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bluidkiti 08-01-2016 07:44 AM

Even More Recovery Readings and Meditations - August
August 1

Step by Step

Today, caution against perverting "Take It Easy" into procrastination or neglect of the new responsibilities that sobriety requires. "Take It Easy" instead means we tend to my our spiritual and emotional care lest we be unqualified to help someone else with their own. Adversely, "Take It Easy" does not bestow "permission" to put off or ignore responsibilities to ourselves, others and the 12th step marching order to carry the message to the alcoholic who still suffers. The program shows us how to balance the scale between taking it easy and procrastination, and if it's weighted down by taking it easy at the expense of responsibility to ourselves and others, we become as irresponsible dry drunks. Today, seek the balance between taking it easy all the time and giving all our time to everything and everyone else. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


Growth itself contains the germ of happiness.

~ Pearl S. Buck ~

When we're out of sorts with everyone and everything and we realize that we're the one who needs to change, that's growth.

When we mind our own business and don t take the inventory of another, that's growth.

When we don't expect anyone to change their opinion simply because it differs from ours, that's growth.

When we think we're right at one moment and are proven wrong the next, and are happy about it because we've learned something, that's growth.

When we are as happy about another's progress as we are about our own, that's growth.

When we welcome each new day instead of dreading it, that's growth.

I used to seek happiness in material things and overdependence on other people. Now growth, itself is happiness.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

Hope has nothing to do with optimism. Its opposite is not pessimism but despair.

~ William Sloane Coffin ~

Despair is the loss of all hope. We are all vulnerable to slipping into that frame of mind at times. When our troubles are at their worst, we may indulge in angry and rebellious negative thinking. Such negative thinking is basically self-centered and self-indulgent. At other times we may feel that our lives are going well and we have no good reason to despair, yet we lose our spirit and vitality.

We can use our spiritual focus at these times to interrupt the negative thoughts. When we catch ourselves thinking life is unfair and we are worthless, we can stop following our thoughts down that track. Simply turning our attention elsewhere can help us restore our spirit for life. This doesn’t mean we fake optimism. It means we choose to suspend our doubts and, just as we might try on a new shirt, we try on the thought that we are in the care of a Higher Power who accepts us as we are. When we do that, a feeling of peace and calm will follow.

Today I will suspend feelings of despair and rest in the faith that a Higher Power is present in my life.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

Let us not become involved in terminal seriousness.

~ Julie Riebe ~

Developing a healthy and balanced perspective is one of the gifts of this program. However, we have to work at it. It doesn’t happen by simply laying the alcohol or other drugs aside. We need the help of caring sponsors who say “So what!” when we get on the pity pot. We also need the help of our Higher Power.

We soon discover that the more involved we get with the Steps of this program and the more we let God take an active role in our lives, the easier all situations become. We also discover that letting God play a part doesn’t mean that we no longer have a responsible part to play; instead, it means that we no longer are trying to take full responsibility for the outcome of every experience that engages us. Gaining this healthy perspective on our lives is a profound blessing. Were it not for this program and all the help we are receiving, we’d still be manufacturing mountains from every molehill, or molehills from every mountain.

I will utilize the program and my Higher Power today to keep situations in their proper perspective.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I acknowledge the benefits of treatment

When I was in treatment, I felt scared and ashamed at first. I didn't know anyone. I didn’t trust anyone. I didn't know what would happen. I was angry and exhausted.

But it became clear that treatment was a good place to be with my dual disorder after all. Eventually I felt more relaxed, safer, understood. I acknowledged that I needed to be there (for months I'd just kept relapsing). While it wasn't easy adjusting to new faces, new routines, and new ideas, I was tired of suffering. Eventually I let go of my fears and found the relief and the freedom of recovery.

I will continue to pray the Serenity Prayer and pray to be open to change.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

I to myself am dearer than a friend.

~ William Shakespeare ~

We can’t put off telling ourselves about our goodness. It’s tempting to believe we can reward ourselves only when we accomplish something remarkable. But it is remarkable to be recovering. It takes honesty and courage to work these Twelve Steps. We’ve been in battle, we’ve suffered. Now, having been there, we’ve learned about tolerance, forgiveness, serenity, faith, and gratitude.

We are scarred, yes, but they are scars of triumph, scars of survival. There’s a level of humanity and wisdom that suffering has revealed to us. It has made us deeper, more well-rounded individuals. Having nearly lost our lives, we are more careful to increase our blessings. We don’t take our physical, mental, or spiritual health for granted any more. We actively work toward harmony and balance.

We’ve been given a rare gift — the chance to witness and partake in the change from sickness to health, from pain to healing, from sadness to joy, from emptiness to serenity.

Today let me compliment myself on the fine person I’m becoming and always was.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.

~ Step Eight ~

A prayer is a humble and heartfelt communication with a power greater than yourself. A prayer can admit a weakness, communicate a need, or convey praise and gratitude. Prayers can unburden your heart, give you strength and courage, and deepen your faith and trust in a Higher Power. Use the following prayer as you work on your Understanding and acceptance of Step Eight.

Step Eight Prayer Higher Power, I pray for your guidance. You have helped me to recognize and remove my defects of character. I come before you ready to take on the challenge presented by Step Eight. I need your strength to guide me as I make a list of all I have harmed. I will take responsibility for the errors of my ways. I will do everything I can to face up to those I have harmed and to confess my sins against them. I seek your forgiveness for not living a life of love.

Higher Power, I ask for your strength so I may look into the eyes of those I have harmed and find the courage to speak with honesty and regret. I ask for your strength so I may listen to whatever is said to me without anger or defensiveness. Higher Power, thank you for listening to my prayer.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

. . . each cycle of the tide is valid; each cycle of the wave is valid; each cycle of a relationship is valid.

~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh ~

Any photograph will show us a moment frozen in time. Forever after, anyone who views that picture will see that moment as it was.

Many things in our lives have cycles. Nothing ever stays the same from one minute to the next. We may not like change in our relationships, for we may expect that any variation from our happy moments will mean pain or loss or rejection. Even in a relationship's dark moments of anger and pain, we may fear changes that can bring happiness, hope, and success.

Yet change is a valid measurement of growth and time. It has as natural a rhythm as the ebb and flow of the ocean, the change of the seasons, the waxing and waning of the moon, the rise and set of the sun. Tonight, we can be assured that our relationships are right where they need to be in their natural places.

Tonight help me experience the natural rhythms in my relationships without fear.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Following the leader

Whether in the program, church, or any other organization, any mortal leader we may have is but an instrument. Should any of these leaders die, our true leader remains (as always).

If we allow the absence of any person to turn us away from our Higher Power, we don’t know who our real leader is. If we allow the absence of any person to halt our spiritual progress or prevent us from doing what we know is right, we are not following our true leader, our Higher Power. All others are but temporary instruments.

Am I following my true leader faithfully?

Higher Power, help me recognize and acknowledge my true leader.

I will share my faith in my Higher Power today by

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

The truth cannot always be told openly, but somehow it does come out.



Some days I don't feel as if I can share how difficult my problems are. I've been in recovery long enough to know that what's bothering me will eventually subside. I've heard "This, too, sha1l pass" often enough. Why complain about problems that are going to go away anyway? Why bother anyone?


The slogan "This, too, shall pass" is meant to give comfort, not to make stoics and martyrs of us. There's nothing wrong with letting others see what's going on with us and airing our feelings, whatever they happen to be. In fact, it's necessary for recovery.

My addictive behavior in the past was often triggered by a belief that my needs and feelings were somehow excessive, that no one would tolerate hearing about them. When feelings of unworthiness and shame kept me from speaking, the result was more of the same: low self-esteem and a sense of separation and difference from others.

We're not required to share everything that's going on in our lives whenever we put a hand up at a meeting. But we need to make sure that we don't carry things all by ourselves. We have plenty of options. Sharing at meetings is a good one. Others include making program calls, sitting down for coffee with a recovering friend, or scheduling a therapy or counseling session. And then there's talking regularly with a sponsor. It's an excellent way to begin letting go of the old habit of keeping quiet.

Today, I lighten my load by sharing with others.



It has been observed by many in AA that the surest bet to get our Program is the man who needs it most desperately. His very desperation lends strength to his efforts. He has been backed up to a wall and he must fight his way out of his dilemma or else he must die. There is no alternative.

Only the coward quits in despair, and the alcoholic can't be a coward, for if he was, he would have quit the unequal game long before his alcoholism was fully developed.

Yes, it takes a brave man to fight his way to the gutter and it takes a brave and desperate man to fight his way out.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Count Your Blessings

Count your many blessings, name them one by one;
Count your many blessings, see what God has done!

~ From "Count Your Blessings" by Johnson Oatman Jr. ~


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~



I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me (Exodus 20:2, 3).

Moses lived in Egypt over three thousand years ago, and he led some six hundred thousand people out of Egypt and through the wilderness. That is historical. But, Moses also stands for a faculty in yourself, and the things that Moses did typify your states of mind.

The mountain means prayer—the elevated consciousness. We are told that the general public were not allowed to go up Mount Sinai, but that does not mean that certain people were not good enough to go up. It means that if we want to go up the mountain—if we want to raise our consciousness, if we want to get closer to God—we must prepare ourselves by prayer. If we want to go up the mountain, we have to become a high priest spiritually and we must rid ourselves of our faults and weaknesses—otherwise we cannot elevate our consciousness and get our contact with God.

Moses had his revelation, and then he realized it as the experience that God and man are one. When he got that revelation, Moses brought back the laws of life, beginning with the First Commandment, as we call it.

What is the beginning of the First Commandment? I am the Lord thy God. Our trouble in our religious life nearly always is that we think, "In the beginning Me." That is very human but it does not get us the revelation that Moses got. After affirming I am the Lord thy God . . . the First Commandment says thou shalt have no other gods before me.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

The Most Powerful Prayer

When you pray, think. Think well what you’re saying and make your thoughts into things that are solid. In that way, your prayers will have strength, and that strength will become a part of you in body, mind, and spirit.

~ Walter Pidgeon's character in the film How Green Was My Valley ~

An angel attempting to earn his wings was given the mission of finding the person on earth whose prayers had the most power to reach heaven. He journeyed for a long time and then returned with this report: "l circled the entire world and found many people reciting rote prayers without feeling or conviction. Many prayed so that others would see them, and some prayed to be victorious over others. I heard many prayers, but felt little heart. Just when I was about to give up I heard the tears of a little boy in a poor section of a big city. He was reciting, “A...B...C..." and on through the alphabet. When I listened closer, I heard him pray, "Dear God, I do not know how to read, and I cannot recite from the prayer book, but I love you with all my heart. Take these letters and form them into words that are pleasing to you." The angel was given his wings.

It is not the form of our words or acts that brings us closer to heaven, but the sincerity of our intentions. Bring a pure heart to your prayers and deeds, and you will succeed.

Open my heart to true caring and pure love. Let my words and deeds be motivated by sincerity and kindness.

bluidkiti 08-02-2016 08:51 AM

August 2

Step by Step

" ...I had my first drink and I still remember it, for every 'first' drink afterwards did exactly the same trick - I could feel it go right through every bit of my body ...But each drink after the 'first' seemed to become less effective and, after three or four, they all seemed like water. ...(T)he more I drank, the quieter I got, and the drunker I got, the harder I fought to stay sober. ...Even that first night I blacked out, which leads me to believe that I was an alcoholic from my very first drink." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, "Personal Stories," Ch 6 ("The Vicious Cycle"), p 241.

Today, grant that I always remember my last drink if I cannot remember my first - for it is the last one that brought me to my knees and set me on my search for something better. Even if I cannot remember the first drink or whether I became alcoholic with my first or 1,000th one, I cannot forget that I was in alcoholism with my last drink. And if I can't remember my last drunk, I might not have had it. Thus, the reason for AA . Regardless of how recently or long ago my last drink was, AA is here to strengthen and guide me from the next drink. Today, I am only as good as the guy whose last drink was yesterday even if mine was a thousand yesterdays ago and, today, I will remember my last drink. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.

~ Emile Coue ~

If our Program were made up of men and women who kept telling others, and themselves, "I'm no good, I'll never make it," the Program itself could never survive. We win only when we have confidence in our own capabilities and limitations. We sincerely believe that, with a shared feeling of love among members who have a common goal, success is not only possible, but guaranteed.

Years ago, people around the world made fun of the phrase about getting better and better. Despite all the belittlement, that expression of confidence helped many to a more healthful life. It still works. We know that if we do not have faith in our- selves, no one else will. We can always choose to "be our own best friend" rather than "our own worst enemy."

I've heard it said, "we are what we are." Self-confidence in my ability to make spiritual growth can achieve wonders. I am getting better and better.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

I’ve always wanted to be somebody, but I see now I should have been more specific.

~ Lily Tomlin ~

We are on an adult development journey. As we grow healthier, as we take our personal inventories, we develop into the kind of person we can respect and feel good about. From our addictive and codependent times, we know what it was like to feel empty—as if we were nobody. We had an exterior appearance of a whole person, but we were underdeveloped on the inside.

The promises of recovery always come true when we follow the steps toward honesty with ourselves and take responsibility for our actions. We may be assaulted by chaos and craziness around us, but this inner sense of self can never be taken away. And the longer we live in the light of the Twelve Steps and actively follow them, the more we develop this strong sense of self.

Today I will stay on the path because it glides me toward greater development of my self.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

God can work quicker in our lives if God doesn’t have to seek out our hiding place.

~ Jan Pishok ~

What do we gain from wallowing in doubt and hiding from God? Certainly not peace or security. But the pain is familiar. We often hang on to that which we know, regardless of its impact.

In the past, many of us had an attitude, and we nurtured a chip on our shoulder. What a relief to be free of that childish burden! Hiding from God means missing the real gifts of sobriety. Putting alcohol or other drugs aside, but not grasping the hand of God as it comes to us from our friends here, means the torment that triggered our drinking continues to follow close on our heels.

We are learning from our sisters sharing this journey that there’s a far less traumatic way to live. Our assignment is simply to turn to God every day, letting our will and lives be thus guided.

I won’t hide today. I’ll seek God in all my communications with others, and I’ll cherish the peace.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I want to trust people more

My therapist wants me to join a support group. He wants me to work on trust. But it's hard for me to trust other people (even my therapist). I feel safer when I rely on myself (although that hasn't always worked). I am afraid to trust because I'm afraid I'll get hurt, betrayed, or abandoned like so many times before. How could I ever take part in a group?

And yet maybe now is a good time to take a chance. I am exhausted from trying to handle my emotional and chemical health problems on my own for so long. And deep down, there is loneliness, there is a part of me that truly wants to be around people more. With the support of my therapist, I will give group therapy a chance.

Today I will practice trusting by taking a small risk with a safe person.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

I don’t blame my parents. This stuff has been handed down for generations.

~ Seth P. ~

Sometimes, when we begin to get better, we feel anger and frustration with other family members who are not in recovery. We’re often quick to tell them they’d better “get with the program” and start recovering soon.

More often than not, our words fall on deaf ears. It’s one thing to tell someone about the help and resources that are available. It’s another to expect them to instantly understand and seek help for themselves.
Most of us come from families that have struggled with alcoholism or other addictions for generations. It’s no one’s fault. It’s a source of pride, though, that we can be part of the solution, and help break the cycle of intergenerational pain.

With help from our Higher Power, we can let go of unrealistic expectations. We can let our loved ones find recovery at their own pace, in their own time.

We like to carry the message of recovery to others. But it is a message of hope, not a message of blame.

Today I’m grateful to be in recovery, and not trapped in the pattern of addiction or other sickness or pain. I feel a new freedom today.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

Those who flee temptation generally leave a forwarding address.

~ Lane Olinghouse ~

You may recall the fable about the wind and the sun, and how they argued about who was stronger. One day they saw a man clad in an overcoat walking down a path. The wind bragged it was so strong it could remove the man’s coat. So it blew powerful gusts, but the man clutched his coat tighter. Then the sun had its turn. It began to beam its rays down on the man. The man grew warm in the sun’s heat and removed his overcoat.

One can easily believe the sun is the winner. Yet there is another way to look at this story. When you see it as one that symbolizes the power to resist temptation, both the wind and the sun become temptation. One surrounds the man with frightening energy; the other merely lets its presence be known.

Before you came into the program, your habit was like the sun—it did nothing more than offer itself to you, and you succumbed to its power. But in recovery, temptation is like the strong wind. It will always be swirling about you, striving to force you to yield to its power. Even though the winds of temptation will continually challenge you, take heart. You are much stronger than you think.

I will resist temptation today because I am strong. I am more powerful than any temptation.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.

~ Arthur Somers Roche ~

A trickle of water that drains down the side of a hill poses no problem to the hill, its vegetation, or the people living in the valley. But if that trickle grows into a stream, the water will erode a path, carrying along plants, rocks, and soil, endangering the lives and property of the people in the valley.

When a worry nags us, it is like that trickle. It poses little threat to us and can be stopped at any time because it is so small. But if we let more worrisome thoughts feed into the stream, we will allow it to grow until all of our thoughts and energy are focused on one worry that has attained great power.

We all have things we worry about. But we don't have to give these worries more than passing acknowledgment. The trickles that run through our minds are okay to have. But to keep them at that size, we need to remember what is important to us at this very moment. We don't need to let the worries grow.

I have worries just like everyone else. However, I don't have to dwell upon my worries or make them any bigger than what they are.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Developing spiritually

We read in the Big Book that no human power could have relieved our addiction— not ourselves, our spouse, the law, clergy, counselors, or friends. Through trial and error and many failures, we come to know that another human being is not the way. To recover, we need a spiritual program based on a power greater than ourselves.

To recover, we need a spiritual life, as developed by the fellowship and the Twelve Steps.

Am I growing spiritually?

Higher Power, help me to see the importance of developing a spiritual life.

I will work on my spiritual program today by

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

As one goes through life one learns that if you don't paddle your own canoe, you don't move.



I appreciate the fact that you remain friendly and even-tempered even though I don't always follow your advice.


Friends can disagree without having to end their relationship. I might have trouble sponsoring someone who never attends meetings, someone who has frequent relapses, or someone who complains about his or her problems without ever being willing to attempt the Steps. But occasional disagreements are a part of life.

A sponsor's suggestions aren't commands, any more than the Twelve Steps are. As a sponsor, I only make suggestions; even though they're based on my experience, I'm not always right about what will work for another person. And I may misjudge what another person's timetable is. I'm not infallible. I try not to let my ego get in the way, to feel hurt or angry when you need to try something on your own. Learning to make your own decisions is necessary to growth.

Each of us makes his or her own way through the process of recovery. We learn more from our own experiences, good and bad, than from anything we read in a book or hear at a meeting.

Today, I learn from my experience.



The very basis of AA is kindness to the suffering alcoholic, but the question often arises as to what is the kind thing to do. Sometimes we have to do things that might be considered cruel in order to be kind.

There are occasions when it is an act of kindness to have a man locked up if he is apt to hurt himself or others. Sometimes drastic steps have to be taken to prevent a man from driving his car when he is drunk. Occasionally it might be the best thing for a. man if his boss should fire him or if his family left him.

We are frequently called upon for this kind of advice. Who are we to decide such issues? God has the answer and it is best to turn the query over to Him.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

I Am Thankful For . . .

God, I am thankful for the people to whom I can relate in all situations.
I am grateful for all of them—
For those called "family" who provide community,
For those called "sponsors" who give guidance,
For those called "enemies" who help me see my faults,
For those called "colleagues" who share responsibility,
For those called "teachers" who instruct me,
For those called "helpers" who enable me to seek help,
For those called "comforters" who dry my tears, unafraid of my weeping.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~



Read Exodus 20:4-6.

Thou shalt not take unto thee any graven image . . . (Exodus 20:4).

A primitive people needed to be thus instructed because they were much given to making idols of a palpable sort. We do not do these things, but whenever we give power to anything but God, we are making that thing into a graven image. For example, we give power to our ailments, particularly if it is a favorite ailment. We all know people who say, "My rheumatism," and they say it quite lovingly. Been with them a long time! Has become a conversation piece! Others say, "My indigestion." We are making a graven image of these things. It is only when we take power away from them that we can heal them.

If you forget God and worship graven images of any kind, you are going to suffer. You can demolish a stone statue; you can burn a wooden one. The way to destroy mental images is to stop thinking of them and giving them power.

This commandment goes on to say, "For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God." Moses does not mean that God is jealous like a man, but that God must have first place. The trouble with many pious people is that they want God to be vice president, keeping the presidency for themselves. So the Bible uses the word "jealous" in the sense that if you give power to anything but God, you have lost God altogether. You cannot have a percentage of God. Either God is the only power, or nothing at all.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Pass the Cream Cheese

I am content to be wherever He wishes, knowing He goes there with me.

~ A Course in Miracles ~

When I began public speaking, I was invited to address a B'nai B'rith men's group, which met at a Jewish temple for a lecture, discussion, and buffet breakfast on a Sunday morning. As I began my talk, I was disappointed to see that the group was inattentive and seemed uninterested in my presentation. Some of the men smoked cigars as I spoke, others picked through their wallets, and during the guided meditation, several opened their eyes and scanned the bagel-and-cream cheese buffet. When I was finished, I was sorry I had come; it seemed that I had chosen the wrong crowd for my subject matter, and I felt as if my time had been wasted.

The following week, I received several telephone calls from organizations to which members of the B'nai B'rith group had recommended me. These callers wanted me to serve as a guest speaker and teach ongoing classes. Apparently a number of people in that group were impressed with my presentation and wanted to share it with their other affiliations.

We never really know what the effects of our service will be. Sometimes it appears that nothing is happening, or no good is coming, when behind the scenes, important changes are occurring, and progress is being made. This is why we must never judge the results of our service on surface appearances. Imagine that any good that you do, or intend to do, is being received by the right people at the right level for the right purpose.

Give me the faith to remember that Your hand is moving my life.

I act with confidence, knowing that Spirit is working through me for the benefit of all.

bluidkiti 08-03-2016 08:54 AM

August 3

Step by Step

Today, I'm fed up - filled to the rim with those self-destructive, self-absorbed character defects like anger, self-pity and anxiety about what's been said and done, and what's ahead. And, today, I'm sick of carrying the garbage, the excess baggage that I acquired in my drinking days and may still be toting even without the booze. I want what AA promises - if I work for it. That means, finally, getting out from under the ponderous weight of that chip on my shoulder, and letting go means letting God and working the program so as not to take that weight back. Even if in sobriety I can rationalize or justify whatever resentment and any other ill feeling I harbor for someone or something, it has no role in recovery and, in fact, can derail it like a super-train jumping its track at 200 mph. The predictable outcome? Total self-destruction. I didn't come this far this long to fall apart or implode because of whatever self-destructive trap I have set. Today, I want to feel free of anger, self-pity, worry and resentment and, today, I'm fed up enough to get with the program. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


Don't care FOR, care ABOUT.

~ Anonymous ~

When we care for someone, we are letting that person be the focus of our lives. We take over the decisions and responsibilities for that person. We can bond with someone a lot better than with their needs. When we care about someone, we are concerned about their journey. We nurture, encourage, and support them on their way.

Many of us have to learn to give up playing the role of caretaker with people. We have been a one-person Humane Society, moving from place to place, picking up stray dogs and cats. We are told that caretaking is an improper response to our need to be accepted.

Whatever the reason we play the role, it is not helpful to continue in-recovery. We need to let people care for their own needs. Everyone should have the opportunity to love themselves.

I learn that caring FOR someone will probably cause the relationship to fail. Caring ABOUT them will I allow the relationship and the person to succeed.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

When the heart weeps because it has lost, the spirit laughs because it has found.

~ Sufi mystic ~

We must mourn our losses, and for some of us they are many. Whether we lost a loved one, or a marriage, or a job, mourning is a necessary. Mourning is how we acknowledge that what we lost was dear to us and we know it will change us. At the same time, we all know that good things can come from events we never would have chosen. Life does go on and we can grow from our difficulties.

Our clearest example of that is seeing the good that can come from hitting bottom. After our addiction and codependency made us lose all that we could stand to lose, we surrendered to a spiritual program of recovery. Not everyone has to lose so much to gain a vibrant spiritual life. We didn’t choose our losses. But for many of us, only after our losses mounted high enough were we opened up to grow spiritually.

Today my spirit laughs because I am alive.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

Life does not accommodate you, it shatters you. . . . Every seed destroys its container or else there would be no fruition.

~ Florida Scott-Maxwell ~

We resist change because it shatters our self-perceptions. But if we don’t change, our journey’s purpose is stunted. As we look back, we can see that change is a constant among our experiences. But we often resist it until the pain is more than we can bear.

It’s curious that we’d expect our lives to stay the Mime despite what we see: movement, new growth, change. Year by year we note the deeper lines and the lesser energy in our parents, our siblings, our-selves. The trees shed their leaves, the sidewalk cracks widen, the neighbors die. Change happens. Our purpose will be fulfilled.

Being grateful for change comes only with willingness and the trust that we deserve growth and opportunity. What’s in store for each of us is far greater than what we can imagine for ourselves.

I might not like everything that happens today, but each experience will offer me an opportunity to change.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I am reclaiming my life

My life has been out of control for a long time now due to chemical and mental health problems. First the addiction seemed in control, then the psychiatric illness. Together, the two proved more than I could handle on my own.

After struggling to get abstinent and then get stable on medication, and after several months in both a Twelve Step group and a support group, I am beginning to reclaim my life. As I take responsibility for my illnesses, I am finding out where I was and exploring where I want to go. Each day I do the best I can. I am recovering.

Today I will draw a picture or write about the way I want my future to look.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

Let me be a little kinder,
Let me be a little blinder
To the faults of those around me
Let me praise a little more.

~ Edgar Guest ~

Sometimes we find it easy to be critical of others. In our fellowship this is known as taking inventory, making comparisons between others and ourselves. It is often a defensive posture bom of low self-esteem. Not only does it waste sober time and energy, but creates resentment and grandiosity in us, and that hurts our recovery. When we are foolish enough to criticize another’s choice, we are setting ourselves up for trouble.

When we pray for the strength to praise rather than criticize, we find that praise is its own reward. We feel better, more optimistic about ourselves and our world. When we pay attention to ourselves and let others do the same, life’s burden lifts, our spirit flowers and opens so our Higher Power can work with us. We are lucky that our only life is our own. We had so much trouble handling life before recovery; one is enough for us now. And now we can make that life a rich one.

Today let me live my own life and allow others their rightful space to live theirs.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it’s me.

~ Author unknown ~

This variation of “The Serenity Prayer,” originally penned by Reinhold Niebuhr, serves as a reminder that recovery does not begin—or end—simply when you stop using. While this is certainly the most vital change you need to make, what is of equal importance is changing yourself. Ask yourself, “Who am I without my habit? What talents and abilities have I suppressed or not realized? What can I achieve when I give myself the opportunity?”

If you take away your habit but stay the same person you were when you were using, you run the risk of losing your commitment to recovery. As it is sometimes said in AA, “Nothing changes if nothing changes.”

Changing yourself works best when you break it down into a series of small changes. Did you lie a lot when you were using? If so, you can learn to be more truthful. Did you feel more tempted to use when you were tired or stressed? If so, then you need to make changes in your life that will add more time for relaxation and rest.

Recovery represents a time in which I become more aware of who I am so I can change for the better.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

What must I do is all that concerns me—not what people think. It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own—but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

Many times we are like chameleons, changing colors to please others. We may hide our true feelings and pretend to be happy and content, not wanting to hurt someone close.

Chameleons survive because they are adept at hiding from predators. We may feel we are living well when we hide our true feelings. Yet who is seeing the real side of us? Aren't we ignoring our needs and making someone else's more important?

Today we may have changed colors to please others. But we don't have to be chameleons. There are no predators out there—only people, just like us. Their thoughts and feelings may be different from ours, but that's okay. We all have our own brilliant colors to show.

I have beautiful colors to show off. Tonight, I'll remind myself that I do not need to hide.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Preserving and affirming our lives

Some people seem to have no problems using mood-altering drugs, but for us, they are highly destructive. When we used drugs, we lost our lives—physically and spiritually—and barely regained them through the Twelve Step program.

We who have abused mood-altering chemicals, we who are chemically dependent, must never use them again—or we risk relapse to full-blown addiction. Our path is one of total abstinence through the program.

Am I preserving and affirming my life?

Higher Power, help me to preserve my life by staying clean and sober.

I will affirm my life and practice my program today by

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

I wish I hadn't done a lot of things, but on the other hand, if I hadn't, I wouldn't be here.



I know we're not supposed to have regrets any more, but I have them. Sometimes I'm afraid that I've been damaged beyond repair.


We have a longing for wholeness and the capacity to achieve it. Human beings aren't like pieces of machinery that are too broken or rusty to be of use. Our tissues regenerate in seemingly miraculous ways. Our minds and spirits are also capable of regeneration and renewal. Every day of our lives, we have opportunities to begin or further the process of healing.

When we're overcome with regret, the work we do in Steps Eight and Nine, acknowledging those we've harmed and attempting to make amends to them, is especially helpful. We don't just bury the past and try to forget it. We look at it honestly and without self-pity; we make whatever repairs are actually possible. We go through the process of grieving our losses. We integrate our past experiences into a larger, more compassionate understanding of ourselves—one that includes the protection and loving presence of the Spirit within us.

Our past experience equips us to be especially helpful to others who suffer. There is a use for everything that has ever happened to us.

Today, I put my past to use as I reach out to others who suffer.



The educated person knows things but the wise man knows people. It is not possible to know life without knowing the individuals that make up the world.

A man is not a thing—he's a combination of certain good and bad traits that make him distinctive among his fellow men. Each one is an influence for good or evil, whether we realize it or not. When we rub elbows with our associates, we exchange some of our characteristics with them. Watch, therefore, your companions, for if they are unclean they are sure to soil your clothes.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Put Courage into My Heart

Lord, put courage into my heart, and take away what blocks mc from Your will
Free my speech so I may pass on Your goodness, so all will understand me.
Give me friends to advise and help me, that our efforts together may help others.
And, above all, let me constantly remember that my actions are useless if not guided by Your wisdom.

~ by Muhammad, founder of Islam ~


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~



Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that that taketh his name in vain ( Exodus 20 : 7 ).

Now this law of life really means you cannot take the name of the Lord in vain. If you try to do so you will fail because when you take the name of God unto yourself and implement it, then consequences will follow. It is a pity more of us do not realize that fact because constantly we are trying to take the name of the Lord in vain. The name of God is your conviction concerning God. Your idea of God will determine your whole life. If you believe that God is good, God is love, God has all power, God is intelligence, all the conditions of your life will steadily improve. If you believe God is intelligent but not good—I know people would not dare to say that, but people who think that God sends sickness and trouble really believe in a God who is not good—if you believe in a God who has all intelligence, but is not loving, then your idea of the nature of God must work out. Troubles will come to you, and you will not overcome them because you are saying, "God sent this trouble for a good purpose, and I must put up with it." You will put up with it. Your idea of God cannot be in vain. It will work out for you in accordance with your belief.

There is no one of us who is not limiting God in some respect in his thought and because of that we are going to suffer limitation in some way, for we cannot take the name of God in vain.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Build Your World

Make it a practice to judge persons and things in the most favourable light at all times, in all circumstances.

~ Saint Vincent de Paul ~

A religious man learned that a prostitute was doing business in his neighborhood. He found her house, stood across the street, and watched men enter and leave her home. Every time he saw a customer walk out, he placed a stone in a little pile, symbolizing the weight and extent of her sins. Years later, the prostitute died, and soon afterward so did the man. When the man was shown to his heavenly abode, he was aghast to find but a heap of stones similar to the mound he had built to mark the prostitute's wrongdoing. On the other side of the gray pile, he saw a magnificent estate with rolling lawns and colorful gardens, where the prostitute strolled joyfully. "There must be some mistake!" he railed. "That woman was a prostitute, and I was a religious man."

"There is no mistake," a voice answered. "That prostitute hated her job, but it was the only way she knew to make money to support herself and her young daughter. Every time she was with a client, she inwardly prayed, 'Dear God, please get me out of this.' You, on the other hand, were fascinated only with her sins. While she was talking to God, you were talking to rocks. She got what she prayed for, and so did you."

Things are not what they appear to be. We never really know the motive or consciousness behind someone's actions. Any act can be a tool of the ego, or an avenue for the Holy Spirit. We inherit the world we build with our thoughts.

I pray to keep You in my mind today. Let me not wander into temptation to see less than love.

I build a world of beauty with my thoughts.

bluidkiti 08-04-2016 08:23 AM

August 4

Step by Step

" ...(S)ubconsciously I was in earnest about wanting to quit liquor forever. It was no momentary emotionalism born of self-pity in a maudlin condition. I was seeking something, and I was ready to learn. I did not need to be told that my efforts were and would be unavailing if I did not get help. ...(L)ittle by little, I learned how my need could be met. The story of Alcoholics Anonymous fascinated me." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, "Personal Stories," Ch 7 ("The News Hawk"), p 258.

Today, how much more the cost to answer how willing I am to get sober, when enough is enough, when I can take no more, when self-loathing and self-disgust are more than enough to motivate me to take responsibility for both my addiction and recovery and get to work on both. If I've reached the proverbial bottom but, more practically, if I've hit the point when not even I believe my lies anymore, when I've had enough of needing more whiskey or any other drug every day just to achieve normalcy or when the "buzz" doesn't buzz anymore and when I have no other option but to believe that there is something better - my time has come. The Twelve Steps are there; all I need do is begin working them, Step by Step. How much more is my addiction going to cost me? Starting today, no more. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


There is a gentle serenity in God's peace, there is a soothing tranquility in God's love.

~ Anonymous ~

The words "gentle" and "soothing" can quiet the most troubled heart. The notion of serenity and tranquility can create an inner peace that is wonderful. What good is it if a person owns the entire world and does not have serenity and tranquility? What have our hearts cried out for from the time we took our first breath if not for serenity and tranquility? When we speak of hopes and dreams. we are talking of finding them.

