, but you don't have to get loaded. There will be many more, but you don't have to get loaded. There is nothing so bad that getting loaded won't make it worse!

Higher Power, of my understanding, show me that picking up will only make my life more painful in the long run. No matter how high the immediate high, the low will be more than I can bear.


Today, I do not accept other people's truth as my truth. Even if what they believe seems better or more obvious, I need to give myself credit for feeling and seeing what I feel and see. Learning is meaningful to me as it relates to or is understood within the workings of my own mind. Without something in me making it relevant, learning is very disconnected. I am the learner behind the information; I am the seer behind the seen. I learn by direct experience.

I learn to trust the perceptions that I gain from my own observation of life.

- Tian Dayton PhD

Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote

Almost all anger is some form of control-either you trying to control people, places, or things or them trying to control you. If it's you controlling them, stop it. If it's them controlling you, stop it.

I can't do HP's will, my way.

"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

Embrace the power of love. Reject the love of power.

Time for Joy - Book - Quote

Today I know I am not the best or the worst. I am just me. God is guiding me to become the best me I can be and that is very exciting.

Alkiespeak - Book - Quote

He said he was going to kill himself. He owed these heavies some big gambling debts. I suggested he approach them with an amends deal; offer to pay them back a bit at a time. He said, no he couldn't, if he went to them, they'd kill him. I said; 'Well, nothing to lose, at least you wouldn't have suicide on your mind.' - Chuck C.

yukonm 06-23-2014 07:20 AM

June 23

AA 'Big Book' - Quote

I will never know all the people I hurt, all the friends I abused, the humiliation of my family, the worry of my business associates, or how far reaching it was. I continue to be surprised by the people I meet who say,'You haven't had a drink for a long time, have you?' The surprise to me is the fact that I didn't know that they knew my drinking had gotten out of control. That is where we are really fooled. We think we can drink to excess without anyone's knowing it. Everyone knows it. The only one we are fooling is ourselves. We rationalize and excuse our conduct beyond reason. - Pg. 351 - 4th. Edition - Personal Stories - It Might Have Been Worse

Hour To Hour - Book - Quote

The world is not consistent, you are not consistent, and those around you will not always be consistent. We don't have to be. We only have to remember not to use mind-affecting chemicals right now and our world will improve.

When inconsistency scares or annoys me, let me understand that to remain always constant would be like a plastic plant, never to grow and change!

Higher Power Within Me

Today, I recognize that a Higher Power lives and breathes inside me, through me, as me. I used to think that God was the chairperson of somebody else's board, and I spent my time in search of another person's version of a Higher Power. But really, there is no searching - it is more like an acceptance. That is the well-kept secret: that God lives, not in the heavens or inside special buildings, but within my very self. My direct access to myself is my direct access to my Higher Power, and my estrangement from myself is my estrangement from my Higher Power. We are co-creators, hand-in-glove, a team. Today, I see allowing God into my life as an act of surrender, acceptance and love.I love my Higher Power and my Higher Power loves me - we are one.

- Tian Dayton PhD

Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote

There may be some people who want you to be perfect. But thanks to our fellowship, to God, and the Twelve Steps, you don't have to be one of them!

I claim progress, not perfection.

"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

Don't put a question mark where your sponsor puts a period.

Time for Joy - Book - Quote

Today I'm learning to release my stress and anxiety in positive and healthy ways. My body is becoming free from all negative experiences. My past no longer lives in my body.

Alkiespeak - Book - Quote

Weird things they tell you; 'How do you do this?'
'Hold on.'
'How do you surrender?'
'Just let go.' - Bea.

bluidkiti 06-24-2014 10:07 AM

June 24

AA 'Big Book' - Quote

Henry Ford once made a wise remark to the affect that experience is the thing of supreme value in life. That is true only if one is willing to turn the past to good account. We grow by our willingness to face and rectify errors and convert them into assets. The alcoholic's past thus becomes the principle asset of the family and frequently it is almost the only one! - Pg. 124 - The Family Afterward

Hour To Hour - Book - Quote

If 'I don't wanna,' 'I don't have time,' and 'Let someone else do it,' are your major responses to people asking for help, remember this: the recovery that was there for you may not be there for others if you don't serve. Service is one of the principles we practice.

Tonight at the meeting I will serve my group by helping to clean up.

Inner Hearing, Inner Sight

Today, I will trust my own heart. The clear message that whispers within me has more to tell me than a thousand voices. I have a guide within me who knows what is best for me. There is a part of me that sees the whole picture and knows how it all fits together. My inner voice may come in the form of a strong sense, a pull from within, a gut feeling or a quiet knowing. However my inner voice comes to me, I will learn to pay attention. In my heart I know what is going on. Though I am conditioned by the world to look constantly outside myself for meaning, today I recognize that it is deeply important for me to hear what I am saying from within.

I will trust my inner voice.

- Tian Dayton PhD

Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote

Our program does not teach us how to handle drinking and drugging. It teaches us how to handle recovery.

Another day, another recovery!

"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

AA does not teach us how to handle drinking, it teaches us how to handle sobriety.

Time for Joy - Book - Quote

I love me because of all that I am, not just a part of me. I fully accept myself just as I am today and that feels so good.

Alkiespeak - Book - Quote

The first time I drank alcohol, I was about 12 years old, and it made me feel so good that the way I felt without it was never really OK again. Never really. - Bob D.

