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bluidkiti 11-16-2016 03:20 AM

Do You Have a Plan B?

Having a plan B is smart and sensible. However it’s not possible to have a backup plan for everything because it takes time to a) consider what might go wrong, and b) plan for every potential problem.

When you’re making other plans, you take your commitment and focus away from Plan A. Whereas when there's only one plan, there’s determination and motivation to make it happen; you’re not tempted to give up when it gets tough.

Plan B: to have or not to have?

bluidkiti 11-17-2016 01:27 AM

Who Am I?

Have you asked yourself one of the biggest questions out there? Who am I?

So how would you define yourself? Through your personality, your profession, the roles you play, the groups or communities you belong to? Are you more than this? Can you come up with a definitive answer to “Who am I?”

bluidkiti 11-18-2016 01:30 AM

Pace Yourself

Do you live your day at full speed? No wonder, you're completely exhausted by the end of the day!

Why not set a healthy and sustainable pace for yourself, so that you're able to maintain your energy through the day. Then you may even conserve your energy for when you really need it. Pace yourself and instead of feeling exhausted, you might get through to the end of the day feeling like a human being!

bluidkiti 11-18-2016 01:32 AM

November 19

Put On The Spot

Sometimes we’re put on the spot with unexpected questions. Sometimes people ask questions with a positive interest and intention, and sometimes not.

Next time you’re put on the spot, here’s a trick you can use: ask questions. You can say: That’s a good question, what do you think? Ask for the question to be repeated or repeat the question yourself. Ask for clarification or just start asking lots of questions of your own.

Asking questions will not only give you a bit more time to think, but it will also give you a little more input over the direction the conversation takes.

bluidkiti 11-18-2016 01:32 AM

November 20

Get Creative

When your creativity feels ‘boxed in’, try this: release your inner child and let yourself go. Get imaginative and make mundane chores fun. Get curious and see things with wonder. Get outside the box to find solutions.

And if you've started preparing for Christmas, find creative ways to make your own cards and wrap gifts.

bluidkiti 11-21-2016 01:34 AM

The Procrastinator in You

Have you been procrastinating lately? There are times when procrastination is definitely not a good thing, and there are times when procrastination can be a good thing. How? Procrastination can keep you from doing things that are irrelevant, and so, you save time.

This week, look at what you've been procrastinating about and decide whether to do things as soon as possible, or continue to procrastinate because the procrastinator in you knows best.

bluidkiti 11-22-2016 01:41 AM

Ways to Be Like a Tree

Want to be inspired by trees? Well, like a tree:
1. You are unique, so dare to be different, and stand tall.
2. You have the strength to weather life's storms and stand strong.
3. Know when to drop and let go of all that is no longer essential.
4. Stay rooted in your values and root for everyone.
5. Your presence refreshes others and provides support.
6. Just keep growing, no matter what.

bluidkiti 11-23-2016 04:06 AM

Are you Conscious of your Subconscious?

Your subconscious stores memories, it records everything you’ve seen, heard and experienced. It influences your attitude and actions, and gives you insights and solutions. It's probably talking to you right now, and you don’t even realize it!

So if you want to understand how your subconscious influences you, try and become more conscious of your subconscious.

bluidkiti 11-24-2016 02:55 AM

Communicating with Emojis

Do you love using emojis in your messages? If you have a tendency to go a little emoji crazy, you may want to rein it in a little and be more mindful of when, how and which emojis to use.

Try to avoid replacing words with emojis, as communicating through words has its place. But do use emojis to infuse your messages with personality, fun and an emotional tone. And as emojis transcend language barriers, finally, we have a global language.

bluidkiti 11-25-2016 03:43 AM

Live Like You Drive

Do you live like you drive? Do you know where you are going? Which route will you choose; the shortest, fastest route or the most scenic route?

When there are unexpected diversions or when you feel lost in life, use your sat nav, your intuition to get back on track, or ask other people for directions.

As you pay attention to all the different things happening around you, remember to stay focused on where you are going and, enjoy the journey.

bluidkiti 11-26-2016 03:54 AM

November 26

Give Thanks, Be Grateful

Gratitude is a wonderful habit. So, why not infuse more of this habit into your life. How? Keep a gratitude journal. Daily or a weekly, list several things you’re thankful for.

Give thanks to your body for everything it allows you to do. Give thanks to water. Be thankful for not just the good things but also the big problems and the little petty annoyances.

Feel grateful and it'll make you happier, hopeful and healthier.

bluidkiti 11-26-2016 03:54 AM

November 27

Drinking Guilt-tea

Do you drink guilt-tea? The next time you find yourself sipping the guilt-tea, stop savoring it. Instead, use that taste of guilt to look at what's not right. Understand where the guilt is coming from and what you will do about it.

Come on, be kind to yourself, stop feeling guilty and try some new teas instead.

bluidkiti 11-28-2016 02:41 AM

Paper Tigers

Fear is scary, it's like a tiger in our path that blocks the way forward. But most often, fear is like a paper tiger. It only looks formidable and ferocious because we've made such a big deal out of it. In reality, it's not real, it's only made of paper.

The next time fear blocks your way, see if it’s real. If it is, then step back from the potential risk. But if your fear is not based in reality, see it as a paper tiger, and this will make it easier for you to conquer the fear and move forward.

bluidkiti 11-29-2016 05:37 AM

Put Your Phone Away

How often do you find yourself paying more attention to your phone than the people around you?

If it's during a one to one conversation or even when you're in a big group, during a meal or when you're just spending time with others, curb that impulse to check your phone. If someone really needs you, the phone will ring.

Come on, don't be rude, be respectful and put your phone away. Give the people you are with your full and undivided attention.

bluidkiti 11-30-2016 04:21 AM

Your Inner Sanctuary

When life gets a little crazy, we need a sanctuary to escape to. Create an inner sanctuary in your mind. Imagine a place where you feel most at ease & at peace. It can be anywhere, real or imagined, sunny or rainy, warm or cold. Imagine the visual details, the colors, the sounds, & make it exactly how you want it to be.

Then, whenever you need to escape, take a moment to retreat into your inner sanctuary. Release the tension, dissolve the anxieties & allow your mind to relax & enjoy.

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