In Step Three we found them. Once we made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of a Higher Power, we render ourselves open to the gentle serenity of God's peace and the soothing tranquility of God's love.

The Serenity Prayer starts "God grant. . . ." Serenity is a gift that God grants. When I take my will out of the way in Step Three, then God can grant me serenity.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

The name of this infinite and inexhaustible depth and ground of all being is God. That depth is what the word God means. And if that word has not much meaning for you, translate it, and speak to the depths of your life, of the source of your being of your ultimate concern, of what you take seriously without any reservation.

~ Paul Tillich ~

In the words of the Twelve Steps, we are guided toward God, as we understand God. Many of us are at first turned off by the word God. Some of us received early spiritual guidance through childhood religious training, but others had none at all—and some of us had negative experiences with organized religion. Now we are guided to grow into an adult form of spirituality.

The words of today’s quotation come from a great theologian who understood the same wisdom that the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous did We don’t have to limit our understanding of God by confining, dogmatic definitions. Our spiritual life is grounded in a sense of awe and rises from the deepest part of our being.

Today my recovery is restored by God, who surpasses all understanding


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

Retreat is not defeat!

~ Kay Lovatt ~

Sometimes the most productive thing we can do is back away from a situation that’s causing us pain. Every time we feel compelled to resolve a crisis, we can retreat, at least for a time. Giving our emotions a rest gives us a fresh perspective.

Trying to force another person to see a situation as we do seldom works, just as we can’t be convinced against our will that someone else is right. The history we carry colors our view. But we can learn from one another; that’s why we are sharing this journey.

Does it seem that we encourage conflicts? Is our security tied to having others validate our opinions? Perhaps turning to our Higher Power each time we anticipate conflict will relieve us of the need to express an opinion that’s not crucial to the moment.

I don’t have to resolve anything today. I can simply go along with how things are and trust that they will change, with God’s help.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

My past is no longer my present

Growing up, I was abandoned physically and emotionally—and felt lost. As an adult, I experience addiction and emotional illness—and have felt a victim. While I can't change my past, I need to understand it and accept it so I can deal better with my present.

In recovery I do this in two ways. First, I take part in the Twelve Step fellowship for dual recovery—a stable, nurturing, spiritual community. Second, I take part in therapy—a safe, educational, and healing community. With the help of these two programs, I am developing a new outlook: I am no longer a victim. I take care of myself—physically, emotionally, and spiritually—and I am taken care of.

I will meditate on how my past affects my present and how taking care of myself in the present can help me accept my past.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

Don’t compromise yourself; you are all you’ve got.

~ Betty Ford ~

We continue to learn through our recovery program that we feel better when we listen to our feelings. Even though we may be uncomfortable when we disagree with others, or refuse to go along with the crowd, we are much more peaceful when we don’t do something just because everybody else is doing it. We like the part of recovery that is teaching us to be honest with ourselves and others.

Feelings are like a road map to us. One writer said they are “our reaction to the world around us.” When we begin to understand our anger, guilt, anxiety, joy, hurt, and loss, we realize feelings are road markers we can use to grow in recovery. Although our feelings were dulled for years by alcohol and other substances, we have found it is never too late to listen to our feelings and learn from what they are teaching us. It is a new language for us; painful sometimes, but always true.

Today I pray to let others experience the real me, including my feelings.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.

~ Edward Stanley ~

A good number of the world’s greatest athletes have experienced career-ending injuries. Some approached such injuries with a defeatist attitude. Because they could not engage in the sport they loved, they gave up completely on exercise. Others, however, used a positive attitude to rebound from their injuries so they could discover a different activity they could enjoy.

Finding an exercise you enjoy can be challenging as you get older. Injuries may present limitations. The stamina you once enjoyed in your youth can take away some of the ease with which you once played a sport. There may be other limitations as well. The busier your daily schedule is, the harder it can be to find time for regular exercise.

Just because you cannot engage in your favorite exercise does not mean you cannot or should not exercise at all. And using a busy schedule as an excuse for not exercising will end up working against your overall health in the long run. Removing an unhealthy habit begins a cleansing process that will make you feel better. But you need regular exercise to strengthen your body, tone your muscles, and build a foundation for a healthier future.

Today I will commit to being fit.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

The height of wisdom is to take things as they are . . . to endure what we cannot evade.

~ Montaigne ~

What are some of the things we dread? As children we probably dreaded school and occasions when we had to dress up. As students we most likely dreaded tests. As adults we may now dread job performance reviews or visits with our parents. We may have other dreads such as going to a dentist or doctor, purchasing a major appliance, or making changes.

Wisdom is the ability to acknowledge the dread and not run from it. It's okay to feel dread: wanting to postpone, feeling sick, having an anxiety attack, becoming dependent on another to help us out. As long as we don't succumb to those feelings—as powerful as they may be—we will endure the dreaded event.

Nothing lasts forever. Job reviews and dentist visits comprise only a portion of a day. If we can accept these dreaded events as inconveniences, we will have a more mature approach to them instead of magnifying them. The steps to overcoming dread are simple: accept, let go, and do it!

Are there events I dread tonight? I can remember the three steps to overcoming dread and work through my feelings.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Being lucky

Some people think “luck” is the reason for success in their lives. But does luck really mean the suffering and pain that we’ve not hesitated to endure? The opportunities for growth that we’ve embraced? The kindness and humor that we’ve shown others? The thanks we’ve expressed to others for their kindness to us?

If success is “lucky,” then we make our own luck. Then luck means being open and available; luck means willingness plus grace.

Do I realize what a lucky person I am?

Higher Power, help me to be open and willing to receive your grace.

Today I will thank God for my “luck” by

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

To gain that which is worth having, it may be necessary to lose everything else.



When I listen to people at Step meetings, the word “humility” always seems to come up, no matter which Step is being discussed. I still have resistance to that word.


Like many people in recovery I've experienced some resistance to each Step as I've come to it; by letting myself feel this resistance, then moving through it, I've learned some things about myself. I think that our objections to each Step add up to a portrait of our disease. Whether a particular Step addresses our relationship with a substance or a behavior with ourselves, with other people, or with a Higher Power it asks us to see ourselves as part of something larger than our own will. There has been arrogance and willfulness in our insistence on doing things our way, rejecting help, trying to stand alone in the universe, and feeling unlovable and unforgivable.

Humility is simply a recognition that we have limitations. Paradoxically, accepting our limitations gives us the freedom to become part of something limitless.

Today, I have the courage to let go of resistance.



It is almost a general rule that no one achieves in life what they planned in their youth. The great ambitions of our teens never seem to materialize. In spite of all our plans, it is a safe bet to say, however, that we are where we were intended to be, doing the things that we were intended to do, whether we like it or not. Apparently we are not running the world.

It is very probable that we would have made a terrible mess of it had we followed our wishes and would have wound up a much bigger flop than we did. No matter what our station in life, we can daily thank God that it is no worse than it is.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Honesty, Purity, Unselfishness, and Love

Dear God, may I breathe in the inspiration of goodness and truth.
Breathe in the spirit of honesty, purity, unselfishness, and love.
They are readily available to me, if I am willing to accept them wholeheartedly.
God, You have given me two things: Your Spirit and the power of choice.
To accept or not, as I have the gift of free will.

When I choose the path of selfishness, greed, and pride, I am refusing to accept Your Spirit.
When I choose the path of love and service, I accept Your Spirit, and then it flows into me and makes all things new.

~ Adapted from Twenty-Four Hours a Day, August 29 ~


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~



Read Exodus 20:8-11.

Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy (Exodus 20:8).

This commandment about the Sabbath Day was given to the people at the time of their leaving Egypt and going into the desert, and on the surface it meant what it said for that age. It was a wonderful thing in Moses' day to insist that everybody set aside one day a week to think about God or at least to oblige him to stop his secular activities. No rule can make a man religious, or give him faith, but it can help.

Like all the other commandments, this one is instruction in seeking the presence of God everywhere, particularly where the trouble seems to be. Where there is fear and doubt He brings faith, where there is lack He brings abundance.

But here in this commandment about the Sabbath Day there is a still deeper meaning. When you are praying every day and recognizing that God is working in you and in all your affairs, there will be a sense in which every day will be a Sabbath, because for you every day will be a holy day. One of the most wonderful things about the Bible teaching is that we get rid of the distinction between the sacred and the secular. That is one of the most important steps in the whole history of the soul.

God is present everywhere. For those who understand Jesus' teaching, it is always the Sabbath Day, and the place whereon they stand is holy ground.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

The Power of the Word

In the beginning was the word.

~ John 1:1 ~

A woman in relatively good health underwent dilation and curettage (D&C) surgery. After her operation, however, Sally was not recovering, and each day she sank deeper into the abyss. Medical professionals were at a loss, since all tests revealed she was physically healthy. Finally, someone suggested hypnosis. During her session, it was discovered that under surgery Sally had heard one of the members of the operating team ask her doctor, “Do you think she'll make it?"

The doctor answered, "No way—I give her a few days at the most" What Sally didn’t realize was that the conversation was about another patient. Although Sally's conscious mind was asleep, her subconscious heard every word and, not knowing the bigger picture, she accepted the statement as true about herself and went onto manifest the picture her subconscious had adopted Sally's hypnotic regression assisted her to realize this was not her prognosis, and she recovered.

The subconscious is the part of our mind that manufactures our experience. Psychologists tell us that the subconscious cannot distinguish between imagination and reality. If you hold am image in mind long enough and feel it as if it is real, you can manifest it. This is the essence of creative visualization, as well as self-fulfilling prophecy. If we think or worry about something enough, we may draw that experience to ourselves. We can use the same principle to bring us what we want. Hold in mind images of the life you desire, and refuse to feed thoughts of what you do not wish. Watch your words. Be careful what you say to little children (or the little child in adults), for children emotionally absorb ideas even if they are said in jest or the heat of an angry moment. Feed your mind and heart with the most positive, energetic, and enlivening ideas and feelings you can imagine Then you will live not in the world that is cast upon you, but the one you choose.

Help me to feed myself and others with soul-nourishing thoughts and feelings'

I speak the word of love, and it is manifested.

bluidkiti 08-05-2016 11:32 AM

August 5

Step by Step

"Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out." - Step 11

Today, Step 11 with the understanding that this is the extension of the Third - "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him" - and it, like all the steps, are daily maintenance tasks and never a one-time shot. We live in the Program on a day-by-day reprieve from the gutter and are not guaranteed anything more regardless of the number of sober 24 Hours we have. While one person's recovery program differs from that of another person, all have at least one common thread: the surrender of self-will to a higher power of our individual understanding, and Step 11 is the one that suggests we hand over our self-will and ask for the will of our higher power over our own. By seeking a power greater than ourselves each day, we are improving our conscious contact with that power. Today, I remind myself that I have to hand over my self-will because to take it back and run life my way is the formula for a slip or relapse. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


Man is a tool-using animal. . . . Without tools he is nothing with tools he is all.

~ Thomas Carlyle ~

When we hear, "you alone can make it happen, but you can't do it alone," we are being told, among other bits of advice, that we need tools in addition to the people who share our problems and solutions. The tools for recovery are many, and they are simple in form and made for simple usage. Basically, the primary tools are the Twelve Steps of our Program.

Among our most dependable tools is the freedom to accept our problems. This tool is the one that starts us on our journey through the Steps. It helps us turn our will over to God after we have decided that a Higher Power can restore us to sanity. Each Step is a tool, helping us go through inventories, make amends, improve our conscious contact with God, and understand our Higher Power's will for us.

I have learned which recovery tool to use at a particular time. And I continue to increase my desire and my ability to use each tool properly.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

Only your compassion and your loving kindness are invincible, and without limit.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh ~

We pray for the wisdom to distinguish between what we can change and what we cannot. This wisdom resides within our spiritual experience. This spiritual base is present even when our heart aches at the bedside of a loved one whose pain we cannot fix. We can be at peace in the wisdom of our hearts, knowing that the best we have to offer is our love and caring. We cannot do anything that will make a difference in taking away the pain, but just being there will make an immense difference.

We know that the spiritual truths that guide our lives are not based on the concrete world. Yet they light our paths. We see fear and terror in the world, yet we can find peace in knowing that our Higher Power will show us where to walk today. We cannot change the world today, but we can follow the light provided by the Twelve Steps. By doing our own small part, we offer a positive influence.

Today, as I live in the real world, I will also live in the spiritual world.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

If one lives, one experiences betrayal.

~ Ruth Casey ~

Betrayal is a hateful action. We have all experienced betrayal, sometimes even from those we love. The pain is seldom forgotten. Unfortunately, betraying others is a human failing we all share, each of us wants to be counted on, and we intend to live up to the expectations we have of ourselves. We sometimes falter, however, and hurt others by our actions. Pain is the result, every time, whether we betray another or are betrayed.

Perhaps our best hope for avoiding betrayal is relying on the Third Step for guidance before taking action. Stopping a moment to reflect before taking any action can change the tenor of every situation.

I have experienced betrayal. Even worse, I have betrayed others. Today will be different. I will listen to my Higher Power.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I am slowly embracing the truth

When I was having psychiatric symptoms, they scared me. I wouldn't talk about them with anyone. I didn't think I'd be accepted or understood. And when I was getting high all the time, I'd deny it. Again, my experience scared me. I felt guilty, ashamed, afraid of punishment, and afraid of losing my source of relief.

In recovery, I have a different idea about being honest and open. I am learning that when I speak the truth, people understand me better. When I say what I'm thinking or feeling, they have a connection to me. When they know what's troubling me, chances are, they can help.

I will write down two ways in which getting honest has helped me begin to recover.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

Laugh at yourself first, before anyone else can.

~ Elsa Maxwell ~

When was the last time we had a good laugh, really laughed, until tears rolled down our face and we had to catch our breath? Remember how good we felt afterward?

There is more and more evidence that laughter actually makes us feel good physically as well as emotionally. Laughter reduces muscle tension, exercises the lungs, and stimulates the circulatory system. It rejuvenates our minds and uplifts our spirits. After a good laugh we feel calmer, rejuvenated, even younger sometimes.

A burst of clean, refreshing humor helps us to stop taking ourselves so seriously. Someone once said the next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it!

People who can laugh on a regular basis usually have fewer physical and emotional problems than those who find it difficult to see humor in anything. Luckily, humor is all around us if we just look for it. We can watch funny movies, read the funnies in the paper, join the laughter and giggling of small children, and choose to be with people who have a sense of humor.

Humor is spiritual, and it heals.

Today help me laugh today, and to nurture my sense of humor that I may bring a healing spirit into my life and to those around me.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

Resentment is an extremely bitter diet, and eventually poisonous. I have no desire to make my own toxins.

~ Neil Kinnock ~

A Cherokee chief was quite proud of his young grandson, but many members complained that the young man was filled with anger and treated others with disrespect. So the chief called to his grandson. “What do you want?” his grandson snapped.

“Two wolves live inside of us all,” the chief said. “One wolf is good. He helps you feel joy and love. He shows you the beauty of the world. And he creates in you compassion, understanding, and forgiveness. But there is also another wolf. He teaches you to see only evil. He causes you to feel anger and scorn. He is full of himself, and his powerful ego makes him feel superior. It is a fight to the death with these two, because one must be the winner.”

The young man thought for a moment, then asked his grandfather, “So, which wolf will win?”

“The one that you feed,” he replied.

When you hold onto anger, turn it upon yourself, or treat others with disrespect and scorn, your anger erects walls so high that you cannot see over them. But when you let go of your anger, you treat yourself and others with respect, kindness, and compassion. You build bridges to yourself and to others.

I will not let the wolf of anger win.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.

~ John Burroughs ~

We may look upon richness as an abundance of wealth. Some of us may believe if we only made more money our problems would be solved. Yet we've also heard the phrase, "Money doesn't buy everything." And, because we know that’s true, we may question just how we get the riches in our lives.

If we put aside all the insignificant things, we may find we have more time and attention to pay to important people and things. By focusing on the things most important to us, we would find ourselves with more time to do what we want.

Worrying over minor details, fretting over some misplaced item, or whining about some unobtainable desire only serves to distract us. We can increase the richness in our lives by eliminating whatever robs us of our peace of mind.

Tonight I can choose between wealth and poverty. What can I give up in order to enrich my life?


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Accepting change

In recovery, we have much work to do and many lessons to learn as we mend our ways and relationships. Each time we change we grow stronger and freer.

But often we are so attached to our defects and dependencies we are afraid of change, even good change. As suggested in Step Six, our job is to become willing to let change happen when the time is right.

Am I becoming willing to change?

Higher Power, help me to accept the need for change and to fear it less.

I am willing to change today by

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

My memories are anything but a dispassionate chronicle.



I'm nervous about taking Step Eight. I can't help thinking ahead to Step Nine, actually talking to the people I owe amends to.


Remembering to stay in the present is one of the greatest challenges of living in recovery. If we're focusing on a future Step, letting the fear of it take over, we can't engage fully and wholeheartedly in the Step we're doing today.

When taking the first part of Step Eight, we make as complete a list of those we've harmed as memory allows. If we dimly remember an event but can't remember a name, we briefly describe the person. If we think that there's no hope of ever locating someone again, we still add him or her to the list. We may think that we've done less harm to some people than they've done to us. Still, we add their names to the list: this Step is about what we did, not about what others deserve.

By making this list we begin to see the extent of the harm we've done as the result of our addictive behavior, and to see how deeply interconnected our lives are with the lives of others. We realize that we're not alone in the world, and never have been.

Today, I look at my past without fear. I have faith that my human relationships are being healed.



In our drinking days, when we were called upon to face a problem, we would side-step it, tunnel under it, jump over it or run away from it. It never occurred to us to face it and to walk through it.

It is remarkable how cowardly a trouble is when face to face with a person who is ready and willing to take him on. Try it.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Support Me With Your Power

Lord, may everything I do start well and finish well.
Support me with Your power.
And in Your power let me drive away all falsehood so truth may always triumph.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~



Honour thy father and thy mother: that their days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee (Exodus 20:12).

We should respect our parents just because they are our parents, but that teaching is just the very outer layer of this commandment. Underneath it is instruction in divine metaphysics because your real father and mother is God. When this commandment says, "Honour thy father and thy mother," it brings in the two poles, the male and the female, and, of course, polarity is the motive power of the universe. In the Bible, mother means the feeling nature, and the father is the knowledge nature. Most people have one side or the other more developed. When our prayers fail and we do not demonstrate, we fail because we are not honoring our father and our mother.

~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

This Too Shall Pass

All things must change to something new.

~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ~

A king in an ancient land sought the counsel of a sage. "I am not a happy man," admitted the monarch. "My emotions are driving me crazy. When I win a battle, I am elated. When I lose, I am depressed. My happiness seems to come and go like a feather dancing on the wind. Can you help me?"

The advisor thought for a moment, and answered, "I will return with help in three days."

After that time, the sage came back with a ring he had forged for the king. When the king read the inscription, he found the peace that he sought. The ring reminded the king, "This too shall pass."

No matter what is happening, it will eventually give way to something else. Try to hold on to an experience, and you will lose it. Try to make it go, and it will cling to you. Allow it to be with you for its right time, and you will enjoy it or learn from it. Trust that you will have everything you need for the right amount of time. When it leaves, assume it is departing to make way for something better.

My friend Scott made a successful living as a car salesman. "The best piece of advice I ever received was from my boss at the dealership," Scott told me. "One day after I took a significant loss on a deal, I complained to him about it. 'Don't let it get you down,' he told me. 'It's all in the averages.' He was right. In the long run, the good deals offset the bad ones. You have to remember the big picture.

The next time you face a problem, remember'. "This too shall pass." When you feel giddy, affirm: "This too shall pass." Only Spirit remains constant. With the right vision, we find comfort in the peace that remains behind all of life's changing forms.

Let me remember that Spirit is present, that I may enjoy my life as a colorful dance.

I trust the changes in my life, knowing that God alone is real.

bluidkiti 08-06-2016 07:49 AM

August 6

Step by Step

Today, just as preoccupation with the damage and guilt of yesterday can be deadly for us in recovery, so can be looking to tomorrow and fearing or dreading what it may bring. Therefore, let me seek my higher power's comfort to live only in today, and let me have the humility to ask his will of me and the gratitude that whatever I may face today is not more serious. Let me fully understand and believe that yesterday is gone and nothing in it can be undone except for amends I have made, and let me also understand and believe that tomorrow's fears may not come with the new day. Pray that I live only in today, in the now, for it truly is all I have. And our common journey continues. Step by Step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


You are exactly where God wants you to be.

~ Anonymous ~

When we took our First Step, we admitted we were powerless over our disease. This single admission opened us up to a bigger realization: we just might not be in charge of anything. We were also powerless over people, places, and things. When we recognized this, a different future became ours. We came to believe that our Higher Power was in charge. We did not have to know the plan before it was revealed. We could trust that we would be well cared for, always.

There are still times when we feel insecure and uneasy about our lives. At those times, we may question God. We may wonder if we're being punished for something we've done wrong. We may ask if this is all there is to recovery. We can hold fast to the truth that we are just where God would have us.

The times I take control and attempt to force a change will only cause me to lose touch with my Higher Power. I will be patient. I believe answers will emerge at exactly the right time.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

If a man does his best, what else is there?

~ General George S. Patton ~

Doing our best is not perfection. We have goals and tasks before us. We work at them and we give them our best shot. That is all we need to do, and we deserve to feel all the self-respect any good man feels.

Some of our goals are big challenges. We can set aside any hopes of achieving them perfectly, but when we look back at what we have already done, we may remember that we have come further than we ever dreamed possible. If we expected perfection of ourselves, it would not help us. In fact, it would only get in the way of our work.

Today I give my best to the work that is before me. I will ask nothing more of myself.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

As we cultivate stillness and commune with the Presence within, we are mightily enhanced.

~ Marsha Sinetar ~

When we retreat to our quiet interior spaces, we grow in our understanding of God and life’s mysteries. The richness we come to know through keeping our spiritual life simple is unexpected.

Spiritual leaders from all faiths have suggested we go within to know God and, thus, ourselves. The founders of our program suggested likewise. It was their hope that we might find the peace and freedom that only God can guarantee. The Steps are our tools for knowing God.

Each day that we rely on our spiritual connection to clarify our direction, we’ll discover the serenity that enhances our being. Perhaps we didn’t need our dependencies to know God, but they are serving as the pathway to our freedom.

I consider myself lucky to be an alcoholic or other drug addict. It has given me a connection to God that is enriching my life.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I want to make today a day of recovery

A lot of time has passed with my dual illnesses. It feels like I've lost years of my life. First, the psychiatric problem and then the using, when everything got much worse.

But I am coming around. I'm stable and I haven't used drugs now for quite a while. I feel like I've finally come to rest after a long, uncontrolled slide. Now I need to let go of my past—I can't get it back—and concentrate on today. I only get a day at a time. I want to make the most of each one.

I will meditate on what I need to do today to make it a day of recovery.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

In order to live free and happily
you must sacrifice boredom.
It is not always an easy sacrifice.

~ Richard Bach ~

One luxury we simply cannot afford today is boredom. It is a condition which occurs when we lose sight of what’s happening around us. When bored, we may invest in self-pity and dig ourselves into an emotional trench, unlit, lined in loneliness. Boredom can be toxic, and sometimes we can’t think ourselves into doing anything. But we can get busy and do ourselves into thinking. While this isn’t always easy at first, it gets us moving again.

And, as they say, when we “bring the body, the mind will follow.” The spirit follows, too.

Soon, we are actively engaged in life again, and our attention is once more in the present. Often, simply going for a walk or washing the dishes is all we need. Our bodies are designed for movement, our senses to be stimulated, our minds to seek knowledge, and our spirits to bring us peace. When we get them started, they can carry us a long way — after all, they’ve carried us into a joyful new life, haven’t they?

Today help me grow thankful for the meaning that sober activity has given my life.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.

~ Frederick Koenig ~

How you receive a gift conveys much about your ability to feel gratitude. This gift can be a material object, a kindness shown to you by another, one of your abilities, or a beautiful sunrise that starts your day. No matter how a gift comes to you, how you respond to the gift reflects how capable you are of being grateful for everything you have been given.

Gratitude consists of three parts: the recognition of something you have been given, an appreciative attitude for having received it, and the ability to express your appreciation.

But gratitude is not just about receiving. The more grate-ful you can be for what you have in your life, the more willing you can be to give to others. This builds a habit of gratitude that begins with you and can extend outward to others. What results is a beautiful continuum to gratitude: as you take in the gifts you are given and are filled with gratitude for them, you can reach out to spread this gratitude to others.

Each day I will think of three things for which I am most grateful. I will spread this attitude of gratitude to others.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

I offer you no reward for being loyal to me, and surely I do not threaten you with pain, penalty, and dire disaster if you are indifferent to me.

~ Elbert Hubbard ~

We can learn a great deal about unselfish love from a pet. A cat or dog stays with us despite mixed messages of "Come here, I need you," and "Go away, you're bothering me." They're always there for us and expect nothing in return.

Are we as loyal to our friends, or do we demand they be there for us when we need them? If they don't show up, or they let us down, or they give disapproval, do we write them off? Being a friend or having one doesn't mean making demands. It also doesn't mean seeking retaliation if our demands aren't met.

We can allow others to show us friendship without making demands upon them. This means accepting their attention and love, as well as their lack of attention and their silence. Friends are not promises to be kept or admirers to be courted. Friends are blessings. The more we treat them like blessings, the more friends we'll be blessed with.

How well did I treat my friends today? I can let my friends be themselves, showing their own forms of love and respect.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~


Our addictive personalities can produce un-expected twists in character: Many of us can’t stand practicing addicts of any kind. It feels old to Twelfth-Step someone who re-minds us so sharply of where we came from. Who wants to get up at three o’clock in the morning to Twelfth-Step someone who’s high and probably won’t remember what you said anyway?

What’s the use? we may ask. We’re the use! Twelfth-Stepping is something we need to do to stay clean and sober. We may not like it all the time, but it keeps us growing.

Do I always carry the message to those who still suffer?

God give me the strength, patience, and love it requires to Twelfth-Step those who still suffer.

Today I will work on tolerance by

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

He who accounts all things easy will have many difficulties.



Is there any special way I should go about making an amends list? I think it's going to be a long one, and I don’t know if I can trust my memory.


There are many ways to make an Eighth Step list. One is to look at the Fourth Step inventory we wrote and review the names of those we feared or resented. Or we can make a list by starting with friends, work associates, and family members in our present lives, then working backward in time.

We make an effort to remember every person we’ve harmed, but if we've forgotten some, we don’t worry. As we continue to recover, memories return, often triggered by other people's sharing: we can add those names as they come to us.

Some recovering people choose to use index cards for the amends list. The idea is to write the person's name (we can add his or her address and phone number, if we have them) at the top of the card, then write a phrase or a sentence about exactly what sort of harm we caused. We then turn the card over and note which of our characteristics or feelings lay behind the harm that we caused (for example, fear or low self-esteem). If we then arrange our stack of index cards according to the characteristics we've named on the reverse side we may see clusters of attitudes and habits that reveal more to us about our underlying beliefs.

Today, I acknowledge that my thoughts and actions affect others.



It is not natural for a human being to be entirely contemptuous of public opinion. We all smart under criticism and we all enjoy applause. We cannot be blamed for purring like a cat when our fur is being rubbed the right way.

Neither public acclaim nor public censure is always deserved, however, and we should therefore temper our reactions to them until we have received the stamp of approval from the little man inside us, who really knows the facts as to our deserts.

~ WALK SOFTLY AND CARRY A BIG BOOK ~ (Official & Unofficial Sloganeering From the 12 Step Programs) ~

1) Keep an unmade mind instead of a mind made up.

2) No matter how fast or how far you go, you can't outrun God.

3) A winner is a loser who keeps on trying.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Blessings by the Buddha

May every creature abound in well-being and peace.
May every living being, weak or strong, the long
and the small, the short and the medium-sized, the
mean and the great,
May every living being, seen and unseen, those
living far off, those nearby, those already born,
those waiting to be born,
May all attain inward peace.

Let no one deceive another,
Let no one despise another in any situation,
Let no one, from apathy or hatred, wish evil to
anyone at all.
Just as a mother, with her own life, protects her
child from hurt,
So within yourself foster a limitless concern for
every living creature.

Display a heart of boundless love for all the world
In all its height and depth and broad extent,
Love unrestrained, without hate or hostility.

Then as you stand or walk, sit or lie, until overcome
by drowsiness, devote your mind entirely to this;
It is known as living here life divine.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~



Thou shalt not kill (Exodus 20:13 ).

As rules of conduct, the commandments are just such "thou shalt nots" as you see written up, “No smoking" or "No thoroughfare." But when you get behind the surface meaning, then "Thou shalt not" becomes "Thou canst not."

So this commandment, "Thou shalt not kill," is fundamentally an expression of the cosmic law that you cannot kill, and the sooner you find that out the better. We are always trying to kill. However, this commandment is here to tell us that to think we can kill anything is to lay up trouble for ourselves that will have to be met and wiped out some time or other.

Nothing ever dies from the outside. No one can kill your character. No one can kill your peace of mind. No one can kill your business, or your reputation, or anything that is yours. You can, but nobody else can. No man or woman was ever yet destroyed from the outside.

Many people waste their lives in thinking how they are being hurt, or damaged, or injured by other people; how good they could be, what marvelous things they could do, if it were not for others. So long as you believe that, you cannot progress. As soon as you know that nobody can hurt you, then you are free to overtake any mistakes, and to be and do the thing you want.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~


Drop the idea of making a bit record, and call in the energy of truth.

~ Kenny Loggins ~

When someone asks me how to write a successful book, I tell them, "come from your heart, tell the truth, and write for yourself. Do not write with the goal of pleasing people or becoming rich and famous. If you’re true to yourself, the world will acknowledge and support you. If you seek fame and glory, your values are inside out, and you're setting yourself up for struggle, frustration, and pain. Seek to serve, and your happiness is ensured.”

Kenny Loggins is one of the most beloved and successful musicians of our time; over 25 years, he has sold over 30 million albums. When I met Kenny, I found him to be one of the most sincere, genuine, and emotionally available people I have encountered. He lives in his heart and values relationship above glory. Kenny wrote one of his most popular albums, Leap of Faith, while he was going through a painful divorce. The songs on the album chronicle the emotions he wrestled with, as well as the vision of the new life he sought to live. Kenny was quite vulnerable about his process, and the album, a reflection of his turning point, has touched and changed many lives. I believe it is his most real.

Paul Simon went through a similar process. His career was sagging, and he was going through significant life changes. Ignited by the fire of transformation, he decided to chuck standard fare and follow his heart and play the music that turned him on the most. The result was his landmark Rhythm of the Saints album, which won a Grammy Award for Best Album of the Year and set him off on an international tour that broke down many walls of fear and prejudice as he brought musicians from different cultures together.

When I feel stuck, I remind myself of my true purpose. I am not here to gather accolades; I am here to remember who I am and express it without apology. Come from your heart, and the world will bless you with peace.

Help me remember that inner integrity is far more important than worldly glory.

I dedicate myself to authenticity. As I live what I am, I prosper in every way.

bluidkiti 08-07-2016 09:50 AM

August 7

Step by Step

Today, look to the 12th Step and ask if we are effective carriers of the message. Before we can carry the message, Step 12 suggests we first have a spiritual awakening and, second, we practice the principles of all 12 Steps and Traditions in"all our affairs." If, on honest evaluation, we can truthfully attest to a spiritual awakening and to practicing the principles of the 12 Steps "in all our affairs," we might be an effective carrier of the message to someone who is both struggling to get and stay sober. But if we scoff at the idea of a spiritual awakening or apply some of the program's principles selectively, how can we be an effective 12th-Stepper? How do we carry a message we have not embraced? Because a way of keeping what we have been given in the program is to give it away, we seek wisdom from our higher power to be humbled to carry the message. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


The actual enemy is the unknown.

~ Thomas Mann ~

Before we entered the Program, fear of the unknown was a large part of our lives. After a time in recovery, we learn how to control that fear by controlling our tendency to return to old behavior or use of harmful substances.

We know that recovery based wholly on fear will not last. If we spend all our time being afraid of our addiction, we won't be able to enjoy the changes and discoveries of our new life. We function better on common sense. Our understanding of fear needs to be based in reality. We thrive on trust rather than worry, uncertainty and dread.

We are taught that we don't need to fear the unknown when we learn to turn it over to our Higher Power. The unknown becomes simply a chance to change for the better.

Much of my fear of the unknown springs from my lack of confidence in coping with unexpected experiences. I am learning to live without anticipating trouble, and to deal with it when it comes.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.

~ Pablo Picasso ~

We fear trying something that we are not good at. We don’t want to do something that we don’t already have a handle on. If it isn’t our usual way, we doubt that it’s right for us. We are afraid of looking foolish, or we are suspicious of things that are unfamiliar.

But let us look at the most accomplished people we know. They didn’t achieve greatness by repeating what they already knew. They felt strong enough within themselves—they had the courage—to take risks. Failures were part of their learning and became the basis for greater accomplishment.

Some men get older without ever getting wiser or more grown up. They hold willfully onto what they already know. This lifestyle, living in the light of the Twelve Step program, challenges us to continually push into new territories of growth. We walk on paths where we cannot always see around the next turn. We don’t know how to recover before we get on the path of recovery.

Today is another day in which I will do thing? that push my learning forward.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

I used to think, this is just the way I am. Now I know that I create myself anew—every day.

~ Jill Clark ~

Even when we wallowed in drags and self-pity, we were in charge of our choices. Try as we might to blame others for our failures, the buck stops here.

