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bluidkiti 04-30-2016 08:24 AM

Wisdom For Today - May
May 1

Wisdom for Today
When at last we reach the end of our days, how will we look back on our life on this earth? We can be sure that nothing we have gained here in the way of material possessions, will we take with us. No earthly possession will be ours to take; it all must be left behind. But what of the spirit will be ours for the taking? None of us really know the answer, for this is entirely in God's hands. I like to think that the things we may take with us are the things we gave away. If we have given our love and care to another, perhaps we take this love with us. If we have given of our time to help another in need, perhaps we take this spirit of generosity with us. No one knows for sure. But one thing is for sure. When we reach the end of our time here on earth, we can look back and be pleased; or we can look back and be empty.
This question is what is important for each of us. Am I doing that on which I can look back and be proud? Am I treating my fellow man as I would want him to treat me? Am I generous with my time for those that need it? Am I creating the kind of human relationships that are lasting and truthful? Each of these questions can only be answered one day at a time; but I know that if I work the steps and practice the principles of the program in all that I do, one day I will look back and will feel good about what has been accomplished in my life. So I seek to fill my heart with spiritual things and walk the path that is laid before me. Am I seeking good in all that I do?
Meditations for the Heart
Can I call upon the name of God to help me in all that I do? The answer to this question is most certainly, "yes!" Yet it is such an easy thing to forget. God's Spirit is among us at all times, and He stands ready to help us; all we need do is ask. His Spirit is here to help make us better people. His Spirit is here to guide us on our journey. His Spirit is here to help us when we need it. Not just when we need it most, but in all that we do. Sometimes I seem to forget this and hurry into my day without asking for help. I get headstrong, or I get distracted, and I just do not ask for that which I need. I can really tell the difference in my day when I don't ask for help in what I do. I get more easily frustrated. I get off track. I accomplish less. Sometimes I miss the boat completely. The good news is that I can always start again. I can stop and ask for help anytime and know that it will come. Do I ask for help often enough?
Petitions to my Higher Power
Let me begin this day by turning to you and asking for Your help in all that I do. Give me courage and wisdom to continue to ask for Your help throughout my day. Let me take steps today that add to my spiritual life. Let me seek to help others and to treat all those that I come into contact with as I would want to be treated. Let me seize every opportunity to do good for others in this day.

bluidkiti 04-30-2016 08:25 AM

May 2

Wisdom for Today
Addiction is not a great teacher. Day after day it reveals more pain and suffering. Still,
in spite of the lessons we are given, we have difficulty letting go of this way of life. We
see the physical, emotional, and social pain. We experience the spiritual emptiness; and
yet we hang on. We continue to hope the next time will be different. We think we will
somehow regain the ability to control our use. Most of us continue on this path until we
finally experience a crisis that gives us a brief wake up call. We are given an opportunity
to break out of the insanity.

Fortunately, the 12-step program is a good teacher. Not only does it teach us how to stop
drinking and drugging, but it also teaches us a new way of living. Through the process of
going to meetings, working the steps and living the principles, we are transformed. The
program teaches us the wisdom of keeping things simple. It teaches us the way to find
freedom and happiness. It opens our eyes to the insanity of our ways and enlightens us with
hope. We learn to fear that first drink, pill, or fix. Do I have any doubt about the power
of addiction?
Meditations for the Heart
Walk humbly in the presence of God. This has become a statement that guides the way I try
to live. At first my understanding of turning it over was very naive. I simply didn’t drink
or use drugs, went to meetings and worked the steps. But over time, I have grown in my
understanding of this principle. Today, I work to recognize that I walk through this life
in the presence of God. He is always around. There is no place that I can hide from Him.
Certainly the bottle and the drugs did not hide me from His presence. I was simply too
wasted to know that He was near, but this did not mean that He was not watching out for me.
As I approach any situation in my life, I try to remember His presence. I attempt to live
life in a way that He would want me to live. His presence has become a guiding principle for
me. Do I know that God walks with me?
Petitions to my Higher Power

Today I understand what a friend You have been in my life. Keep me focused on Your presence
in my life, and help me to make decisions about my life based on this knowledge. Give me
courage for this day; and grant me patience, understanding and wisdom in all that I do. Let
me live this day knowing You are always near.


bluidkiti 05-02-2016 08:43 AM

May 3

Wisdom for Today
In admitting our addiction, we acknowledge that we are powerless over alcohol and drugs. Yet in making this admission, we are also saying that we recognize that as long as alcohol and drugs are in our life, we will remain unmanageable and out of control. In step two we gain a sense of hope that we can be restored to sanity in our lives. By placing our lives in God’s hands and becoming obedient to His will, we surrender our disease, our lives, and our will. It is here that we learn that we have a choice to not let addiction have power in our lives. This freedom is to be desired more than alcohol and drugs.

We can never fully understand our addiction, its causes, or be rid of our secret faults. Yet the steps warn us this is the only way we can find freedom from the bondage of addiction. We are also told that if we are willing to take these steps, we will know great reward. Yes, recovery promises great rewards, if we are willing to go to any length to gain what the program offers. If we work the steps, addiction loses its power and dominion over us. We learn to live right, and we find the freedom to walk through life without the insanity of the disease. Have I made the choice to not let addiction have power in my life today?
Meditations for the Heart
As a child I recall playing a game of tag, where, if I was about to be tagged, I could yell out, “Force Field” and know that I was safe. This force field was imaginary, but it prevented the person who was it from tagging me. In recovery we have a force field that is real. God can and will shield us from harm's way. None of life’s daggers can cut into our lives and truly harm us when we let God become our force field. This does not mean that life will be problem free. It does mean that any
problem, any scorn from others, or any shame can be kept outside of this force field if we put our trust in our Higher Power. This trust acts as a shield we can attain. It will build an inner peace that will allow us to deal effectively with life’s problems. We learn that resentment has no place in our lives. We find a healthy path to walk on. Do I allow God to be a force in my life?
Petitions to my Higher Power

You have given me the choice to not let addiction have power in my life today. You have shown me a healthy path to walk on. Today I will put my trust in You. I will walk the path set before me with confidence of inner peace. Let me draw on Your strength as I live this day. Guide me to the knowledge of freedom. Let me not become out of sorts with events that happen around me.


bluidkiti 05-02-2016 08:43 AM

May 4

Wisdom for Today
Sometimes the unexpected happens, things that we just don't count on. Life can take sudden turns, and it is easy to let these sudden changes knock us off track. Change is a part of life. Sometimes these changes occur slowly, and it is easy to adjust; other times it is as if life has thrown us a real curve ball. When things start to get out of whack because of sudden changes in life, I need something I can fall back on. This is why ongoing involvement in the program has become so important to me. The fellowship provides me with two things that I need in these times of sudden change and unpredictability. First there is consistency. If I have a sponsor, a home group, the program, the steps, and a relationship with a Higher Power, these things do not change even when change is happening all around me. The second thing I am provided with is accountability. My recovery support system helps me stay on track even when everything else in my life seems to have derailed.
To be sure, I have yet to encounter anything that has completely overwhelmed me when I was connected to the program in this way. But when I got away from this consistency and accountability and tried to handle things on my own, I ended up in real trouble. None of us would stand inside a burning building without the tools to put the fire out. In the same way, a solid recovery support system can help to put the flames of change out. Do I use my support system to prevent fires in my life?
Meditations for my Heart
Change is difficult because of the unpredictability the comes with it. This unpredictability can bring up feelings of anxiety and fear. In some cases change can bring feelings of anger. Not all change is bad. In fact, many of the changes we experience end up being for the better. Still the process of change can be uncomfortable, even when the outcome is good. Change also brings us to a point where we often have to simply have faith that God will see us through. Faith that He will be there for us when we need Him is important. Faith that we be given the strength, courage, and wisdom that we need to deal with change is needed. Faith that these things will indeed be provided for us if we ask is essential. Do I have faith that He walks with me always?
Petitions to my Higher Power
Life is not always easy and sometimes seems unfair. It can be difficult. Increase in me the faith I need to have in these times of change. Give me patience and inner peace that I may walk through times of change knowing that You are by my side. Let me also be willing to provide consistency and accountability to my fellow addicts and alcoholics when they need it. Let me give freely what has been given to me.

