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yukonm 10-16-2014 07:28 AM

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Now is when you do it

If you can’t find the right words to use, use the words you have. If you’re not sure what to do, just get busy and do what you can.

The way to learn how to improve whatever you’re doing is to do it. The more experience you give yourself, the more readily you’ll see how to make it better.

When you have the desire to make a difference, start doing whatever you can. The most effective way to figure out what to do is to figure it out as you go along.

What might sound good in theory probably won’t work in practice. Jump right in to the real world, and you’ll learn very quickly what works and what doesn’t.

You are at this moment just a few seconds away from beginning to achieve whatever you wish to achieve. Get started, and keep going.

Achievement belongs to those who act. Now is when you do it.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-17-2014 07:24 AM

Friday, October 17, 2014

Reason to hope

You don’t have to have a reason to hope. Just go ahead, live with hope, and benefit from the perspective it gives you.

Hope exists beyond reason. Hope is something you hold and nurture within yourself, and does not have to be supported or diminished by what’s happening in the world outside you.

Hold on to hope, and let it give you the positive energy to move forward. See the world as it really is, and let your hope show you how you can make a positive difference.

There is always hope, for you can always choose it. Choose hope not to escape from your troubles, but to successfully pull you through those troubles.

Imagine a world, and imagine a life, driven by hope and by love, rather than by fear. Imagine, and then let what you imagine become real in the moment where you are.

There is so much good that you can do, and in your heart you know it. Live with hope for the best, and act to make it so.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-18-2014 07:34 AM

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Jump in and get moving

Life can be great when you simply jump in and get moving. Instead of excessive worrying or endless analyzing, just make your choice and then go with it.

Your first instinct is often your best one, because it comes from your authentic self. When you start taking a lot of other conflicting opinions and perspectives into account, your options quickly shrink.

Certainly it pays to think things through, and to consider the advice of others. Just don't let it all dilute the passion that can energize your life.

Trying to make the perfect decision can often lead to no decision at all. Trying to avoid every mistake can be the biggest mistake, because you also avoid getting anything done.

Though you can plan for the future, you cannot precisely predict it. So go ahead with the best you have, and you'll be completely able to deal with whatever may happen.

Even though it has no guarantees, this day is an incredible opportunity. So step confidently, enthusiastically forward with a smile on your face and go with it.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-19-2014 07:00 AM

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Something to appreciate

What’s the quickest way out of a negative attitude? Have something ready and waiting that you can immediately and genuinely appreciate.

How do you find the hidden value in any situation? Look for something to truly appreciate.

When you seek to find things to appreciate, what you’ll discover are hidden treasures upon which you can build great value. Look for what you can appreciate, and you’ll find positive, powerful tools that will pull you forward.

Get in the habit of starting each day by thinking of something for which you can be thankful. Then, whenever you catch yourself falling into a negative thought pattern, you’ll already have something positive toward which you can redirect your thoughts.

Each time you meet a new person, make it a point to find something, at the very outset of the relationship, that you can sincerely appreciate. Every time you find yourself in a new place or situation, look first for what you can appreciate about it.

Find something to appreciate, and your effectiveness will increase dramatically. Find something to appreciate, and you’ll uncover real treasure.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-20-2014 07:26 AM

Monday, October 20, 2014

The best opportunity

Whatever may have happened yesterday, today you have opportunity. After joy, disappointment, good fortune and bad, the opportunity of the present moment is yours.

Even if you’ve been speeding off on the wrong track, now you have the opportunity to get on the right one. Though you may have made plenty of mistakes, today is your opportunity to learn from them and to step forward in a positive way.

Give yourself a moment and feel a little bit of regret for missed opportunities. Then take the energy of that regret and turn it into positive action that will fulfill the promises of your current opportunities.

Your future has not been written yet. Now is when you write it.

The best opportunity is the one you fully appreciate and engage yourself in following. Opportunity is good to you when you are respectful of its power to change life for the better.

Whatever may have come or gone before, someone will make great strides with the opportunity that is now. Pick yourself up, get yourself going, and make that lucky someone you.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-21-2014 06:00 AM

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The purpose within

Your life means something and that meaning is now. Make use of this day to honor and fulfill the precious living purpose you have the good fortune to carry.

Feel the joys and the sorrows, but don’t let them slow you down. Ultimately, what really matters is to make the difference you are here to make.

Yes, you can make that difference, and carry life forward in your own special way. Let go of the fears, the excuses and rationalizations, and just go ahead and do what you are meant to do.

Your purpose is what you feel when you rid your awareness of all the things that don’t matter. Allow yourself to know the joy of giving more and more of your moments to that purpose.

As each new moment arrives, give love and energy and life to the purpose that exists in you. See all that happens, whatever it is, as an opportunity to give life and substance to the purpose within.

Live this day with the intention of transforming inner value into outer achievement. Make a purposeful difference, and experience life at its most satisfying level.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-22-2014 07:57 AM

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Be the cause

Sometimes it doesn’t feel like it, but what you do matters. Sometimes it’s hard to see how, but what you do makes a difference.

There is always hope, because there is always something you can do. There is always hope, because there is always a way to change things for the better.

Instead of wondering how much of an impact you’ll have, just go ahead and take action. Be the cause, and let the results come as they will.

Nurture the very best of intentions. Then give life to those intentions with action.

Often the path is twisted and complex. The only way to find your way through is to go.

Set your sights on the results you desire. And be the cause, for as long as it takes to bring those results to life.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-23-2014 06:52 AM

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Everyday inspiration

A breathtaking vista or exotic adventure can be very inspiring. Yet inspiration is not limited to mountaintop experiences, not by a long shot.

Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, you can choose to be highly inspired. No tear-inducing video or soaring music is required.