The necessity of taking responsibility for our entire life may be one of the hardest lessons we have to learn. We can start accepting responsibility by following the example of others in this circle of recovery. We can quit blaming parents, teachers, siblings, or neighbors for our problems and habitual defects of character.

We must finally accept that we always had choices on how to respond to every transgression against us. As youngsters we may not have felt empowered to stand up for ourselves, but we must take that step now, or be forever stuck in the patterns of the past.

Today is a clean slate. I will be me, whoever I decide "me” is. I will become a work of art today.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I have strength and patience

When I was at bottom with my dual disorder I could hardly get out of bed or stop crying. I could hardly eat or stop obsessing. I was desperate. I was afraid that I might never find relief. Finally I got evaluated by a psychiatrist who prescribed psychotherapy and a psychiatric medication. She warned me that it would take a couple of weeks for the medicine to become effective. It felt like forever.

But with the help of my higher power and my sponsor, I managed to hang on until the medication could take effect. And through the process, I learned something very important about myself: I have more strength and patience than I ever knew. I am strong enough to allow time to help me heal.

In my journal I will describe two ways I am strong or patient.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

That is the happiest conversation where there is no competition, no vanity, but a calm, quiet interchange of sentiments.

~ Samuel Johnson ~

When we say “We’re not communicating well,” often what we’re really saying is, “I’m communicating just fine; it’s the other person who isn’t communicating well!” We tend to expect other people, especially those closest to us, to know instinctively what we want to hear. But not everyone communicates the same way, and it’s easier to change ourselves than the other person.

When we talk to a loved one about our recovery, our new sober friends, and our new experiences, we may be disappointed because they don’t react the way we expected. We’re hurt and believe since we initiated the discussion, the other person has the communication problem.

But we can’t change another, we can’t force someone to say the words we long to hear. We can only change ourselves. We can start by letting go of expectations. Trust in our Higher Power can help us feel safe even when things don’t go as we’d planned. We can forgive others for not being as we’d hoped. And we can choose to share our joy in recovery with those who understand and will nurture us. Sharing our feelings for the simple pleasure of self-expression can bring us great joy. In doing this, we communicate our true selves.

Today let me share honestly and without expectations.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

God brings men into deep waters, not to drown them, but to cleanse them.

~ John Aughey ~

A woman who had great faith rented a boat with the intent of crossing a lake. “Be back within the hour,” the boat rental owner advised. “A storm is coming.” The woman smiled, “God will protect me.”

When she was partway across the lake, the storm rolled In and her boat capsized. Soon she saw the boat rental owner steering a boat toward her. “Get in,” he shouted, but the woman said, “God will save me.”

Sometime later, the woman heard a helicopter and saw a long cable extending down toward her. “Climb up,” the pilot shouted, but she refused. “God will take care of me.” It was not long before the woman was standing, dripping wet, before God. “Why did you let me drown?” she asked. “I have faith in you. I thought you would save me.” or “Who do you think sent the boat and the helicopter?” God asked.

Remember that your Higher Power can be a lifesaver, but only when you can grab hold and take action on your own. Reach out to God whenever you are in need, but also take responsibility for finding what you are looking for.

Today I have faith in a Higher Power and also in myself.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

I been so busy thinking about Him I never truly notice nothing God make. Not a blade of corn (how it do that?) not the color purple (where it come from?). Not the little wildflowers. Nothing.

~ Alice Walker, The Color Purple ~

Each snowflake that falls from the sky has a different pattern. Every fall foliage season is a spectacular pallet of oranges, reds, and yellows. The height of the giant redwoods is astounding. The rainbow after a rainstorm, the camouflage of nature's insects and animals, and the majesty of the mountains are just a few of the natural wonders of the world.

How often do we notice these wonders? How often do we go out of our way to discover a new path, or vary our schedules to include a new hobby, task, or person in our lives?

Tonight we can slow down the pace and notice the things around us. If we can quietly think about these things for a few minutes, then we have meditated upon them and brought ourselves spiritually closer to them. We can begin to notice the creations of our Higher Power and appreciate their beauty.

Am I grateful for the creations of my Higher Power?


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Getting past the differences

Although the language of the Twelve Step program may sound religious at times, its goals are entirely spiritual. Whether we hold atheistic, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or other beliefs, we are welcome in the fellowship.

To take part, all we need to do is accept that we have addiction we cannot handle on our own and accept that a power greater than ourselves can help.

Can I take what I like from the program and leave the rest?

Higher Power, help me see what I share with others in the program and to let go of the differences.

Today I will decide what I like, and dislike, about the program by

God help me to stay clean and sober to day!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

What is not recorded is not remembered.



What if I don't think that I've harmed many people or that the harm was significant?


There's a program saying that when a train is wrecked, it's not just the engineer who gets hurt. We're not alone; none of us live in total isolation from others.

Perhaps we haven't stolen money, attacked anyone with our fists, demolished someone's character, or been sexually irresponsible. But if we've been angry impatient, and critical, those around us have suffered from our lack of under- standing and appreciation. Or have we been smothering and over responsible, enabling others to neglect their own responsibilities? It simply isn't possible for someone whose life has been affected by an addiction not to have caused some damage whether the damage has been mental, physical, or spiritual.

Taking this Step gently but thoroughly, neither overstating nor ignoring the impact we've had on others, can liberate us from the incorrect belief that we have no effect in the world.

Today, I'm open to the healing that begins withmaking a list of everyone whom I have harmed.



Service ends one of his verses in this fashion, “it’s the keeping on living that's hard.” Living has always been hard, not only for the alcoholic, but for humanity in general, since the beginning of recorded history, and was probably even worse before that.

We are surrounded on all sides by people who find living all too rugged for their puny strength. This is our opportunity. We find we can lighten their load of living and, curiously enough, we find that we lighten our own loads in so doing. Living then becomes less hard for us and assumes a sweetness that appears divine in its richness.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Let the Worst Be Known

Lord, this I pray,
As long as I'm preoccupied with my own secret problems, not sharing them with anyone, I'm critical, insensitive, selfish, and full of self-pity.
Help me to share and honestly reveal my secret problems.
O God, show me the way out.
Show me the way to make the worst known, for then I will honestly release my secret problems to those close to me and surrender them to You.
This suffering will pass.
This suffering I will use in understanding and helping others.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~



Thou shalt not commit adultery (Exodus 20:14).

Naturally, this commandment means what it says. The Christian standard of conduct with regard to personal purity will never be improved on. Not to commit adultery is fundamentally important because on it is founded the sanctity of the family. But, of course, there is a great deal more in it than that.

One of the most common Hebrew synonyms was adultery for idolatry. In the Old Testament these two words are almost always interchangeable. The worship of false gods was described as adultery. The fundamental idea behind this commandment is to have one God. As you read through the Old Testament, you will find that the idea of the adulterous woman who is unfaithful to her husband constantly means the human soul that is turning away to some other god.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Divine Order Now

Now let the weeping cease;
let no one mourn again.
These things are in the hand of God.

~ Sophocles ~

We regret to announce that Flight 317 has been canceled due to mechanical trouble. Please stay in the waiting room until we have a further advisory." A wave of groans and protests rose from the mass of disgruntled passengers. The stress level grew higher when the agent announced that the airline had found a replacement plane, but it was smaller than the original one; passengers for the new flight would be selected by lottery. Passenger Eric Butterworth reminded himself that divine order was in force, and if he was to be on that plane, he would be. He recognized that anxious stressing or complaining would not help anyone, and placed the whole affair in the hands of God. Dr. Butterworth saw that nearly everyone in the room was upset except for one man who seemed relaxed, taking it all in stride. Eric took a seat next to the fellow and struck up a conversation. Soon, the results of the lottery were announced. Can you guess which names were called first? That's right—Dr. Butterworth and his newfound friend.

Jesus reminded us, "Take no thought for tomorrow." Tomorrow means anything in the future. He asked, "Can any among you add one cubit to your height or one day to your life through anxious worry?" Of course not. The serenity prayer reminds us to ask: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

A Course in Miracles suggests that we affirm, "l place the future in the hands of God." Indeed we must, because the future is in the hands of God. We do not need to feverishly hustle to make sure everything will turn out right. We attract all that turns out right by being at peace.

Help me to not be distracted by appearances. Let me remember that You are in charge, love is present, and all is well.

Divine order is in force here, now, and always.

bluidkiti 08-08-2016 07:52 AM

August 8

Step by Step

Today, I will like myself and, in the process, maybe allow someone else to like me. I will not let the shame, regret, selfishness and self-pity of my drinking days weigh me down in guilt and self-loathing that erect walls to keep the good out. I will realize that being sober in this 24 Hours can be the starting point of self-acceptance and amends which, in turn, might let others see I have begun the journey of recovery and all it entails. And in liking myself, I hope to gain the self-respect not to drink or use because, today, I have no reason to fear or be ashamed of the man in the mirror. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


The 13th Step is taken by members who suffer from the delusion that sex can cure their addiction.

~ Anonymous ~

Both women and men practice the selfish 13th Step. They're not always easy to spot. Some go to meetings and appear to work the Program while others just sit around clubhouses, eyeballing members of the opposite sex (always newcomers), waiting for their chance to pounce. Newcomers, being somewhat bewildered, sometimes confuse lust with love and fall victim to this dangerous game.

Many newcomers have run from the Program when they realize the "help" being offered was a mask for sexual favors. Many of these unsuspecting newcomers never come back. Sex has never cured anyone's obsessions or addictions.

I am responsible for not using my experience in the Program to take advantage of a fellow member, especially a newcomer. If I see anyone 13th Stepping, I will do what I can to tell the person how unlucky the 13th Step is.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

The important thing in life is not to have a good hand but to play it well.

~ Louis N. Fortin ~

We all admire a man who gets dealt a difficult hand and plays it well. Most of us have been dealt a mixed hand in life. We had some bad breaks and some advantages. Many of those things we have no choice about; our starting point is the situation we find ourselves in. But we have a lot of choices about how we handle our situation. We cannot choose to have a lot of wealth today; we cannot choose to be free of family problems today; and if we have a health problem, that is what we must deal with. But we can choose how we will respond to our circumstances, and we can choose what kind of person we will be.

No one can take away the quality of our character or the attitude we have toward our situation. We find real meaning for life when we focus on the choices we can make. We set our sights on being the best kind of man we know how to be, even when we have to deal with tough circumstances.

Today the meaning I get from life comes from growing in my strength of character.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

Most of us spend our energy seeking the highs in an effort to avoid the lows. Unfortunately, these false highs are not really nourishing.

~ Niro Asistent ~

Emotional highs energize us. All of us experience them. Most of us crave them, but unfortunately they are short-lived. When external circumstances elevate our mood, their absence brings us back down. Highs like these set us up for disappointment.

Recovery can change this aspect of our lives. Using the Twelve Steps, we are able to experience highs as a natural response to our interior activity. Feeling as good as we want to feel, every day, is possible when we decide to use the Steps: to look to our Higher Power for knowledge of what to do on a daily basis, to seek comfort when we are filled with fear, to receive courage when amends are in order. Our emotions will reflect how consistently we use the Steps. We can be energized by highs every day if we so desire.

I can feel a nourishing high today if I use the tools of the program to guide me.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I need to let go of temporary losses

I make my favorite meal and it doesn’t satisfy me. I go out to eat and nothing on the menu interests me. I feel hungry but can't eat. There are times these days when I feel angry with my dual disorder; I can't enjoy something that has given me pleasure in the past. Sometimes it feels like there is little left in my day ro look forward to. (And then I feel more like using.)

But to avoid a slip, I need to keep in mind that recovery involves upset and change—letting go of old ways, slowly learning new ones. And letting go includes losses—even temporary ones, like my favorite foods. In the meantime, I might discover some delicious new food.

I will come up with two foods and two activities that I still enjoy these days, despite my illnesses.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

let all go dear so comes love

~ e. e. Cummings ~

The concept of “letting go,” surrendering so change will occur in our lives, is not new to us. Our addicted life required complete surrender to our drug of choice. Physical, emotional, and spiritual sacrifices were demanded of us on a daily basis. These sacrifices gained us nothing but pain and isolation and self- hate. Yet we clung to them, afraid to let go.

We still have a daily duty now, a duty to our recovery. Our most important task is to understand and accept what we cannot control — our addiction, other people, the past, the weather — and turn them over to our Higher Power.

How satisfying surrender in sobriety is today! What relief we feel when we turn our cares over to God, knowing He will help us find a new way to live. In surrender, we discover and claim serenity, fellowship, integrity, accountability, peace, focus, and the love of our Higher Power.

Today help me let go of at least one thing I cannot change.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

A lie may take care of the present, but it has no future.

~ Author unknown ~

When you were using, you most likely knew that you had a problem with drugs or alcohol but you were afraid to acknowledge this truth to yourself. So you may have lied to yourself and told yourself that things were not that bad. You convinced yourself of one big lie: that you could, in fact, stop anytime you wanted to. You just did not want to.

You also lied because you were afraid of what others would think of you. Perhaps they suspected you had a problem with drugs and alcohol. But you created lies to convince them they were wrong and told more lies to cover up your addictive behaviors.

Yet here you are in recovery. Your lies may have bought you a little time and postponed the inevitable, but they never changed the fact that you were an addict. And now, in recovery, you have learned that you can experience greater freedom and peace when you no longer lie, cover up, or act in secrecy. Today you can acknowledge, with total honesty, that you are an addict. Recovery helps you to see the value in honesty. Your truthfulness sets you free from your former life.

The program teaches me honesty and releases me from fear so I will speak truthfully.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

The man who goes alone can start today, but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready.

~ Henry David Thoreau ~

Do we ever change our minds or our plans, depending on what another person says? Maybe we'd like some time alone, but because another wants us to do something else we bow to those wishes. We may even feel lost unless someone provides us with suggestions of things to do.

It's up to us to undertake our own journeys in life. If we're always waiting to see what someone else will do, we'll be waiting forever. We need to make independent choices and decisions without feeling linked to the wishes or desires of others.

Tonight we can begin our journeys by making our choices. Our desires are important, and it's equally important to stick to them no matter what the wishes of another.

It's okay to change my mind and my plans if I wish, choose to be alone , or ask to be with another. The decision is mine to make.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Recovering love

Our Higher Power has always loved us and always will. Our problem is learning to accept and believe that. While using mood- altering chemicals, we were unable to accept this love. Later, we could not even believe in this love. And for many of us, the same problems are true in our other relationships.

By getting free of mood-altering chemicals, by getting into recovery and going to Twelve Step meetings, we will see love in action. We will see that it is real and can be trusted. We will feel its power to heal and make whole.

Am I experiencing love again?

Higher Power, help me to absorb the love that flows in the fellowship.

Today I will be especially loving toward

God help me to stay clean and sober to day!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

The same heart beats in every human breast.



Why do I hear some people say that they've put themselves on their own Eighth Step list? I thought that this Step was about the harm we did to other people.


The harm we did to other people also harmed us. All harm is also self-harm, just as all deception is also self-deception.

Take lying, for example. When I told a lie, I damaged my own relationship to the truth, to my Higher Power, and to others. One consequence of telling a lie was to feel guilty; unable to tolerate the feeling of guilt, I turned to my addiction to numb myself, The people to whom I lied may have been misled, but my lies affected me by damaging my self-esteem and blocking my connection with my spirit. After we've made an Eighth Step list of people we've harmed, we may also want to add a note in each case, of the ways we harmed ourselves in the process. It will then be clear whether or not we should add our own names to the list of people to whom we owe amends.

Today, I become willing to make amends to myself.



Some of us wear our AA like we wear our clothes, entirely as external adornment and protection, and to hide what is underneath.

There are many, however, who wear their AA in such a way that the AA way of living is so predominant in their appearance that all other apparel is unnoticed. To see such a person, the reaction is not to observe a gray suit or a blue dress, but a personality that radiates a character made beautiful by the simple code of living as found in our Twelve Steps.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Thank You God

Thank You, God, for hearing my prayers and granting my requests.
Thank You for the kindness You have shown me, and the good people who surround me.
Thank You for giving me this new life in recovery, and your great patience in helping me with my shortcomings.
Thank You for protecting me from the things that tempt me, and may my thoughts and actions demonstrate my gratitude to You.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~



Thou shalt not steal (Exodus 20:15).

Many people will say, “We always knew that we must not steal. If we do we shall have trouble and probably wind up in prison.” All through the ages it is only the smallest percentage of human beings who have stolen. Respect for other people's property was learned early in the history of civilization. However, this most fundamental law of life means that actually we cannot steal. You may say you know someone who broke into your house and took your silver. The burglar who took your silver actually transferred some silver from your house to someone else’s house, but did he get away with it? If that silver belonged to you by right of consciousness, all the burglars in the world could not have taken it away. In fact, if you had this understanding, you could take a ten dollar bill, put it on the sidewalk in Times Square, and return the next day and it would still be there. Your consciousness of the presence of God in other people would have been so strong that no one could have taken from you what belonged to you by right of that consciousness.

These ten laws of life are things that cannot be done, and so, says the great prophet in effect, do not waste yourself or your life trying to do these things. They cannot be done. They conflict with the fundamental Law of Being.

When we give up trying to steal, then we shall begin to have our own. We shall come into our own rights, and when we get that, liberation will not be very far off.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

I’m Enough

The truth about you is so lofty that nothing unworthy of God is unworthy of you.

~ A Course in Miracles ~

While shopping one day, I met a woman whom I found very attractive. Before I left her store, I told her, "I think you're very pretty." Her response took me by surprise. Quickly, she answered, "I'm a twin."

As I walked away, I tried to understand why she would say that. I believe she was unable to receive the compliment fully. By pointing out that she had a twin, she was, in effect, saying, “Yes, but there are actually two of me, so l do not have to own the full responsibility of being pretty."

Many of us have difficulty accepting compliments because we subconsciously believe that we are not worthy of them. A compliment triggers our discomfort of believing that if the complimenters knew the truth about us, they would find the contrary. We do not recognize that the person who compliments us is closer to the truth than we are.

There are many ways in which we deflect love when it's offered. We say no to money when it's available, and we sabotage jobs. We deal similarly with relationships, running from quality people, acting in ways that we know will make them leave, or settling for less than we want and deserve. In sexuality, we may stop ourselves from receiving real pleasure or experiencing orgasm because we fear feeling vulnerable or being overwhelmed by the energy of love Then we go on living at half-steam and wonder why we are not happy.

We can cultivate our capacity to receive and enjoy love. Practice letting compliments in. Instead of firing off a polite “Thank you,” take a breath and a moment to let the gift seep in; this will energize you and bless the giver. When offered money or support, gratefully accept. In relationships and sexuality, don't settle for half-fulfillment; cultivate being filled with the gifts your partner brings Then we can all be wholly beautiful and lovable, no matter how many of us there are.

I pray to be able to fully receive the love that is offered me.

I honor God and myself by letting the love in.

bluidkiti 08-09-2016 07:16 AM

August 9

Step by Step

"Have I ever wanted a drink during these years? Only once did I suffer from a nearly overpowering compulsion to take a drink. Oddly enough, the circumstances and surroundings were pleasant. I was at a beautifully set dinner table. I was in a perfectly happy frame of mind. I had been in AA a year, and the last thing in my mind was a drink. There was a glass of sherry at my place. I was seized with an almost uncontrollable desire to reach out for it. I shut my eyes and asked for help. In 15 seconds or less, the feeling passed." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, "Alcoholics Anonymous Number Three," Ch 9 ("The Man Who Mastered Fear"), p 285.

Today, a reminder that my life has been relatively good if and when I have been tempted to drink. That the temptation sneaks on me when life is good asks the question if I still harbor self-destructive traits or if my ego is such that I think I "deserve" a "reward" of a drink. And when I see a CC and Coke or whiskey sour or a drink that has a soft inviting golden glow, do I think about the "good" times I had with drinking? Or do I remember that a drink has always led me to waking the next morning to that same golden color - in my vomit - or the headache so overpowering that it is beyond the aspirin cure and a stomach churning so violently that the smell of coffee is enough to trigger the dry heaves? Do I remember that the sight of a drink represents another DUI arrest and maybe another night in the county jail's drunk tank? Whatever! If and when I am tempted, I can and must do what I have to do if I don't want to take that first drink: "shut my eyes and ask for help." Today, I will be strong enough to ask for help, and I will not forget where the first drink will take me. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


God will never give you more than you can handle.

~ Anonymous ~

There were times before we began our recovery that a trip to the store was too much for us. As time went on, we could handle less and less. Our addiction had made the simplest tasks unmanageable. The more we relied on ourselves the more we were let down. We became the ultimate of basket cases.

Now, in recovery, we have opened to a Power that takes care of all our concerns. We are asked to take certain Steps and work our Program. Satisfaction comes in knowing that God will never give us more than we can handle. We soon realize that we can handle much more than we thought.

Our temptation is to slip back into our old patterns when things got complicated. We used to think we could hide from our troubles. Now we trust in God and allow our Higher Power to work for us.

In time, simple solutions appear. Calmness returns. I don't need to fear change or problems.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

Ritual is the way you carry the presence of the sacred. Ritual is the spark that must not go out.

~ Christina Baldwin ~

We celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, births, graduations, and holidays. These events mark important times and turning points. Many of us have not honored these rituals, or we have doubted their meaning in life. Some of us have seen rituals used in false and hollow ways, and as a result deprived ourselves of the honest and deep rewards that flow from true and meaningful observances. Many of us are awakening from a time when all of life lost its meaning, and rituals also seemed empty.

Now we are transforming into men who are not cynical, who don’t diminish the landmarks in our lives. So we send birthday cards, we light a candle for the memory of a departed grandparent, and we give a gift to acknowledge our partner’s special day. The ritual of observing one month of sobriety can be even more meaningful than one decade’s observance. All events deserve some attention to mark those times. They bring us to attention. In our humility we accept the attention and we give attention to others.

Today I will take note of important life events and will plan to mark them with appropriate rituals.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

God loves us so much that whatever fills our minds is what God thinks we want.

~ Dudley Martineau ~

What do we commonly dwell on? For some of us, it’s how we fail to measure up to our expectations. Exaggerating and dwelling on our imperfections keep us stuck.

Sponsors tell us that God gives us what we think we want, but how does that work? Does whatever we hold in our mind become real? Carefully reviewing what has happened may con- vice us of this. Many experiences we dreaded indeed materialized. Just as often, fantasies we seldom dared to dream didn’t come our way.

While it’s true that there is much over which we have no control, the thoughts we dwell on are within our power. Every thought we harbor is a direct communication to God. We will experience what we keep asking for through the thoughts we send to God.

God is listening to every thought I have today. I will get what I want.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I want to stop acting out

I had been sober and stable for a while and it felt great. But then recently I had a lapse. Almost before I was aware of it, almost without thinking, I became very upset and then acted out.

I was nervous but I brought this up at my group anyway. In the discussion, I learned that urges usually weaken in just a few minutes. (Could I practice waiting them out? Could I learn a relaxation technique?) I also learned that to avoid lapses that can turn into slips, to avoid overreacting, it helps to know what I am feeling at any given time and to know what pushes my buttons.

At some point today I will take a few minutes to get relaxed and find out what I am feeling.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

God setteth the solitary in families.

~ Psalms 68:6 ~

There are so many sides to all of us. It’s not just a matter of “good” or “bad.”

Perhaps this is most true within our own family. Whoever makes up our family — whether it’s our children, parents, spouse, or friends — the feelings we have are often intense and contradictory.

Some of our relationships are strained. Some are improving. Where there is active addiction, everything often seems hopeless. Feelings change from day to day.

Our families can be the source of our greatest joys and our greatest pain. But in recovery, we are ready — body, mind, and spirit — to find balance in our lives. We are healthy again, able to see more clearly the shades of gray — the many sides that most people have. Now, we are learning not to think of people as “good” or “bad,” but to understand, love and accept them, and ourselves, as we are.

Today let me focus on how much I care about my family and how I can tell them I care.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

Only through our connectedness to others can we really know and enhance the self. And only through working on the self can we begin to enhance our connectedness to others.

~ Harriet Goldhor Lemer ~

How many times do you compare yourself to others and think, “I’ll never be good enough.” When you look at others and recognize their strengths, but then look at yourself and see only your weaknesses, you are creating a form of comparative measurement in which the worth of others rises while your self-confidence drops. By the same token, if you choose to look only at the faults of others as a way of boosting your self-confidence, you are judging your own self-worth through a false comparison.

When you can enjoy your life without comparing it to the life of others, you can develop a greater connection to those around you. You can learn from them and use their experiences to influence yours in positive ways. The greater your ability is to forge connections with others, the more you will be able to see how much you share in common with them.

When you can look at your own strengths and see your I own value, and look at others in the same way, you have i the opportunity to build a shared experience with them.

Today I will not compare myself to others, but connect with them.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

I have accepted fear as a part of life—specifically the fear of change . . . I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: turn back. . . .

~ Erica Jong ~

There comes a time in every horror movie when we know something bad is going to happen. We can feel the tension and the pounding of our hearts, and we may want to scream at the actors to alert them of danger. But that's only a movie.

We will feel fear whenever we see darkness and not light. We will feel fear whenever we imagine someone or something is out to get us. Before the program, our lives were filled with many real dangers, yet we may not have seen them as real. Today our lives can be filled with safety, security, and harmony, if we see and face real dangers and not imaginary ones.

Life isn't a horror movie where danger is always lurking around the corner. There isn't some big monster out to grab us. The only fears we have tonight are those that spring forth from the shadows of the unknown.

Tonight I can remember my fears are based on making changes in myself for the better. It's okay to be afraid, as long as I don' t let this fear rule—and ruin—my life.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Admitting unmanageability

“What do you mean, ‘unmanageable’?” we ask when we first come into the program. (And we are surprised at the smiling faces and suppressed chuckles.) We have been living with our delusions for so long that we really believe everything is okay—or will be okay next week. We simply can’t see how out of control our lives truly are: angry creditors, unemployment, separation or divorce, health problems.

Some of these situations were ridiculous, others tragic—and still we fantasized that we were in control. After a period of time in the program, however, living with them seems hard to imagine. But if we still think we have control, we need to ask for help in facing our delusions and our tomorrow-will-be-better syndrome.

Have I turned the management of my life over to God?

Higher Power, help me to truly accept Step One.

I will look at what is unmanageable in my life today by

God help me to stay clean and sober to day!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

I don't think of all the misery, but of all the beauty that still remains.



How can I forgive my parents and other people who shaped my childhood? If I'd gotten what I needed when I was young, I wouldn't have to go through all this stuff I'm facing now.


In the process of looking back at our past, we see the circumstances of our childhood in a clear light. We see how we reacted to situations that weren't of our making. We see that we did whatever we could to survive intact; we developed our own particular strategies and strengths. Today, we may feel as if all we can do is to assign blame to others and feel anger and resentment. We may not be ready to forgive people who harmed us. If this is the case, we can acknowledge it by saying, "Today, I'm not able to forgive ¬_____.” Forgiveness can't be forced. However, we needn't assume that we will never feel it.

Once we've looked honestly at our past, we can accept that we have survived it, and that we can take the actions necessary to be restored to wholeness. One such action is to become willing to forgive ourselves, whether or not we're ready to forgive others. We can forgive ourselves for everything we wish we had done differently and for whatever qualities in ourselves we've ignored or rejected. Forgiving ourselves is a necessity.

Today, I am grateful for my life and for my capacity to heal.



In their first efforts to grasp the Program, the new men are very frequently at a loss as to how to begin. They feel they have been so wrong in their attitude toward God and man that it appears that they have a multitude of things to do, when actually it can to a large degree be combined into one short sentence—act toward your fellow man as though God were watching and toward God as though man were watching.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Celtic Morning Prayer

This morning, as I kindle the fire upon my hearth, I pray that the flame of God's love may burn in my heart, and the hearts of all I meet today.

I pray that no envy or anger, no hatred or fear, may smother the flame.

I pray that indifference and apathy, contempt and pride, may not pour like cold water on the fire.

Instead, may the spark of God's love light the love in my heart, that it may burn brightly throughout the day.

And may I warm those who are lonely, whose hearts are cold and lifeless, so that all may know the comfort of Gods love.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~



Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour (Exodus 20:16).

First, the obvious meaning is very important although it is only the beginning—do not tell lies about people.

We have to apply this principle of not bearing false witness right throughout our lives. It is very important to practice because whatever you say about another person will happen to you, yourself. If you lie about another person—that is an unpleasant word but I am using it because it is the right word—someone will lie about you. Jesus says so in the seventh chapter of Matthew, verses one and two:

Judge not, that ye be not judged.

For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

However, the fundamental meaning of this commandment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness," is that you always express what you are. You cannot be one thing and express another. Emerson says, "What you are shouts so loudly that I cannot hear what you say." We are always witnessing to what we are. So again, "Thou shalt not" really means "You cannot"—you cannot permanently bear false witness.

The true witness is the full expression of God's man. You will be bearing true witness to your neighbor when you are regenerated in soul. What does regeneration mean? It means the building of a new soul, not correcting the old one. When you change the soul, automatically the flesh changes, the skin changes, the blood vessels and the nerves and the bones change. But regeneration must begin with a change in the soul, not with anything in the outer world.

When we really know these things, we shall be bearing true witness.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Be the First

I walked up to an old monk and asked him, "What is the audacity of humility?" Do you know what his answer was? "To be the first to say 'I love you."'

~ Father Theophane, Tales of a Magic Monastery ~

One of my favorite little-known movies is Secret Admirer, in which a teenage girl sends an unsigned love letter to a male friend she has a crush on. He guesses the letter is from another girl and sends a romantic reply to her. When the letter falls into his father's night-school accounting book, Dad surmises it was put there by his teacher, to whom he makes overtures. To retaliate, the boy's mom sets out to date the teacher's husband. You can imagine the web of convoluted relationships that unfurl in the wake of one unsigned note!

Finally, the girl who originally sent the letter despairs of ever receiving the boy's affection and sets off on an ocean voyage. Just as she's about to leave, the boy figures out the letter was from her and realizes he loves her, too. He speeds to the dock to try to stop her, only to find her ship making its way out of the harbor. At the top of his lungs, he shouts, "I love you!"

The girl shouts back, "I love you, too!" and each dives into the water to meet for a long-overdue kiss.

If we are unwilling to make a stand for our love, we create all kinds of aberrations and convolutions, until the universe forces us to tell the truth about who we are and what we feel. While it may seem safer to wait for someone else to say "I love you," we empower ourselves and bestow a great gift when we're willing to be the first one to say it. I tell many people, "I love you"—not just romantic interests, but friends, teachers, co-workers, and people I have a sense of kinship with. If I feel it, I say it. "I love you" does not have to mean romance or sex. It may just mean, "I love you," the three words that everyone wants to hear but not everyone is willing to say first. Be true to your heart, and you will not want for love.

Give me the courage to be a great lover.

I am powerful in my love, and I express it fearlessly.

bluidkiti 08-10-2016 07:29 AM

August 10

Step by Step

"I did not know that I had no power over alcohol, that I, alone and unaided, could not stop; that I was on a downgrade, tearing along at full speed with all my brakes gone, and that the end would be a total smash-up, death or insanity. I had already feared insanity for a long time ...I was not just drunk, I was crazy." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, "They Stopped in Time," Ch. 13 ("Stars Don't Fall"), p 408.

Today, let me not forget that drinking propelled me not into mere drunkenness but into a blackened fog that defies any definition of responsible conduct. As such, my recovery hinges not only on total abstinence but also on spiritual and emotional repair of the dysfunctional thought and behavioral patterns that were either acquired by my drinking or worsened by it. And, even if I tell myself I am still unconvinced of a higher power, let me thank whatever force pulled me back from the "crazy" to find this program and let me not claim "credit" for finding it alone. Likewise, just as I did not come into the program on my own strength, let me accept that not drinking also cannot depend on my own strength. May I cling to whatever it was that rescued me so that I can progress in the program and in sobriety. Today, let me remember that I am doomed to repeat my past if I don't learn from it, and the most important lesson that I have is to continue trusting whatever force salvaged me from "crazy." And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


A person shows their true self by how much they need other people.

~ Anonymous ~

What giving we have discovered in our Fellowship! From the very first meeting, we received an outstretched hand that offered us help. People gave freely and asked nothing in return. We, who had known so much taking, could hardly believe what we experienced. It just didn't seem real.

The reality is no put-on. There is a spirit of selfless fellowship in our Program. But the truth is that those who are giving are also keeping. The gem they are holding onto is their recovery. Only those who give what they have found away can keep it.

Every time we share with another human being, we add something to our spiritual bank account, allowing us to draw on it when extra demands are made upon our courage. In the measure in which we share our burdens, they become lighter.

Imagine people saving their lives by giving them away! Oh, that I can only be so selfish!


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

In every marriage more than a week old, there are grounds far divorce. The trick is to find, and continue to find, grounds for marriage.

~ Robert Anderson ~

What is the purpose of a loving partnership? It is to enjoy the relationship. We reach adulthood with only the tools and expectations we learned as children about close relationships. Those childhood experiences, good or bad, are what we unconsciously play out unless we continue to develop. The intensity of adult love and passion can carry us into deep water, beyond our ability to trust, honor, and partner with someone. When we look at what we are asking from our partner, it is often the thing we would ask of the perfect parent.

Now it is time to become adult and carry our share. Rather than focus on what we want in a partner, we need to learn to be the best partner we can be. Each partner sets the standards for a good relationship. We cannot allow ourselves to say, “I only act this way because my partner acts that way.” When we don’t give that excuse, when we expect the best of ourselves regardless of our partner, we set the standard that we seek, and the relationship changes.

Today I will be the best partner I can be, regardless of what my partner does.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

Life is short; eat dessert first.

~ Joy Sommers ~

Some say that attitude is everything. Many of us have endured abusive families, unreasonable bosses, and the uncertainty of illness. But not all of us carry the pain and fear of the past into the present. We have found new patterns of thinking and behaving now that we’ve come to this program for help. Here we cultivate the attitude that we each are doing the best we can with the knowledge we have. We can forgive ourselves for our transgressions.