bluidkiti 05-03-2016 07:42 AM

May 5

Wisdom for Today
There are two days each week that we should not worry about. Two days that we don’t need to fear! Two days that we don’t have any control over! One of these days is yesterday. Yesterday is already gone. Everything that happened yesterday cannot be undone. It is beyond our control. The mistakes that we made yesterday, any cares that we had, any aches and pains, are already over. There is not anything that we can do to go back and change them. Money cannot buy back our yesterday. Prayers cannot undo what has already happened. We cannot take back the words that we said yesterday. We cannot undo a single activity that we have already completed. Yesterday is gone.
The other day that we should not worry about is tomorrow. Tomorrow brings with it all of its possible adversities, all of its promise, and all of its potential burdens. Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control. We do not know what tomorrow may bring, but we can be certain that tomorrow the sun will rise and set just like any other day. We will not know until tomorrow whether or not we had mistakes in this day at all. It does us no good worry about yesterday or tomorrow. We only have today. We have all of the choices that lay before us this day only. We can only try to do what is right today. Have I stopped worrying about yesterday and tomorrow?
Meditations for the Heart
As for today, worry does us no good either. God has promised that he will only give us what we can handle for this day. He has promised us that he will give us the strength that we need. He will give us courage to fight fears. He will provide inner peace to keep us centered in our day. He does not say that we will never experience temptation; He only has promised us that He will give us the strength, courage, and wisdom to deal with temptation. We only need to put our faith in our trust in Him. With this help we can face anything that happens today. With His help, we can make good choices. Today we live life on life’s terms. Today we look to make progress in our recovery and in our lives. Am I making good choices for today?
Petitions to my Higher Power
I pray that I may face every situation that I face in this day with courage and wisdom. I pray that I may let go of yesterday and not fear tomorrow and live in this day with your guidance and help. Show me the path that I am to take today. Guide each step that I take. Let me place my faith and my trust only and you.

bluidkiti 05-03-2016 07:43 AM

May 6

Wisdom for Today
Alcoholics Anonymous is not a new program with new ideas. The founders of the program tell us that all the ideas of the program are borrowed. These ideas were borrowed from medicine, psychiatry and religion. The people that started the Program took the ideas that seemed best. This is the same advice that you hear in meetings today. “Take what works and leave the rest. ”It is this very principal that makes the program so adaptable for so many people. In the program we are able to find the things that work for us.
The results speak for themselves. Using the 12 steps has helped thousands and thousands of alcoholics. In the program we find the things that help us to become better people. We do not go to the program to try and make it better. Instead we use the things that we find there that will work for us. This program has everything that we need. In it we find the tools that we’re looking for to help us stay clean and sober. What works for each of us is different. For some of us it is finding out that we suffer from the disease. For others of us it is finding out how our thinking and emotions are all mixed up. For others it is the spiritual aspects of the program that are most important. For some of us we need all of these aspects. Regardless of what we need, we can find it in the program. It is this very taking of what works and leaving the rest that makes this program so powerful for each of us. Do I try and follow the program just as it is?
Meditations for the Heart
It is important for each of us to find meaning and purpose in our life. In the program we are taught to strive for union between our purpose and the purpose of a Higher Power. In finding union between our purpose and purpose of our higher power, we find the direction that we all seek. We can find no bond here on this earth as strong as the bond that exists between a human soul and that of God. It is this union that makes recovery possible. When we take our will and our thinking and align it with that of God, we find the happiness that we seek. When our purpose is one with God, we’re able to accomplish the task of staying clean and sober. But more than this, we find that we’re able to live life fully. We find that we’re able to experience the promises of the program. We find freedom from addiction, not a cure, but freedom. Is my purpose one with God?
Petitions to my Higher Power
As I sit in meetings and talk with other recovering people, I am given pearls of wisdom, clear direction, and hope. I am able to find purpose in my life. I am also able to find Your purpose for my life. Help me this day to align my purpose with Yours. Give me strength to accomplish Your purpose in my life. Help me to continue to find the things that I need in the program. Help me to find a new way of living.

bluidkiti 05-06-2016 06:40 AM

May 7

Wisdom for Today
We in the program have discovered a common solution. We do not need to go looking for something unique and different. The common solution is what works for us all. This is not to say that we do not have unique needs. Some of us indeed need medical help, and others do not. Some of us need psychological help, and others of us do not. Some are spiritually bankrupt, and others still have an inner faith. All of us need the common solution found in working the steps.
It is through working these steps that we find the freedom we are looking for. We find the freedom from self-will run riot. We find the freedom from the insanity of addiction. We find a new hope and a new way of living. We find a spiritual connectedness to our Higher Power. This common solution is what works. We do not need to improve on this common solution. It has already been shown to work. If it works, don’t fix it. Am I willing to accept this common solution?
Meditations for the Heart
“Praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.” In seeking out knowledge of His will, I have found no simple answer. Sometimes it is easy. It is simply a matter of what is right and wrong. At other times it has been much more difficult to discern His will. Here I must prayerfully seek and seek until I know in my heart that I am heading in the right direction. Sometimes I can only proceed on faith that I will be shown as I move forward. One thing that has helped me is to think about what the addict and alcoholic in me would do, and then do the exact opposite. Sometimes I find knowledge of His will for me only through effort, and at other times I find it only in rest. Meditation and prayer are the only answer we are given in the steps. For each one of us this is different, but it comes to us in a common solution. Do I seek His will every day?
Petitions to my Higher Power
Today I turn to you for guidance and for strength. Help me to willingly follow the path you lay before me. Let me seek Your way and not my own. Let me humbly walk with you this day.

bluidkiti 05-06-2016 06:41 AM

May 8

Wisdom for Today
The most important job we have in recovery is to remain completely abstinent from all mood-altering chemicals. Without abstinence, all of our hard work is for nothing. Once we go back to drinking or using, a terrible cycle is set in motion. The truth is that for those of us who have relapsed, we really have no idea why we did it. We may come up with reasons or excuses, but the truth is that when we look deep into our heart, we really have no idea what took us back to drinking and using. Those reasons or excuses may satisfy us for brief period of time, but in the long run why we went back to the insanity makes no sense of all.
At some point in time we all crossed the line. We no longer are normal drinkers or normal users. We have to come to grips with the fact that we have no power to stop our desire. We have no control. When it comes right down to it, we’re powerless. We drink or drug simply because we’re addicted. Abstinence is our first goal but it is not the only one. We soon find out that we have to change our way of living. We discover that we need to change and need to learn to live life differently. We find out that if we want to be happy, we can never go back. There is no problem that we have that drinking or using drugs won’t make worse. Am I satisfied that I have crossed the line?
Meditations for the Heart
When you stop to think about the beauty that was brought out of the chaos of the beginning to this world, and the Power that made all this happen, it is truly amazing. It is this Power that can bring beauty out of the chaos of our addiction. It is this Power that tells the rose when it is time to bloom. It is the same power that tells us what it is time to grow and blossom in our recovery. It is this Power that paints the palettes of our seasons. This same power paints the palettes of our lives. Out of the darkest winters of addiction, He leads us into the light of the new spring. Out of the darkness of our lives, He brings new order and inner peace. This is the gift that is given to us all through His grace. We do nothing to deserve this grace, yet it is given to us freely. Sometimes I ask myself what I should do with this wonderful gift. The only answer for this question is to do what my Higher Power wants the to do with this gift. I need to cherish this gift called recovery and value it more than any other gift I have. Do I value this gift called recovery?
Petitions to my Higher Power
Today I asked that you help me out of any chaos that remains in my life. Help me to find the gift of inner peace. Teach me to grow in the ways that only You know. Help me to grow a wonderful garden in my life. Teach me to share the flowers that bloom in my garden with others. Let me walk through this day being fully convinced that I have crossed the line and can never go back.