The thing is, every little part of life has the potential to inspire. Even the ordinary moments can be the source of refreshingly extraordinary inspiration.

Look around you and consider all the work and passion that has gone into the everyday things within your view. Think about the wondrous path you yourself have taken to get to this very moment.

Then, consider the possibilities. What you have is really quite amazing, and what you can do with it all truly boggles the mind.

In every situation, there is ample raw material for exhilarating inspiration. Be inspired by everyday matters, and from such a constantly inspired state you’ll know that all good things are possible for you.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-24-2014 07:36 AM

Friday, October 24, 2014

Adventure ahead

What if whatever happened, just happened? What if you didn’t have to fight against it?

Would it be so terrible to lose what you have if you still had the opportunity to build something new, something potentially even better? Is it really so important, so necessary to hang on so tightly to everything?

Sometimes, often in fact, what you have will prevent you from moving on ahead to what you can be. What if you had the confidence to move decisively toward what you can be? How would that look? What would you do right now?

Adventure awaits. There are memories in your past, but adventure does not linger there, not even for a few moments.

Adventure is always ahead. Go get it, and go live it.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-25-2014 06:31 AM

Saturday, October 25, 2014

You can do this

You can do this. You can go from where you are right now to wherever you wish to be.

Achievement is not a mere concept, and not just for a lucky few. Achievement has brought you this far, and will carry you to what you choose next.

Whether you think of it this way or not, your life to this point has been a unique achievement. Every day, you have taken what life has thrown at you and you’ve made the choices that have resulted in your current situation.

If you are thrilled and delighted about that situation, then by all means keep on doing what you’ve been doing. If there are things you’d like to change, now is the time to adjust your approach and take the actions to get you there.

Whether it has been desirable or undesirable, or somewhere in between, you have achieved. Going forward, by making choices, and acting on those choices, you will achieve again and again.

You can do this, and you will do this. So choose right now to do it in a way that makes your life the best you can imagine.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-26-2014 06:35 AM

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The treasure that is each day

Some days there is brilliant sunshine. Other days there is gentle rain.

Each day has its own special treasure to give. Each day brings a new, fresh opportunity for living.

Some days will bring unpleasant news, and other days will bring joyous celebrations. Every day, in its own way, adds to the overall richness of life.

Take what this day brings and challenge yourself to see and to live its special value. For no matter what kind of day this one may be, the value is most certainly there.

A sturdy and resilient life is built by making the most of each and every day. There’s something in each one of them that will surely make you stronger, wiser and more fully alive.

With love and care and real gratitude, live the treasure that is each day. In so doing you create a great and meaningful life.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-27-2014 07:44 AM

Monday, October 27, 2014

Rise above the resentment

Much of the pain of undertaking a difficult task is the resentment you attach to it. Let go of the resentment and the pain will greatly subside.

Work does not have to be a punishment or a chore. It is only your attitude that makes it such, and you can change that attitude in an instant.

Imagine how it would feel to genuinely, even enthusiastically enjoy what you must do. Not only would you do a better job, you would feel a whole lot better while doing it.

Even while doing the most arduous work, you can enjoy being you. Even in the most tedious situation, you can fill your mind with positive and fascinating thoughts.

It might seem that whatever you’re doing is burdensome and meaningless. Yet that doesn’t mean your life ever has to be meaningless.

Rise above the resentment, and remind yourself how fortunate you are to be living your life in this moment. Give real joy to whatever you’re going through, and your life will absolutely grow richer and more fulfilling.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-28-2014 08:37 AM

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Great possibility

There is great possibility in you. Even here, even now, even with what you’ve been through, even with the way things are, there is great possibility.

Some specific, acutely meaningful possibility will have you jumping into an enthusiastic start every morning. You can already feel it within you, so figure out exactly what it is, and begin to live it.

There are things you dearly love about life. Allow yourself to love them even more and to greatly expand them.

Expect value, goodness, creativity and fulfillment to come from your actions. Then take those actions, with commitment, love, and positive presence.

When life is going well, there is the very real possibility to make it better. When life is not going well, that possibility is more clearly present and intensely compelling.

In this day, in this place, in this situation, and in you, is great possibility. Now is when you can do what you’ve always known you can do, and make it come to life.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-29-2014 07:55 AM

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Quit trying

To get more done, quit trying so hard. Be at peace with the moment, and you’ll be able to make highly effective use of it.

Achievement is your natural state. Stop second guessing your intentions, and start acting on them.

Let go of the obsession that you must grab on to every little distraction that comes along. Great and meaningful value comes from lovingly and intently focusing on the task at hand.

Selfishly hiding away from life won’t do anyone any good. The more you give, the more you accomplish.

Have faith in what feels right, and in the actions you take to follow those feelings. Let yourself be the creative and fulfilled person you know you are.

Quit merely trying and start living. Choose now to be peaceful and confident, and to get your good and useful work done.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 10-30-2014 07:45 AM

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Unplanned occurrences

Things will not always go the way you planned, but you don’t have to let that stop you. Remind yourself that you can adapt, adjust, and continue doing what’s important to you.

Often, the interruption itself is not what throws you off track. Your anger and disappointment may end up disrupting you longer than whatever interrupted you in the first place.

Go ahead and accept the fact that interruptions will come along and plans will have to be altered. Then, just make the adjustments and get on with life.

Some of those unplanned occurrences might actually turn out to contain pleasant surprises. Make the choice to live life’s value where you find it.

Instead of seeing the interruption as an excuse, see it as an opportunity. Let it strengthen your resolve and provide you with a reason to focus even more intently on making the progress you have chosen to make.

Life is filled with unplanned interruptions, and getting upset about them won’t do you a bit of good. Instead, let them come, let them go, and enjoy the richness of a positive, purposeful life no matter what.

— Ralph Marston


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