When we decide to let go of experiences that can’t be changed, we find so much more joy in the present. The decision to seek joy and love now is like eating dessert first. The quickening pace of our lives as we age is reason enough to grasp every moment and savor its joy.

Being more light-hearted today promises me memories worth savoring.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I want to face my anxieties

I used to always think something bad was going to happen. It was less a thought than a general feeling. I wasn't aware of it all of the time—but it was there. I wanted to prevent it, but I didn't know how. I didn't really know what to prevent. Worrying like that made it harder for me to relax, harder for me to get anything done.

One day I finally got tired of worrying so much, realized I needed help, and contacted my counselor. First, she reassured me that many folks in recovery from addiction experience anxiety. She said it might subside over time, but that I could talk with a psychiatrist if I wanted to. Then she taught me a helpful relaxation exercise that I could practice at home, whether I consulted a doctor or not. Just acknowledging my anxiety helped me feel better that day-just as it does today.

I will make a list of what I am worried about today and trust that I can get help.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

Forgiveness is better than revenge; for forgiveness is the sign of a gentle nature, but revenge the sign of a savage nature.

~ Epictetus ~

We remember how it felt when we plotted revenge against past enemies. If we are honest with ourselves we probably will remember feelings of anger, power, control, and frustration. If the actual vengeful act was carried out, we probably then experienced more anger, more frustration, and more pain.

These feelings have no place in a successful recovery. They inhibit our growth by keeping alive our past guilt, envy, and anger. Now that we have come to learn the wisdom of a Twelve Step approach to life, we can see the folly of revenge. This cannot be positive when our feelings are so destructive.

Forgiveness grants us a different kind of power. It gives us a chance to experience kindness, understanding, and humility. We become gentle in nature and more able to use our minds for positive change. We can recognize the destructive powers of vengeful thoughts, and work to change. We can understand why people have hurt us, and learn to forgive. In forgiveness, we heal, and we are healed.

Today let me build a friendship with forgiveness.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

To change one’s life: Start immediately. Do it flamboyantly. No exceptions.

~ William James ~

Did you know that a mayfly, an aquatic insect, has a life span that ranges from thirty minutes to nearly a day? So when you hear people say, “Life is short,” it may seem to be a false statement when you compare the life span of a human being to other living creatures.

You may live for many more years, but each of these years is made up of precious moments. Squander these moments, put off doing something that needs immediate attention, or take for granted that you will have plenty of time to do what you need to do in the future, and you may find—at some point in your life—that you have wasted the time you had.

Strive to live each day as if it were your one and only beginning. Imagine that you are like the mayfly, with only a single twenty-four-hour period in which to fully appreciate your life and to take care of all of those things that need tending. Start now on your new beginning, and you will be that much farther down that road tomorrow.

I only have one today. How can I make it into a new beginning?


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

. . . We look upon Niagara and say, wonderful—thinking nothing of all that makes its glory and majesty possible. We look upon a man or woman of character; we are lost in admiration, but we omit to consider the thousand influences, conscious and unconscious, which have gone to make up the result.

~ Stephen S. Wise ~

We are molded and influenced by countless people, beginning with our parents. Relatives, friends, lovers, co-workers, and neighbors all play a role in making us who we are.

We may wish to blame others for who we are when we see only our negative sides. But we have positive sides, too, that may be admired. And just like our negative sides, people help shape our positive sides.

A lake at the base o[a mountain range gets its origin from the highest mountain, when its snowy cap is melted by the sun. This one trickle of melted snow expands into a stream, and then a river, by the countless trickles that feed into it. We, too, are like that lake. We are beautiful as we stand alone. Yet we must remember all the energy that contributed to our beauty.

Tonight I can be grateful for the people who have had a positive influence on me. I am beautiful because they showed me I am.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Adapting to the world

“Live only in today; don’t worry about to-morrow.” That’s a fine ambition, we may think, but what does it mean? “Living in today” means dealing only with what is at hand now and the available courses of action.

If we are worrying about matters in the past or future, or out of our realm, we can disengage ourselves from them. We cannot bend the world to our will.

Am I learning to fit myself to the world?

Higher Power, help me remember to conquer myself, not the world.

Today I will practice adapting myself to whatever happens by

God help me to stay clean and sober to day!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

Nursing her wrath to keep it warm . . .



A friend of mine treated me badly in the past. I feel uncomfortable whenever I think of her. Do I have to forgive her? Does she belong on my amends list?


Anger is a common human feeling; we can discharge it in a variety of ways that don't hurt us or anyone else, then move on. But grudges long and deeply held are something else. Obsession with what others have done poses a threat to our recovery.

Suppose we've taken an honest look at our own role and know that we ourselves did no harm. We may even have reviewed the conflict with a sponsor therapist, or spiritual adviser and are convinced that we're not deluding ourselves. We don't make amends to those we haven't harmed.

Relief comes only if we understand and accept that there are sick and suffering people, both in and out of recovery. We don't have to tolerate further harm, but we can choose not to pursue revenge or confrontation with those who are deluded, spiritually ill, or undeveloped. We can pray for their healing, as well as our own.

Today, I entrust the healing of all forms of sickness to my Higher Power.



As it is almost impossible to remain entirely anonymous, our membership carries with it grave responsibility.

Once we were drunks and we “ain't any more.” All your friends and neighbors know it. Sooner or later they will ask you about it and if you answer them at all it is probable that you will have to admit your membership in our Fellowship.

We will be watched constantly thereafter, for AA is on trial with a hopeful yet sceptical world, and as we succeed or fail so will AA succeed or fail.

Guard your anonymity well, if you can, but, if you can’t—then guard AA well.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Surrender to God's Will

O Lord, You know what is best for me.
Let this or that be done as You please.
Give what You will,
How much You will,
When You will.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~



Thou shalt not covet . . . any thing that is thy neighbour's (Exodus 20:17).

There are several phrases concerning coveting, You are not to covet your neighbor's house, nor his wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his cattle, nor anything that is his. Much of the evil in the world is caused by wanting something to which one is not entitled. Moses knew what covetousness does to us in what we call today the unconscious or the subconscious.

Coveting affects the soul of man. Even if your coveting never leads you to take anything that does not belong to you, it undermines and ultimately rots your soul. It shuts you off from God. Why? Because to covet something means that you do not understand the Law of Being. You do not understand that whatever you are getting or lacking is the outpicturing and expression of your consciousness. Until you understand that you cannot be saved.

There is not anything in the world that you ever conceived of that God has not got in abundance. God's supply is infinite, and to envy someone else because he seems to have more is to deny your own contact with God.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

The Lord in the Tree

Pray as if all depends on God, and act as if all depends on you.

~ George Washington Carver ~

Two men were walking in a field when a bull charged them. One man scampered up a tree while the other stood defiantly in the bull's path. "Get up here, you idiot!" called the man in the branches.

"The Lord will protect me!" retorted the other man.

The bull butted the man vehemently and went on his way triumphantly, leaving the obstinate fellow dazed and confused. The first man came down from the tree to help his bruised friend.

“I thought for sure the Lord would help me!'' complained the injured man.

"He tried," answered his friend. "Didn't you hear Him calling you from the tree?"

A request for help from an unseen power often manifests itself through earthy channels. God's wonders are not restricted to supernatural miracles. Often miracles occur through people and tangible messages here on earth.

If you are looking for an answer to a question or problem, you may receive it through physical means. Someone may hand you a book, invite you to a lecture. Or speak a phrase that resonates within you. You may feel a tingling in your spine, get goose bumps, or simply feel a sense of clarity or fulfillment. Be sensitive to your feelings and energies when such a sign is presented. The word angel means "messenger,” and your message may come anytime through any means stay awake to listen!

Help me stay open to hear Your voice. Let me receive Your answer and act upon it.

I act upon the messages Spirit sends me.

bluidkiti 08-11-2016 09:20 AM

August 11

Step by Step

Today, while I did not choose to be alcoholic, I have a choice to be a non-drinking one. Admitting in Step One that I am powerless over alcohol does not mean I am doomed to an alcoholic death from accident, illness or a lengthy prison sentence for a drunk-related felony. In my gift from God of choice, I have the power to overcome alcohol by rendering it powerless over me by choosing abstinence and recovery. While the 12 Steps impress that I and I alone am responsible for my alcoholism, I and I alone also am responsible for my recovery. Its success or failure rests with no one and nothing but me. Ironically, while the program also impresses the powerlessness I have over an array of things from alcohol to character defects, I am in control of not fueling that powerlessness by choosing not to be defeated by it. Today, I can assert my power over powerlessness, and my power is in the 12 Steps. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


The first 30 years of my childhood nearly killed me.

~ Anonymous ~

King or Queen Baby attitudes and behavior are a block to recovery. Many of us have carried into our adult lives childish egos and immature attitudes. We won't give up our child-like needs of control or our desire that all our needs be met. An attitude of I want what I want when I want it, and motives of power, attention, and instant pleasure have no place in our Program.

Recovery teaches us ways to deal with our scared little child and at the same time allows us to nurture the child within us all. When we act like babies, we think we are the center of the world, and believe that status, fame, money, and beauty are the most important things in life. When we admitted defeat, we needed to put our childish behavior behind us. We changed from believing in Baby Power to believing in a Higher Power.

I will continue to put away my babyish behavior by working on self-discovery, self-acceptance, self-discipline, and self-forgiveness.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.

~ John F. Kennedy ~

Recovery from addiction and codependency goes beyond the removal of the substance or the object of our obsession. Stopping our use is the necessary start to recovery. But we can stop using and still continue the thoughts and behavior that set us up for the disease. The biggest downfall for us all is our ego. We have a powerful inner drive to get what we want. To justify our behavior, we may impulsively try to control our surroundings and others. We say that a little bit of the old behavior won’t hurt anyone, or we are smarter than others, or our behavior is only for the good of everyone.

We have to be fearless in our self-honesty. And, like dishonesty, honesty builds upon itself: one new self-admission leads to another as we follow this spiritual path. We learn that true humility actually arises from high self-esteem. We learn to rely on our Higher Power to take care of us and guide us. Our development as grown-up men continues for our lifetime.

Today I continue to be more honest with myself than I used to be and continue to behave in healthy ways.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

It is as blessed to receive as it is to give and a lot harder.

~ Ruth Humlecker ~

We think we are unworthy. Compliments on our appearance, praise for our work, strokes for our efforts to help others often go unappreciated by us. Why can’t we hear them? Why don’t we take them in? No doubt it’s because of our shame for not being perfect. None of us are perfect, but all of us think that perfection is possible and we have lulled the test. How futile the thought. How harmful the result.

We are adept at many things; we are perfect at none. That’s a fact of human life. But we are good enough, providing we do our best and rely on God for direction. Coming to believe this is perhaps our most important lesson in life.

If someone blesses me with a compliment today, I will quietly listen and believe it is true.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I can read to help myself recover

When I got into my Twelve Step program, I was told that to recover from addiction, it was important to go to meetings regularly and read the Big Book—the textbook for AA. I got to the meetings, but with my psychiatric illness I couldn't concentrate enough to read, at least at first. But with the help of my psychiatrist, eventually I was able to start using the program literature as a recovery tool.

I never used to read a lot, but reading the literature these days is worth it. As suggested, reading helps me accept my addiction (and my emotional illness). It also teaches me ways to recover, ways to feel relief. I read a little each day and feel connected to others in recovery. In reading I am developing a good habit.

I will spend ten minutes today reading recovery materials.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

A child is fed with milk and praise.

~ Mary Lamb ~

When we were children, we probably had needs that were not met. Maybe we needed more physical affection — maybe we got too much of the wrong kind. Maybe no one encouraged us the way we think they should have. That little boy or girl who needed something is still in us. Even though we’re grown, that history, that past, is still part of us and we need to nurture our child within.

We can do this by remembering we’re no longer helpless, and by taking action to make life good for ourselves. We’re at a perfect place to change our lives — our spirits, our minds, and our bodies are healthy, safe, and sound. We can rekindle the joys of childhood. Perhaps some childlike play, a hobby, or music will do it. Even if we think we’re no good at singing or drawing, the more we do it, the more we let ourselves enjoy it, and the closer we grow to that inner child. We can’t do anything about our childhood, but we can, at last, get the love we need — from ourselves and others.

Today let me take time to enjoy some play.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

So many people in this world have come to believe that they are locked into their life pattern... yet, new perception choices can truly set us free.

~ Chelle Thompson ~

Sometimes the transition of letting go of the person you once were can be unsettling and highly emotional. You may even feel at times as if you have lost your identity. As you learn more about your addiction, develop greater awareness about the behaviors you exhibited when you were using, pray to a Higher Power—perhaps for the first time in years—or hear yourself admitting or saying things you might have never aired in the past, you may feel that you have no idea of who you are anymore, i Just as you may feel unsettled with the “new you,” so too may others feel off-balance in their interactions with you. Recovery is a bit like wearing a new pair of shoes for the first time. Before they are broken in, you will be conscious of something that feels quite different.

But being out of touch with who you once were is not necessarily a bad thing. You are still somebody. Recovery Is simply giving you an “upgrade” so that you can refine your self-image in ways that make you feel better about yourself.

Who I am becoming represents a magnificent work in progress.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

Listen, or thy tongues will keep thee deaf.

~ Native American proverb ~

The Tower of Babel was so named because all the people who were working on it were speaking different languages all at the same time. Construction didn't succeed because no one listened to one another. With all the babbling, it was as if they were deaf.

Most of us have the ability to hear. Yet we don’t make full use of it when we choose to talk constantly, bending someone else's ear as we endlessly babble on. We don't use our ability to listen at meetings or to family members or our lover as well as we could. We can become so wrapped up in listening to ourselves that we can't hear anyone else.

It's our choice to remain deaf to other voices but our own. This self-imposed deafness can deprive us of valuable experience and knowledge from those working on the same issues as we are. To improve our hearing, we need to shut our mouths and open our ears. To hear other voices can be music to our ears!

I can stop being deal n other voices around me. There is a symphony of strength and serenity if I only stop to hear it!


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Listening to the heart

What we truly want for ourselves comes from the heart, not from the head. Our head only thinks it knows what’s important.

Because it brought relief from some of our pain, we thought addiction was what we wanted. But eventually our heart told us that addiction is painful and that relief is in recovery, sobriety, and the fellowship.

Am I learning to think twice and see what my heart is saying?

Higher Power, help me to listen to my heart when matters are most important.

Today I will pay close attention to my feelings by

God help me to stay clean and sober to day!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

"I can forgive, but I cannot forget" is only another way of saying, "I cannot forgive."



Won't forgiving those who've done real harm make me a weaker person? I don't want to deny the real evils that exist.


The best of us are flawed; the worst of us have some redeeming features. Getting to know ourselves involves the willingness to face all aspects of our character-our generosity and selfishness, courage and fear, open and closed places.

If we can see ourselves with objectivity, then we're better equipped to see others, too, as they really are. We can imaginatively experience another person's pain or fear, and sense intuitively what he or she is trying to protect. We may be able to stop taking another's behavior toward us so personally, once we understand it as part of a defense system that was in place long before we entered the picture.

The word "compassion" means “feeling with”—sharing in another's suffering. Compassion doesn’t diminish us. Exactly the opposite: it expands our hearts. When we can feel compassion, both for ourselves and for others, we experience just how powerful the action of forgiveness is.

Today, I clean the house of my spirit. I no longer have to carry the weight of others' wrongs.



None of us has ever personally known a person who died and surely went to Heaven. As all men are sinners, we are told, then it is assumed that even the saintliest of men have some hidden sins in their past, either of omission or commission.

We do know of many cases however, of people who have died the living death of Alcoholism and who have come back to make a little Heaven here on earth for themselves and all those around them.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Quiet Day

This is another day, O Lord.
I don't know what it will bring for I have not scheduled anything
lf I am to sit still, help me to sit quietly.
If I am to rest, help me rest patiently.
And if I am to do nothing, help me do it serenely.
For it is Your will for me to be comfortably quiet.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


And . . . there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud . . . (Exodus19:16).

These are dramatic expressions of the change of consciousness as we move away from the common things of life to the higher things.

In these days of the Exodus, the condition of the outer world answered very quickly to man's thoughts because people believed it was possible. Moses took his people across the Red Sea by the power of thought, and he was able to do that because in those days people believed in the power of thought. They believed that God could take them across the Red Sea dry shod, and He did.

Moses had the true knowledge of God from his father's people, the Hebrews. It was the historical mission of the Hebrews to teach that God is not a limited, corporeal being, but incorporeal, infinite, divine mind.

Moses saw clearly the unity of God and man, and the unity of man and man. He got more than a flash of what we call the cosmic consciousness. That was his illumination. Then he realized that he must give this to humanity.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

God Meant It for Good

Keep your faith in beautiful things; in the sun when it is hidden, in the Spring when it is gone.

~ Roy R. Gibson ~

The Bible tells of Joseph who, because he was his father's favorite son, incurred the jealousy of his brothers. To get rid of Joseph, they threw him in a desert pit and left him to die. But a caravan came along and took Joseph to Egypt where, because of his spiritual insight, he was elevated to the position of advisor to the Pharaoh.

When famine fell upon Joseph's homeland, his brothers came to Egypt to ask for food, and they were sent to see none other than Joseph. Astounded to find him alive, and feeling guilty over their attempt to do away with him, they begged for forgiveness. "Not necessary," Joseph answered. "You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good."

Although Joseph's brothers did not recognize it, they were participating in his destiny for good. Similarly, when life hands us challenges or abuses, it may actually be moving us into a position where we gain greater good than if the incidents had not happened.

Instead of asking, "How could life be so cruel as to victimize me like this?" a more empowering question is, "How can I use this experience to grow in strength and become even more powerful to manifest what I truly want?"

In a Gallup Poll, 87 percent of those questioned stated that their most challenging experiences turned out to be among the most helpful. Consider the possibility that even though someone may seem to mean an act for evil, God means it for good.

I pray to use Your vision today. Remove any sense of smallness and victimization from my heart, and help me make my experiences work on my behalf.

I am the creator of my experience. I take what I have and make what I want.

bluidkiti 08-12-2016 07:35 AM

August 12

Step by Step

Today, I cannot neglect those people who stuck it out through my drinking days, going on blind faith or hope that I might still get myself together. But in the process of my active disease, the people around me may well have gone through their own private hell and, in the more tragic consequences, may have become sicker than I. While they are no more responsible for either my alcoholism or addiction, they also are not responsible for my recovery. But my recovery must acknowledge that my alcoholism was not a "one-victim" consequence, and for those people who were victims of my drinking I owe my gratitude and respect - and deepest regrets. And my single strongest amend to them may well be my continued sobriety. Today, I will acknowledge and be grateful for my Al-Anon, or the many of them, and I will be there for them in their private journeys as they were there for me. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


You grow up the day you have your first real laugh at yourself.

~ Ethel Barrymore ~

One of the most popular identifications of how important laughter is to members of the Fellowship is that "laughter is the best medicine." So many of us lived only on the dark side of life before the Program. We experienced healing when we were able to lighten up and laugh.

We often wanted to cry bitterly over what we had become. But we pretended to the world that everything was fine by laughing at everything, being sarcastic, and making a joke out of even the worst things we did. We were afraid that if we started to cry we'd never stop.

In recovery, we find we don't have to struggle to avoid shedding tears. Those tears come from humility, trust, joy, and faith and we can laugh with gratitude over the changes we find in ourselves and in those we have come to love.

I am no longer afraid to laugh or cry. I am able to accept myself as human.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

God is like a mirror. The mirror never changes but everybody who looks at it sees something different

~ quoted by Rabbi Harold S. Kushner ~

In their wisdom, the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous struggled with how to express the spirituality at the core of the program. They landed on the phrase "God as we understood Him.” That phrase is another way to express the idea of God as a mirror. Even those who try to define God will find that words cannot adequately describe the ultimate creator; instead they place false limits on God.

When we face God, we don’t see ourselves as we do in a mirror, but we see beyond ourselves. God provides us with a pathway out of our willful ego-based mind and expands our understanding as participants in the universe of creation. The awe and reverence and meaning of our spiritual lives call us to align ourselves with something far beyond our immediate pleasure and self- satisfying will.

Today I am grateful for the spiritual awakening that this program gives me.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

A big part of my “conversion” has been full acceptance of myself, warts and all.

~ Mary Zink ~

Every day is a fresh opportunity to love ourselves a little bit more and judge ourselves a little bit less. Growing up with overly critical parents, as many of us did, has made it hard to believe we’re okay. But here, in a Twelve Step program, we receive the affirmation we deserve on a daily basis.

We are never going to be perfect. We can’t even define what that means. Perhaps God is perfect. Elements of nature appear perfect. But we humans are flawed. And yet we are all okay, just as we are. Certainly, we can improve our condition. Doing an inventory will reveal the substantive changes we might make in ourselves. It’s good to remember, however, that we are loved unconditionally by our Higher Power and our friends. Learning to accept and appreciate who we are is the most productive lesson we’ll ever learn.

I am worthy and lovable. My belief will grow with practice.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

My sponsor still cares about me

First I had a slip with my addiction, which then led to a setback with my psychiatric illness. I'm missing work these days and my family is angry. I don't think they understand my illnesses very well or know what to do. (Sometimes I feel the same way.) I know they don't like what is happening and right now I don’t think they like me. (I don’t like myself a lot either.)

Maybe this is the way it has to be for a while. It doesn't feel good, but at least I still have my dual recovery sponsor to talk with. I couldn’t handle all this alone. He listens to me; he does not judge; he tell me he cares (and I feel it). This is what I need—a person I can go to at any time for support, no matter what happens. And for this gift I am very grateful.

When I check in with my sponsor today, I will thank him for all his support.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

God does not ask your ability or your inability.
He asks only your availability.

~ Mary Kay Ash ~

Reasons for gratitude are easy to find. If we’re breathing, we can think of people hooked up to oxygen tanks. If our skin is smooth, we can remember people suffering in bum units. If we ran into a store for a minute to buy a gallon of milk today, we can remember the long lines people in other cultures endure for the same errand.

And we exist! That alone is miraculous! We have survived a chronic, often fatal disease. For many of us, life is better than before addiction, because we’ve found a new appreciation for life, a new depth and peace, a new calmness. And we can continue to grow in recovery each beautiful day that is given to us. Today babies across the world are being born, bringing millions of hopeful and exciting possibilities into our world.

Now, we’re ready to take our place in the sun as one of the world’s new hopeful possibilities. We live and breathe and feel and think, and we are watched over by a Higher Power who loves us and has a plan for our lives.

Today let me look for the good in my world and be thankful.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

Diseases of the soul are more dangerous and numerous than those of the body.

~ Cicero ~

An Irish proverb advises, “A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.” A Danish proverb says, “Fresh air impoverishes the doctor.” And an Arabic proverb states, “He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything.”

What each of these proverbs focuses on is the idea that your overall health can be measured—and affected—by more than just the attention you pay to your physical needs. Without a healthy mental outlook, emotional stability, and regular attention to your spiritual development, your health can be affected. Stress, loneliness, depression, and a sense of disconnection from life can chip away at even the healthiest of bodies.

You can begin today to take small steps that will help to increase your overall health. Set aside time to meditate, pray, or simply clear your mind from the hustle and bustle of the day. Volunteer to help those who are less fortunate. Spend time with your children, your friends, or a loved one. Make these things part of your daily routine, and you may find that you not only feel better about yourself, but you also feel better on the inside.

Today I will pay attention to my mental, emotional, and spiritual health.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

The biggest lesson I've learned . . . was that if you have all the fresh water you want to drink and all the food you want to eat, you ought never to complain about anything.

~ Eddie Rickenbacker ~

For almost twenty-one days, Eddie Rickenbacker floated aimlessly in a life raft in the Pacific Ocean. That experience helped him see life differently than most people, because he learned to focus on the basics of happiness and contentment—food and water.

Are we satisfied with what we have, or do we believe happiness is achieved after we have a new appliance, a new car, a different house, more money, a better partner, or two more years of recovery? Are we always looking to the next thing we need before we'll be satisfied, rather than appreciating the basics around us?

Keep it Simple reminds us that we need very little to survive comfortably. Food to eat, a place to live, a way to make money, and a belief in a Higher Power are some of the things our early settlers gave great thanks for. Have we given thanks today for simple things that help us stay happy, healthy, and hopeful?

Tonight, I can give thanks for the many simple blessings around me.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Becoming virtuous

For some of us, becoming virtuous means bringing our behavior in line with a Higher Will. It means acting in line with our deepest convictions—not necessarily religious doc-trines, nor the ideas drummed into our heads in childhood, nor the beliefs of virtuous people.

For some of us, this means that we have some work to do: We must find out what we believe in, and then we must live by those beliefs.

Do I know my beliefs? Do I live by them?

Higher Power, help me discover what I truly believe in.

Today I will live my deepest beliefs by

God help me to stay clean and sober to day!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

The more we know, the better we forgive.



I can see some of the ways I harmed myself when I was active in my addiction, and I've added my own name to my amends list. How do I go about apologizing to myself? It seems absurd.


When it comes to making amends, “apologizing” isn’t the whole story. When we apologize, we express regret for what we've done sometimes offering an excuse or an explanation. “Amends" comes from a Latin word that means "to free from faults." When we make amends, we acknowledge what we did and then find a way to compensate or make up for it. In taking responsibility for our behavior, we change; we're free to move forward without the terrible burden of guilt.

We can begin to feel compassion for the person we were when we were active in our addiction, once we understand that we were trying to take care of ourselves in the only way we could at the time. In a sense we began making amends to ourselves the day we entered recovery. For many of us, giving up our addictive substance or behavior is the hardest thing we've done in our lives, and the most freeing.

No one can give us the feelings of worthiness and self-esteem that are part of complete recovery; we must experience them ourselves. Forgiving ourselves is essential to our healing process. If we can't forgive ourselves today, we can pray for willingness, trusting that we'll grow in generosity and tenderness toward ourselves, as well as toward others.

Today, I grow in love and compassion for myself.



Many of the uninformed non-alcoholics looked upon us of the Drinking Fraternity as lazy bums. They do not know the planning and scheming required to raise the price of a bottle when you are broke. They fail to realize that a twelve-hour shift of panhandling frequently didn't produce enough to keep us in booze, a little food and a flop for the night.

We resent the charge that we were lazy—we worked much harder and received much less appreciation for our efforts than those who were on somebody's payroll. No, it is hard work, small pay and lousy living conditions.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Carry The Message

Dear God, I now fully realize how much the Program, You, and other people have helped me. It is my responsibility to carry this message to those who still suffer, whether they are in need of our Fellowship or are in our Fellowship and are struggling today. You have demonstrated to me that life is no longer a dead end without hope. With this gift, I am now able to help others. My spiritual progress is measured by my positive actions. God, You have only asked me to be helpful and to leave the results to You.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


Why nor organize the business of living in a big way? Why creep along, as some people do, from one tiny stepping stone to another, instead of striding out boldly? Why be content with poor health, uninteresting work, or restricted conditions, when many other people have already risen above these things?

There is a way out of limitation that never fails. It is this, take God for your partner. If you will really make God your business partner in every department of your life, you will be amazed at the quick and striking results that you will obtain. Of course, if you want God to be your partner, you will have to include Him in every corner and every phase of your life.

Most people would be thrilled to be able to go into partnership with some great industrial or financial magnate; they would feel that their future was assured. But here is a partnership with Infinite Wisdom and Infinite Power awaiting you.

I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing (John 15:5).


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Don’t Miss It

Carpe Diem! (Seize the Day!)

On my way to the San Francisco airport, I got caught in traffic on the Bay Bridge'. Wondering how long I would be stuck, I began to worry about missing my plane. Just having come from a restful retreat in the mountains, suddenly I felt the stressful chemistry of anxiety encroach on my body. Then an inner voice spoke: “It's one thing to miss the plane, but it's quite another to miss the moment.” Stunned, I recognized that I had just missed a moment of life. I took a few deep breaths, looked out at the springtime sun shimmering on the water, opened the window to feel the breeze, and turned on the radio to find some enjoyable music. Ah, that felt better. I could always catch another plane, but I could never catch another this moment.

All of life is right where you are. Never trade the peace of now for fear or worry. Because you carry the spark of God with you, you have the power to illuminate any time, any place.

Help me to be fully present.
Help me to find beauty where I am.

I claim the riches of the universe right where I am.

bluidkiti 08-13-2016 10:19 AM

August 13

Step by Step

"When we became alcoholics, crushed by a self-imposed crisis we could not postpone or evade, we had to fearlessly face the proposition that either God is everything or else He is nothing. God either is, or He isn't. What was our choice to be?
" ...(W)e were squarely confronted with the question of faith. We couldn't duck the issue. Some of us had already walked far over the Bridge of Reason toward the desired shore of faith. The outlines and the promise of the New Land had brought luster to tired eyes and fresh courage to flagging spirits. ...We were grateful that Reason had brought us so far. But somehow, we couldn't quite step ashore. Perhaps we had been leaning too heavily on Reason that last mile and we did not like to lose our support." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, Ch 4 ("We Agnostics"), p 53.

Today, I couldn't have reasoned myself into the condition that requires recovery without some faith even if I didn't recognize it. Even now, after my baptism into the program, if I continue to resist ideas that a power called God or anything else led me into recovery, is it plausible that the same reasoning that pushed me to the edge of darkness also pulled me back? Regardless of the answer, if I still reject the possibility of a higher power or God or whatever else anyone calls a supreme being, maybe as my recovery progresses, I will at least become willing to consider there is a force stronger and greater than I. Today, I won't debunk talk about a higher power by claiming my own reason for my recovery because, after all, it was my reasoning that contributed to me becoming an alcoholic. Maybe today will be the day I finally believe that something other than myself saved me. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


Realities are far less dangerous than fantasies.

~ Anonymous ~

When we speak of being restored to sanity, we could well be speaking of restoring reality to our lives. Our addictions, compulsions, and dependencies kept us in a world of weird fantasy. Mental extremes made us think and feel unnaturally.

When intoxicated or "high," everything weird seemed to "belong," to be real and natural. The fantasy we accepted was from the realm of insanities. We accepted "fate" as our lot, but when the haze of the unreal left, we often experienced shame, guilt and regret from knowing what we had accepted.

As we found recovery and escaped the shackles of addiction, we came to realize that spiritual growth was not as hopeless for us as our experiences had led us to believe. But we had to reach for reality and reject what was fantasy. Change comes when recovery removes all of the confusion from our dream world of addiction.

Reality never changes, but my acceptance of it does. The real world is very different from the impression my addiction gave me.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

No one has completed his education who has not learned to live with an insoluble problem.

~ Edmund J. Kiefer ~

Facing, for the first time, a stone wall that we cannot change can be quite a shock. It’s a huge emotional challenge that changes us from boys to men. Some people first meet their insoluble problem in the form of the death of a loved one, others through a child with an incurable handicap, and others by way of a chronic illness or an addiction. Whatever form a man’s stone wall takes, he naturally responds first with a refusal to accept it and a search for a way around it. But when he ultimately learns to accept reality, he changes in a profound way. He has stepped into the world of adults.

We used to feel that our addiction and codependency were burdens, tragedies that we had to carry. But there is a bright side to the dark stories of our past: when we got honest about our powerlessness, we became real men.

Today I accept my powerlessness once again and feel grateful for the wisdom it has taught me.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

Laughter, like a drenching rain, settles the dust, cleans and brightens the world around us, and changes our whole perspective.

~ Jan Pishok ~

Laughter’s power is awesome. Some might say miraculous. We all know the effects of laughter, liven in the midst of frustrating circumstances, nothing seems as bleak or hopeless after being observed through the twinkling eyes of laughter.

How is it that our perspective changes after a moment or two of laughter? Does laughing shake loose the cobwebs that clutch the grim realities? All we know for certain is that nothing appears quite the same after we’ve loosened our hold on life’s dark explanations.

Laughter refreshes us. We can’t change the people we love, we can’t determine outcomes, we can’t control how God works in our lives. But we can laugh. And laughing about our experiences gives us the chance to accept them and make them work to our advantage.

Nothing is quite as serious as I make it today. Lightening up and laughing a little makes every minute easier.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I can love myself

When I remember all the times I got high, all the junk I ate, all the sleep I lost, all the anger I kept inside (and the times I hurt myself through a rage turned inward), I realize that I have not loved myself much. It scares me to look back and imagine where I was headed.

But slowly through recovery I have begun to turn my life around, and today I am doing things differently. I am clean and sober, eating better on a regular schedule, and getting the rest I need. I'm even taking medication to help me with my psychiatric symptoms. I feel shy saying it (I guess it's just not familiar), but I care about myself today and I truly want to be healthy.

Today I will look at myself in the minor and say "I love you"—or at the very least, "I'm worth caring about."


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however.

~ Richard Bach ~

Staying free of chemicals is sometimes more difficult than simply stopping. Our sobriety is a gift, but it isn’t free. To recover, we need a plan of action and a willingness to work. If we take the Twelve Steps and group them by threes, we can see that we will “give up,” “clean up,” “make up,” and “grow up.” If we suffer a setback in one area, we can work on those steps with our sponsor. Sometimes we reach another level of growth in our recovery; then we can go back and work the Steps in a new way. So we begin again, as beginners, but with all the mental skills and clarity we’ve developed in sobriety. Safe in the care of our Higher Power, we’ve begun to dream again. And our physical selves have begun to recover, too; they will take us where we want to go.

Success comes in doing, moving forward, one step at a time. When we wish for and work at sobriety, we find our possibilities are endless.

Today grant me the willingness to dedicate effort toward the gift of sobriety.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.