bluidkiti 05-06-2016 06:41 AM

May 9

Wisdom for Today
A recovery program must be built, and to build a program that works we all need tools. Most of the tools we need construct our recovery we do not own when we first walk through the doors of the program. These tools must be borrowed from others and we need others to show us how to use them. But using these tools revolutionizes our whole way of living. Our spiritual attitude towards life changes in remarkable ways. No longer do we attempt to hide, but learn to open up to others. We no longer run, but we learn to face reality and take responsibility for our lives. We no longer scheme and manipulate, but we learn to stand in truth. We realize that we are not the center of the universe; instead we humbly accept our place in the universe.
We find that we are not capable of operating every tool we need in order to construct a solid recovery program. Instead we learn that we must rely on a Higher Power to help us in the things we cannot do for ourselves. Soon we discover that this Power dwells within us, and that He is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves. One day after months or even years of using these tools, our construction project is finished and we can call our program home. But even when our construction is complete we find that there is ongoing maintenance needed. We must care for our new home. Am I letting God help me with the construction of this new home?
Meditations for the Heart
The very moment that we see that something is wrong or in need of repair, our obligation to fix the problem begins. If we notice a small leak in the plumbing or a drain not working properly and we ignore this problem, bigger problems can emerge. If a plug is not working properly, it is a signal that something is wrong. Ongoing maintenance of our recovery program is essential. We have been given this home called recovery, and we have an obligation to care for it. If we do not, over time the home becomes dilapidated. It can even become unlivable, if we let things go completely. Our responsibility is to take care of the gift we have received. We must value this new home. If indeed we do value it and care for it, we will be protected from the storms that life may bring. We will rest secure in the knowledge that our new home will bring us years and years of happiness. Do I take care of problems and needed repair work right away?
Petitions to my Higher Power
Help me this day to be a fellow worker with You in the construction of this new home called recovery. Let me stay alert for problems and needed repair work that may need to be done. Let me not postpone needed work and initiate action as soon as I am aware that work is needed. Teach me to use the tools necessary to do the job right, and let me rely on You to do the work that I cannot do on my own.

bluidkiti 05-09-2016 09:13 AM

May 10

Wisdom for Today
With addiction there are but two choices. The first is to go on to the bitter end. To do this we must blot out all of the painful memories and reality of our current existence. We also dare not look at the future. If we choose the path of staying with our addiction, we cannot live in the past; we cannot live in today and we cannot live in tomorrow. We can only live in the world filled with self-delusion. With addiction we must continue to try to live in the lie. The existence of living in addiction is intolerable unless we continue to stay completely numb to our own existence.
The other choice is to accept spiritual help. This perhaps is one of the hardest things for an alcoholic or an addict to do. We have lived a life of self-will run riot. In recovery we must learn that we can no longer rely on our will, and learn to follow a Divine will. We need to become willing to maintain a simple attitude toward life. A higher power exists and is here to help us. This is a simple principle; yet is often easier said than done. It is so easy for us to go back to our old ways. We struggle with continually going back to running the show our way. It is not until we’re ready to let go absolutely and turn our will and our life over to the care of God, as we understand Him; that we truly began to make progress. We must learn that our way doesn’t work, and surrendering to His will is the only thing that does. It is in this surrender that we find freedom. Am I making the right choice today?
Meditations for the Heart
Each day we need look in the mirror and examine ourselves. This needs to become a daily ritual for us all. We must examine our character. We must look at our behavior, our thinking, and our intentions. You must look at all of these things in relationship to our daily lives, to those we love, and in relationship to our Higher Power. This daily examination of ourselves should lead us to a recognition of our shortcomings, as well as help us to identify where we have been wrong. Part of our task each day will need to be cleaning up our side of the street. We need to admit our wrongs and then seek to right them. We must examine our lives and make decisions about where we need to grow. Most importantly, we need to determine if we are indeed following God’s will. You must seek to understand the ways in which He wants us to change. We must ask for his help and guidance in making these changes. Recovery is a process of always growing. Am I willing to look in the mirror each day?
Petitions to my Higher Power
Help me this day to examine my life. Help me this day to seize every opportunity for growth. Give me the courage and strength to make progress toward a better life. Help me never to be satisfied with who I am; instead help me to seek who it is You want me to be. Let me live my life today as you would want me to.

bluidkiti 05-09-2016 09:58 AM

May 11

Wisdom for Today
None of us likes to think we are different. We all want to believe that we are just like everyone else. We fight desperately to hang on to our belief that we can drink or use just like everyone else. But the truth is that we are different. We are different because we react to alcohol and drugs differently than others do. Our bodies, our brain chemistry and our mental response is different. This is what happens with addiction. As long as we hang on to our delusion that we are the same as others, we continue to try and prove it not only to them but also to ourselves. This delusion is characterized by countless vain attempts to show we are like others. We continue to fall face first into failure. This delusion leads us down a road of self-destruction. It also destroys those things we value most, our families, our self-worth, our hope for the future, and all meaning in life.
This delusion must be smashed and destroyed. It has been shown over and over again that an alcoholic or addict cannot ever regain control. We cannot even be cured. We can only arrest the disease and learn how to live normally again in recovery. Addiction is predictable. It will wait. It is patient. Should we fall back into the delusion of relapse, we can only expect things to get worse, never better. We can never return to being normal drinkers or drug users. We can return to being normal in our life. I never thought I would say that I wanted to be normal, but I am glad that I have been given the chance in recovery. Today I will value the normal things of life. Have I given up my delusion of being a normal drinker or user?
Meditations for the Heart
I was grateful to get the chance at a normal life again, but to my surprise what I have is a chance at a truly abundant life. Recovery has bought me so much, and it can bring me even more if I continue on the right path. Life in recovery can be spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally rewarding. Life can be filled with joy and very powerful. Life can be exciting. All we need to do is accept the gift of abundance in life from God. It is free for all who wish to claim it. This was hard for me at first because I somehow felt that I did not deserve it. The truth is that I don't deserve it, but in His gracious love God grants wonderful things to those who will simply stretch out their hands and accept the gifts He has to offer. These gifts do not always come in the way that we would expect. Often times they come in very simple packages and are simple gifts, but their value is priceless. Some turn their heads and shun the gifts that are offered. Do not let this be true of you. Am I willing to accept these simple gifts?
Petitions to my Higher Power
Do not let me turn my head or shun the gifts that You so freely offer to me in recovery. Grant that I may value these gifts and use them wisely. Let me always value what You have to offer me. Keep me from falling back into the delusion of control. Help me always to trust in Your guidance.

bluidkiti 05-10-2016 08:36 AM

May 12

Wisdom for Today
Fantasies, doubts and reservations are something I can ill afford with regard to my disease. I cannot afford to have any lurking notion that someday I will be able to go back and safely drink or use. I have no hidden immunity to this disease. Learning more about it will not prepare me to go back. Staying sober and drying out for a period of time does not make me immune. Attending lots of meeting or reading all the program literature cannot prepare me to drink or use successfully. There is no cure. No magic pill will make it go away. I can have no reservations about this. I must know and accept the fact that once an addict, I will always be addicted.
Many of us, if we search, find that we carry still an insane excuse that would make it okay to go back to drinking or drugging. These excuses, no matter how trivial they seem, can lead us back down the path of destruction. We must rid ourselves of all excuses to pick up the bottle or the drugs. Within a short period of time we are back as bad as we were, if not worse. There is no room in our mind or our heart for these excuses. A man does not walk into a shed full of dynamite with a lit match and a blowtorch because it is not windy inside. We cannot risk any excuse. Do I still have any reservations that I can go back?
Meditations for the Heart
None of us can fight this disease alone. In the twelve steps, the very first word in step one is "We." God says that where two or more of us gather, He will be there with us. When we gather at meetings or with our sponsor, or even on the phone and we seek to do His will, God will be with us. He will reveal His plans for us. He will give us guidance. This is the place where the miracles of recovery occur. In union with one another we find strength, wisdom and courage. In fellowship with each other we find answers, truth, and joy. It is in union with each other that we can be one. "WE" become one unified group, with one purpose, and of one mind with God. This is the power of common purpose and group unity. This is what we all should strive for. For it is in doing this that all our excuses are destroyed. All our fantasies and illusions of returning to our old ways are eliminated. Honesty is born in our heart. Am I trying to fight alone?
Petitions to my Higher Power
Shed light on any excuse I may still carry, and give me wisdom and courage to destroy my excuses before they may come back to destroy me. Let me risk unity with my fellow man in the program so that I may find truth and power. Let me experience the miracles of recovery that the program offers. Help me this day to walk in Your light. Take not Your Spirit from me, but fill me with all that is good.

