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MajestyJo 03-16-2015 02:52 PM

Let us pray for the needy and hungry of
our world:

God our Father,
we think of the beauty of the world
which you proclaimed to be good,
but we are also conscious
of our misuse
of what you have given to us.
Our governments
spend money in our name
maintaining “butter mountains”
and “wine lakes”,
and we subsidise farmers
to “set aside” land
so that less food is produced
- even though
our brothers and sisters
die each day from hunger.
On our paper money
we print the images
of famous people,
yet often do not treasure and uphold
the dignity of all who are made
in your image and likeness.

Open our hearts
to be influenced for good,
and inspire us
to touch the hearts of others.
Enable us to change the things
that contradict your love,
and may all your people
work and grow together
as brothers and sisters.

MajestyJo 03-17-2015 06:41 PM

There is a saying that:

“I might be the only gospel that others will read today.”

Let us pray:

Inspire us, Lord,
to take the gospel more seriously,
that we may be credible witnesses
of your love. Amen.

MajestyJo 03-18-2015 07:44 PM

Let us pray:

Lord Jesus,
lead us to grow in your image
and become more fully human.
Lead us to respect and value
all other people
that we may work together
for justice for all
and the building of your kingdom.

MajestyJo 03-19-2015 11:48 AM

Let’s pray
for those with the disease of leprosy.

Let’s pray, too,
for all who are cut off from others,
for all who are isolated in life,
and for those whose commitment
costs them greatly.

Let’s pray for AIDS victims,
and for all who experience prejudice.

help us to see and love in others
what you see and love in them.

MajestyJo 03-20-2015 10:14 PM

Let us pray:

Lord, I pray for gifts and talents
that will help me and other people.
As I pray for these gifts
I know, too,
that I will need to work hard
at developing them
- to become more patient,
- to grow in wisdom,
- and to be faithful in friendship.
May I be as faithful to others
as you are to me.

MajestyJo 03-21-2015 07:42 AM


From 1948 until 1990, “apartheid” was
the system in South Africa. The word
“apartheid” means “separateness”, and
the laws enforced a very firm separation
of people according to race and colour.
On this day in 1960 about 15,000 black
people formed a peaceful demonstration
against the “pass laws” which forced
blacks to carry identification and travel
permits with them all the time. The police
opened fire in the black township of
Sharpeville. 56 black people were killed,
and a further 162 were wounded. It is
known as the ‘Sharpeville Massacre’

We remind ourselves of the evils of all
systems that declare some people to be
inferior because they are “different” in
some way. We think of apartheid in South
Africa, Nazi rule throughout Europe, Pol
Pot in Cambodia, and Stalin in the Soviet

Let us pray:

you have made all people
in your own likeness,
and you love all that you have made.
Your Son was born
as a member of a Jewish family,
and was recognised
by wise men from the east.
He rejoiced in the faith
of a Roman soldier
and a Syrian woman,
and he praised Samaritans
for their attitude and good works.
He welcomed the Greeks
who searched for him,
and he was helped to carry his cross
by an African.

: Gen 127,Wis 223,Wis 1124;
Lk 2,Mt 21-12
Lk 710,Mk 726,Lk 1719,Lk 1036
Jn 1220, Lk 2326

Father, may our human family
not become separated from you
by building barriers
of race and colour,
of class and belief.
Inspire us to recognise
that we are all made
in your image and likeness,
so that we may grow
in appreciation of all people,
and encourage each other
to grow in pride
in who we are
and who we are called to be.
May we recognise your Son in our midst,
and live truly as brothers and sisters.

Jn 1152
Gen 127,Wis 223,Lk 148,Jn

Acts 101-35 - God has no favourites: anyone of
any nationality is acceptable to him.

Amazing grace; Christ is our king; Come
let us go up to the Lord

MajestyJo 03-22-2015 07:10 AM

The Nazis came to power in Germany in
January 1933. From then on, concentration
camps were established, and people
were put there without trial - Jews,
gypsies, disabled people, homosexuals,
some prisoners of war, political and religious

On this day - 22nd March - 1933, the
Nazis opened a concentration camp
called Dachau, near Munich in Germany.
By the end of the Second World War,
millions had been killed in all the Nazi

Despite all the suffering (suffering that
we can’t even begin to imagine) a prayer
was discovered on a piece of wrapping
paper beside the body of a dead child in
another concentration camp - built at a
place called Ravensbruck, where 92,000
women and children were murdered. We
don’t know who wrote this prayer, but
we make it our own today:

O Lord, remember not only
the men and women of good will,
but also those of ill will.
But do not remember
all the suffering
they have inflicted on us.
Remember instead
the good things that have come to us
thanks to this suffering -
our comradeship, our loyalty,
our humility, our courage,
our generosity,
and the greatness of heart
which have all grown out of this.
And when they come to judgement,
let all the good things
that have come out of this
be their forgiveness.

MajestyJo 03-23-2015 09:26 AM

h I. She was desperate for more time
to live, and her last words were:
“All my possessions for a moment of time.”