~ Franklin D. Roosevelt ~

In the past, you may have attempted to use your own power to climb out of the deep, dark well of addiction. The only equipment you had to help in your escape was a frayed rope attached to a weak anchor. Even when you exerted your greatest effort to inch your way up the slippery sides of the well, the rope would unravel or the anchor would slip and you would fall back down to the bottom.

But when you are ready, the program offers a sturdy ladder that is held firmly in place by many others. The strength of this ladder offers you the opportunity to finally escape from your prison. It is up to you to make the climb.

As you draw ever closer to the top of the well, when you can fully release yourself from your addiction, you will be greeted by strong hands and encouraging words. These are the hands and voices of your rescuers, who were once trapped in that same well. They know how hard it is to make the climb. But they are committed to helping you SO you do not lose your grip or your determination.

The ladder of recovery is strong. I trust that it will hold me and lead me to a place in which I can grow.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the shin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.

~ Samuel Ullman ~

Today we see more young people in the program. We may look at them and think, "lf only I had found the program at their age. I would have so much more time to live and grow."

We've heard it said, "You are as young as you feel." Although physically we may feel not so young, that phrase refers to our state of mind and the belief in our hearts. To feel younger, imagine the program has given us new life, and we can measure our age in terms of our time since recovery.

Perhaps today we are one year old or five or more. In the program we are all children, not adults. We are all learning for the first time how to walk on our own, how to speak our minds, and how to take care of ourselves. We are not old . . . we are but babes ready to learn and grow!

Tonight I can forget my chronological age and think instead of my youth in the program. I am young, with lots of time to grow.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Preserving anonymity

Anonymity means more than just protecting fellow members from exposure or shame. It means placing principles above personalities. It means avoiding the temptation to use our recovery as a prestige point. Such self- seeking can be a serious spiritual danger.

Our program is our lifeline. We must respect it and all its members. Do I maintain anonymity at all times, in all ways?

Higher Power, help me to accept and respect the traditions of the Twelve Step program.

Today I will reflect on the tradition of anonymity by

God help me to stay clean and sober to day!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

In the course of time, we grow to love things we once hated and hate the things we once loved.



What does "Be good to yourself" really mean? Sometimes when I'm supposed to be working, I want to lie around in bed and do nothing, or sit in front of the TV eating pints of ice cream. "Be good to yourself" comes into my head, so I let myself goof off, then I feel guilty.


There's nothing wrong with relaxing; in fact, many of us in recovery have had a lot to learn about having fun and not treating ourselves like machines. Recovery is not about deprivation.

But being good to ourselves doesn't mean substituting new addictive substances or behaviors for the old ones. Eating a whole pint of ice cream a day, watching hours of TV, sleeping when we have things to do—these are forms of anesthesia. In that respect, they're no different from drinking alcohol or using heroin. They're ways of making feelings disappear, cutting off our connection with ourselves.

Being good to ourselves might mean taking a walk, listening to music, buying ourselves flowers, making plans with a friend—whatever genuinely nurtures us. It doesn't mean doing what we know through our experience or intuition is only going to deaden our spirits.

Today, I know how to nurture myself.



The men and women who are doing the bulk of the work in your Group seldom complain. They are too busy doing their job and yours to have the time. There is no time left for griping.

If things are not being run your way, maybe that is because you are doing nothing to “change the things you can.”


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Yes or No

Higher Power, today I will remember:
When I was practicing my addiction, I lost track
Of what was right or wrong, honest or dishonest.
Pride was defended,
Anger was justified,
Lust was accepted,
Gluttony was encouraged,
Envy was normal,
Creed was there to be satisfied,
Laziness was a way of life.
In recovery I have come to recognize and rediscover
The integrity in myself by simply knowing;
What is right is what I feel good about,
What is wrong is what I feel bad about.
I will continue to live by yes and no;
This I make into a simple prayer:
Yes to everything good,
No to everything bad.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


The Ninety-first Psalm is one of the greatest chapters in the Bible. Like the rest of Scripture, the underlying thought is developed through a series of symbols, and it is by the appreciation of the values lying behind these symbols that the power of this prayer is appropriated.

The way to get the most out of this psalm is to read it through quietly; pausing after each clause to consider the meaning and assenting to this mentally. If you are fearful you will find, after working through the prayer two or three times, that your fear will have gone and that you are now looking at things from a different point of view.

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 9l:1).

The Secret Place of the most High is your own consciousness, and this fact is the most important practical discovery in the science of religion. The error usually made is to suppose the Secret Place of the most High to be somewhere outside of yourself, an error fatal to our hopes, because our success in prayer depends upon getting some degree of contact with God; and since He is only to be contacted within, as long as we are looking without we must fail in our objective. Jesus emphasized this truth, The kingdom of God is within you. Again he said that when we pray we are to enter into the closet and shut the door, meaning, to retire in thought within our own consciousness. In fact, this doctrine of the Secret Place and the wonders that can happen therein is taught throughout the Bible.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Prayer Conditioned

More things are brought by prayer than this world dreams of.

~ Alfred, Lord Tennyson ~

At the orientation of a week-long spiritual conference at a Pennsylvania college, one of the 500 participants raised her hand and asked, "When are we going to get our dorm room keys?”

"We don't give out keys," the sponsor answered. "The entire campus is prayer conditioned. We have done conferences here for over ten years, we have never issued a key, and we have never had a theft or loss."

The consciousness we bring to any activity creates a psychic environment that protects or undermines what we do in that field. Prayer works. Holding an activity in prayer or prayerful attitude will draw to it a wealth of support, energy, and protection. Scientific studies have shown that praying over food changes the food's chemical properties, and that hospital patients who receive prayer treatment recover faster than control groups.

In Russia, I visited a church where an icon of the Virgin Mary had been venerated during a plague. The plague took a grueling toll on the entire region except for the town that had prayed for intervention, which miraculously remained untouched.

When undertaking any significant enterprise or relationship, or when facing a challenge, make prayer your first line of support. It will help you far more than fear or worldly manipulation.

I place my trust in You. Though unseen to the human eye, You are perfectly present.

God is my strength and my fortress. Spirit never fails.

bluidkiti 08-14-2016 08:25 AM

August 14

Step by Step

"Those of us who have spent much time in the world of spiritual make-believe have eventually seen the childishness of it. This dream world has been replaced by a great sense of purpose, accompanied by a growing consciousness of the power of God in our lives. We have come to believe He would like us to keep our heads in the clouds with Him, but that our feet ought to be firmly planted on earth. That is where our fellow travelers are, and that is where our work must be done. These are the realities for us." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, Ch 9 ("The Family Afterward"), p 130.

Today, the spiritual component of recovery is little more than faith without works if I fail to utilize it in service to the addict who still suffers, and if I neglect my responsibility to my spiritual development. That responsibility is, in part, strict adherence to my own program while allowing others in recovery their program that works for them, and in actively seeking participation in program and group affairs before being asked. What I have received in the program is not mine alone, and it cannot and will not grow if I keep it to myself. This is the essential expression of spirituality at work - to share with someone how the program led me to where I am now while helping them to find their way. I may think I have a spiritual connection with my higher power but, if I limit my contentment to myself, my faith is dead without works. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


Call your sponsor before, not after, you take your first drink.

~ Anonymous ~

Sponsors are those who have experienced the benefits of the Program. They are willing to help us on our journey because they know the road we are traveling. They tell us to slow down when we need to, and answer our questions: “How long will I feel guilty?" “How important is doing Steps Four and Five?” “When will I get over these drunk dreams?” “When do I get some serenity?"

When we came into the Program, many of us thought we only needed to stay abstinent. Then we heard that we needed to change other aspects of our life, and most of us didn't like it a bit. We asked our sponsor what needed to be changed. The sponsor said "You only need to change three things.” We were relieved, until our sponsor continued, "Everything you say, everything you think, and everything you do.”

When my sponsor told me to change only three things, he smiled. I didn't. I do now.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

Better to ask twice than to lose your way twice.

~ Danish proverb ~

How many times have we heard that guys never want to stop and ask for directions? It is true that many of us would rather drive around searching for a place than stop and ask for help. Some of us say we enjoy solving the puzzle without asking for the answer. It’s a trait that many men carry to extremes. We apply it to our lives with very serious consequences when we refuse to see a doctor for a medical condition, or we refuse to consult a therapist for personal problems, or we can’t bring ourselves to go to a Twelve Step group.

Fortunately we don’t have to be permanently locked into those restrictions. We have now found the freedom and rich rewards that come from letting our guard down. The payoff for asking for help, and accepting it, has been far greater than the arrogance of doing everything without help.

Today I will be open to all the help I can get.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

Life is perfect, just the way it is and just the way it is not.

~ Peggy Bassett ~

Coming to believe that life is perfect however it is takes willingness and concentrated faith. Most of us waste precious hours every day wishing for something that isn’t. Will we ever learn?

It isn’t wrong to want some things to be different. If our own behavior can inspire positive changes in ourselves or others, then it’s not wrong to take responsibility for what we can do. What is futile, though, is assuming we know what is best for everyone. We can’t see the big picture. God gives us only what we need right now. What may look like trouble, what may appear as imperfect one minute, may be God’s greater plan. Let’s wait and see.

I will find comfort in the message that all is well. I will use that today if I get worried about how events seem to be unfolding.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I need to make a list of my assets

I keep seeing myself as a person whose life revolves around emotional illness and chemical dependency. I feel as though I'm just a patient who can't do anything but be sick and keep trying to get well, to recover.

Perhaps it would help if I did a kind of Fourth Step inventory on this question. I could write out a list of my assets—my personal qualities, abilities, accomplishments, and interests. Then when I feel bad about the time and effort that my dual illness demands, I can remind myself of the whole truth: I am a competent, valuable person who is in recovery from a dual disorder.

Today I will label a sheet of paper "Assets," and start out the list with two of my most helpful ones.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

To love one’s self is the beginning of a life-long romance.

~ Oscar Wilde ~

People who value themselves take good care of themselves. The better care we give ourselves, the healthier we become and, in turn, the more we value ourselves. Since most of us have difficulty feeling valuable, we can start to improve our self-esteem by taking good care. It’s the little things, like a woman putting some pretty color on her nails or a man enjoying a soothing bath instead of a shower. Making a complete, healthy meal for ourselves because we’re important will help our self-esteem. Spending time with friends or a quiet time with our Higher Power, can also help.

Sometimes we may want to feel low. We may actually want to believe we are not worth great care. This is sad, and it’s not sobriety. Sobriety is doing the things that are healthy, even if we’d rather not. It means eating a balanced diet and getting enough rest, exercising our minds, and embracing a spiritual way of life. It’s a lot of work, but soon the payoff begins: we feel lovable, worthwhile, happy, and hopeful again.

Today let me do one small, nice thing for myself.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

The block of granite which was an obstacle in the pathway oj the weak becomes a stepping-stone in the pathway of the strong. That block of granite is often nothing more than a decision.

~ Thomas Carlyle ~

Trails through national parks and forests are often clearly marked and well-maintained. But sometimes a heavy snowmelt or downpour can turn a trickling stream into a tricky obstacle that needs to be navigated in order to continue following the trail.

When this happens, hikers can turn around and postpone their hike until another day. They can attempt to create their own trail by rambling through—and possibly destroying—delicate forest undergrowth. They can slog through the water, soaking their footgear and creating discomfort for the rest of the hike. Or they can utilize the resources available to them, such as by positioning large rocks as stepping-stones to cross the stream.

How you navigate the trails of your recovery can be seen in similar terms. You must choose how to navigate these trails, both in times when the footing is good and when it is not. Be like the hiker who thinks first about how to handle the challenges, so you can continue safely along your journey.

Today I will make choices that will keep me on the path of recovery.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

I am sick and tired of the snivelers, the defeated, and, the whiners. I am sick and tired of being expected to believe that ugliness is beauty, that melancholy is man's sole pleasure, that delinquency is delight, that laughter is something to be ashamed of.

~ John Mason Brown ~

Every year businesses go through their files, throwing out old information and papers, and reorganizing remaining files. We can do some cleaning of the message files we keep in our heads.

Stored inside us are messages that no longer hold true: "You're a bad person." "You shouldn't show your feelings." "If you cry, you're not a man." "You'll never amount to anything." "Nobody loves you." We can toss out these old messages. We have learned things are not the way those messages claim they are.

We can start new message files: "I'm a nice person." "Crying is a good way to express my feelings." "It's important for me to show how I feel." "I'm doing wonderful things for myself." "People love me." There's no need to hold on to old files when we have wonderful new ones.

I can start weeding out negative messages in my mind. What are some new messages I can put there instead?


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Keeping our program in mind

In the heat of summer, it can be hard to re-member that we have meetings to attend and a program to work. When we think we are too busy to get to meetings or to work the Steps, our minds are beginning to slip. The pull of mood-altering chemicals can be felt in laziness, boredom, or uncomfortable circumstances.

At times like these, it is important to re-member how we got straight and what keeps us straight.

Do I keep my program in mind at all times?

Higher Power, help me prevent anything from interfering with my crucial Twelve Step program.

Today I will practice my program by

God help me to stay clean and sober today.


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day, runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measure.



I love nature, but I just haven't been able to make the time or find the money to get away and enjoy it.


We don't have to travel in order to experience ourselves as part of the natural world. If we aren't able to have a garden, we can plant seeds in a windowsill container or put out a bird feeder. We can tune in to natural rhythms by allowing ourselves quiet time when we first wake up in the morning instead of automatically turning on a news broadcast. When we eat, we can stop to smell the food, think about the earth it came from, and chew slowly enough to experience its taste. We can walk outdoors for a short time every day experiencing the rhythm of our moving bodies and the sensation of sunlight, rain, or snow on our skin. We ourselves are a part of nature; we can quiet ourselves by observing the rhythm of our breathing in meditation. Instead of watching TV as we lie in bed at night, we can listen to birds, wind, or rustling leaves. If all we can hear outside our windows is the sound of cars or fire engines, we can listen to a tape of natural sounds.

Nature relieves our fatigue, tension, and stress. Becoming aware of nature, bringing ourselves into harmony with its rhythms, heals us.

Today, I alternate activity with rest, taking time to appreciate some part of the natural world.



If you are one of those who think they are unable to speak at meetings, or to do a little Twelve Step work, then give a try at some other AA activity. If you have a phone you can always call up some new man and shoot the breeze with him. If you have a car you can arrange to pick up some guy who hasn't got transportation and bring him to meetings. Or you gals can occasionally baby sit for someone who wants to attend meetings but can't get away.

There are lots of things you can do if you try. You once thought you couldn't quit drinking, but you did.


~ WALK SOFTLY AND CARRY A BIG BOOK ~ (Official & Unofficial Sloganeering From the 12 Step Programs) ~

1) A lie a day keeps sobriety away.

2) God wants for you what you would want for yourself, IF you had all the facts.

3) Skid Row is a place in your mind--not a place on the street.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

May My Thoughts Be Guided

Dear Lord, You have guided me to demonstrate that common sense is the best approach to living in this recovery program.

The Tenth Step suggests it is wise to pause often and review all my choices.
My hurried remarks and actions lead to mistakes.
I have learned when I am wrong to promptly admit it.

From this I have learned honesty and humility.
From this I have grown in understanding and effectiveness.

Dear Lord, in gratitude I pray:
I am what I think.
All that I am comes from my thoughts.
With my thoughts and positive actions, I make my world.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


To abide under the shadow of the Almighty means to live under the protection of God Himself. Eastern people, and especially those with a desert background, such as the people of Palestine, look upon the sun as a danger, even an enemy, from which they need to be safe-guarded. Shade is sanctuary or safety—"the shadow of a mighty rock in a weary land." The exhausted traveler sinks down in the shade for his long-sought rest.

God is called "The Almighty" in order to impress us with the fact that He really is All-mighty, and can therefore overcome our present difficulty, no matter how big it may seem.

. . . for with God all things are possible (Mark 10:27) .

Consider, however, that the promise is made to “him that dwelleth," If we only run into the Secret Place now and again, we can scarcely be said to dwell there. God will come to our rescue whenever we pray, but if we seldom think of Him, we may experience difficulty in making our contact in an emergency. By means of daily meditation we dwell in the Secret Place.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

For, Not Against

Resist not evil, but overcome evil with good.

~ Jesus Christ ~

In a restaurant, I noticed a woman wearing a white sweatshirt with the word pornography splashed across the front in big red letters. Printed in tiny black letters below the red ones were the words, "is not the will of God.” The latter phrase was written in such small type that I had to be quite near the shirt to read it. "Pornography" however, was easily visible from across the street. While this woman was intending to campaign against pornography, she was actually advertising it. The moment I read the huge word on her sweatshirt, images of pornography came to my mind. She would have been more effective in her campaign if she wore a shirt advertising what she wanted to create, not destroy. she might have worn a shirt with an image depicting two people embracing lovingly, or some phrase that would have reminded onlookers of healthy sexuality.

The mind creates more of whatever it focuses on. For example, do not think about a pink elephant now. Whatever you do, you must not see a pink elephant in your mind. Of course, you are probably seeing a big pink elephant. The subconscious does not comprehend the meaning of not. Now think of your favorite elementary school teacher. Remember her face, name, and why you liked her. While you were thinking of the teacher, did you see the pink elephant? Probably not'

Jesus was a master metaphysician who understood that thoughts create. He advised, "Turn the other cheek," indicating that we must not give energy to what we do not want, but rather turn and look in the direction of what we do value. When Mother Teresa was invited to speak at an anti-war rally, she refused. "If you asked me to speak at a pro-peace rally, I would be there. I am not against anything. I am for love.

I pray to create heaven on earth by focusing on Your presence in all.

I bless the good and let all else go.

bluidkiti 08-15-2016 08:04 AM

August 15

Step by Step

"To my mind, drinking didn't have anything to do with not going through with things. I don't know whether I drank to cover up being a failure, or whether I drank and then missed the deals. I was able to rationalize it anyway. I can well remember over a long period of years when I thought I was the only person in the world who knew that sooner or later I was going to get drunk." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, "Personal Stories," Ch 2 ("He Had to be Shown"), p 198.

Today, no wasting physical or emotional energy on asking, "Why me?" Did I drink because I was a failure, or maybe to celebrate being successful and I "earned" the right to drink? Or maybe I couldn't overcome some devastating loss and collapsed into a heap of self-pity or bruised ego. More likely the reason was that I was a predestined alcoholic and, more likely, I barreled toward masochistic self-destruction. Today, in recovery, "Why me?" is no longer relevant because what is, is, and the First Step of admitting I am powerless makes "Why me?" a pointless question. Today, instead of lamenting why I am an alcoholic, I'll focus on the program that keeps me a sober one. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


Nothing is so bad that relapse won't make it worse.

~ Anonymous ~

The stories we hear in meetings often shock us. It seems hard to believe that some members could have harmed themselves in such ways. We hear about arrests, bankruptcies, loss of family and home, lost jobs, violence, jail, physical injury—the list goes on. Most of us said to ourselves, "I never was that bad. Maybe I don't really belong here."

Our sponsors and fellow members quickly straightened us out. We were comparing our histories with other members. We were told to identify with the stories, not compare. Some of us had been lucky that worse things hadn't happened to us while we were using. We were reminded those things hadn't happened to us "yet." If we relapsed, the "yets" were waiting.

Today I'll remember to identify, not compare. I don't want to relapse and go through THE YETS.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

A win in April is just as important as a win in September.

~ Dave Bristol, major league manager ~

Hitting bottom and turning to recovery is an important part of our life story. Many of us lost almost everything before we started to recover. Others had the good fortune to get into recovery early, while most parts of our lives were still intact. Some of us relapsed and had to hit bottom more than once. But once we are on the path of recovery, those distinctions make no difference. Nobody is more or less a codependent or an addict. Nobody is immune from the destruction that our old ways would bring if we returned to them.

A high bottom is like a win in April. It doesn’t count any less in the long run. It doesn’t make us any less an addict or any less codependent, and it doesn’t mean that we have any more control than any of our fellow recovering friends. We are all just one bad decision away from reactivating our old ways. The only important distinction is that we are on the path now.

Today I am grateful to be sober and in recovery, following this path of a better life.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

I have discovered that while God would do for me what I could not do for myself, God would not do for me what I could do for myself

~ Mary Norton Gordon ~

There are some things God is always in charge Of. One is outcomes. Another is the big picture encompassing our lives. Each experience is part of God’s design for us. On occasion, we may feel there Is little for us to do, since God will handle it all. However, the truth is, our participation is necessity. Every day we have many opportunities to thoughtfully put one foot in front of the other. How lovingly, how gently, how honestly and openly we move through our lives—all these things color the experiences God has planned for us.

We may sometimes find ourselves sitting back, waiting for God to take charge, or aggressively trying to force an outcome that belongs only to God. But we are learning. With time in the program, we begin to realize what is God’s work and what is ours. Our sponsors, the women who share their experiences in meetings, prayer, and meditation enlighten us about how it works.

I am surrounded by women who can help me distinguish between my job and God’s job today. My confusion won’t trouble me for long.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I help myself when I help others

I was feeling worse than I had in a long time. I felt I could do nothing right. All I wanted to do was give up and get high. So when my sponsor first suggested it, I didn’t understand how doing a helpful deed for someone could possibly lighten my mood.

But because I trusted my sponsor, I gathered up what strength I had and gave it a try. He was right—an important spiritual surprise. By doing a favor for someone else, I felt better about myself—even in the midst of my own distress. I saw that I have strength in reserve and that I am a worthwhile person—I recognized that other people have needs too—needs that I can help with. When I help others, even for just a little while, I am less caught up in myself,

Today I will do something kind for someone (anonymously).


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

Awake my soul! Stretch every nerve,
And press with vigor on.
A heavenly race demands thy zeal,
And an immortal crown.

~ Philip Doddridge ~

By making the choice to get sober, we also accept the fact that we won’t be an instant success. Accepting our illness doesn’t end our addiction, but gives us the chance to deal with it. Relief from the burden of compulsions frees our potential and grants us distance from the pain of our old lifestyle.

Now, while we expect no medal for winning the race, we are offered the chance to run. Chemical dependency created a life lived in hell, filled with anger, hatred, resentment, and mistrust. But now another way of living is slowly unfolding. We can set to work creating a spiritual life, one in which we honor our body, our mind, and our spirit. The race is never finished, but now we are in it. With the help of our Twelve Step program and our Higher Power, we are confident of our future.

Today let me remember that I can do whatever I need to do.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

The Fox and the Cat

One day a fox and a cat were discussing the methods they used to avoid their enemies. “I have many clever ways to escape,” bragged the fox. “I only have one,” replied the cat.

Just then they heard a pack of hounds headed their way. The cat immediately scampered up a nearby tree. But the fox froze. He thought about digging a hole. He considered that he could jump into a pond and swim to safety. He figured that he was so quick on his feet that he could create k a very confusing trail for the hounds to follow. As the fox continued his internal debate, he remained immobilized. So the hounds easily caught him.

The moral of the story: Better to have one safe way than a hundred unproven ones.

How many times in the past did you strive to convince yourself that you did not have a problem? And yet no amount of excuses saved you from your problem. The program is your one and only safe way to escape from the ravages caused by addiction.

Today I will be like the cat, which used one sure way to ensure safety.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

Laughing . . . stirs up the blood, expands the chest, electrifies the nerves, clears away the cobwebs from the brain, and gives the whole system a cleansing rehabilitation.

~ Anonymous ~

One of the greatest gilts the program gives us is the ability to laugh. Laughter is one of the best forms of relaxation. But unless we allow ourselves to see the humorous things in life, we'll have a difficult time bringing out this delightful release.

One way to begin is to practice laughing when we're alone. A loud "ha, ha, ha" while we're driving can startle us at first. But with a little practice we will see the humor in our laugh sessions and laugh without a cue.

There are a lot of things to laugh about in life. But laughter isn't always easy to find. We may have to go out of our way to look for the humor in some situations. We don't have to be comedians to be able to laugh. All we have to do is want to see the other side of life—the humorous side.

Tonight I can try to see things in a humorous light instead of with a heavy, depressing view. There are things that will make me laugh if I try to find them.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Sharing our burdens

We were disappointed in ourselves when we could not rise above situations that enveloped us. We were discouraged with friends who seemed indifferent to our suffering.

But coming to the program, we find that we need not fear the burdens of life. Our Higher Power has given us examples, promises, and friends to share all our bur-dens. For example, with understanding people we find that we need never be alone again.

Do I share all my crosses with my fellows and with my Creator?

Higher Power, help me to realize that there are others on my path and to believe that they can help.

The burden I will share today is

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

So do we put our life into every act.



There are many people I've shortchanged in my life. While making a list of those I've harmed, I realize I haven't been very good to myself either. For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to do some creative work. It's something that I never used to think I could succeed at, but I've always wanted to try. Somehow, I've never had the time. Short-changing others and short-changing ourselves—I think you're right to see a relationship between the two. If we are less than honest with someone else, if we don’t keep our commitments to others, then we're doing these very same things to ourselves as well.

You've brought up your desire to acknowledge your creativity, something you've always wanted but have put off. Why has it been such a low priority, when it’s clearly so important to you? Your creativity isn't self-indulgent. It's something that's very important to your spirit, important as a path of connection to yourself and to your Higher Power.

As you clear the channels between yourself and others, you're becoming more present for yourself. This clearing is an essential part of the path to creative expression and fulfillment.

Today, I honor my need for creative expression.



Frequently people who are only sober in AA try to carry our message to other alcoholics without realizing that if you have only sobriety you can only carry sobriety. In order to carry the AA way of life you must live the AA way of life.

The fact that you are sober doesn't imply that you are on the Program. In fact, many outside of AA have longer periods of sobriety behind them than anyone in AA. They started before AA was started. Whether in or out of AA, if you have sobriety only, you are a dried-up drunk in my book.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Moment by Moment

Never a trial God is not there.
Never a burden that God does not bear.
Never a sorrow that God does not share .
Moment by moment I'm under God's care.

~ From "Moment by Moment" by Daniel V. Whittle ~


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


Read Psalm 91.

Observe that the poem opens by announcing the irresistible power of prayer. Then in order to bring home the fact that this law applies to us, and that by no possibility could we be an exception, it now changes over to the first person and makes us say "I" It compels us to voice the I AM.

I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge md my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. The Lord means God. How can knowledge be a presence? Secular knowledge, which is intellectual, cannot; but the true knowledge of God is an actual experience—not a thing of the head, but of the heart—and this is indeed a Presence. As a general rule, people contact this Real Self only vaguely and occasionally. Then, if they pray regularly, the gleams of intuition gradually strengthen into a definite sense of the Presence of God.

In Him will I trust. However worried or depressed you may be, however full of doubts and misgivings, still the fact that you are praying means that you have at least enough faith for that. The faith to go on praying in the midst of doubts about results is the tiny grain of mustard seed that Jesus says is sufficient for practical purposes.
Declaring in Him will trust means that you have now determined to trust by ceasing to worry and fear. This is the legitimate and spiritual use of the will.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Make No Plans

Sitting quietly, doing nothing Spring comes and the grass grows by itself.

~ Zen saying ~

May I offer you three words of advice that could make all the difference in your vacation?" Fredrick asked me as he was about drop me off at the airport.


He looked me in the eye carefully and told me: "Make no plans."

When I arrived in Bali for my two-week retreat, I rented a thatched-roof bungalow in the middle of a rice field near a mountain town, and I created each day as it came. I woke up not with an alarm clock, but when my eyes opened. Some mornings I meditated after awakening, other mornings I wrote, and on other days, I walked through the maze of rice paddies. When I was hungry, I walked into town, dined casually at a restaurant next to a lotus pool, and then strolled leisurely through the village. My entire time unfolded in magnificent perfection with a minimum of preparation. Occasionally I would hope to see one of my friends, and within a few hours or a day, they would show up at a house I was visiting. In spite of—or because of—minimal planning, I experienced more peace and freedom than I had in a long time.

In this world, we will not escape making some plans. Houses, meetings, and businesses call for blueprints. But we can escape planning anxiously. We do not need to set up our whole life before we reach it. Many of us plan, not out of necessity, but out of fear that if we had some time on our hands, we would be lost. To the contrary, we would be found.

I turn my schedule over to You, trusting You to arrange all meetings and events for me far more effectively than I could arrange for myself.

God is my Day-Planner

bluidkiti 08-16-2016 08:49 AM

August 16

Step by Step

"I came to AA simply because there were no other doors of help open to me. In AA, I have had to be torn down and then put back together differently. No one could live such an irresponsible, immature life as I had without consequences. AA made it possible for me to face the consequences of my past actions. After I came to AA, I was divorced by my wife; I lost my practice; I was legally restrained from seeing my children; I went broke ...Only AA kept me from running away." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, "They Stopped in Time," Ch 14 ("Growing Up All Over Again"), p 420.

Today, taking up an AA recovery program in and of itself does not excuse me from responsibility to the consequences of my drinking - nor should it. In facing those consequences, my life in early recovery may become even more difficult than it was when I was drinking because recovery may require complete reconstruction of my entire being. Part of that rebuilding may be to answer for my misconduct of my drinking days. If I am in the position of accountability although I am not drinking, the purpose of my AA program in part is to give me the tools to accept responsibility and consequences without a slip or relapse. And in taking responsibility and paying whatever dues I owe, I may be able to see myself grow into sobriety by clearing away the garbage of my drinking days. If today should be one of judgment for me, I will embrace it as an opportunity to be done with the bad once and for all and move forward by accepting whatever may be my just due. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


Our entire Program rests upon the principle of mutual trust. We trust our Higher Power, we trust the Program, and we trust each other.

~ Anonymous ~

When we were using, we trusted no one. We lied about everything, even the smallest thing, so how could we trust what anyone else told us? Cheating was a way of life. Finding reasons for our actions kept us busy rationalizing away our lives.

So how could we trust anyone? How could we trust ourselves? We couldn't even trust ourselves to keep track of our lies. They were so big and so many and so confusing that we just drowned bur denial in chemicals. They it didn't matter anymore.

The only thing we thought we could trust was our addiction. When we discovered it was the biggest lie of all, we lost trust in everything. We had nowhere to go. And that was the greatest day of our lives.

I have put my trust in the Program, the Steps, my sponsor, my group, and my Higher Power, and, little by little, day by day, I am learning to trust again.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

The great man is he who does not lose his child-heart.

~ Mencius ~

No matter what we have done or what has happened to us, no matter how guilty, worried, or fearful we feel, there was a time when we were small, innocent, and open-hearted toward the world. That happy and playful boy still lives within us. Sometimes he seems like a distant memory, but we would do well to bring him close to us, give him a place in our awareness, and honor and protect him.

Some of us remembered that little boy being treated too harshly or shamed too deeply, and we adopted false attitudes of disgust toward him. But we can go back still further to a time when he was innocent and we could love him. A strong and healthy man carries that boy close to his heart and lets him come forth to be playful and lighthearted. That boy can be the source of eagerness to learn and hope for the future. He can put himself in the shoes of the small and the weak and treat them with gentleness.

Today my child-heart beats within me as strongly as it ever did.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

Life is a process of learning to unlearn untruths someone else believes.

~ Laurel Lewis ~

The truth for each of us is unique. We may share values and opinions on many matters, but our perception is colored by our personal history.

Many of us grew up in or still live in families that demand our allegience to beliefs we don’t honestly share. Pretending doesn’t fit us anymore. Perhaps it never did, but we lacked the strength to stand up for our beliefs. We wanted desperately to fit in and be loved. We still do, but we want to respect ourselves too. We can do that only when we’re true to what we believe, regardless of the beliefs of our family members or friends.

At first it’s painful to break away from the beliefs that other people want us to share: we feel isolated and vulnerable. Let’s look to the women who are striving to grow in this same way to support us in our struggle. Knowing they understand our fear to be “us” makes knowing our personal truth all the more possible.

I will agree with the beliefs of some on my path today and disagree with others. I’ll ask my Higher Power for the courage to speak my own truth.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I want courage and honesty

Sometimes I don’t want to go to my meeting. I especially didn’t want to when I'd had a slip and would have to admit that I wasn’t clean or sober. I felt I'd let myself down (or somehow had let down the group). I felt guilty, ashamed.

I've since learned that they will still accept me and help me—if I ask. What I have been learning in the program is how important honesty is to recovery. (I have lied to myself long enough.) To get help, I need to be open about my problems and my behavior with the people who can help me. It's the only way I can handle my addiction (as well as my emotional illness). When things are going well, it's easy for me to go to meetings. When I'm unsure about my sobriety or my recovery it takes courage.

I will pray for courage and use my daily Step Ten inventory to stay honest with myself.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

I sold the memoirs of my love life to Parker Brothers and they’re going to make a game out of it.

~ Woody Allen ~

Sexuality is a combination of our past experiences and our expectations for the future. Our sexuality is also influenced by social factors: advertisements, talk shows, movies, songs, etc. With all these influences, it’s not surprising that most of us are somewhat confused and often disappointed in our own sexuality.

If we’re newly-recovering, Easy Does It is the best thing to remember. When we were drinking/ drugging, we may have abused our sexuality. We may have used it as a weapon or threat. We may have allowed others to abuse it. We may have acted in ways we never would have sober. Recognizing this, we must now forgive ourselves and make a serious commitment to respect our bodies. Our Higher Power can help us let go of our past mistakes. He forgives us — and we can, too.

Making peace with our sexuality can help us value and enjoy ourselves again. Slowly, in time, positive feelings about our bodies and ourselves as sexual beings will develop.

Today I pray that my sexual self will emerge healthy and proud.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.

~ Epictetus ~

A Zen story tells of four monks who had made a vow to meditate for two weeks without speaking. They decided that each night they would gather in a dark room, light a candle, and meditate in silence.

One night the candle flickered, and then went out. The first monk immediately cried out, “Oh, no, the candle has gone out.” The second monk said, “You have just spoken!” The third monk pointed out, “You two have just broken our vow of silence.” The fourth monk arose, began a little dance, and said, “I win! I am the only one who did not speak.”