bluidkiti 05-11-2016 07:13 AM

May 13

Wisdom for Today
Without question, addiction is a very strange disease. One would think that we could stop the insanity on our own, but we cannot. Willpower has proven ineffective. No matter how strong our determination, there is nothing we can do about our desire to drink or use drugs simply by putting our mind to it. Self knowledge will do us no good either. Even if it were possible to figure out why we do what we do, we still are not able to stop the insanity of the disease. All the knowledge and all the desire have proven to fall short time after time. It is as if there is some strange mental blank spot that keeps us from knowing what to do. It is as if there is some inner flaw that we cannot detect that keeps us trapped.
Yet through simple steps we are set free. We cannot hang on to that last flicker of conviction that somehow, someway we will get it right. We must let go of such things as determination, conviction, knowledge or desire being a way out. We must grab onto spiritual principles and recognize that this and this alone can solve our problem. We are completely helpless apart from Divine help. We cannot ask for a cure, as one does not exist. We can only ask for a strong defense. This comes to us from a Power Greater than ourselves. Here and here alone can we find hope, strength, courage and wisdom. Our faith in these spiritual forces is our defense. We must put into action the steps necessary to find freedom. Have I accepted the spiritual answer of action through the steps?
Meditations for the Heart
This program of recovery is a program of action. Yet all the action we must take requires energy and will fatigue us if we do not also rest and recharge. Each of us needs to find ways to rest along the way in our journey. It is only when we rest that glad work can follow. It is only when we are recharged that our energy for this work is renewed. So where do we find this rest? Where do we go to be recharged? God says, "Come to Me and I will give you rest." So this is where I turn when I grow tired in the journey. In prayer we can turn to our Higher Power and seek rest. In allowing others to help us along the way, we become recharged. We give our energy to the work of recovery, and we rest. We receive energy from God and others when we ask for help. God's Spirit is always available to us to strengthen a tired mind or body. We can rest in His arms, and we can find strength. We gain energy for the new day in communion with others. This is why we go to these meetings. Have I found it safe to rest in His arms? Am I recharged for the journey by attending meetings and talking with others?
Petitions to my Higher Power
I pray that this energy I receive will make me effective in the work You want me to do. Grant me strength for the journey before me today. Let me use the spiritual tools I am given. Grant me needed rest as I walk this path and encourage me to move back into action when I need to. Let me be free on self-will and seek only to follow Your direction for me this day.

bluidkiti 05-12-2016 07:47 AM

May 14

Wisdom for Today
When you look at the reality of our position in life, we really are not in a bad place at all. I watch people struggle all the time with problems that come up in life. They are the same kinds of problems that we have to deal with, but they do not have a program to help them deal with these problems. We, on the other hand, have steps and a fellowship of people to fall back on. I can be dealing with the exact same kinds of problems as others who are not in recovery, and my perspective on these problems can be very different. They may become overwhelmed by the problems, and I know that I can only deal with life one day at a time. This gives me a very different perspective on life.
I know I can only accomplish so much in any given day. Each day I can do my best with the tasks before me; and I know that if I do this, my problems will eventually be taken care of. Even some of the problems that I have had to face that seemed huge at the time got smaller and smaller as time went on. I have learned to rely on my friends in the program to also help me gain proper perspective on life and the problems that come with it. When I get wrapped up in the emotions of my day, I can count on my friends in the program to help me sort things out. I have learned how to use the steps and the principles of the program. The slogans, the prayers, the words of wisdom I hear are all available to me and help me each day. I have learned to be grateful for life, even the problems, as each experience I face clean and sober teaches me a lesson. Am I practicing the principles in all my affairs?
Meditations for the Heart
In recovery we learn how to deal with life on life’s terms. We learn that we do not need to live any longer in the extremes. We find that we do not need to face any situation alone. Life continues onward, there is nothing we can do to stop life from occurring, but we find that we can change how we react to life. We can seek solitude with our Higher Power and seek His wisdom and strength to walk through our days. We learn about, “Easy does it.” We do not need to work harder at life, just smarter. The advantages that this brings us are indeed phenomenal. It simply works. I do not know if I ever will be able to fully understand what has happened to me because of the program, but I do not have to. I just need to keep doing the next right thing. I know that the answers I need will be there for me when I need them. I know that God will be there for me always. I can always count on the program and the fellowship to help me; all I need do is ask. Am I trusting what works?
Petitions to my Higher Power
Help me this day to keep a good perspective on life. Help me to use the tools I have been given. Let me seek out help whenever I need it. Let me seek wise counsel from those in recovery that can help me. Let me seek You out in prayer as I walk through life and use your strength and guidance in all that I do.

bluidkiti 05-13-2016 07:33 AM

May 15

Wisdom for Today
For the atheist or agnostic, the program can be a hard pill to swallow. All the talk of God, a Power Greater, and spirituality can make involvement with a twelve-step program very difficult. But the reality is that all addicts and alcoholics must find a Power outside of ourselves if we want to recover. Our own power does not work. We have tried and tried our way, and it does not work. We lack the power needed to overcome our compulsion to drink and use. To continue on a path of self-reliance means certain disaster. This dilemma of choosing between self-reliance and a Power Greater is difficult but not impossible.
The simple fact is this: All of us have already turned our will and our life over to a power outside of our self. We all have turned our lives over to alcohol or drugs. Each of us have had the experience of doing things against our own wishes when we were drinking or using drugs. For some of us we have turned our life over to a Judge and jury. Some of us have turned our lives over to a hospital or institution. These powers did not stop us from drinking or using. They may have been a temporary fix, but soon we were right back at it. We must find the Power Greater that works. It is a tough choice for many, but it is a choice that leads us out of the insanity of addiction. This choice gives us a Power by which we can live. Have I found a Power Greater, by which I can live my life in recovery?
Meditations for the Heart
God’s grace is like sunshine for the soul. We all have walked through the storms of addiction; we searched for shelter from the ravages of this storm and found none. It was not until we found this grace that the sun shone in our lives again. Now we learn to walk in this new light, a light that was hidden from us behind the storm clouds. Although it was hidden, it was there all the time. We simply ask that this light be revealed to us. Only this Power outside of us can reveal this new light to us. It is not something that we can do for ourselves. It is only when we allow ourselves to be enveloped in this Divine sunshine that we can see beyond the darkness of addiction. Faith is the breathing in of this sunshine and holding it deep within. This sunshine does wonders for the soul. It brings healing to our brokenness. It shines brightly on the path that we must take in order to stay clean and sober. Have I found this sunshine in my life?
Petitions to my Higher Power
None of us can truly come to You on our own. All I can do is ask that Your grace shine brightly in my life. I am ever grateful that You have given me new light in my life. Help those that struggle with finding You in the darkness that they may walk in this sunshine also. Let me begin my day in this new sunrise and walk the path that You have chosen for me.

bluidkiti 05-13-2016 07:34 AM

May 16

Wisdom for Today
There is wide variation in the way that we approach this concept of a spiritual life. Each one of us has our own concept of a Higher Power and how he works for us in recovery. We do not need to agree with what everyone else’s concepts are; we only need to formulate our own understanding. This is not to say that we cannot learn from others what works for them and incorporate this into what works for us. Whether or not we agree with others concept is of little importance for us as
individuals. What does matter is that we put aside any prejudice or judgment and simply open ourselves to growing along spiritual lines. To be sure there are questions that each of us needs to answer in our spiritual search. It is doubtful that we will suddenly see a bright light and have all the answers we need. Growth is a process that occurs over time.

One thing is for sure: Those of us who have opened the door to the concept of a Power Greater have seen miraculous things happen. We find that we are able to do things that before used to baffle us. We see things happen in our life in recovery that we cannot fully explain. To say that these things are mere coincidence falls way short of the mark. We experience a miraculous change in our thinking and our way of living, and it works. If this were mere coincidence, why then
does it happen for all addicts and alcoholics who completely give themselves to this simple program? Am I seeing miraculous changes in my life?
Meditations for the Heart
Rumination can be the ruin of the soul. When we spend time dwelling on every mistake, every fault, and every failure of the past, it is far too easy to then proceed into shame, guilt, remorse and contempt for self. These things indeed can be very destructive for our soul, and they also can be huge reasons to relapse. We need to make conscious decisions not to dwell on these issues. This does not mean ignore them, but it does mean that we must use the steps to bring healing to our past. We can learn to rely on our Higher Power’s help to rebuild our damaged self-esteem and lost self-respect. We need to open our minds and our hearts to His care for our brokenness. He can and will bring power, love, and healing to our soul. We simply need to open ourselves to this Divine Presence in our lives. In recovery we learn to respect ourselves again; and in doing so, we gain the respect of others as well. We cannot worry about the places where we fall down. We simply must arise again, brush the dirt off, and continue our journey. Am I keeping my eye on the goal?
Petitions to my Higher Power