MajestyJo 06-25-2014 02:43 AM


Time for Joy - Book - Quote

I love me because of all that I am, not just a part of me. I fully accept myself just as I am today and that feels so good.
This was so important to my recovery. I had to cherish those feel good moments, and accept who I am and that I was acceptable because I was a child of God. I tried many outside things, like clothes, accesories, make up, etc. when all I had to do was work the 12 Steps of recovery.

yukonm 06-25-2014 08:57 AM

June 25

AA 'Big Book' - Quote

Never forget that resentment is a deadly hazard to an alcoholic. We do not mean that you have to agree with your husband whenever there is an honest difference of opinion. Just be careful not to disagree in a resentful or critical spirit. - Pg. 117 - To Wives

Hour To Hour - Book - Quote

You are not your fault, but you are your responsibility. Others are not your fault either and they are their responsibility.

Help me concentrate on my own problems and growth and not accept blame or give blame for things that belong to another.

Being with Life

Today, I allow myself just to be with life. Somehow, it doesn't have to prove anything to me or give me any more than I already have to be okay. The lessons I have learned through working through all that blocks my forgiveness have taught me that I can face my most difficult feelings and still come home to a place of love and acceptance. Life is always renewing itself; nothing lasts, good or bad, and that is just the way it is. It is enough today to enjoy my coffee, to take a walk, to appreciate the people in my life. I can rest in a quiet sort of understanding that this is what it's all about; all the searching turned up such an ordinary but beautiful thing.

I am enraptured with the ordinary.

- Tian Dayton PhD

Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote

It really is a daily program. Think about it, if you only quit one day at a time, every day that you don't pick up will be an accomplishment. If you quit forever, you won't have accomplished anything until you're dead.

Today, my one day.

"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

Some people move when they see the light; alcoholics move when they feel the heat.

Time for Joy - Book - Quote

Today I sit quietly in prayer and meditation so that I can hear God's Will for me. I know that I am being guided in this very moment.

Alkiespeak - Book - Quote

Which way did they go? How fast are they moving? How many are there? - I must find them, I'm their leader. ( Favorite of Ken D's )

yukonm 06-26-2014 07:08 AM

June 26

AA 'Big Book' - Quote

Psychologists are inclined to agree with us. We have spent thousands of dollars for examinations. We know but few instances where we have given these doctors a fair break. We have seldom told them the whole truth nor have we followed their advice. Unwilling to be honest with these sympathetic men, we were honest with no one else. Small wonder many in the medical profession have a low opinion of alcoholics and their chance for recovery! - Pg. 73 - Into Action

Hour To Hour - Book - Quote

Some addicts have returned to using mind-affecting chemicals because they tried to 'cope forever' and couldn't face never, ever using anything again. But you can maintain abstinence by just not picking up that first dose of anything NOW. Forget forever.

Give me the understanding that what I cannot do for a lifetime, I may easily do right now.

Healing Society

Today, I will light one candle and that candle is myself. I will keep my own flame burning. I turn my sight to light and love and goodness. For today, there is no need to be discouraged. So what if I see and identify all the ills of society and diagnose it as sick - what good will that do me or anyone else? I heal society by healing myself. Just as life is lived one day at a time, the world will heal one person at a time. Each time I think a positive, loving thought, it goes into the ether and vibrates. This is nothing particularly mystical; I have but to sit near someone and look at thier face to feel how their thoughts affect me. I take ownership of my owner inner workings and their effect on myself and others. I do my part to heal the world.
- Tian Dayton PhD

"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

Love is less a feeling than a thousand tiny acts of kindness.

Time for Joy - Book - Quote

Today I am willing to let go of all the resentments that I am holding. My now is so much more important than the burden that I have been carrying from the past.

Alkiespeak - Book - Quote

If you're new, take off your pack and stay with us for a while. Because you are going to have a life that's beyond your wildest dreams. You will get closer to knowing yourself, you will be introduced to yourself in this programme. - Sharon B.

yukonm 06-27-2014 07:00 AM

June 27

AA 'Big Book' - Quote

Faced with alcoholic destruction, we soon became as open minded on spiritual matters as we had tried to be on other questions. In this respect alcohol was a great persuader. It finally beat us into a state of reasonableness. - Pg. 48 - We Agnostics

Hour To Hour - Book - Quote

If you have one hand in the program and one hand in your Higher Power's, you won't have a hand to pick up with.

Take my hand God, as I understand You, and never let me let go.

Leaving Abuse Behind

Today, I see my life as my life. If I do not take care of it, make plans and dream dreams, who will? I am not second in my own heart - there has to be a place on this Earth where I come first, so that the little child inside me feels loved and held. I will come first with me. In the same way that I will protect my children from harm, I will protect myself. Chaos is a part of a dysfunctional family system. I hardly saw it as unusual - it was just what was, a painful way of life - the only one I knew. I do not need to recreate problem situations in my life today in order to feel stable or as if I have a home. I can live a calm and pleasant life.

- Tian Dayton PhD

Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote

I People often protest when they don't get their prayers answered as if the Divine Source is not listening. What they fail to understand is that prayer is not intended to change the situation you are praying about; it is intended to change you.

Life is fragile; I 'Handle with Prayer.'

"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

An old-timer makes his time count; he doesn't count his time.

Time for Joy - Book - Quote

Today I am learning to be gentle with myself. Today I can look in the mirror and smile and know that I am okay just as I am. I am treating myself softly today.

Alkiespeak - Book - Quote

Drinking 'Near Beer' is like going to a house of prostitution to listen to the piano player. - Steve B.

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