It is through listening that you are able to develop a greater understanding for what others are going through. Your listening enables you to stop the urge to control others, to overcome prejudice and judgment, and to gain greater awareness of what is going on around you. While it takes courage to stand up and speak at a meeting or to admit your shortcomings to others, it also takes courage to sit down and truly listen.

I will listen to the words of others, the guidance of my Higher Power, and the sounds of silence. In doing so, I will gain greater wisdom.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

If a ship has been sunk, I can't bring it up. If it is going to be sunk, I can't stop it. I can use my time much better working on tomorrow's problem than by fretting about yesterday's.

~ Admiral Ernest J. King ~

Have we ever really thought about the things we cannot change? We may know we can't change things, but we need to personalize that list. What people can't we change? What places? What things?

Until we make a list, we may spin our wheels trying to change the actions or thoughts of others. We may try to control the lives of our children, relatives, or friends. We may attempt to force attitude changes in the boss, teachers, or co-workers. We may even go so far as to believe we can change traffic patterns, the weather, or the past!

Saying we cannot change things is not enough. We need to recognize what people, places, and things we have been trying to change. By listing them, we will recognize there is only one thing in our lives that we can change—ourselves.

Who are the people and what are the things I cannot change? After I list these things, I can begin working on who I can change—myself.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Persuading others

This is a program of attraction, not promotion. It’s not necessary to persuade people to see things our way. If our new lives—clean, sober, and serene—are not enough to attract others, then they have not yet suffered enough to want help.

We are instructed simply to carry the message. Our Higher Power will put us in position to help others and put others in position to be helped. It then becomes their choice—to reach out for help or turn away.

Have I let go of helping others until they want help from me?

Higher Power, help me to remember that my job is only to carry the message.

Today I mil be available with the message for

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

The more I learn of others' problems, the more my own problems automatically dissolve.



The second part of Step Eight says, "became willing to make amends to them all." I have to admit that this is a lot harder for me than simply recognizing that I've caused harm. I don't know if I'm ready to talk to certain people.


The willingness to make amends to everyone we've harmed, even those who may have harmed us, is something that we don't have to force or strive for. We become willing as part of yet another gradual process in recovery. We have begun to recognize that everything is interrelated, that whatever we've done to others, we've also done in some measure to ourselves. This is true not only of any harm that we've dong but also of the compassion that we've begun to feel. As we come to understand the impact of addiction on our lives, as we release our secrets and are met with gentleness and understanding, as we participate in the healing laughter at meetings, we replace old feelings of shame with compassion. Our new capacity to feel compassion for ourselves restores and revitalizes our understanding and care for others.

We become willing to make amends when we realize that in doing so we are healing ourselves.

Today, I cultivate openness and compassion toward others.



The older some of us get in AA the more we notice a tendency on our part to become a little bit less tolerant, a little less understanding in our relationship with the man still having trouble. We have been so long removed from the actual suffering that we are losing some of our understanding.

This is a good time to pick out the messiest case we can find and get back in the groove again. We can't afford to forget that we too are alcoholics and but for the Grace of God we would be in just as bad shape.

We may be years away from our last drunk but we are only one drink away from our next one. Don't lose the common touch.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

We Are Students

Dear God, once again, we are students.
In recovery we are learning the secrets of living completely.
In recovery we have cleared our thinking of obsessions, dependencies, denials, fears, resentments, and other destructive habits that have ruled us.

Dear God, through Your wisdom we have opened our minds to accept and our hearts to understand.

Dear God, in my troubled years I remembered my school days as perhaps the happiest of my life.
I thought they were gone.
But I've found them again through You, the Program, and my many teachers.
I love being back in school.
Thank You, God.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


Read Psalm 91.

And now the Word of Truth is represented as addressing you with an authoritative assurance that your prayer will be answered, that in some way or other—not necessarily in the way that you expect—you will be rescued from your difficulty.

Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall covet thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust: His Truth shall be thy shield and buckler. You are to have no apprehension, for your protection is now assured in one of those illustrations from everyday life in which the Bible abounds. The motherly hen, at the slightest threat of danger, gathers the little chicks under her wings, covering them "with her feathers"; thus does God shield you from all danger once you have elected to trust Him. His truth shall be thy shield and buckler. It is the knowledge of the Truth about God and man that makes the demonstration.

Thou shalt not be afraid for the tenor by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. The arrow that flieth by day and the destruction that wasteth at noon refer to any difficulty of which you are consciously aware. It is, so to say, a daytime problem. The terror by night and the pestilence that walketh in darkness, on the contrary, imply something that, unknown to you, is working in your subconscious mind. Modem psychology has shown that most of our difficulties have their roots in the depth of the subconscious. These are indeed terrors of the mental night and pestilences of the darkness.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Breaker Breaker

Stop!—in the name of love…

~ from the song of the same name, by Eddie Holland ~

When the circuit breaker in my laundry room flipped off, I switched it back on. The dryer ran for a while, and again the breaker switched itself off. I turned it on again and did a few more laundry loads like this, discovering that I could get about 15 minutes of use before the circuit breaker would shut itself down. Finally, I called in an electrician, who told me that he could come after the weekend. During that time, I did more laundry, working the system at 15-minute intervals.

When the electrician arrived, he opened up the electrical panel and showed me a charred wire going into the laundry circuit breaker. “You came this close to having a house fire," he informed me soberly. "These breakers are designed to be turned off and on maybe 15 or 20 times in their lifetime; after that they're useless—the resistance backs up into the wiring system and voila, Kentucky Fried household.” I shuddered to think that my home was so close to danger, and felt very grateful that he had caught the problem in time.

When something in our life is malfunctioning, we receive signs, warnings, hints, and tripped breakers. In an emergency, we can override the breaker and keep going for a bit, but before long we must take action. If I had been more tuned in, I would have realized that something was wrong with the system and that it was not wise to keep overriding the breaker. In life, too, we cannot afford to keep overriding the breakers. We must heed the breaker's warning and go to the source of the problem rather than simply treating the symptom. Instead of depending on aspirin to take away a headache, we need to face who or what is giving us a headache and deal with the problem at its source.

Keep your antennae up for signals: Take the grace and then take the action.

Show me what I need to do to live in integrity and wholeness.

I accept God’s guidance through the messages of my life.

bluidkiti 08-17-2016 08:46 AM

August 17

Step by Step

"A lot of lost dreams, empty futures and crazy things of the past went through my mind. One night, I was struck with the memory of a line Alan Ladd used in 'Shane,' a movie that I'd worked on. He told a villain, 'The trouble is, old man, you've lived too long.' How that line echoed through my mind! I knew why I identified. It was MY line, the story of MY life. I'd lived too long and become a loser, dependent on booze. Well, at least I could drink myself to death. Real soon. Then everyone would be sorry for me." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, "They Stopped in Time," Ch 3 ("Those Golden Years"), p 333.

Today, no asking if I have lived too long or too briefly and if I am predestined to "drink myself to death," exiting the world with everyone feeling "sorry" for me. Is this the legacy for which I have lived my life? If I want and expect better, and whether I am sober or drinking today, AA has given me the tools to build the legacy that will remain after I am gone. And the program promises better than being remembered as the "poor soul" who wasted a lifetime and died an alcoholic's death. Through AA, I can craft my legacy to be someone who rose from an alcoholic's gutter and re-crafted himself as a person who sobered up and sought to help the person who became helpless and hopeless. But I cannot think in terms of my final legacy. It is built 24 Hours at a time. Today, I focus on what my legacy is now. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


The only way to pray is to pray, and the way to pray well is to pray often.

~ Anonymous ~

To us in recovery, prayer is always the one great move on our part that leads to spiritual progress. The need for prayer and meditation is a big part of our Program. Step Eleven is centered on the necessity for us to seek through prayer and meditation our own awareness of what God's will is for us.

We now know that prayer is best when it takes the form of a conversation with our Higher Power. Surely it can never be a span of time during which we are engaged only in asking, demanding, bargaining, or borrowing. A large part of all prayer and meditation should be devoted to our listening for answers. And answers do always come to those who are patient, tolerant, and trusting.

When I began to pray in recovery, the only prayer I said was "Thank You, God." Now I have many other prayers and I pray often. Now I know that my prayers are answered.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

Marriage is our last best chance to grow up.

~ Joseph Barth ~

Most of us think of marriage in romantic terms. We imagine finding the “right one” and we form a vision of the ideal mate. Others of us have given up on ever finding a lifelong partner. The romance of a relationship naturally plays a less important role as we deal with practical matters like house cleaning, earning a living, and child care. When problems develop, we think about how we want our partner to change. If only they would listen to us more. If only they would spend money more responsibly. If only... If only — Most of our ideas about improving our marriage are left over from childhood ideas about how we would like to be taken care of. We want more attention. We want more love. We want to change our partners to satisfy our needs better. But when we give up on changing our partners, we grow up ourselves. When we accept that our partners are also on a life path, which is not identical to our own, we can accept them as friends, and the good things we share grow in importance.

Today I will be a full-grown man, responsible for my part in my intimate relationship, and let the rest go.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

Shut up and listen!

~ Anne Arthur ~

Sometimes we need to do ourselves a favor and "shut up and listen.” Depending on our family, we may have heard the words “Shut up!” many times daily. To counter the verbal abuse, we might have learned to carry on an inner dialogue to drown out these words. That way of coping served us well. However, it became our habit to shut others out, regardless of their words, and now we need to break that habit. It serves us no more. In fact, it harms us.

We have learned that our Higher Power often tries to reach us through the words of a friend. If we have an inner dialogue going on, we will not hear the guidance we seek. We have heard many times in Twelve Step meetings the saying “When the student is ready the teacher appears.” Being quiet is being ready.

I will be ready for my lesson today. I will listen intently to the words of my friends.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I gain strength and serenity in the program

Of late my life is troubled. My mind is plagued, my body abused, my spirit downcast. My addiction ignites the depression which fans the addiction. The cycle is strong.

But the cycle is weakening. As I continue to practice my Twelve Step program, devote time to it each day, I feel stronger and less troubled. By attending meetings each week and listening carefully to fellow members—my strong and humble teachers—I am coming to accept myself as I am, with all my problems.

To help myself by helping others, I will offer to do service for my group.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

The longer you’re in recovery, the more you appreciate humor.

~ Julie K. ~

Humor has long been recognized as an aid to recovery. Humor is part of most Twelve Step meetings in one form or another. It could be a story shared, a comment or an aside, or something that just pops out. We appreciate humor because it shows our common bond. It brings our spirits closer together. It relieves tension, and helps us banish worry. We laugh as a group, never “at” someone, but with someone.

Humor also gives us a way to share an experience we all know only too well. When we smile or laugh, we own our pain, forgive ourselves, and share understanding.

We may have lost our sense of humor from years of seriousness, neglect, inner pain, and rigidity. Regaining it can be a sign that we are making real progress in our recovery after years of pain, hurt, and isolation. The smiles humor generates remind us that we are getting better every day.

Today help me see the beauty of a flower, a smile, a sober lifestyle, one moment at a time.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

Those that are most slow in making a promise are the most faithful in the performance of it.

~ Jean-Jacques Rousseau ~

Each day you may hear hundreds of promises. Advertisers promise that your clothes will be cleaner, your hair will be thicker and fuller, or you will shed excess weight in a short amount of time. Similarly, politicians make campaign promises to end war, lower taxes, increase employment, and unite the two parties of government. The sad truth is, you have probably developed a thick skin to such promises. You know that the product you buy will most likely not deliver the promised results. You know that when the politician is elected, the promises made will most likely not be fulfilled.

Just as you do not trust the advertisers or politicians or the promises they make and do not keep, so too may others have lost trust and faith in the promises you made when you were using. In the beginning, they wanted to believe what you were saying. But, over time, you simply became an advertiser or politician making promises just to get buy-in.

In your recovery it is important for you to make promises and to deliver upon those promises. Make promises that you can and will fulfill, and you will be building a lusting foundation of trust.

Today I will deliver on any promise I make.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

. . . there are hundreds of tasks we feel we must accomplish in the day, but if we do not take them one at a time and let them pass through the day slowly and evenly, as do the grains of sand passing through the narrow neck of the hourglass, then we are bound to break our own physical or mental structure.

~ Ted Bengermino ~

Our mental and physical states at bedtime are important. If we are tense, edgy, and feel a sense of failure and defeat, our sleep will probably be restless and unpeaceful. But if we go to sleep tonight feeling we have put the day to rest in peace and acceptance, our sleep will likely be restorative and refreshing.

What difference does it make if things are left undone tonight? Will it matter ten years from now? Nothing is so important that we should carry tension and worry into our relaxation time. What is important is our ability to accept the day's events by the time we're ready to sleep. The most important thing right now is to get the rest we need to be in good shape for tomorrow. The day is done, and so is the day's work

I am ready to relax in a peaceful, restful sleep. I can loosen the day's tension from my shoulders and meditate on acceptance.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Pausing for HALT

The acronym HALT reminds us to avoid getting too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. When we feel this way for a while, we are much more likely to have a slip or to relapse.

When we feel especially hungry, angry, lonely, or tired, it helps to pause and attend to what our bodies and spirits are telling us they need. We will be happier and more serene when we can avoid their extremes.

Do I pause when I feel too H?A?L?T?

Higher Power, help me to become more aware of the needs of my body and spirit.

If I feel especially hungry, angry, lonely, or tired today, I will

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

Duty is what one expects from others—it is not what one does oneself.



I do intend to make amends to everyone I've harmed, but I still feel scared when I start to think about it.


The prospect of facing someone whom we owe amends may bring up unnecessary fear if we cling to our old notion that we do everything alone.

We can plan to telephone a sponsor or program friend both before and after making the amend. We can ask for help from our Higher power; praying for the willingness to make the amend, for the ability to speak our truth simply and clearly, and for the serenity that comes from understanding that another person’s response is not in the realm of things we can control. Tools work, when we’re willing to use them. As always, faith is the antidote to fear. If we feel that our faith is insufficient, we can listen to others in recovery sharing about their experience of the loving presence of a Higher Power—we can borrow from others, reserves of faith, when our own are low

Today, I'm not alone. I allow myself to ask for and accept the support I need and deserve.



As startling as this may sound to some members, AA has no first, second or third class memberships. A sober member is in good standing if he has been dry for twenty-four hours or twenty-four months.

Of course, no one means to discriminate, but some of us just naturally gravitate to a certain person or group of persons within the group. The “low-bottoms” are just as guilty as the “high-bottoms” in this respect. After all, we were all drunks and all of us smelled the same when we came in.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Blessing from Lao Tzu

Follow diligently the Way in your own heart,
but make no display of it to the world.
Keep behind, and you shall be put in front.
Keep out, and you shall be kept in.
He who humbles himself shall be preserved entire.
He who bends shall be made straight.
He who is empty shall be filled.
He who is worn out shall be renewed.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


Read Psalm 91

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. This clause has been taken to indicate some kind of favoritism on the part of God, whereas, of course, such a thing is impossible. It means simply that those who pray are saved from trouble that would otherwise overtake them, and that does, in fact, overtake those who do not pray.

Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. In the Bible, the word promise is the name given to a statement of some spiritual law. So, a "Bible promise" is a statement of the consequences that naturally follow from certain states of consciousness. If Boyle's law were written in the Bible idiom, it would read something like this: "As I live, saith the Lord, whenever thou shalt double the pressure of a gas, thou shalt halve the volume, temperature remaining constant." In the language of natural science, our Bible promise would run: "By meditating regularly on the Presence of God with you, and directing your life in accordance with that fact, you become immune from any kind of danger."


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Honor the Angel

Allow children to be happy their own way; for what better way will they ever find?

~ Samuel Johnson ~

When a child is born in Bali, its feet are not allowed to touch the earth for the first 105 days of life. The Balinese regard their children as angels from heaven, and they do not want them to be shocked by contact with the heaviness of the world. Every Balinese child is constantly held until almost four months of age. Then, a colorful ceremony is held at which the child's feet are placed upon the earth, with prayers and blessings.

In our culture, we need to remember to honor our children as spiritual beings. We all come from heaven, and the transition to earth is not easy for anyone. We must give our children the opportunity to retain their spiritual identity for as long as possible.

Many children are extremely psychic and spiritual, as you may have been. They voice the wisdom of old and wise souls; some report memories of past lives, talk to invisible friends, play with nature spirits, have premonitions, and recount contact with departed relatives. Many are quite sensitive to the energies in their environment, feeling touched and healed by loving people and events, and jarred by violence in thought or deed.

We must give our children the best possible atmosphere in which to start their journey. Let them be spiritual beings for as long as they choose; do not force them to trade their heritage for our cultural idea of education. The best gift we can give our children is to draw forth that which they already are.

Help me to respect children as whole and wise beings.
Through them I will remember my own innocence.

I come from heaven to bestow the gifts of God.

bluidkiti 08-18-2016 07:28 AM

August 18

Step by Step

"I had to hide, as a great many people in AA have had to do. I did my hiding in the hampers and in my dresser drawers. When we begin to do things like that with alcohol, something's gone wrong. I needed it, and I knew I was drinking too much, but I wasn't conscious of the fact that I should stop. I kept on. My home ...was a place to mill around in. I wandered from room to room, thinking, drinking, drinking, thinking. ...(A)nd after supper, I'd finish the job up and knock myself out." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, "They Stopped In Time," Ch 4 ("The Housewife Who Drank at Home"), pp 336-7.

Today, remembering what it was like, hiding full and half-empty whiskey bottles under the mattress, in a suitcase that hadn't been used in years, in seldom opened dresser drawers and, as I discovered later when I stopped drinking, in places I didn't know existed. All the hiding - even though I lived alone. It wasn't until I quit drinking and found bottles I forgot I had hidden that I realized that "something's gone wrong." There is no humor in the craziness of hiding booze in a house where no one but me lives, only a statement of the pathetic drunk I had become. Today I have nothing to hide, and it's only by the grace of God and AA that I no longer have a reason to hide. Today, I will not do anything that has to be hidden. Hiding just takes too much time and energy. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

~ Shakespeare ~

When we set out to lie, the person always most painfully hurt is ourself. Trying to fool people is always done with arrogance. “You can’t fool all the people all the time." This deprives us of the ability to be willing and open minded. These lost qualities are necessary for us to have within ourselves if we are to find a comfortable recovery.

Big and even white lies seldom go undetected by the people in contact with the liar. Dishonesty always leads to the knowledge that the dishonest one is a cheat. This results in a return of painful shame, guilt, and regret.

The Program reminds us that those who cannot or will not recover are incapable of being honest with themselves.

I know when I lie I'm not being honest. The Program suggests to me that absolute honesty is impossible for humans but I have the capacity to grow in honesty.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

Facing our pain, seeing the enemy as a potential ally, learning to wait, giving inner events time to ripen and mature—are methods we can use... for transformation.

~ Harry R. Moody and David Carroll ~

Sometimes we need to break out of our established ways of thinking. We need to do what is counterintuitive in order to solve a problem. This program is a path of personal transformation. We lay the footings for this transformation by trying something different. Instead of forcing change, we get out of the way for change to happen.

We are not being passive and doing nothing. We are actively engaging in a new way of understanding. Who or what are my enemies? What am I battling? What if I look at enemies as potential allies who could teach me something? What if I didn’t work so hard at fixing a loved one’s problems? What if I decide to let a process evolve and see where it leads?

These transforming ideas create a whole different set of outcomes. As we try them on, perhaps not only will the problem be resolved, maybe we ourselves will be transformed.

Today I will be open to seeing things in a new way. I will assume that I don’t understand things completely and I can still learn more.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

I like to look at perfection as continual expansion. It’s only when I stagnate and am afraid of change that I am imperfect.

~ Carlotta Posz ~

Perfection is a coat of many colors. Some people think we are perfect just as we are, simply because we are children of God. Others think that perfection is an unattainable goal because we must release all shortcomings and strengthen all assets to attain it. From sponsors we learn that any effort to live more peace-filled lives heightens our sense of a more perfect existence.

Perfection, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Luckily, we are surrounded by loving friends who can help us see our progress when we are blind to all but our failed attempts.

Our attempts to grow, learn, change, and love others more fully will satisfy our Higher Power completely. These acts, repeatedly made, will cultivate in us the only perfection that truly counts.

I will do the best I can today toward my loved ones and all others I meet. If I do that, God will view my actions as “perfect.”


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I am not a bad person

When I think about making an Eighth Step list of people I have harmed, I feel guilty and shameful. I get a knot in my stomach and start to feel down.

But there is that hopeful, spiritual part of me that knows I'm not a bad person even though I've hurt people. What is true is that I have two no-fault illnesses, and that particularly when using, I did some things I feel bad about and would not do again. What's also true is that this is just a list (no actions are needed yet), it is my list (no one need see it), and I can take my time. It helps when I keep in mind that I am a different person today, one with awareness, strength, and purpose.

Today I will make a list of the people I care about and do an act of kindness for one of them.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

We must be willing to begin to learn to love ourselves.

~ Louise L. Hay ~

What a joy, what a relief to find a new friend in recovery — ourselves. Long hidden, perhaps to the point of non-existence, we buried ourselves in years of drinking or using and denied our own presence in the scenario of life. Rediscovering ourselves doesn’t happen overnight, however, just because we stop drinking. It’s a gradual getting-to-know-you process.

It takes time and patience and tender loving care to establish a relationship with ourselves, and to come to believe in ourselves. And it takes loving and discipline. Our bodies need nourishment, sleep, and exercise. Our minds crave nourishment, too. And our spiritual peace requires daily prayer and meditation to flourish.

But the rewards are great: now we can look forward to spending a lifetime with someone we love: ourselves.

Today help me see myself as a whole person, worthy of love and care and respect as I grow in sobriety. Help me accept who I am, and to become the best I can be.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

Addictive behaviors come in many forms and packages and they can all put us into slavery where we are no longer free to walk in what God has given us.

~ Rodney Johnson ~

Those with addictive tendencies may not only be addicted to alcohol, chemical substances, gambling, cigarettes, or an excess of food, but also to a multitude of other things.

You may use technology so much that if you cannot get a signal for your cell phone or log on to your computer, your only focus becomes reconnection. You may be a daily exerciser who feels miserable when you have to skip a workout, so you end up creating misery all around you. You may focus solely on your work and not give time or attention to the needs of others—or even to your own needs.

Sometimes the most harmless or helpful habits can grow into addictions. If being without them—even for a short period of time—causes you discomfort, makes you lash out in anger and frustration at others, escalates your levels of stress or anxiety, or absorbs most if not all of your focus and attention, then your good habit may have developed into an addiction.

Today I will be aware of how being without a particular activity affects me.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

For every ailment under the sun,
There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it;
If there is none, never mind it.

~ Mother Goose ~

Long ago peddlers sold instant remedies for everything from illness to baldness. "Miracle" cures did a brisk business because people always wanted to try the next instant solution to persistent ailments and problems.

Are we still looking for a miracle cure, one that will make us that person we always wanted to be? Although those peddlers sold a lot of cures, none beat the time-tested methods of assured success for curing worry and woes: plenty of time, a good deal of effort, and an acceptance of things that can't be changed.

There are miracle cures in the program, but they are not instant. In fact, sometimes we can't even feel the restorative powers until months later. But if we continue to take them, the cures we get in the program are guaranteed for life. Our lives can be free from worries and woes with the program.

Tonight I can plan to get a good, healthy dose of the cure by attending a meeting tomorrow, reading literature, or talking with my sponsor.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Adjusting and coping

Many of us in recovery do not like the idea of having to adjust and cope. We have “controlled” our lives for so many years, it’s hard to believe that the world does not revolve around us. But it doesn’t. And we can see now that forcing situations to suit ourselves inevitably leaves other people “unsuited” and unhappy.

The good news may not seem to make sense at first. If we find ways to adjust and cope, our lives will actually get easier. Things will go our way more often. We will experience less stress, both externally and internally. We will experience harmony.

Am I learning to adjust and cope?

Higher Power, help me to want what I have.

Today I will adjust to, or cope with, others’ wants or needs by

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

Pray for the bastard.



You've told me I should pray for someone who's been causing me all sorts of problems. But that’s not going to change him, is it?


I've heard various descriptions of how prayer works. Some say God listens; some say our thoughts affect the energy of the universe and create change; some say that we're conditioning ourselves to transform our own attitudes, and those attitudes, good and bad, are contagious. It's a mystery—but it does work.

Someone I worked with seemed so disrespectful and unpleasant that I dreaded encounters with her. I began saying a daily prayer for her health and complete happiness. Before gatherings that included her, I prayed that communication between us would be easy and smooth and that each person's highest good in that situation would be realized. The effects were dramatic. I experienced relief from my fear of facing her and began to see her as a whole human being. I genuinely began to want her well-being. My body language and facial expressions probably changed; perhaps I stopped sending messages of dislike and rejection when I saw her. For whatever reason, she stopped turning her back on me and sometimes actually smiled.

I'm not suggesting that we try to manipulate others to behave as we wish. Specific results and timetables aren't in our hands. But I do know that our prayers are always effective in furthering our own and others' processes of healing.

Today, I pray for others, placing them in my Higher Power's hands.



Filth and dirt were the things we were trying to avoid when we climbed out of the gutter. To get physically out of the slime and still leave your mind wallowing in it will inevitably lead to trouble. You have only succeeded in getting your body on the sidewalk if your head is still in the gutter. You should get your feet with your head in God's clean air to insure sobriety.

To do something about your habits without cleaning up your thinking is like taking a bath and neglecting to wash your dirty feet.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Grant Me to Walk in Beauty

I come before You as one of Your Children.
See, I am small and weak;
I pray for Your strength and wisdom.
Grant me to walk in beauty and that my eyes
may ever behold the crimson sunset.
May my hands treat with respect
the things that You have created;
May my ears hear Your voice.

Make me wise, that I may understand the things
that You have taught others in our Program.
I long for strength, not that I may outreach others,
but to fight my greatest enemy—myself.

Make me ever ready to come to You with clear
thinking and candid eyes, so that my spirit, when
life disappears like the setting sun, may stand
unashamed before You.

~ Adapted from a prayer by Chief Yellow Lark ~


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


Read Psalm91.

Far He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. This is one of the loveliest of all the promises in the Bible. For tender beauty it stands alone. He shall give His angel charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways—and it is meant for you and for me. It might have seemed appropriate enough that some exalted Being should be given an escort of angels to surround him, to support him, to keep him in all his ways. But the Bible is the book of Everyman, and this promise is given to you and to me.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Because I Say So

The choice is yours to make between a sleeping death…or a happy waking and joy of life.

~ A Course in Miracles ~

Walking out of the movie theater after seeing Mr. Holland's Opus, I felt exhilarated. In the midst of the parking lot, I stretched out my arms, looked up at the stars, and exclaimed, "Life is good!" I laughed and turned to my friend and asked her, "Do you know why? Because I say so."

I recognized with perfect surety that I can live any life I choose. If I want to be happy, that's my choice. If others want to be miserable, that’s up to them. l do not have to justify, explain, rationalize, apologize, or compromise my choice for joy. I create my own reality, just as you do. The universe is big enough to have all kinds of reality happening simultaneously, and none of us needs agreement from anyone to verify the world we choose to live in.

Do you remember when, as a child, your father laid down a rule, and when you asked him, "Why?" he answered, "Because I said so.” He was affirming that he had the power to establish your reality, and you didn't get to question it. Now you have the power to establish your own reality, and no one else gets to question it.

When I worked with profoundly mentally handicapped people, most observers pitied them, but I respected them. They were some of the happiest and most loving people I have ever met. Their intellects were minimally developed, which allowed them to retain their childlike innocence throughout their lives. Perhaps on some cosmic dimension their souls decided they could learn a great deal about joy by living an entire life without thinking too much. Are they better or worse off than most people? That depends on the side of the telescope you're looking through.

What reality would you like to live in? Do you choose a world of love, abundance, and celebration, or one of fear, lack, and doom? The choice is yours—because you say so.

Bless me with the choice to live in a world that reflects Your loving presence.

I choose a reality of ever-expanding good.

bluidkiti 08-19-2016 07:38 AM

August 19

Step by Step

"There are many things worse than dying, but is there any death worse than the progressive, self-induced slow suicide of the practicing alcoholic? The alcoholic suffers death many times over. Alcohol wrings the guts out of life, eats into the brain in such a way as to make the alcoholic blind to the truth. I served 12 years in prison, never suspecting that without alcohol I would not have been in prison at all. Had it not been for AA in prison ...I'll never know, but my educated guess is that I would not be alive today." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, "They Lost Nearly All," Ch 1 ("A Five-Time Loser Wins"), p 457.

Today, like a prison inmate, we all experienced the multiple deaths of a drinking alcoholic in the form of losses of family, friends, jobs and milestone experiences like a child's birth or wedding, people and experiences that cannot be reclaimed. And, like an inmate, we may not even yet realize that we may never have suffered those losses because of alcohol. But, today, we are sober and in recovery, and the program has taught us to think now in terms of life because, in surrendering in Step One, we choose life over death. Now we must surrender the regrets and pain from those losses and anticipate the new life to come. And whatever life has planned for us, we can do it now because we are sober - because we chose life. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


The smartest thing a 12 Step member can say is, "Help me."

~ Anonymous ~

The weight of carrying the world on our backs has been removed from us in recovery. It is good to remember the world was never ours to carry in the first place. Our Program prevents us from setting ourselves up for failure. Most of us are used to being the Lone Ranger. Instead of silver bullets, we left empty lives. Our solitude taught us never to ask for help, always to go it alone. Our isolation produced a pitiful figure we would dress up in toughness.

This, of course, was phony, because inside we were anything but tough. When we operate alone, pretending to be strong and in control, we set ourselves in motion to experience depression and pain. Stinking thinking flourishes in isolation. The key to unlocking the many gifts of the Fellowship is asking for help. There is strength, wisdom, hope, all waiting for us if we ask for help.

I have learned to ask for help and to help when I am asked.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

Strength and tolerance are partners.

~ Kahlil Gibran ~

We admire strength. As boys we looked up to the raw strength and power we saw in the biceps of big men and older boys. We tested our muscles and those of our pals. We worked at our own physical power to gain the respect of others.

As grown men our admiration has grown up with us. Now we have a much bigger understanding of strength. We know that most strength can’t be measured in the size of our muscles. The strongest men are often the kindest and gentlest toward those around them. And often those who are most unsure of their strength try to steal power from others by intimidation, ridicule, and displays of force.

A man stands tallest when he shows tolerance toward those who are different from him and those who are not popular with others. Some say that it builds strength to stand up for others who are vulnerable.

Today I will show tolerance for those who are different or more vulnerable than I am.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

Coming to trust our own judgment in volatile matters such as sex, intimacy . . . and the right values to pursue is... a demanding process.

~ Gail Sheehy ~

The people around us influence what we believe. Sometimes that’s okay, but what happens when we are with a group of friends who don’t all think alike? What do we believe then?

Self-assessment, as suggested in the Fourth Step, helps us define ourselves. It helps us understand who we are and what we believe, separate from the others in our lives. We discover we are who we are! We aren’t who our friends want us to be, unless, of course, that fits us.

Having values that we understand and feel comfortable with makes a difference in how we perceive ourselves in our relationships. We are empowered every time we speak from our own center.

I will share with others who I really am today. My personal judgment in all matters will be lovingly revealed.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I can accept how I feel right now

I can't change my mood just because I don t like feeling angry sad, or fatigued. It's not comfortable, but this is just the way I feel right now. True, at times there are some things I can do about my mood, but for the most part, I just have to go with it. Sometimes, it changes on its own. Sometimes it lingers painfully.

My job, however, is to accept my emotion or mood (even when others around me don’t). I need to be with it, let it be, not act out. Once I accept it, then I'll know what to do about it (if anything).

I will call a friend to talk about what I am feeling.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

Peace and joy.

~ Bill Maloney ~

One Twelve Step friend closes a visit or conversation by wishing us “peace and joy.” It’s a simple blessing, but what more could anyone want than peace and joy?

Peace comes from knowing we’ve tried our best to love and care about ourselves and others, that we’ve tried our best to make the world a better place, that we have our relationships, including the one with our Higher Power. Being perfect is not a prerequisite to finding peace. In fact, perfectionism usually destroys any chance of peace.

When we are at peace with ourselves, our Higher Power, and the world, joy follows. There is joy in welcoming another sunrise or sunset. There is joy in a phone call from a friend, in going to a meeting, in telling someone “I love you.” Nothing fancy, elaborate, or grand; just simple “peace and joy.” How wonderful to have them, even if only for a few minutes, hours, or days. Sobriety has a wonderful way of helping these things happen.

Today may I find peace and joy in my recovery, and may 1 share them and wish them for others.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

No matter what accomplishments you make, somebody helped you.

~ Althea Gibson ~

Once two people were lost in a desert. Hours passed into clays. One morning, using their last reserves of strength, they made their way to a mountaintop so they could find shelter from the heat and die with some level of comfort. But when they got to the top, what they saw on the other side was astounding. It was a magnificent oasis of trees with ripened fruit and a crystal-clear waterfall.

They raced to the oasis and drank their fill of water and ate fruit until their bellies were full. Then one lay down on the lush ground and sighed with contentment. But the other began to make vessels in which to carry water and gather fruit. “What are you doing?” asked the one who was relaxing.

“I am returning to the desert so I can help others who are lost find their way here.”

Recovery is based upon a fellowship that offers a mutually supportive alliance. It thrives upon the interdependency of its members and through a cooperative spirit I hat provides unity for achieving shared and personal goals. This, in turn, builds strength—both individually, and within the group as a whole.

Today I will help others, and they will help me.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

When we hate our enemies, we give them power over us—power over our sleep, our appetites, and our unhappiness. Our hate is not hurting them at all, but it is turning our days and nights into hellish turmoil.