Life is good when I stay focused on Your will for me today. Do not let me dwell in the past and give me courage to get back up again when I fall. Stay with me throughout this day, and keep me conscious of the goal.


bluidkiti 05-13-2016 07:34 AM

May 17

Wisdom for Today
Life has emergencies that come up. For those of us in recovery, we need to be especially cautious during these times. First of all, the program teaches us that we are responsible for our recovery. What this means is that we should be prepared for these difficult times. What will I do should an emergency occur? Who will I turn to? Where do I go for safety in these difficult times? All these questions and more need to be thought through and decisions made regarding our action plans should an emergency occur. If we wait until we are in a crisis and have no plans in place, we put ourselves at risk. If we are prepared and know what to do, we will find we are able to get through life’s difficult times.
Just as important is to stay focused after the crisis has past. It is in this time that we are more likely to let our guard down and falter in our responsible self-care. We handle the crisis and breath a sigh of relief. Then our addicted mind takes over and tells us to reward ourselves for a job well done. These tests in recovery are not always easy; and we can become frustrated, confused, and even frightened. It is easy to get wrapped up in the crisis or emergency and forget to take care of ourselves. Here especially we must hold on to the gift of our recovery and turn it over to the care of our Higher Power. He has promised that no matter how big the crisis, He would stand by us. Do I have good plans in place should everything suddenly get thrown out of whack?
Meditations for the Heart
My sponsor used to look at me and say, “This too shall pass.” He wanted me to know and trust that no crisis or emergency lasts forever. This was important information for me to have. However, it was his next line that always stuck with me. “It is what you do with it that will determine whether or not it gets complicated.” He talked to me at length about how my thinking, emotional response, and behavior would significantly impact how I made it through these tough times. He would go to say, “It can pass like a breeze in the night, or it can pass like a kidney stone; this in large part depends on you and what you do." He taught me how important it was to be in regular prayer with my Higher Power in these struggles. “Listen for His wisdom,” he would say. “Use the tools and stay close to the program.” Use the slogans, the steps, whatever you need to to get through the tough times; and you will be made stronger because of it. I am grateful for these words. Do I have good advice and suggestions that I listen to?
Petitions to my Higher Power
Sometimes life takes strange turns. Some of these seem unfair and others seem to overwhelm me. I am grateful to know that no matter what the emergencies in my life might be, You are always there for me to call on. Help me to make plans for these rough times in my life so that I am not caught off guard. Walk with me this day, and let me walk with you.

bluidkiti 05-16-2016 07:47 AM

May 18

Wisdom for Today
It took a while but I finally got used to the fact that I no longer live in crisis. For quit a while, I found recovery and working a program boring. I had become so used to living in crisis that I found living a normal life boring. Addiction to alcohol and drugs always had a way of creating a crisis in my life. If it wasn’t one thing, it was another. Even in early recovery I seemed to need to create a crisis in my life. It was as if I craved the uncertainty and excitement. Over time I began to realize that recovery meant a whole lot more than simply stopping drinking and using drugs. It was about changing lifestyle.
I began to recognize how my character defects continued to get me into trouble. I began to see how I continued to stir the pot and walk on the edge. As I settled into recovery and really began to work the steps, I began to experience less and less turmoil in my life. Things quieted down, and I began to experience less chaos in my life. I grew restless and bored. This was a dangerous time for me because I struggled with life going well. There was something about my personality that seemed to need to be in crisis. Yet in spite of myself, and only through the Grace of God, did I adjust and begin to enjoy life. The predictability and security of recovery and the program became a stable force in my life. Today I can walk through my day and not need to disrupt my Higher Power’s plans for me. Do I still need to create crises in my life?
Meditations for the Heart
We tried to carry the message to those who still suffered, and we practiced these principles in all our affairs. For each of us in recovery there will come a time when we will have the opportunity to share our experience, strength, and hope with others. And this is what the program asks of us. We do not turn from this responsibility, but instead welcome the opportunity. We tell our story and share what has worked for us, what didn’t, and where we hope to be by continuing our journey. By giving away what we have learned, we are able to keep it. We must be cautious not to attempt to carry the addict or alcoholic, only the message. It is then up to God to use our message to help the other person. Perhaps one of the best ways we do this is through our example. Step twelve asks us to become living examples of the program; to live the program in all that we do. When someone new to the program sees someone as a living example of the promises come true, it provides hope. We carry the message of hope to the newcomer. Am I willing to live as an example?
Petitions to my Higher Power
Thank you for helping me to find out that I no longer need to live in crisis. Help me this day to live as an example of the program. Let me continue to practice the principles of the program in all that I do. I have not yet achieved the goal, but I am on the way that leads to it. Let me be a messenger of hope to others.

bluidkiti 05-17-2016 07:41 AM

May 19

Wisdom for Today
Pride goes before the fall. This statement certainly can be true for the alcoholic or addict. When we allow ourselves to become filled with pride about our recovery, it is to easy to then begin to take credit for it. Certainly all of us in recovery put work into it, and it is only natural to feel good about the efforts we have made. But when we begin to take the credit and flaunt it, we forget how this thing called recovery really happened. It was not we alone who conquered this problem. The truth is that we never will be able to conquer it. We are only able to recover with the help of the program and our Higher Power. Yes, we all have met those individuals who say they quit on their own. This may be true, but it is also true that they never were addicted in the first place, or they have only become dry. Often times these individuals are not happy at all about being dry. They are an example of why we choose to use the steps, all twelve of them.
Yes, we certainly can feel positive about what we have done in recovery and the progress we have made. But we also need to remain humble and give thanks for the miracle that has occurred in our lives. Yes, we put effort into this miracle; but none of us can honestly say we did this on our own. Staying humble also brings us inner peace because we know that there is a Power Greater working in our lives. Staying humble also teaches us to look outside of ourselves for strength and courage. Do I continue to recognize the gift I have received?
Meditations for the Heart
With the program continuing to grow and the ever changing and expanding world of communication, it is now easier that ever to make connections with others who can help us. We forget how hard it was in the beginning for the founders of the program, who often times went days and weeks without talking to a fellow member of the program. Many could not afford the price of a phone call. Many had to travel long distances to get to a meeting. Perhaps the miracle of recovery was more evident then. I don't know, but what is certain is that we have no excuse for not being able to make these vital connections with others in the program. We indeed are very fortunate to be able to meet with or talk with others so freely. We can get all the support we need; all we have to do is ask. Still I know that asking for help is not always an easy thing to do. It goes against the very nature of addiction. It is a lesson we all must learn. Do I take advantage of the resources available to me for help?
Petitions to my Higher Power
Surround me with Your love and Your strength as I walk though this day. Grant me wisdom in the decisions I face in this day. Continue to provide me with courage as I need it, and let me remain willing to always reach out and ask for help. Remove from me any pride that would compromise my recovery, and let me walk humbly before You in all that I do.

bluidkiti 05-18-2016 08:49 AM

May 20

Wisdom for Today
In life there are heroes, and the program is no exception. We meet them at every meeting we attend. Every time someone introduces themselves at a meeting, we are looking into the eyes of a hero. Some may question this, but I believe it to be true. Heroes are people who act in the face of fear to help others. When a newcomer walks though the door for the first time, they are greeted by others in the program. Inside the newcomer trembles with fear. Yet these individuals stare fear in the face and reach out to offer a helping hand. Each of us learn to be heroes in the program. When we are willing to offer forgiveness to others even when it raises fear in us, we act as heroes. When we say yes to telling our story, even though the thought of speaking before a group terrifies us, we learn to be heroes.
When we carry the message to anyone who still suffers, we become heroes. In life when, someone rushes into a burning building to help someone inside, they are considered a hero. Yet after the event they do not go around bragging about what they had done. They speak humbly about the event. The same must be true for each of us. We do not brag about the twelve step call we just made. We do not look down on others because they did not go. We feel a sense of inner goodness in these acts of helping others, but we do not speak of this in an arrogant manner. Carrying the message is an act of heroism, but we do not claim superiority for doing this. We do this in humility and out of genuine concern for others. Am I willing to carry the message to others when given the opportunity to do so?
Meditations for the Heart
Responsibility is our goal in recovery. First, we take responsibility for working the steps and doing what is needed to stay clean and sober. Next we take responsibility to clean up our lives and repair the damage done in our active addiction. We become responsible for reaching out to others in the program to offer them what was so freely given to us. We continue to practice these responsibilities in all that we do. Through this responsibility we make gains in our lives - physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. We become better people through this process and are rewarded with seeing the promises of the program come true in our lives. These gifts come to us only through working the program, and responsibility is a big part of working this program. Am I working on personal responsibility?
Petitions to my Higher Power
Each and every day I face choices and need to be responsible with what I choose to do. Grant me wisdom in making the choices I need to make today. Let me look for each opportunity to carry the message and to do this with humility. Give me the courage I will need in the face of any fear that might arise. Let me find the gifts that are so freely given by You along this pathway.

bluidkiti 05-19-2016 07:26 AM

May 21

Wisdom for Today
In life we are called on to interact with other people every day. This is no different in recovery. We interact with our family, coworkers, friends, and people we just run into in the course of the day. Why is this important? Well, the truth is: What we do and how we choose to do it in our interactions with others has a lot to do with recovery. Active addiction tore relationships apart. In recovery we are taught to make amends and taught to forgive others. We are taught about
reconciliation with God, as we understand Him; and we are taught about reconciliation with others.