Let us pray that we use our time well:

it is in this place and in this time
that you want me to grow.
You give me the time I need
to live as you want me to live.
Help me to use
my time and opportunities wisely.
Help me to value and treasure
all the people you put into my life,
and lead me to live in thankfulness.

MajestyJo 03-24-2015 08:35 PM

Let us pray:

Lord, we bring before you
all who are imprisoned unjustly
and all who are tortured.
We think of those people who live in fear
of injustice and repression.
We pray that the minds of those
who abuse others
may be turned
to what is good and honourable.
May those of us who live in freedom
not take our heritage for granted,
but be of good influence
in leading others
to value one another
as brothers and sisters.

MajestyJo 03-25-2015 08:48 PM

Prayer N/A

Give Love as a gift to all...walk softly in beauty and balance..and you shall know the feelings of Harmony and Peace.

MajestyJo 03-26-2015 12:51 PM

Regular prayer N/A

Let us pray:

I arise today
through God's strength to direct me,
God's might to uphold me,
God's wisdom to guide me,
God's eye to look before,
God's ear to hear me,
God's word to speak to me,
God's hand to guard me,
God's way to lie before me,
God's shield to protect me,
God's hosts to save me from snares of devils,
and from temptation of vices,
from everyone who shall wish me ill,
afar and a near,
alone and in a multitude. Amen

St. Patrick

An Irish Blessing

May the road rise to meet you,
may the wind be always at your back,
may the sun shine warm on your face,
the rain fall softly on your fields;
and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

MajestyJo 03-27-2015 02:08 AM

Let us pray:

We know, Lord,
that there are many radio waves
travelling through this room
at the moment,
but we need a radio
to be able to tune in
to the different frequencies.
Isn’t it a bit like that with prayer, Lord,
“tuning in” to your presence with us?
4 We remember that you said
that you would be with us,
so we do know in our minds
that you are present.
But there’s a difference
between knowing that you’re present
and growing in the faith
that you are beside us.
We ask for the power of your Spirit
in our lives each day,
so that we may live more fully
in your presence.
Only then will our attitude
and words and actions
better reflect yours.

MajestyJo 03-28-2015 10:13 AM

Today marks the birthday in the year
1515 of St Teresa of Avila, in Spain. She

Christ has no body on earth now but ours:
no hands but ours, no feet but ours.
Ours are the eyes
through which Christ’s compassion
is to look upon the world.
Ours are the feet
with which he is to go about doing good.
Ours are the hands
with which he is to bless others now.

Let us pray:

Lord Jesus,
I give you my hands
- to do your work.
I give you my feet
- to go your way.
I give you my eyes
- to see as you do.
I give you my tongue
- to speak your words.
I give you my mind
- that you may think in me.
I give you my spirit
- that you may pray in me.
Above all, I give you my heart
that you may love, in me,
your Father and all mankind.
I give you my whole self
that you may grow in me,
so that it is you, Lord Jesus,
who live and work and pray in me.

Grail Prayer

MajestyJo 03-29-2015 02:40 PM

Let us pray:

God our Father,
your love for our world
and for each of us individually
is so great
that you sent Jesus, your Son,
to live fully as one of us.
May he lead us to live in peace
and work well with each other
to build your kingdom
in our world which you love so much.
May your Spirit unite us
and lead us to appreciate and value
all who are different from ourselves.

MajestyJo 03-30-2015 11:27 PM

Sunday is the holy day and rest day of
Christians. Friday is the day for Moslems.
Saturday is the holy day and rest day for
Jews. The Jewish Sabbath (the word means
‘rest’) starts the evening before, because
days are counted from sunset to sunset.

Each Friday evening, then, there is a
prayer service in the synagogue, the Jewish
place of worship. Afterwards members
of the family gather together at
home. It is always the mother who starts
the sabbath prayers by saying a blessing
over the two candles that are used. Her
husband and children gather round her
and she prays:

“Blessed are you, Lord our God,
King of the Universe.
You have made us holy
by your commandments,
and you have instructed us
to kindle the Sabbath light.”

A passage is read from the Scriptures.
Then the family sit down for their Sabbath
meal. The father recites a blessing
(called the ‘Kiddush’), and he blesses a
cup of wine:

“Blessed are you, Lord our God.
You create the fruit of the vine.”
He blesses the bread:
“Blessed are you, Lord our God.
You bring forth bread from the earth.”

As we are about to use the same words
of blessing that Jewish families use every
Friday evening, let us pray for a blessing
on all whom we love and care for:

Let us pray:

May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord shine his face upon you.
May he show you his loving kindness
and bring you peace. Amen.


These “Blessed-are-you” prayers are the basis
for the Offertory prayers in the Roman Catholic
✍ As the Jewish sabbath starts the evening before,
so the Roman Catholic Church celebrates
Sunday Mass on Saturday evenings as well as
on the Sunday itself.
V Father, I place; May the blessing of God

This is an excerpt from the page of this date in
‘Praying Each Day of the Year’,
a 3-volume book
by Nicholas Hutchinson, FSC.

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