~ Dale Carnegie ~

Hate is such a strong feeling, and it may be part of our black-and-white way of looking at things: right or wrong, yes or no, now or never, love or hate.

Spending our precious nights nurturing a strong dislike for a co-worker, boss, teacher, parent, former lover, or even a stranger is a waste of time and energy. It becomes an obsession, and we know how easy it is for us to find an obsession and hold on to it dearly.

Instead of making one pe6on our focus, we can think of all the people who are near and dear to us. We can visualize the faces of those who give us strength and hope and comfort and let their images stay in our minds and hearts.

Instead of seeing one face in the crowd, I will see many.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Feeling self-important

After being in the program for a while, some of us feel we know much more than the average member (and perhaps we do). But self- importance helps no one. What is important is working hard to stay clean and sober. By taking care of ourselves, we quietly set a good example.

We need to carry the message and offer help, but it does not help to set ourselves above or apart.

Am I letting go of any self-importance?

Higher Power, help me to learn my weaknesses and be humble.

I will practice humility today by

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

Thank God, guilt was never a rational thing.



Several days ago, I sent a check through the mail to pay my rent, but the landlord still hasn't received it. I spoke to him on the phone, and he said he'd be willing to wait and see if it reached him in the coming week. He didn't even hint that he didn't believe me, but that's what I imagined.


I once heard this story from a friend: Before Atlas (one of the gods in early Greek mythology) got the job of holding the world on his shoulders, someone else was supporting it. He said to Atlas, "There's something I have to do; please hold this for a moment," and walked away. For a moment, no one at all was holding up the world. Atlas stepped underneath and took the burden; he's been carrying the world ever since. But in that moment when no one at all had the world on his or her shoulders, nothing happened.

It takes a lot of energy to assume responsibility for something we can't control. A situation like the one you're describing is valuable; it can show us how willing we are to shoulder the burden of guilt, even when no harm has been done. Having an alternative plan-such as stopping payment on the first check, sending a replacement, or finding another way to get it to its destination—is helpful; it can short-circuit the cycle of unnecessary guilt.

Today, if things don't work out as expected, I make alternate plans. I don't take on the weight of the world.



The newspapers announced that Doctor Bob died on November 19th, 1950, but we of AA know different. He lives today in the grateful hearts of three hundred and fifty thousand alcoholics and probably three times that number of dependents of alcoholics. He will live forever for he was the founder of something Good and Good is eternal.

His name would be out of place in cold, hard stone, but it is engraved forever in the hearts of a grateful and growing multitude.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~


Dear Lord,
I must continually work toward unselfishness.
To be unselfish is to be useful.
When I am selfish, I am useless to myself, You, and others.
Help me to stop thinking of only me and to stop hoarding not only material things but also my thoughts and feelings from others.

Dear Lord, grant that I may practice what the Program teaches me.
My life has been saved by what others have given me.
I must, in turn, give it away to keep it.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


Read Psalm 91.

Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

Here the lion stands for a difficulty of which we are so afraid that it seems to us a very lion in our path, rushing at us in the open. How different, on the other hand, is the attack of the adder, or snake; for it creeps upon us in the dark. And here we are promised that our complexes, dragons though they be, shall be dissolved by the realization of God. There is nothing that can be done by any form of psychotherapy that cannot be better done by the Practice of the Presence of God.

The last three verses are in themselves a glorious psalm of ringing joy and triumph.

Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him. There is nothing hypothetical or contingent here. The statement indicates the fixed decision—I will deliver him. And why?—because he has set his love upon me.

I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. In the Bible the "name" of anything means the nature or character of that thing. Now the nature of God is perfect, omnipresent, all-powerful good, boundless love; and to "know" this is to be set on hand above all our difficulties.

The last two verses gather up all the implications and promises of this wonderful poem, and present them to the fearful or doubting heart as a song of triumph. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Too Far to Turn Back Now

The march to freedom is irreversible.

~ Nelson Mandela ~

When the new nation of Hebrews was liberated from slavery in Egypt, they found themselves dead-ended against the Red Sea with Pharaoh's army in hot pursuit. Facing the prospect of drowning, some of the Hebrews shouted, "Let's go back to Egypt; there we will be slaves, but at least we'll have homes and food." Others argued that anything would be better than slavery, and they would rather take their chances than return to a condition that they had fought so hard to relieve. The rabbinical commentary on the Old Testament tells that some of the Jews walked into the Red Sea up to their necks before the water's parted. It was on their faith, the rabbis asserted, that the seas opened.

Like the newborn Jewish nation, there is a part of us that is tempted to return to the old when we are frightened. As we face uncharted territory, our sense of insecurity bids us to take refuge in our past. But at such a moment of anxiety, we forget that the past did not work for us; that is precisely why we left it. It is but the voice of doubt and fear that urges us to be what we were rather than what we are growing to become.

There is more to life than material security, and more to safety than the known. The only true security is in Spirit, and the only real safety in freedom. We may have all kinds of material comforts, but if our spirit is not at peace, we are homeless. And we may have nothing in the outer world, but if our inner world is lit by love, we are unshakably secure.

Do not let fear tempt you to return to a condition you have outgrown. You have come too far to turn back now. Keep moving, step by step, day by day, and miracles will meet you to take you to the other side.

Give me the strength to keep moving ahead until I realize my goal.

I trust God to guide me to my new life and care for me always.

bluidkiti 08-20-2016 08:11 AM

August 20

Step by Step

"We watch the alcoholic performing in a position of responsibility and we know that because he is drinking heavily and daily he has cut his capacities by 50 percent, and still he seems able to do a satisfactory job. And we wonder how much further this man could go if his alcoholic problem could be removed and he could throw 100 percent of his abilities into action. But, of course ...eventually the alcoholic loses all of his capacities as his disease gets progressively worse, and this is a tragedy that is painful to watch; the disintegration of a sound mind and body." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, Alcoholics Anonymous Number Three, Ch 12 ("The Keys of the Kingdom"), p 308.

Today, can I remember or even acknowledge the gradual and steady disintegration of myself as a drinking alcoholic? If I cannot, I must remember to appreciate and even treasure that AA has moved me forward and beyond that abyss of irrevocable physical, emotional and spiritual hopelessness and self-destruction. And in comparing then to now, I can rely on my higher power to strengthen me should temptation arise. Today, despite or in spite of any problems I face, I must be grateful that I am not making them worse by drinking or using. I prefer whatever challenges I face sober instead of those I had drunk. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make our world.

~ Buddha ~

Common sense is a good approach to living in our recovery program. The Tenth Step of our Program states that it is wise to pause often to analyze all our choices. Hurried remarks or actions can lead to errors. We learn that when we are wrong we promptly admit it.

That admission, of course, reflects honesty and humility at their very best. We grow in understanding and effectiveness. A hasty remark or behavior can injure or anger the person at whom it is directed. All too often, this results in embarrassment and hurt. Our responsibility to carry the message does not entitle us to ram it down the throats of even those who badly need our advice.

I should always think before I act or speak. Common sense reminds me, “to know what I know and to know what I don’t know is knowing what it's all about.”


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist.

~ Gail Sheehy ~

We don’t learn anything new from successfully doing things that we have already mastered. We learn from our mistakes and the obstacles that appear in our path. They call on us to come up with new skills. We have certainly come to this path after facing plenty of challenges. And we know that a problem doesn’t guarantee that growth will be the outcome.

A problem or a challenge can simply be a net loss until we turn it into an opportunity for growth. If we make a mistake and simply feel stuck in shame and regret, it leads to nothing more. But if we have an element of faith, we can look for its message. That is the path to greater strength and maturity.

Today I will notice my mistakes and use them to grow.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

There is no healing without forgiveness. I love the peace I feel with forgiveness.

~ Helen Casey ~

The program is helping us understand that when we feel resentful or angry, we are hindering our own recovery as well as our Higher Power’s plan for us. We cannot receive God’s full message if we are trapped by our hateful feelings.

Why would we want to continue our agitation toward someone else, particularly when it means we can feel no peace? The answer lies in our struggle to be “right” in every situation. Being right rather than peaceful remains too important to us. But observing women who are serene will enlighten us about the possibilities for change the program promises. These possibilities can be ours if we change our attitude, develop the willingness to let go of past hurts, and live in a forgiving present.

It may sound difficult to live in a forgiving present, but it’s not. We make the decision and then ask God to help us. Our hearts will heal and our resentments will be gone. Peace can become our permanent companion.

Serenity is my goal today; forgiveness of others is the way I can achieve my goal.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I am finding forgiveness

Now that I'm in dual recovery I am looking at my life more closely—and I can see more of the mistakes I've made. There are lots of smaller ones and some big ones, too. At times, it feels overwhelming. At times, I feel deeply discouraged.

But it usually helps when I take the time to settle down and remember some points I've learned in the program. In recovery it is not uncommon to feel bad about past behavior. Everybody makes mistakes; I am beginning to learn from mine (and go on to explore who I am and what I want). Finally, even with my faults, I am accepted.

I will write out an affirmation that says, "I accept myself—faults and all."


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

When I lose my Higher Power,
I always find Him in the garden.

~ Jill H. ~

During active addiction, our spiritual lives were bankrupt. We knew just our own tiny comer of the universe, and it was usually a grim one. We were alone and lost. Now, in recovery, we find a great gift: a chance to develop a whole new relationship with a Higher Power. This can strengthen and sustain us during the worst of times, and fill our lives with love every day.

Once, we doubted the existence of anything so positive, so loving. We felt if there was a Higher Power, it must be a cruel and vindictive force. Now, everywhere we look, we see evidence that a Higher Power exists, and can bring us hope and joy.

For many of us doubters, prayer and meditation have become the most important and satisfying parts of our recovery program. Prayer in the morning helps us start the day with calm confidence, instead of confusion and anxiety. Prayer during the day helps us re-contact our spiritual selves, get back in touch with the important issues of our lives, and leave petty concerns. And prayer before sleep brings us peace to end our day, and communion with our Higher Power through the night. These are all parts of our newfound spirituality.

Today let me be grateful to my Higher Power for bringing light and joy to my life.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

Every survival kit should include a sense of humor.

~ Author unknown ~

It may be hard for you to find anything humorous as you work on your recovery. After all, addiction is quite serious, and how it affected you and impacted your life may be far from comedic.

So when you hear others laugh at a meeting or listen as someone tells a lighthearted story of how she came to AA, you may feel as if these people are not taking their recovery seriously. You may think that your problems must be much worse than theirs because you cannot find the humor in them. Or you may believe that you must have lost much more in your life than others have. After all, how could they laugh if they had experienced devastations similar to yours?

And yet without being able to approach your recovery with some sense of humor, it may be harder to rise above your difficulties. Humor has a way of diffusing conflict, lightening burdens, and easing resentment and anger. Humor can also provide a useful defense against difficulties, challenges, and hardships so that you are better able to rise above them, rather than let them defeat you.

Humor helps to part the dark clouds in my life so the sun may shine. I will find humor in my recovery so I can approach it with a lighter heart.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

You can observe a lot just by watchin’.

~ Yogi Berra ~

Our sight is one of our most valuable senses. We can lose our hearing and have our senses of smell, taste, and touch eliminated, yet our eyes will provide us with all the information we need for hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling.

We can picture in our minds a person we admire greatly. We can even visualize that person's expressions. We may be able to see that person's confidence, strength, and unity just in those expressions. We can imagine the person's lips moving and, without hearing a voice, we can see by the body movements how the person presents a being full of confidence and hope.

Can we picture ourselves and how we come across to others just by what they see? Are our words trying to mask the sad expression on our faces? Are we honest with how we feel and show this? We can let people observe us and let them see openness and honesty through all their senses.

Can the words I speak reflect who I am? Let me observe others and myself to truly feel he real person within.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Growing slowly

Our Higher Power has a divine plan for each of us. It may take awhile for us to understand our place in it, however. We may not know what we are supposed to do; we only know what we’re not to do. We may feel empty at times. If during these painfully slow times, we can have faith that things will change, we can learn to endure the uncertainty with less fear.

During such times it may seem to us that nothing is happening. But just as mountains finally emerged from the restless terrain, so will growth emerge in our lives after a period of stress. Growth can emerge only if we are patient.

Is my faith strong enough for slow and steady growth?

Higher Power, help me to be patient and faithful in this time of unsteady change and steady growth.

Today I will strengthen my faith by

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

It is hard to be good.



I chair a meeting once a week now. It involves opening up, closing, getting a speaker, setting out literature and chairs, and making sure everything gets put away. Last night there were two or three people I'd have liked to talk with after the meeting, but they were already involved in conversations. By the time I finished the cleanup, they were gone.


One of the reasons that service is so strongly recommended to us in early recovery is that it gets us to a meeting and helps us connect with other recovering people. It sounds as if this service commitment has somehow backfired for you: you're feeling isolated at the meeting, perhaps a bit resentful. I have a few practical suggestions: you can ask at the break for volunteers to clean up and put things away, and you can postpone supervising or participating in the cleanup while you reach out to some people for conversation after the meeting. You might even consider letting the speaker know that you hope he or she will call on you; sharing is another way to combat feelings of invisibility. If we're taking care of ourselves, making sure that our own needs are being met, we can serve with ease and pleasure.

Today, I take my need for sharing and connection seriously and place it high on my list of priorities. I seek opportunities to connect with others, rather than waiting for them to come to me.



Some time ago, I felt it necessary to make a record of the various sums of money owed me for my occasional handouts for a flop, or to get clothes out of hock, or to replace the false teeth lost or broken on the last binge. The total amount began to grow to staggering proportions and I became very unhappy—so unhappy, in fact, I tore the record up and now I am happy again.

~ WALK SOFTLY AND CARRY A BIG BOOK ~ (Official & Unofficial Sloganeering From the 12 Step Programs) ~

1) The trouble with many of us is that in trying times, we stop trying.

2) AIDS: Addicts Injecting Dirty Syringes

3) People who say you can’t talk about drugs in an AA meeting are usually on them


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Gentle and Soothing

Higher Power, what have I cried out for since my first breath, if not serenity and tranquility’
Only when I made a decision of surrendering to Your will did my life change.
I then made myself open.
To the gentle serenity of Your peace,
To the soothing tranquility of Your love


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


We make spiritual progress by putting God into every corner of our lives. Most people on the spiritual path are willing to give God a generous portion of their lives, but there is often one little comer where they do not wish the divine Light to shine.

Bluebeard, you remember, kept open house, with the exception of one little room—and there he drew the line. His current wife, or any of the neighbors could go all over the premises and welcome, until they came to that one little room, the Bluebeard chamber, that was forbidden. Yet that one little locked-up room contained the tragedy of the house.

The contents of the Bluebeard room need not be anything that we usually call horrible. There may just be selfishness, laziness, spiritual pride, or any of the more "respectable" but very deadly sins. There may be an old grudge or bitter remorse.

Open every door of your soul to God. Have no place where the light of His presence does not shine.

The secret things belong unto the Lord our God. . . (Deuteronomy 29:29).


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Let’s Do Lunch

When a needy person stands at your door God Himself stands at his side.

~ Hebrew Proverb ~

"I had the most wonderful day today," DeAnn told me. "I took a beggar to lunch. As I was about to enter a restaurant, he stood at the door and asked me for a handout. I felt inspired to ask him, "Would you care to join me for lunch?" His eyes nearly popped out of his head! Eagerly he answered, ‘Sure.' We had a good talk, and I gained some insight into his life. He told me he didn't look forward to sleeping on the street in the middle of winter, so on my way home I dropped him at a motel and paid for his room. I can't remember the last time I felt so much peace."

While we may be prone to shy away from desperate or troubled people, a great treasure lies in serving them. Jesus said, "Whatever you do for the least of your brothers, you do for me." Many of us have high ideals for human service, but how many of us reach beyond our comfort zone to practice them? To care for the careless and house the homeless is to put love into action.

My teacher Hilda once asked me, “What would you like to stand for in this life?"

Immediately I answered, "Love."

"Can you love those who are unkind to you or different from you?" she asked.

I had to be honest. "Not always."

"Then you have not yet mastered love," she told me "When you can love all equally, only then can you say you know how to love."

I was inspired by DeAnn's example. The next day, I tried to connect more with the people I met in public. I smiled and said "Hi" to the policeman directing traffic in a construction zone; I tried to catch the eyes of the man taking my order for tires; and I chatted with a cook about his vacation plans. Funny, in the midst of a busy day of errands, those moments are the ones I remember.

Give me the strength to go beyond judgment, that I may meet everyone in the domain of the heart.

I behold the God in everyone and serve everyone as I would be loved.

bluidkiti 08-21-2016 08:21 AM

August 21

Step by Step

"AA is not a plan for recovery that can be finished and done with. It is a way of life, and the challenge contained in its principles is great enough to keep any human being striving for as long as he lives. We do not, cannot, out-grow this plan. As arrested alcoholics, we must have a program for living that allows for limitless expansion." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, "Alcoholics Anonymous Number Three," Ch 12 ("The Keys of the Kingdom"), p 311.

Today, I will not and cannot expect that being an "arrested alcoholic" will assure continued recovery and sobriety. We hear often but never too much that our program is not applied solely to sobering up but to daily living to maintain and enhance the quality of sobriety. If a day comes when I tinker with the dangerous folly that I have gone as far as I can with the program or have outgrown it, I am probably teetering on the edge of a slip or, more likely, a relapse. Today, AA becomes not only a program of recovery, but a daily way of life. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


Reading makes a complete person.

~ Anonymous ~

When early man first found a way to turn spoken words into symbols, knowledge became available to untold numbers. Through carvings on stone and scribblings on parchment, a method of communication became available to all who truly cared to learn. The simplest of words were used in the first efforts to teach mankind.

Simplicity is still the recommended way of working a recovery program. We both read and hear that “the Program is simple but not always easy."

Reading, study, and meditation can give us the basis of wisdom. The knowledge we gain from reading helps us understand ourselves and our world better. The wisdom we gather from books helps us on our journey of recovery.

The fogginess and lack of concentration I had when I first started recovery has faded away. Reading has become an important part of my program.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

Good thoughts bear good fruit, bad thoughts bear bad fruit—and man is his own gardener.

~ James Allen ~

Before we entered our program of healing and recovery, we didn’t recognize our thinking patterns as addictive and codependent. We simply thought our thoughts. Our attitudes seemed natural to us. Now we have learned from looking back that we had many self- serving and distorted ways of seeing life. Because of our need for control and our dependence on addictive ways, we had very nearsighted vision. Many of us indulged in a cynical and dark view of life. We used and controlled others to achieve our needs, and we were often ruled by fear.

Now we are learning that we can cultivate a healthier and happier state of mind. We need not be constantly vigilant about our safety and comfort. We have friends who are genuine and trustworthy. We can rest assured that our Higher Power will always be with us. We are created to be on this earth, and we have a right to take a place among the rest of humankind.

Today I am grateful for a healthy state of mind.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

The deeper our roots, the farther from home we can safely travel.

~ Molly McDonald ~

When we think of our roots, we think of our family of origin, our birthplace, our youth. Who we are today, how we think about our opportunities, how we handle stress and pain—all are colored by the experiences of our past. But we are tak- lng several steps to develop new roots too. Learning from one another in this program helps establish the new root system. Understanding God’s role in our lives strengthens the root system. Adhering to the Steps and the principles of this program nourishes the root system. All three keep us grounded in the healthy, serene life we have chosen. These new roots will give us the strength we need to handle any situation. They will lighten our burdens. They will comfort us like the arms of a loving parent. They will make our steps certain and our vision hopeful.

Venturing away from our home, whether it’s our home group or our place of residence, is easier when we acknowledge the importance of taking our new way of life with us.

My life here today and in all my tomorrows will give me as much joy as my heart can contain.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I have a new perspective

I have been working on my emotional and chemical health for a while now. I have insight into where I've come from, where I want to go, and what I need to do to get there. In brief, I have some perspective.

To me, "perspective" means I don't have to fix everything right now. I don’t finish working the Twelve Steps in twelve weeks. There are no grades and no graduating classes in recovery. Perspective also suggests balance. For example, although I experience a dual illness, the illnesses do not define me. I am, first of all, a human being.

To help me help my perspective, I will read the comics in today’s paper.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

Give us the tools and tee will finish the job.

~ Winston Churchill ~

Chemical dependency is a disease without prejudice; no one is denied. But the tools of recovery are available for anyone, too. Anyone with a desire to remain sober and live a healthy life can be part of the miracle of recovery.

Praying that our dreams will be realized is an important part of recovery. This conscious contact with God brings peace to our spirits and helps us overcome the struggles ahead. Accepting that God will show us the way, even when we are tempted to stray, brings us serenity as we face the hard work of recovery. As we build a relationship with God and use our prayers to help our dreams come alive, the miracle of recovery is always within our grasp.

The common bond we share with our sponsor and Twelve Step fellowship, a bond of friendship, faith, and experience, can help support us and give us the help we need to face each new day.

All of us have the tools we need to find serenity: honesty to help defeat denial, faith to conquer fear and uncertainty, sponsorship to end our isolation, and communion with our Higher Power to grant us peace.

Today help me use all the tools available to me to make real progress in my recovery.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

I used to love night best but the older I get the more treasures and hope and joy I find in mornings.

~ Terri Guillemets ~

No matter how challenging your day, when it draws to an end you can trust that a new day will dawn. With each dawn comes a clean slate. What has gone on before is in the past. What lies before you is the unknown. You have the opportunity to turn this unknown into something positive.

Rather than see the new day as no different from any other day, you have the ability to make it into something magnificent, something beautiful, and something unlike no other. You do not need to spend money or invest a great deal of energy into facilitating such a change. All you need to do is approach the day with a different attitude. Make one small change in your morning routine or replace dread with excited anticipation, and such changes can make a world of difference.

In the day that lies before you, if you trust that absolutely anything can happen, it will. Dawn ignites a flame of possibility that can enlighten and invigorate your entire day.

I awaken to this day filled with hope and anticipation.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

Fear less, hope more, eat less, chew more, whine less, breathe more, talk less, say more, love more, and all good things will be yours.

~ Swedish proverb ~

What do we have to do to get better in the program? Our first response may be to list all the healthy things we need to do: detach, meditate, pray, share, make phone calls, go to meetings, do the Steps, use the slogans, change behaviors. We soon have constructed an incredible list of dos and don'ts.

But we can Keep It Simple. All we need to do is live One Day at a Time in a different way than before. There are many positive things we can do, but we don't need to do them all at once.

Tonight we can just be ourselves. We don't need to make drastic changes or have dramatic mood swings or create radical resolutions. All that is asked of us is just to Keep It Simple.

Tonight I don't need to make radical changes. Help me Keep It Simple in all the changes I want to make.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Practicing tolerance

Everyone has a different opinion. No two people look the same. We all are different. Differences can cause us fear and set us apart from others, and we have no idea why.

If addiction closes us down, recovery opens us up. In the program, we learn that we are all more alike than we are different. We learn to look for what we share. We learn that we know so little about ourselves (let alone others) and that judgments are not helpful.

Can I live and let live?

Higher Power, help me to see myself in others.

I will practice tolerance today by

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray.



I don't understand the slogan "Feelings aren't facts." I thought that we were supposed to pay more attention to our feelings in recovery. This slogan makes it sound like our feelings will lead us astray.


Acknowledging our feelings and letting them pass through us is different from clinging to them, assuming they'll never change, taking self-destructive actions based on them, or letting them lead us into self-pity, resentment, or despair. An amazing thing about feelings is that they change.

If we're aware of having feelings that we dislike or that might lead us back to our addictions—such as angel fear, or sadness—we can safely discharge anger through physical activity or sharing; we can cry when we're moved to cry. In recovery our feelings aren't so frightening. We've seen them come and go.

Many of us have the habit of reacting to present circumstances with an array of negative feelings we're still carrying from the past. In recovery, we recognize that there is more than one way to respond.

Today, my repertoire of possible responses is large, as I go through my day with lightness.



There is no man alive who is a bigger fool than he who knows everything—even God can't teach such a one. This characteristic is common among alcoholics, and constitutes one of the greatest barriers to recovery. Our Program is best received by the humble heart and the attentive ear.

We must do a lot of “un-learning” before we are ready to start learning this new way of living.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Surround Me With Your Love, God

Surround me with Your love and guidance, O God;
I am not safe without You.
I am constantly exposed to this stressful world.
I am in danger sometimes of losing the battle to
the very shortcomings of my own nature.
I can only surrender myself to You
and believe that You will fulfill Your purpose in me.

I surrender to Your will, O God,
even when I am beaten down by depression
and caught up by my defects
and my own appetites threaten my recovery.
You are my God, and You will not let me go.

Your love , O God, is an answered promise.
Your wisdom is an answered prayer.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


God's, time for your demonstration is now. The time God wants you to be healed is now. The time God wants you to be in your true place is now. The Bible says that the day of salvation is now.

God is ready the moment you are. There is nothing to wait for except the changing of your own consciousness. People often make the mistake of saying, "I know my demonstration will come at the right time.” But the only time to be harmonious and satisfied is now. The time to be happy is now and the place is here. Did not Jesus say, The kingdom of heaven is at hand, and by this he meant close by.

Do not keep yourself out of the Kingdom of Heaven by inventing postponements, but change your consciousness now, for it can all happen in a moment.

. . . that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed (Romans 13:11).


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Out of the Fishbowl

It’s not trespassing when you cross your own boundaries.

~ Anonymous ~

While cleaning out her fishbowl, Mildred drew a few inches of water into her bathtub and placed her two fish in the tub. When she returned, Mildred found the fish swimming in a little circle the size of the bowl.

Just as these fish had a huge bathtub to swim in, so do we live in an unlimited universe. Yet, like the fish, if we have accepted limits from our past, when we have the opportunity to expand our horizons, we may not challenge our limits, so we stay confined to an old pattern.

We must constantly test our limits to see if they are real. If we have the courage to venture into uncharted territory, we will find treasures and freedom we would never have known if we didn't try. Buddha said, "To see what few have seen, you must go where few have gone."

The "laws" and limits of the world exist by agreement only. When we release small thinking, we inherit the kingdom founded on the laws of love. Which laws do you choose to agree with? Jesus challenged us, "Choose ye this day whom you will serve." The world you live in will be as grand as the thoughts upon which you found it.

Let me not rest content with a life less than the one You offer me. I pray to live in the grandest universe possible.

I move beyond my past and claim a glorious future. I manifest magnificent results because I think unlimited thoughts.

bluidkiti 08-22-2016 07:41 AM

August 22

Step by Step

" ...I never got into jail. I didn't get into a sanitarium, either. I wanted to die, and often I would think of ways. ...Once, when I called my analyst and told her I was contemplating death, she came over and tried to get me into a sanitarium. Frightened and shamed, I refused and sobered up temporarily. I was not mugged or manhandled. I did not resort to semi-prostitution for the price of a drink. But all these things could have happened. The sanitarium should have happened. I was not fit to be on the loose, and there was no one to commit me." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, "They Stopped in Time," Ch 13 ("Stars Don't Fall"), pp 411-12.

Today, what came with my drinking: jail, psychiatric hospitals, electroshock, getting mugged, whoring myself for booze, a botched suicide attempt with whiskey and anti-depressants. These are things that can happen again, and such is the life that looms if I cave into temptation to drink again. Do I really want to risk going back there? No, and I don't have to! I'm in AA now, and it's given me the choice not to drink. If temptation or whatever weak moment catches me off guard, God grant me the wisdom to remember what active alcoholism is really about and not to romanticize those drinking days with any so-called good times. If those times had really been good, I would have had no reason to reach out to AA. But I did have a reason; pray I never forget it. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


I am responsible for myself; my recovery, my well-being, my happiness, all these things are, ultimately, my own responsibility.

~ Anonymous ~

Our Higher Power does not lay claim to our free will. We can choose not to be responsible and make ourselves more miserable by going to new levels of despair and depression. Or we can seize every opportunity for a better life. We are responsible.

When we were newcomers and just getting started, we were generally very confused. We welcomed the support. Many of us were fed up with our lives and would have freely turned them in for a different model. But we learned to put into action what we were learning. We are responsible.

Our sponsors give us good advice and sound instructions. We can choose to listen to the advice or not. We are responsible.

Although we will always be dependent on God for our strength, it is up to us to ask God for that strength and do the necessary work to receive it. We are responsible.

Today, I'll remember my Higher Power has given me free will to accept or reject responsibility. My life is better when I act responsibly.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

Experience is not what happens to a man. It is what a man does with what happens to him.

~ Aldous Huxley ~

What does it take for a man to be called experienced? Who do we turn to when we look for someone who knows the ropes? We aren’t likely to seek out someone who has lived a chaotic life and still remains in the midst of his chaos. But if a man has been there and learned from his experience, he stands taller than everyone else. He is a kind of hero with much to teach us.

Most of us have plenty of experience. But how can we learn from our experience? We need to stop, take time to reflect, and be honest with ourselves. When we are immersed in busy lives, never taking time to slow down, we cannot learn from our wealth of experience. We only pile one event upon another and run from one demand to another. We can change that by adding time for reflection and contemplation to our schedule. A day off with no demands is valuable for the soul. A retreat to a quiet place, time for fishing, or golf, or hiking is not self-indulgence when we understand that we are on a spiritual path. Twenty minutes of quiet every day for solitude and reflection makes us wiser, stronger men for the lives we are leading.

Today I will take time to reflect, to be honest with myself, and to absorb the lessons of my experiences.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

In a storm, the tree that bends with the wind is the one that survives to grow tall.

~ Brenda Schaeffer ~

Sometimes we don’t pick our battles rationally. Resistance from anyone, about anything, can make us miss the splendor of the moment. There is another way to live. We may not have observed it often in our own families, but we can learn the pattern nonetheless. It’s called nonresistance.

Nonresistance means we stop trying to make something happen in only one way—our way. Nonresistance is refreshing. Suddenly we have more energy for fun activities, and we discover our presence is sought more often by the people we care about.

Giving up trying to force situations and people to follow our life plan is like doubling the possibilities for our own life. What a gift letting the rest of the world alone proves to be.

I won’t do battle with anyone today. I am in charge of only myself.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I want to be supportive

I work Step Twelve to the best of my ability. But sometimes when a friend from group calls me for support, I don't feel like talking. Sometimes I'm simply tired. At other times, my friend may not seem to understand his problem or how to help himself; or perhaps he doesn't seem to listen or appreciate what I have to offer; and then again, maybe he expects too much of me.

I know my reactions are valid and honest, but I need to step back from them a bit. It will help if I remember that (a) being asked for help is a gift; (b) at times, I am difficult to help too; (c) it’s OK to set boundaries; and (d) simply being present to another's pain is a loving, transforming experience.

I will ask my higher power for strength to carry the message with patience and love.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

My relationships depend on being honest with other people.
My life depends on being honest with myself.

~ Angela L. ~

Before our recovery from alcoholism or drug addiction, we didn’t know what honesty was. We thought honesty meant not getting caught. We used honesty like money, spending just enough to get through the day.

But in recovery, we can regain our integrity. Now we can think clearly and know it’s important to be straight with other people, but even more important to be straight with ourselves. Once, we could kid ourselves that our lives were in great shape, and keep using. We could pretend our problems were somebody else’s fault, and keep using.

But we don’t deny our problems with chemicals any more. And we know that when we lie to ourselves, we die a little. We don’t like ourselves very much, then, and need to escape — back to our drug of choice.

Before, being dishonest didn’t matter; we had nothing to lose. Now we’ve regained our health — physically, mentally, and spiritually. Dishonesty could cost us everything, even our lives. But now we also have our program, we have each other, and we have our Higher Power to remind us every day of the freedom honesty can bring.

Today let me look in a mirror and see an honest person looking back.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win.

~ Jonathan Kozol ~

Have you ever thought that you could be much stronger if only you did not have so many weaknesses? Everyone faces challenges in their lives and embarks on journeys into the unknown. But it is not just those who consider themselves to be strong who are able to succeed. It is also those who are well aware of their weaknesses and who can convert these weaknesses into strengths who also are able to succeed.

Perhaps you are intimidated by large projects or ones that come to fruition after a long period of time. First, create a plan to break down the project into several smaller projects. Or you can formulate a schedule that allows you to measure your progress at the end of each week. By making these simple changes, you can ignore your weaknesses, overcome a negative mind-set, and focus on your strengths.

You can apply this exercise for every challenge you face in life. To convert your weaknesses into strengths, first view what it is you need to do. Next, consider how to meet the challenge by developing a step-by-step plan that works to your strengths. Then use your strengths to carry through with your plan.

I can worry about my shortcomings, or I can work toward my strengths. Which do I choose?


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

Never measure the height of a mountain until you have reached the top. Then you'll see how low it is.

~ Dag Hammarskjold ~

What happens when we try to pick up a shell or pretty rock that’s under water? We may have a difficult time with the play of sunlight and the rippling of water. Because we're outside the water looking in, once our hands enter the water our perspective changes.

Many times the overreacting side of our personalities may blow things out of proportion. Mountains become molehills, and vice versa. Because of our sensitivities, we may find it difficult to be objective during certain situations. Because we're taking risks and feeling more vulnerable, we may blindly build unneeded defenses.

We can try to keep our perspectives in line by pausing before reacting. We can ask ourselves to identify what's happening and what action we need to take, if any. Instead of feeling threatened, subjective, or sensitive, we can use the extra time to get the proper perspective on a situation.

Have I blown anything out of proportion today? I can review the situation in order to get the proper perspective.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Letting go

If addiction is about control, recovery is about letting go. If addiction is about denial, recovery is about accepting what is.

As we spend time in the program, we learn something unexpected and amazing: Life is so full of twists and turns, it’s easier to follow along than to try to straighten them out. It’s easier to have fewer expectations because, after all, we have no control over the future or the present.

Can I practice letting go?