The choices we have in recovery are many. With our interactions with other people we must begin with honesty and with willingness. We work to become willing to make amends. We work to become willing to forgive others and to ask for forgiveness. We work to build bridges and attempt to rebuild what has been broken. We do a regular inventory, and we look to see if we have wronged anyone. Yes, the choices are many and sometimes the work is hard. But if we want what
the program offers to us, then we will do the work. Am I working to rebuild my relationships with others?
Meditations for the Heart
When we were drinking and using, our heart was often empty because of the brokenness of our relationships with others and with God. As we work the steps and begin to rebuild our lives, we soon find that this emptiness is being filled again. We learn to do the next right thing in all our relationships with others. We learn to walk through our days without regret. Happiness again comes to our heart as we regain trust from others in our lives. We do run into those people that no matter what we do, they will not come close to us again. We have no control over their behavior or their choices. We are only responsible for attempting to repair the damage and rebuild the relationship. We remain open to the possibility that someday they may again open their hearts to us, and we pray for them. Am I finding joy in renewed relationships with people in my life?
Petitions to my Higher Power

You are the giver of all good things. Certainly it is You that has again filled my heart with the joy known only in healthy and honest relationships. Give me an open mind with regard to the doors that may still be closed by others. Help them to see that judgment and resentment are not the answer. Help me to forgive those who have hurt me and help me to rebuild wherever I can.


bluidkiti 05-20-2016 07:23 AM

May 22

Wisdom for Today

Doubt can be a real stumbling block for those in recovery. Doubt for me was the absence of faith in a Power Greater; and even in myself. I did not trust my own decisions, and I had plenty of reason not to trust myself. Doubting that "God could and would if He were sought," was a another matter entirely. I had grown up in a very religious family and had even had some spiritual experiences as a teenager before my addiction got out of hand, but as an adult I really had no true belief that a Power Greater than myself would indeed help me. Why would God want to help me after all that I had done? Certainly I was not worth His time or energy. Even if He wanted to help me, I was not certain that He could. This doubt kept me frozen in my recovery.
But God, being more powerful than I can even begin to describe, thought differently than I did. He brought sunshine into my life and thawed the frozen wasteland of my life. I listened to others talk in meetings over and over again about how the program had changed them. I could tell from their stories that they were not just saying this but really meant it. I began to develop a feeble sense of hope that maybe, just maybe, God could work for me. Over time that feeble hope has grown, and now I have no doubt in my mind or my heart that God has done things for me that I could not do for myself. Over time I had heard hundreds and hundreds of stories like mine. When this many people all say that reliance on a Power outside of themselves works, it is hard to doubt the presence of a spiritual and loving God working in our lives. What am I relying on today?

Meditations for the Heart

"Behold, I make all things new." These are words found in the Bible. Regardless of your religious background, these words do describe what God can and will do for each and everyone of us, if we only believe. Breaking down all the barriers to believing in a Power Greater, a Divine Presence, a Spiritual Guide, or whatever you wish to call Him, can be difficult to do with a closed mind. In recovery we are asked to open our minds and our hearts to this possibility. I can be made new. We are not asked to believe that we can make ourselves new, as we have all tried and failed in our attempts to do this. We learn that recovery is a gift that we can receive if we only ask for His help. What has surprised me is that I continue to be made new again and again through working the steps in my life. I guess that by now this shouldn't surprise me, but it still does. Recovery is about becoming new in all that we do. Do I use these principles of faith and ask for help each day?

Petitions to my Higher Power

You ask nothing of me other than faith and obedience. These are the steps I am to follow to be made new, yet to trust and obey, I need Your presence and help. Help me to always rely on You for direction and give me a willing heart to accomplish what You desire of me. Help me this day to continue to grow in my faith, and lead me to a path of newness of life.

bluidkiti 05-20-2016 07:24 AM

May 23

Wisdom for Today

Who am I to say there is no God? This is the question that all who struggle with the concept of a Higher Power or Divine Principle exists must ask. All addicts and alcoholics know that we have lost our ability to control our use of alcohol and drugs. We know that our way is not working. Still there are many who come to the spiritual aspects of working the program and throw up walls and are unwilling to open their minds and their hearts to the possibility that this spiritual principle is the only thing that will work. Often it is the realization that we are indeed defeated that finally opens the door to another possibility.
Can any of us deny that we are a social animal? We all want relationship with our fellow man. Is it so hard to dig down inside and recognize that man seeks relationships and then open the door to the possibility to relationship with a Power Greater than ourselves? Each of us seeks to have faith in something more than our self. We looked to the bottle or drugs and had faith that it would take away our problems. This did not work. Is it so hard to have faith in a Greater Spirit as this answer? We see it working for so many; there must be some truth in this concept. It is only when we completely give ourselves to this simple concept that we can find that this spiritual principle can work for us. Am I continuing to fight against what works for so many?

Meditations for the Heart

Why do we all resist the truth of recovery and how it works? For some of us it is the arrogance that we are different, or we know better, or that we still believe we can learn control. For others the resistance lies in some deep-seated prejudice, or denial or even doubt. Many of us keep fighting simply because we enjoy the challenge or because we are afraid to stop. But when push comes to shove, it does not really even matter why we fight or resist. All that really matters for us is that we need to stop fighting and open ourselves to new possibilities. The moment we stop fighting and resisting, we discover that life can be different. The only one holding us hostage in our addictive thinking is our self. When we open the door to new possibilities, we can be set free, free to explore a new reality and a new way of thinking. We are set free to challenge our own beliefs and open to examine new beliefs. We are set free to find new answers and find new behavior. Am I still fighting or resisting the truth of recovery?

Petitions to my Higher Power

I really can’t even begin to fully understand who or what You are. I simply know that my way does not work; and if I continue to fight or resist the truth of recovery, I will never find the freedom I seek. Open my mind and my heart that I may grow along spiritual lines. Release me from the bondage of self, the chains of close-mindedness, and the roadblocks that stand in my way. Help me to see the truth.

bluidkiti 05-20-2016 07:24 AM

May 24

Wisdom for Today

“Those who do not recover are people who are constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves…” When I first read these words, I became very frightened. I knew I was a liar when I was drinking and using, but what really scared me was that I was unsure if I was capable of being honest with myself. Fortunately, I discovered that I was capable of being honest. I could admit that my drinking and drug use was out of control. I knew my life was unmanageable. I could be honest about all the dishonesty I had in my life. I could let go of my denial and find the truth of my life.
I also learned that I could be honest with other people. It was not easy at first because I still wanted to hide the truth because of the incredible guilt and shame I had. Over time as I became more comfortable at meetings and with my sponsor, I learned to open up about my crazy thinking. I let down my wall of defenses and could face the reality of who and what I was. I learned I had a disease from which I could recover through working the steps. I also learned that I had to keep working on honesty, because dishonesty has a way of creeping back into my life. I also have seen what has happened over and over again to those who refuse to get honest or are incapable of being honest with themselves. The AA Big Book says it plainly; “There are such unfortunates…” Am I developing a manner of living that demands rigorous honesty?

Meditations for the Heart

Sometimes I look back at how far I have come in this program. I am amazed at the progress that has happened in my life. When I came into the program I just wanted a way out of the insanity; I did not expect to find happiness, peace of mind, and all the other promises that recovery offers. It is good to do this every so often. Looking back and seeing the progress made helps to instill a true sense of gratitude. It also helps us with humility. We realize that what has happened to us in the process of recovery did not all happen because of what we have done. We see, perhaps more clearly, the miracle that recovery is. Yes, each of us must do the work, but the changes that happen are not just a result of that work; it is a result of something more powerful. Looking back helps me accept the spiritual changes that have occurred through a Divine intervention. Looking back helps me see that I was saved from the ravages of addiction. Looking back helps me to see that I have grown in ways I did not expect. Looking back helps me to see that I did not do this all on my own. Do I truly appreciate what has happened to me in recovery?

Petitions to my Higher Power

Your mercy, wisdom and grace have brought me this far. Today let me live my life with gratitude for all that has happened. Let me live this day in hope for what will be as long as I walk this path with You. Let me search my heart and mind this day for any self deceit that may remain in my life and confront any dishonesty that may remain. Strengthen me for this day.

bluidkiti 05-20-2016 07:25 AM

May 25

Wisdom for Today

In recovery, we all come to a point when we realize that we must do more than simply stay clean and sober. If we are going to stay clean and sober, we must also do a through personal housecleaning. Each of us carries things within ourselves that act as a block to growth. We find layer upon layer of garbage in our house that must be cleaned up. It is not enough to walk around abstinent and live in a house filled with garbage. It is also not enough just to sweep it all into a corner. We find that we must pick up the garbage and get rid of it. We must then go in and thoroughly clean the house we live in.

We must be honest in doing this housecleaning. We take stock of what is messed up and what can be salvaged from the mess. We find strengths, and we find weaknesses. We look honestly at the causes of this mess. We see that we are the number one reason. We find that our thinking emotions and behaviors have led us into this mess, and we are the one who must take responsibility to clean it up. Some want to avoid this step and find that to do this leads to chronic unhappiness. It is no fun to live in this mess. It is difficult to clean up, but we discover that we are worth the effort. We find freedom from resentment and anger, hopelessness, fear, and many other pieces of garbage that we do not need to live with. Have I taken steps to clean up the garbage in my life?

Meditations for the Heart

In running any race, it is important to keep your focus on the goal. It is no different in recovery. We stay focused on the goal in life that we hope to attain. We cannot be distracted by events in our life and loose sight of the goal. These distractions can seduce us into not finishing the race. As addicts and alcoholics we cannot afford to not finish the race. We take this race one step at a time and one day at a time. Our purpose is to finish this race. As we complete each step and as we live each day, we see that we are closer to the goal. Each step brings us new insights. Each step brings us new freedom. Each step brings us closer and closer to our goal. Sometimes we grow weary, and we face obstacles and distractions. In these times especially, we must look beyond and forward to our goal. Am I staying focused on what I need to do today to reach my goal?

Petitions to my Higher Power


Help me to see that accomplishing each step is not the goal. Let me complete each step with the knowledge that what I seek is what is promised. Let me rely on You today to keep me on track. Let me not be distracted or loose sight of my goal.


bluidkiti 05-24-2016 08:51 AM

May 26

Wisdom for Today
How big a part of my life is the program? Am I only involved on the fringes, or am I actively involved? Are meetings something I do occasionally and sometimes not at all, or do I attend meetings regularly? Do I structure time into my schedule to work on the steps, or do I simply ignore the steps? Do I have and utilize a sponsor, or do I just run my own recovery without input from someone who can lead and guide me? Do I take time to think about what I have heard in meetings or simply assume that I have heard it all before? Do I offer to let others know about the program who may need it, or do I look the other way and assume they will eventually find what they need? These are questions we all need to ask ourselves throughout our time in recovery?
Keeping the program and all that goes with it central in our lives is important. Ask an old-timer how they keep what the program offers, and they will tell you that they carry the program with them in all that they do? Many will say that the program has become the solid foundation for all their life. Still others will talk about how it is important to give it away in order to keep it. Regardless of how they say it, all are working to keep the program central in their lives. I am not sure when the program switched from just a way to stay clean and sober to a way of life, but I am glad that it has. I used to think that having this disease was a curse; now I see it as a blessing, for it teaches me how to live life abundantly. Am I keeping the program central in my life?
Meditations for the Heart
There is so much that can bring us down. Each of these things, whether they are failures, shortcomings, or mistakes, we bring to our Higher Power and lay them before Him. We learn not to dwell on these things, but to look for ways not to repeat them. We leave these things that bring us down into His caring hands. We rely on the Spirit to be our mediator with God. We allow this Divine Spirit to say what needs to be said and fix what needs to be fixed. This Spirit can and will help us to be reconciled; it is never too late for this to happen. It is when we learn to let go and rely on this Spirit to do for us what we can not do for ourselves, that we become right with our Higher Power. It is in this act of letting go that God smiles on us. In letting go, we are brought closer to Him. Am I willing to let go of what I cannot change and focus on what I can change?
Petitions to my Higher Power
In order to keep the program central in my life, I know I must start with You. Let me not become lazy or arrogant or cavalier with my program. Help me to practice the principles in all that I do. Let me also rely on Your Spirit to bring me into reconciliation with You, so that I might walk closely with You and in Your Light. Give me wisdom and courage to change the things I can today.

bluidkiti 05-24-2016 08:53 AM

May 27

Wisdom for Today

The most valuable lessons we learn in the program come from practical experience, and one way in which we can receive this kind of experience is through working with others. I can't count the number of times I have been talking with someone else in the program and words will come out of my mouth that I need to listen to. There I am talking with a new-comer about his anger and resentment and listen to these words about self-centered fear come out of my mouth. Yes, it becomes obvious to me that the real reason he is unhappy and angry or resentful is because he is not getting what he wants. This thinking is coming from self-centered fear. Then as I talk about how this was true for me, I begin to realize that some current frustration in my life is caused by the same type of thinking.
The words coming from my mouth are meant as much for me as the new-comer. Over time I have really come to appreciate these experiences and see the true value in helping others. When I reach out to others I am really helping myself. I have come to believe that there is nothing else that can so much insure our sobriety than helping others. But there are steps to doing this properly. First and foremost, I believe that whenever we work with others, we should first reach out to our Higher Power and ask for His direction of our thoughts. We also ask that He remove any selfish desire in our effort. Then we trust Him to lead our words and actions. When we do this, we find that we gain credibility with our peers. We find that they are open to listening to the words we share. We find too that God often times works through us not only to help the new-comer, but also ourselves. In each of these interchanges we gain practical experience. Do I use my Higher Power as a guide when I reach out to help others?

Meditations for the Heart

Breathe in the Spirit, and you will be filled with goodness and truth. For if we are but willing, then the Spirit will fill our every need. In breathing in this Spirit, we find selfishness and hate are exhaled and replaced with generosity and love. But we must accept these gifts; for in breathing in the Spirit, we also breathe in the power of choice. We are given the option to accept or reject these gifts. We can choose to close our hearts, or we can graciously open them up to our Higher Power. In opening our hearts, we do not know what God may choose to fill us with; but we trust that in Him all things are good. He did not make us like robots who only follow orders; instead He granted us free will. Even though the Spirit is willing to fill us up with His good gifts, we still have the power to reject what he offers. Am I willing to accept the good gifts from my Higher Power?

Petitions to my Higher Power

In this day, let me be filled with your Spirit and accept whatever gifts I am granted. Help me to be open to seeing the gifts I am offered each and every day. Let me also be open to sharing these gifts with others as the opportunity may arise. Grant me wisdom to learn from these practical experiences each day.

bluidkiti 05-26-2016 07:47 AM

May 28

Wisdom for Today
My first twelve step call was quite a learning experience. I got a call from my sponsor, who asked me if I was up for a road trip. Knowing that my sponsor always was looking for ways to help me get better, I said sure. Minutes latter I was in his car and on my way to talk with someone who probably needed the program. My sponsor had gotten the call from a family friend. We arrived at the home and rang the doorbell. A woman answered the door and showed us to the bedroom. Inside was a man who was crying and swearing. It was clear that he was unhappy. His wife introduced my sponsor, and he in turn introduced me. We sat on the floor near the bed and my sponsor began to speak. He talked for about a half hour of his trials with alcohol. Then he looked at me and without saying a word I knew he wanted me to tell my story. Before I even had the first word out of my mouth, the man said, "What am I supposed to do?"
My sponsor again looked at me. Here I was, and I had no idea what I was to say. I began by talking about what had worked for me. I talked of the struggles I had and the triumph I had experienced in the program. Somehow, I knew I was not to label this man an alcoholic; he would need to decide this on his own. I saw the beads of sweat on his forehead and the trembling of his hands, but this was a question he would need to ask himself. His tears continued, and he said, "I'll do anything." Moments later we were in the car on the way to the hospital. My sponsor and I visited him every day while he was in detox. Weeks later, when he was done with rehab, we picked him up and drove him home. He still comes to meetings today. My sponsor and I talked about this experience several times. I learned that we carried a message, but it was up to this man to accept what had been said. This experience still is strong in my memory and so is the help that I received in taking part in this process. Am I willing to carry the message without passing judgment?
Meditations for the Heart
It would be so easy to criticize, judge, or even blame when talking with others; but we cannot give any credence to these thoughts. Instead we must control these thoughts and instead trust our Higher Power to give us the words that are needed. Having a firm foundation spiritually is what is needed when staring addiction in the face. Remembering who we are and what has happened to us is important, but we also cannot forget that our experiences in recovery are all a gift. It did not happen because we regained self-control. We listen to the person, but we do not allow ourselves to get wrapped up in his or her denial. We do not let ourselves get wrapped up in our own emotions. Instead, we simply let God work through us to carry the message of recovery. In this way we carry a message of hope. Do I know that my Higher Power will be with me on any twelve step call I make?
Petitions to my Higher Power
You choose me to carry the message; let me choose You when I go to deliver hope. Help me to let go of my own issues and only provide Your message given me in this program. Today, I do not know whether or not this opportunity will present itself; but should the opportunity arise, let me accept this willingly. Walk with me this day, and provide guidance for each step I take.

bluidkiti 05-26-2016 07:48 AM

May 29

Wisdom for Today
It is important not to give a newcomer the brand of alcoholic or addict. We must let them draw their own conclusions. It does not matter what we think, what matters is the decision they make. What we can do is talk to them about the hopelessness of addiction. We can talk of our own experience and how we found strength through the grace of God and the program. We can share how we found hope. In sharing our experience, it is important to talk of how addiction to alcohol or drugs affected our lives and the consequences we have experienced. We talk of how drinking and drugging influenced our thinking and our behavior. We describe the sense of desperation we felt. We describe the insanity of trying over and over again to control our use, only to fail and jump right back into the same traps. We share our own denial and how it kept us trapped.
We share openly the spiritual aspects of recovery. We talk of the fellowship and the friends we have made, and the support we have gained. Tell the newcomer that he or she does not need to accept our ideas exactly as we present them, but describe the reality of success that thousands and thousands of us have found in working the steps and in finding answers that none of us found previously on our own. Use language that the newcomer will understand and make sense to him or her. The important thing is that we let them decide if they want what we have. We share that they too can learn to live without alcohol and drugs, if they are simply willing to live by these spiritual principles found in the steps. Am I willing to share openly the spiritual principles that helped me find recovery?
Meditations for the Heart
God is a constant in our life. He is unchanging and He never leaves our side. He is untiring and He is love. This is the very love that we turn our will and our life over to. His constancy is what we rely on. No matter how big or how small our need is, He is there for us. He knows the proper path for us to follow, and He will always lead us. All we need do is ask and obey, and we will be given the keys to a new and wonderful life. However, this simple concept is not always easy to do. In each of us there is a rebel that still wants to run the show our way. God will not stand in the way of our arrogance, pride, or foolishness. He grants us the freedom to make such a choice. What this means is that I must make a choice each and every day. A choice to do it my way or a choice to do it His way. Yes, we are often tempted to get back in charge, but this never proves to be a wise choice. What choice will I make for myself today?
Petitions to my Higher Power
In your loving kindness, You have reached out to me and offered to show me the way to freedom. You know every step I take even before I do. Grant me willingness to follow and obey You this day. Let me follow You in all that I do this day. Remove from me any arrogance, pride or foolishness that may tempt me and lead me astray. Give me courage to share the spiritual message of recovery through the steps.

bluidkiti 05-28-2016 07:07 AM

May 30

Wisdom for Today
“…and practice these principles in all our affairs.” The twelfth step reminds us to practice what we do in all areas of our lives, with practice being the operative word. I recall as I was growing up, my parents always saying, “Practice makes perfect.” But this has not been my experience; in fact, in recovery I think a better statement would be practice makes progress. Practice never made anything I did perfect, but I know it made me better in sports. It made me better at many of the things I do. This is certainly the case with recovery. Over time, I have had my eyes opened as to how I could utilize the principles of the program throughout my life.
I have come to realize that there is very little in my life that I can control. I have learned to ask for help in many of the things I do, my work, my relationships, my faith, and my goals. I have learned to really look hard at myself and my role in what I do, my decisions, and my mistakes. I can use the program to help me in fixing or at least improving many of the situations I face each and every day. I have learned that I need to right my wrongs whenever I can, or at least do what I can in avoiding making the same mistakes over and over again. I have come to realize how important it is to be healthy in all that I do. Still I must practice, practice, and practice. This is how I will make progress in all areas of my life. Am I willing to apply and practice the principles of recovery in all that I do?
Meditations for the Heart
Life is sometimes funny. We can look at something over and over again and not see what is really there. This is certainly true for many of us in recovery. The reasons for this are many – denial, self-delusion, dishonesty, lack of awareness, and even our belief system. To be sure this is not a complete list, but certainly are major reasons that addicts and alcoholics walk through life with blinders on or with rose-colored glasses on. When we finally have our eyes opened and can see the reality of our life, we are given an opportunity for change. This is not always an easy choice to make. Sometimes it seems easier to fall right back into our old ways. This is not just true about our addiction, but also true about all of our life. The program tells us to deal with life on life’s terms. It also teaches us the value of honesty. It really is uncanny how we can fool ourselves, but I have come to believe that God reveals to us the errors in our perception, beliefs, and thinking. Do I see that my Higher Power presents me with opportunities for change throughout my life?
Petitions to my Higher Power
Today I know that You will give me many opportunities for progress. Give me sight and strength to seize these opportunities. Let me practice what I know in all that I do. Let me take today and use it as an opportunity to learn new ways to live in a healthier way. Let me make the changes that You want from me. Help me to seek out Your direction for me in all that I do.

bluidkiti 05-28-2016 07:08 AM

May 31

Wisdom for Today
When working with a newcomer, it is important to describe what addiction was like, what happened and what life is like now. Tell him or her about the insanity of repeatedly attempting to solve a problem with no answer except recovery. Explain how you found acceptance and surrender to a Power Greater than yourself. Describe how you took an honest look at yourself, how you worked to straighten out your past, and what you are doing to stay that way. It is important to share why you are attempting to help them now. Let them know how helping others has become a vital part of your own recovery.
In sharing all these things, the newcomer will likely be more open to accepting what is said. They will see that there is no hidden agenda and that you are sincere in your effort. Should the newcomer show genuine interest, offer to share more; perhaps a phone number or let them borrow your Big Book. Suggest meetings that you have found helpful, and offer to take them or meet them there. In doing this, the newcomer is more likely to accept the suggestions you offer. Do not be afraid to offer this help, for you can be assured that God will work through your effort. Seeds will be planted; and you will find that even if they do not take with the newcomer, they will take and grow in you. Can I share the message of hope that the program offers?
Meditations for the Heart
Making twelve step calls and helping the newcomer is not so much about what you do, as it is about how God works through you. Step out of the way, and let God do the work and remember that you are only an instrument in His hand. Your Higher Power knows far better the needs of the newcomer than you do. He can see in them just as He could see in you when you first walked through the door. He knows what is needed and when it is needed. We only need to trust in His wisdom and in His strength. God only desires us to be obedient to this new way of living our life. Let Him choose how to use you. Be sure that God will offer you opportunity after opportunity to carry the message. Let Him decide when the time is right. Do not turn down the opportunities He presents, for you will be rewarded in the ways that He chooses. Accept every opportunity you are given to tell your story, whether this is at a meeting or in the home of a new prospect. This willingness provides reward after reward. Am I willing to be His messenger when the opportunity presents itself?
Petitions to my Higher Power
Let me be Your messenger in all that I do. Let me be Your representative in my actions, words, and thoughts. Grant me a willing heart and a courageous spirit. Today I pray that I do not act as an obstacle to Your plan, but an active participant in it. Let me keep You central and in charge of my actions.

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