Higher Power, help me to be open, flexible, and accepting in my recovery.

Today I will let others make decisions and let go of

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

Every day is a god, each day is a god, and holiness holds forth in time.



I still don't seem to have much control over certain feelings. I woke up this morning feeling afraid of things I have to do today. I know I just have to show up and do my part—the results are out of my hands—but I still have that old sinking feeling.


Old feelings and thoughts may continue for some time in recovery, but we don't have to give them the power they used to have. We're blessed with alternatives to our old addictive habits of thinking and behaving. When we wake in fearful anticipation of what the day will bring, it's time once again to take actions that have worked for us so far in recovery.

We begin by expressing gratitude for the new day and for all the days that have led us to it. We can read some literature that comforts and lifts our spirits. We can make a program call. We can take time to nourish our bodies with food.

These morning rituals help us put the day into perspective: we've survived, and we're not alone. This day will not be exactly like any othe4 before it or after it. What lies ahead is certain to hold surprises.

I greet this day with celebration. I am alive.



Had Doctor Bob died in May 1935 he would have died a failure—a man who had wasted years of training and exceptional ability, a despair and a disappointment to his family, his profession and himself.

But Doctor Bob lived for fifteen more years, and accomplished more in that short span than the combined efforts of his entire profession in the treatment of the baffling disease of Alcoholism.

Medicine had treated the drunk like a guinea pig. Dr. Bob looked into the heart and soul of the man. He soon learned that the physical aspect of the case was the least and most temporary of the causes.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

May I Be Happy

I will sit down, quiet my mind, and connect with that which is greater than my small self and pray:

May I be free from fear.
May I be free from suffering.
May I be free from my ego.
May I be filled with loving kindness.
May I be happy


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


You are continually "treating" your conditions with the thoughts that you hold concerning them. What you really think about anything, is your "treatment" of that thing. Many people have the idea that they are only "treating" when they call it "treating," but no matter what you call it, your thought concerning any subject is a treatment. This is the reason visible conditions are always the expression of invisible thought.

If you will begin systematically to treat every side of your life with a series of positive, correct thoughts, and keep to this practice for even a few weeks, you will be amazed to find how much everything will change for the better.

. . . be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind . . . (Romans 12:2).


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

The Power to Heal

The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.

~ Voltaire ~

A Band-Aid television ad suggests that the healing energy we need is already within is. Our job, the ad implies, is simply to cooperate with the universal healing force. All we need to do is protect ourselves while nature effects the cure. “Cuts and wounds,” manufacturer Johnson & Johnson reminds us, “heal twice as quickly when they are covered with a Band-Aid.” Their new slogan is “The Power to Heal."

What a delight to see the world of pharmaceuticals coming closer to the truth! A Course in Miracles asks:

Who is the physician? Only the mind of the patient himself. The outcome is what he decides that it is. Special agents seem to be ministering to him, yet they but give form to his own choice...They are not actually needed at all. The patient could merely rise up without their aid and say, "l have no use for this." There is no form of sickness that would not be cured at once.

While doctors can facilitate the healing process, the only true healer is God. Even the mending of a small cut is a miracle! What human being has the power to recreate it? To be healed, we do not need to add anything to who we are or what we have. We simply need to become still and allow nature to reinstate us to our rightful condition of well-being.

I open myself to be touched by Your heating power. I lay aside all idols and invite the presence of love to restore my true nature of wholeness.

Health is my natural state, I accept it now.

bluidkiti 08-23-2016 09:09 AM

August 23

Step by Step

"Until I could accept my alcoholism, I could not stay sober; unless I accept life completely on life's terms, I cannot be happy. I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitude." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, "They Stopped in Time," Ch 17 ("Doctor, Alcoholic, Addict"), p 449.

Today, grant me understanding and accept that my alcoholism and recovery depend on ME to make fundamental changes internally - and that those changes will not come by the world changing to accommodate me. If I have not yet accepted that I must live life on life's terms or if I have not accepted or surrendered to the basic truth that I am powerless over alcohol, I am undoubtedly going to stumble not too far out of the starting gate. I cannot expect the realities of life to change any more than I would change myself to comply with someone else's expectations of me. Thus, for the basic changes that I must make for a quality sobriety, I have to look inward to begin making those changes. Today, I scrap my expectations of the world and everyone to meet MY standards; instead, I ask if maybe the problem isn't ME. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


Listen to the sounds of silence.

~ Paul Simon ~

Sharing experiences, strengths, and hopes, and reading during recovery is very important. But just as important are the times of silence we allow ourselves to think over the information we're receiving during times of sharing and reading.

Before recovery, being quiet may have meant having to face our problems alone. We avoided being by ourselves. We may think we don't have time for silence in our busy lives. But quiet moments in the morning or evening for meditation, moments going to and from work, moments spent doing household chores, moments during exercise-all of these moments add up to the precious times of silence we need to absorb all we are learning, feeling and experiencing.

I now look forward to my quiet times. I am learning how to relax and be with my Higher Power in prayer, meditation and reflection.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

When I found out I thought God was white, and a man, I lost interest.

~ Alice Walker ~

On our path, spiritual development and renewal is constant. We make time for conscious contact with God as we understand God, and our understanding keeps forming. Our childhood images of God may be too limited. That doesn’t mean we have to toss out the whole concept, but our understanding has to grow up with us.

To some, God is the spirit and the feeling of camaraderie in group. To some, God is the God expressed in their traditional religion. Others say that God is simply beyond all definition, an ultimate that exceeds our rational mind. Others say God is the sense we have that we are never alone. And to some, God is found in the beauty of nature. This program of healing and recovery guides us to make a decision to turn our life and our will over to the God of our understanding. And we can expect that as the relationship grows so will our understanding.

Today I am grateful for the presence of God as I carry on with my life.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

Advice from others applies to them.

~ Georgette Vickstrom ~

Those of us who share this program are learning liow to care about others, and it is natural that we want to help one another. Of course, that means we may suggest, sometimes too strongly, what we think a friend ought to do. We are frequently on the receiving end of similar suggestions. We can be glad that others want to help. We suffered alone with our problems for far too long. However, no one’s advice can exactly fit our situation. Nor can ours fit theirs. The perspective that guides each of us is unique to our experiences.

It is never wrong to offer our support. Nor is it wrong, if asked, to share what we would do if the problem were ours. But to say to anyone, “Here is what you should do,” is harmful. Let God play God.

I will not give unwanted suggestions or advice to any-one today. God is the best guide for each of us.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I can put up with some side effects

I knew I didn't want to take psychiatric medication. I knew there would be problems. That's why I hesitated at first-and I was right. Now I feel edgy and tired out much of the time. I'm often thirsty And to top it off, my sex drive is diminished. I don't like trading in one sort of problem for another.

On the other hand, the medication is helping to reduce my symptoms. I don't feel as sad and I'm sleeping better. Most of the day I can function pretty well. I guess relief from my major symptoms is worth putting up with some side effects.

I will follow my medication regimen carefully and call my doctor with any questions.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

Every day is a holiday.

~ P. Gustavson ~

The janitor in a school was an extremely positive, spiritual person. When asked how his day was going, he said in a loud, cheerful voice, “Every day is a holiday.” When overloaded by work or family schedules, what a great thought to remember. Every day is a holiday!

The original meaning of “holiday” was simply a happy or festive day, a day to celebrate, to rejoice, to give thanks. In recovery, every day is a holiday, a holy day, something special. Each day is a gift, given by a Power greater than ourselves, to use as we choose. What a change from active addiction, when every day was misery.

Thinking of each day as special helps us be grateful, and to give thanks for every day in our new lives. As we grow in recovery, we look forward to every day with joy and excitement.

Thanks for today. Let me live it as a holiday, a day to celebrate recovery and sobriety.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere.

~ Glenn Turner ~

You may be someone who is in a constant state of worry. But where has all of your worrying gotten you? Worry prevents you from living in the present. It does not rob your time from yesterday—that is already over and done with—and it cannot take anything from tomorrow, because that has not yet arrived. What worry does is sap the life of the day you have before you.

While many people worry about a lot of things, worry is based predominantly on self-doubt. Worry is the voice in your head that prevents you from believing in yourself. Even though you have friends and family who truly think you are special, worry strives to convince you that you are not as good as others think you are. Worry is the “but” that butts into praise you receive, achievements you make, and the time you have before you. Today ease your worry by replacing some of worry’s buts with positive thoughts of your own.

Whenever the voice of worry tells me I am not good enough, I will answer, “But I am good enough, and here are some things that prove that.”


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

You want me to succeed so much.
Could you understand if I failed? . . .
Could you love me if I failed?

~ Sister Mary Paul ~

What is it we fear the most about success? Sometimes we fear we'll fail. But failure isn't as scary as losing the admiration, respect, or even the love of those we're trying to impress.

We sometimes look outside of ourselves too much for the love, rewards, and approval for our actions. We may feel we're not good enough, so we set nearly impossible feats in which we strive to succeed.

Tonight, we're a success. No matter what we've done or what we'll do, we are a success. If we've set out to do something today and fallen short of our goals, we haven't lost the admiration, respect, or love of those around us. There are those who will love us whether we fail or succeed, for they are the ones who love us for ourselves and believe in us. Their love will always be there.

Who loves me and believes in me? Tonight I can be grateful for their love and belief and know that is the greatest success I can achieve.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Treasuring our triumph

It is said that the tougher the problem, the greater the triumph. Some of us feel that we would gladly have forgone the conflict and the triumph. If that is how we’re thinking, we have not fully experienced the triumph.

Our lives have ultimate value. Getting clean and sober after years of addictive living is an amazing and wonderful achievement. It is also said that heaven knows the proper price of its goods.

Can I realize the full value of what I have done?

Higher Power, help me to love and respect myself for the life-saving work I have done.

I will express my gratitude for my being clean and sober today by

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

I am my own universe, I my own professor.



I've been trying to meditate every day this week, closing my eyes and concentrating on my breathing. I was hoping that it would help me with the depression I've been feeling on and off, A strange thing has been happening, though. Instead of feeling relaxed and refreshed, I become oddly disconnected and I start to panic.


Obviously, something that causes panic isn't a good choice for us, no matter how highly it's been recommended.

Anyone experiencing depression is not advised to meditate with the eyes closed for more than fifteen minutes at a time. If meditating with eyes closed feels disorienting and upsetting, we can try another method; there are numerous alternatives. Meditating with open eyes, focusing our vision on a natural object such as a shell, flame, or flowe4 can bring a sense of inner peace. Meditating while walking or chanting a mantra aloud can also be good choices for those suffering from depression.

I'm glad that you're alert to the instinct that's telling you not to force situations.

Today, I trust my intuitive sense of what I need.



Alcoholism is now recognized as a disease, and this recognition brought about countless studies and experimentations on the part of the physicians, scientists, educators, employers, etc. Clinics are being set up, new medicines, new cures, new therapeutics are being experimented with. There are almost as many theories as there are alcoholics. There are almost as many failures as there are theories.

Alcoholics Anonymous is no theory, it is a proven fact.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~


Higher Power, help me stop expecting so much from myself. I set unrealistic standards, and when they are not met, unhappiness follows. Help me be true to myself and only expect what I am capable of doing. As I grow in recovery and do my assignments every day, I am able to do more. Your will provides realistic goals. Your will provides what I need to succeed.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


Your destiny depends entirely upon your own mental conduct. You may think that you know this already, but if you do not act upon it, it is certain that you do not really know it. Most people would be amazed to discover how much negative thinking they indulge in. Thought is so swift and habit is so strong that unless you are very careful you will constantly transgress.

Suppose that, quite without your knowledge, an invisible dictaphone were strapped on your shoulders the first thing tomorrow morning, and that you carried it about all day until the last thing tomorrow night. Then suppose that this record were played over to you so that every word you had uttered for a whole day was repeated to you. Well, if you are an average human being you would probably be embarrassed, yet it really does happen that everything we say, and think, and do, is recorded—in the subconscious mind—and our daily experience is simply that record being played over to us by the Law of Being.

Never forget that the circumstances of your life tomorrow are molded by your mental conduct of today.

I have chosen the way of truth . . . (Psalm 119:30).


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Don’t Drop the Baby

The peace of God is my one goal.

~ A Course in Miracles ~

Author Hugh Prather likens the peace of God to a tender infant. "If you were carrying a little baby," Hugh suggests, "you would make that child your first priority. If someone bumped into you on the street, you wouldn't just drop the baby to follow the person and yell at him. And if your car broke down, you wouldn't abandon the child as you walked to get help. In the same way, we cannot afford to put the peace of God aside for any worldly distraction. The peace of God is more valuable than anything the world has to offer, and we must protect it as consistently as a tender infant."

What have you placed before the peace of God? Money? Anger? Fear? Time? Possessions? Drama? Romance? Guilt? Sex? Work? If you've traded joy for any passing entity or experience, you've struck a poor bargain indeed.

Make an inner commitment to hold peace above all else for one day. It will be the most beautiful day of your life.

Beloved God, I want to know Your love fully. Help me to remember You above all else.

The peace of God is my one goal. Any priorities are in order.

bluidkiti 08-24-2016 05:31 AM

August 24

Step by Step

"At last, acceptance proved to be the key to my drinking problem. ...When I stopped living in the problem and began living in the answer, the problem went away. From that moment on, I have not had a single compulsion to drink." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, "They Stopped in Time," Ch 17 ("Doctor, Alcoholic, Addict"), pp 448-49.

Today, after living so long in the problem of drinking, let me understand that now, as an alcoholic who does not drink, I am free to live in the answer - sobriety. By living in sobriety, I am free of fighting the temptation to drink again, free of the fear of being caught and of shame, anger, resentment, loneliness and hopelessness. The problem of drinking offers no freedom; the answer of sobriety does. Let me think and re-think until I understand the fine line between living in the problem of resisting temptation to drink and living in the answer of sobriety and, in understanding, I can begin to loosen the problem's grip on me and embrace the answer. And the answer is AA and the principles it suggests. Today, I no longer have to fight or live with the problem; I have an answer. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


Seven days without a meeting makes one weak

~ Anonymous ~

The amount of time we invested in our addiction over the years was considerable. We spent countless hours feeding our addiction, thinking about feeding it, and trying to recover from the episode. A great investment of time was made.

We need to consider the idea that a tremendous amount of time invested in recovery is a wise choice. This disease of ours has caused deep wounds. Healing will take time. Just because we put the chemical or behavior down does not mean they will put us down. Our Program describes them as cunning, baffling, and powerful. Some old-timers add patient, too.

The point is made in many cases that those that don't spend the time, don't make it. Ours is not a solitary Fellowship. We don't work our Program alone. The meetings we attend are very important to us.

I will put as much energy into my meeting attendance as I once put into my active addiction.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

Storytelling is giving shape to the amorphous chaos of life.

~ Anonymous ~

When we put words to what has happened to us, we can begin to learn from our experience. We carry images within us that are the building blocks of our stories, but we only begin to make sense of them when we put them into words. Talking with a trusted friend, or speaking in a meeting, or telling a therapist about our experiences gives them a shape. The words give us a way to understand, and they build a bridge to others. We may feel deeply alone if we keep our memories and images to ourselves. When we begin to talk, as we tell our story, we learn from our own words, and they take us deeper into our truth.

We don’t tell our story only once. We do it over and over again. It brings relief from the traumas and releases us from the prison of our past. Each time we talk, even recounting the same events, we are somewhat different because we have grown, and we see our own story from a new perspective. Listening to other men’s stories and telling our own is one of the special tools for spiritual growth that we use on this recovery path.

Today I will talk to someone about an experience or a feeling.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

The subconscious can be programmed to procure the results you desire.

~ Susan Smith Jones ~

The subconscious absorbs events in the external world as well as our internal world. It’s never al rest. Yet we do have power over what we cultivate in the recesses of our subconscious.

There are some tools we can use to weed out unhealthy messages from our subconscious. One is to replace negative thoughts with thoughts that nurture us. Another is to develop affirmations that boost our self-esteem, and to practice saying them while in a meditative state or standing before a mirror. Maybe the most effective of all tools is visualization. Do it this way: Carefully paint the portrait of the woman you want to be in your mind. See her in myriad situations, always performing superbly. Dwell on her strengths, her capabilities in every experience. Believe in her and she will become real.

I am who I think I can be today. My imagination will shape the person I desire to be. I am in charge.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

My life isn't easy, but it's mine and it’s real

For quite some time, my life consisted of fighting my psychiatric illness, mainly by getting high. But in trying to control the emotional—almost physical—pain, I was losing control of my life. I was caught in a web. These days it can still be a struggle—stress, setbacks, holding down a job—but now I have the right tools and I know where I am: I'm abstinent and stable in dual recovery I am doing the work I need to do—counseling, Step meetings—and I'm on the right path.

Today I will pray for continued strength and the willingness to trust my higher power with my future.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.

~ John Powell ~

A sense of humor is one part of us that is rescued by recovery from the dulled life of addiction. Laughter heals us and separates us from suffocating false pride. As we mend emotions, we gladly let go of our need to be right all the time. We move away from that old, fearful defensiveness, and come to accept our mistakes. It is endearing when we relate to one another as a result of our human imperfections. This is the spiritual path we have chosen over self-centered preoccupation.

When we laugh we are truly living in the moment, and freeing ourselves, if only for a moment, from our worries. Only humans have the ability to recognize and appreciate humor. Of all animals, only humans laugh. Laughter relieves the pressure of a closed mind and in that moment, when we are most teachable, we learn that our mistakes are not disasters, but simply by-products of our growth.

Today let me share laughter over my mistakes with another person.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

It wasn’t mining when Noah built the ark.

~ Howard Ruff ~

To stay dean and sober, it is vital to create a foundation of support that will help you to strengthen your commitment and resist the temptation to use or abuse.

Become active in your group by helping before or after meetings and make new friends. Together you can enjoy activities that are free from drugs or alcohol. Those who are clean and sober have experience and wisdom that support your recovery.

Use a daily book of meditations for guidance each day. Read materials available at meetings so you can stay focused on your recovery. Read—or reread—the Big Book, From time to time you may need to attend events where alcohol is served or where your former drinking buddies will be. If you can invite someone from the program, you will have a supportive guest to be with you. If you cannot, arrange to get together with your sponsor immediately after the event.

Connect with your Higher Power through prayer and meditation. Share your feelings at meetings. Spend regular, quality time with your sponsor. Accept the support and guidance you are given, but remember that your recovery is your responsibility.

I will use tools of support for my recovery.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

The message is, "It's okay if you mess up. You should give yourself a break.”

~ Billy Joel ~

The song "You're Only Human” was written to help teens eliminate suicide as an option to life's problems. It tells them it's okay to make mistakes. In fact, because we're human, we're supposed to make mistakes.

Mistakes don't last forever. They are small events in the larger master plan of life. While a mistake may hurt another or affect the outcome of a situation, a mistake is not so earth-shattering and catastrophic that we can't learn something from it, forgive ourselves, and let it go.

There's no reason to feel we need to punish ourselves if we do something wrong. It’s the mature person who can look at a mistake and shrug it off easily. It's the perfectionistic, people-pleasing person that demands retribution for mistakes and never wants to forget them. Which is easier for us to be?

Tonight I can look at my mistakes and know they are signs of my humanness. It is healthy to make a mistake every once in a while and be able to accept it as a normal part of living.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Seeking a Higher Power

In the Twelve Step program, Step Two sug-gests that we seek a Higher Power (whom some of us choose to call God) to help us with the problems that we can’t handle alone. And here some of us—for very old and deep reasons—get stuck.

God need not be male, nor old and bearded. God need not be judgmental or punishing. The fact is, in the Twelve Step program we can let go of our old notions about God. The fact is, we can decide what we want our Higher Power to be to get the help we need.
Can I begin seeking a Higher Power?

I now realize I have a serious problem. I see that I cannot recover on my own. I need help.

Today I will begin to explore my spiritual beliefs by

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

Use what language you will, you can never say anything but what you are.



Since so many of us are cross-addicted, why are some meetings closed?


Though a meeting may be listed as "closed," it's open to anyone who has a desire to stop using the substance or compulsive behavior that is the focus of the meeting. For example, if I'm a recovering compulsive overeater who has begun to explore my relationship with alcohol or drugs, I may attend closed meetings of AA or NA. However, observers, journalists, spouses, and interested friends, all of whom are welcome at "open" meetings, may not attend closed meetings. The existence of closed meetings offers a greater sense of security to those who are especially concerned about their anonymity and to those who prefer to keep discussions focused on a specific addiction.

Rather than engage in controversy about this issue, we need to respect the collective conscience and guidelines of the particular groups we attend. We can make an effort to find meetings where we feel comfortable telling the truth about how we got here. If we're attending an open meeting merely as a visitor, we listen, but refrain from sharing. We respect the anonymity of those present and don't carry news of what we've heard or seen, even to members of another anonymous fellowship.

Today, there's a place that's right for me; I go there and know that I'm at home.



When a member of AA can take his first inventory and compare it with his last and then truthfully say, “I am not now that which I have been,” he has arrived at a definite stage of improvement. When the next one shows still more improvement, then he is definitely on the Program. When this improvement continues until there is no more room for improvement—look out below.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Facing Indecision

Dear God, help me during the day when I face indecision. Help me when I do not know which course to take. I ask You for inspiration, an intuitive thought, or a decision. You have instructed me during these times of indecision not to struggle, to relax and take it easy. You will provide the right answers. This I pray.

~ Adapted from material in Alcoholics Anonymous, Fourth Edition, page 86 ~


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


There is no need to be unhappy. There is no need to be disappointed, or oppressed, or aggrieved. There is no need for illness or failure or discouragement. There is no necessity for anything but an abounding interest and joy in life.

As long as you accept a negative condition at its own valuation, so long will you remain in bondage to it; but you have only to assert your birthright as a free man or woman and you will be free.

Success and happiness are the natural conditions of mankind. It is actually easier to demonstrate these things than the reverse. Bad habits of thinking and acting may obscure this fact for a time, just as a wrong way of walking or sitting, or holding a pen or a musical instrument may seem to be easier than the proper way, because we have accustomed ourselves to it; but the proper way is the easier nevertheless.

Unhappiness, frustration, poverty, loneliness are really bad habits that their victims have become accustomed to bear, believing that there is no way out, whereas there is a way; and that way is simply to acquire good habits of working with the Law instead of against it.

Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy Law (Psalm 119:18).


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Whose Birthday?

Give to every other human being every right you claim for yourself.

~ Robert G. Ingersoll ~

I took my eight-year-old goddaughter to the toy store to buy her a birthday present. When I told her, "Pick out anything you like,” she ran to the display of Barbie dolls. "But you already have 32 Barbie Dolls!" I reminded her. "You have a blonde Barbie, a black Barbie, a cheerleader Barbie, and a beach Barbie, not to mention a Barbie house, a Barbie hot rod, and a Barbie executive office. Why don't you get something different?"

She clutched a new Barbie and answered, “But I want a Barbie.” My first instinct was to tell her to put the doll back on the shelf, but then I realized something important: It was her birthday, not mine l had told her to pick out whatever she wanted, and this was her choice. It was not my place to judge what made her happy. Even if she had 300 Barbies and this was her idea of a great birthday present. I had to honor her choice.

True service means surrendering our idea of what someone else should want, and supporting them in their vision of happiness. With the exception of helping someone do something that will hurt them, we love most genuinely by standing behind, not between, others and the choices they make. We must not impose our visions over theirs, but support them in manifesting their dreams.

Help me love and support my brothers and sisters for who and what they are rather than what I would have them be.

I delight in affirming others on their path of joy.

bluidkiti 08-25-2016 08:02 AM

August 25

Step by Step

"And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation - some fact of my life - unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, "They Stopped in Time," Ch 17 ("Doctor, Alcoholic, Addict"), p 449.

Today, accept as a requirement of my recovery that I am absolutely powerless over alcohol and I can never drink again, accept the consequences of my drinking and that I alone am responsible to them, and accept that recovery is more than physical and includes a massive rebuilding of my emotional and spiritual character. If I am simply IN recovery but not WITH it and carry even a hidden resentment that I cannot drink safely or a sense of being wronged because I have to clean up the mess I allowed alcohol to make of my life, the program's promise of serenity with myself and the world around me will be elusive. Today, I seek the humility to ask for absolute - and unconditional - acceptance that my alcoholism is MY responsibility, and so it is with my recovery. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


Self-love is the greatest of all flatterers.

~ La Rouchefoucauld ~

Those who follow the principles of the Program have learned that self-centeredness is possibly one of their biggest problems. Since we come to believe that we cannot succeed in staying abstinent by our own efforts alone, we realize that self-idolizing is the worst possible tool to make vital friendships. There is little doubt that thinking "me above all" will make us inhabitants of glass houses that are always in danger of being shattered.

Selfishness and loneliness are created by an oversupply of concern for who we are and what we will be. Selfishness and self-centeredness leads to a complete failure in working the Program. We are encouraged in recovery to become other-centered, thus getting our minds off ourselves.

When my ego causes me to indulge in self-flattery, let me remember that when I fall in love with myself, I won't have any rivals for my affection.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

Noble deeds and hot baths are the best cures for depression.

~ Dodie Smith ~

When we change our lives, we give up old patterns. Some of these old patterns, as harmful as they may have been, were like our best friends. We could turn to them for comfort and escape. After giving them up, and after the first elated feelings of liberation, we may also have to deal with the depression and grief of loss.

What should we remember at these times? First of all, depression has a beginning, and it has an end. In the midst of it, we may feel that nothing will ever look good again. That is not so. The loss of energy, the dark mood, the hopelessness—all will pass and we will regain our vitality and joy of life. Second, it helps to stay active. Physical activity is one of the best medicines for a depressed mood: vigorous walks, physical labor, or a good workout at the gym. Another kind of activity is helping others, reaching out to those in need of companionship and a helping hand. It is surprising how good it feels to make a difference in another person’s life. The third thing we can do is stop our negative thoughts. We can simply interrupt a train of thought in the same way we might interrupt a conversation and change the subject.
Finally, we can take comfort in the faith that our Higher Power will provide what we need in the long run.

Today I will take good care of my mental well-being.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

When my heart is overflowing with gratitude, there is no room for fear.

~ Kathy Kendall ~

Feelings can consume us. Sometimes we have positive feelings; other times we have negative feelings. The truth is, we can’t harbor opposing emotions at the same time. If we are fearful, we can’t be Joyful and enthusiastic about what lies ahead. Conversely, if we are joyful and enthusiastic, we can’t be fearful about what lies ahead.

The good news is that our feelings don’t control us. It’s quite the opposite. While it may seem that feelings overcome us, the truth is, they follow our thoughts. In other words, what we manufacture in our minds gives rise to our feelings. That means, of course, that we don’t have to harbor any feeling one minute longer than we choose.

Deciding to feel grateful is just as easy as it is to feel hurt or resentful or fearful. We may not have all we desire, but we do have multiple blessings, each one of us. The more we give thanks to this program and our Higher Power, the more our blessings will multiply.

I will feel at one with my Higher Power today. I am safe, clean and sober, and in caring hands. There is nothing to fear.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I need to eat right to stay in recovery

I used to eat whatever was easy to get—especially junk food—as long as I got full (sometimes too full). Other times I'd lose my appetite and skip meals. It all depended on my mood and on whether I was intoxicated.

Now that I'm in dual recovery I feel differently about what and how I eat. I now recognize how important it is to eat a healthy diet to stay strong, both physically and emotionally (these are not separate). Moreover, instead of abusing my body or ignoring it like I did before, in recovery I want to help it.

I will list three healthy foods I want to eat more of these days.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

Not my will, but Thine, be done.

~ Luke 22:42 ~

To surrender our own will may at first seem like giving up life itself. It seems so risky to relinquish control! We may resist at first, and desperately look for an easier, softer way, before we realize we must simply surrender. In time we come to believe our Higher Power can be trusted to comfort and support us, to bring order into our lives on a day-to- day, minute-by-minute basis. Before, we lived in chaos and felt terribly alone. In recovery, we can find calm and safety when we surrender our wills and our lives to our Higher Power. We can witness the powerfully positive results every day. Now the real healing begins.

Today Lord, help me be aware of Your will in my life each day. Give me the courage to risk letting go of my own will and the strength to follow Your will in recovery.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

One must marry one’s feelings to one’s beliefs and ideas. That is probably the only way to achieve a measure of harmony in one’s life.

~ Napoleon Hill ~

Imagine that the four tires on your car symbolize your spirit, your knowledge, your dreams, and your feelings. If even one of these is out of balance, your car will not run smoothly. It will need more guidance to stay on the road. It will use up more gasoline. And, over time, each of the other tires will wear unevenly.

In your recovery you may have three tires that are usually in balance with one another, and one that is not. If you are holding onto feelings of resentment, anger, or sad-ness, it can be difficult to embrace the present. If you are suppressing your feelings rather than expressing them, it can be harder for you to stay focused. And if you believe that the feelings of others are more important than your own, you may have a difficult time accepting and gaining better understanding of what it is that you need. Your tire of feelings is out of balance.

Even if it is hard for you to express your feelings, write down how you feel. The more you can feel, the greater the balance you can achieve in your life.

I will not ignore my feelings. I will let them out so I can feel them.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

To get peace, if you want it, make for yourselves nests of pleasant thoughts.

~ John Ruskin ~

A bird builds its nest by first searching for the perfect twigs, string, and papers. Then it patiently interweaves these materials until its nest achieves the right shape, size, depth, and warmth. Once completed, the bird ceases its work and spends its time nestled comfortably in its home.

To be at peace with ourselves, we have to construct our own nest. This nest doesn't always have to be a place. It can also be found in freedom from negative thinking. Or it can be a time we set aside solely for our enjoyment and relaxation.

Without this time or space, peace will be difficult to achieve. We may see evidence of this in our schedules that allow plenty of time to do but not enough time to just be. Tonight we can start to set aside moments, rearrange schedules, and give ourselves the chance to make our own nest of pleasant thoughts.

Tonight I can find pleasure in today and relax. What pleasant thoughts can I use to build my nest?


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Being in trouble

Many of us have experienced failure in school, loss of jobs, quarrels with families and friends, and encounters with police and jails. In the beginning it is hard to realize that trouble is not simply a part of our personality. We may feel jinxed.

But through the program we realize that we don’t have to live that way. We don’t have to feel jinxed. We can finally see what “peace of mind” means.

Am I leaving my troubles behind me?

Higher Power, help me to realize all the choices I now have in my life.

I will enhance my peace of mind today by

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

It's a day like any other.



Over these last several months, I've done a number of things sober for the first time since I can remember. I’ve survived my first New Year's Eve, family reunion, birthday, and Fourth of July without acting out my addiction. I love having gotten through these days, but it wasn't easy. I'm not sure I can say I celebrated, or that I'm looking forward to next year.


Holidays may pose a challenge to those of us in early recovery. They may raise questions about our relationships with loved ones, put us in close proximity to people who are acting out our addictions, and confront us with memories of our own past behavior. We still need to avoid people, places, and things that might lead us back to addiction: we can make decisions about where we want to be and with whom, based on our own most pressing needs in recovery. We can volunteer to help others: sending holiday dinners in a homeless shelter, speaking at a correctional facility, or leading a meeting are some techniques for strengthening our own recovery and cultivating gratitude. As holidays in recovery return, they'll be opportunities for us to notice and appreciate how far we've come.

I avoid dramatic highs and lows as I celebrate another day in recovery.



If we think—truly think—our lives will become manageable, and if we thank God who made this thinking possible for us, then our lives are almost sure to remain manageable. We alcoholics can contain our entire philosophy in these two words—THINK and THANK.

Think before you take that first drink, then thank your God that you didn't.


~ WALK SOFTLY AND CARRY A BIG BOOK ~ (Official & Unofficial Sloganeering From the 12 Step Programs) ~

1) ANGER: Any No Good Energy Rising

2) Soak up AA the way you used to soak up alcohol.

3) Day By Day.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

What I Ought to Know

Grant me, O Lord, to know what I ought to know,
to love what I ought to love,
to praise what pleases You most,
to value what is important in Your eyes.

Do not allow me to judge others according to the sight of my eyes only, or to pass judgment according to gossip, but to know what is true and spiritual, and above all to always pray for what is good according to Your will.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


In the depths of his being man always feels intuitively that there is a way out of his difficulties if only he can find it. The infant, as yet uncontaminated by the defeatism of his elders, simply refuses to tolerate inharmony on any terms, and therefore he demonstrates over it. When he is hungry he tells the world while many a sophisticated adult goes without. Does he find a pin sticking in some part of his anatomy? Not for him a sigh of resignation to the supposed "will of God" or a whine about never having any luck, or a sigh that what cannot be cured must be endured. His instincts tell him that life and harmony are inseparable.

Refuse to tolerate anything less than harmony. You can have a happy and joyous life. But to do so you must seize the rudder of your own destiny and steer boldly for the port that you intend to make. What are you doing about your future?

For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified (Romans 2:13).


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

A Few More Phone Calls

Everything he wanted to do was impossible. Everything he did had never been done before.

~ Said about Muppets creator Jim Henson ~

In the film For Love or Money, Michael J. Fox plays a conniving hotel concierge who wheels and deals to get his guests whatever they want. When he calls one of his sources to obtain some hard-to-get sports tickets, his contact tells him, "They are impossible to get."

"Nothing is impossible," Fox comes back, "'Impossible' just takes a few more phone calls."

If you're persistent enough, you can accomplish anything you choose. One morning I showed up at the airport at 8:00 A.M. to catch a 9 o'clock plane. When I handed the agent my frequent flyer award coupons to purchase the ticket, I was stunned to hear her tell me, "I'm sorry, sir, today is a blackout day for frequent flyer awards."

Well, that wouldn't quite do. I walked across the lobby to a telephone and called the airline reservation office. "No can do," I was told.

I called again. "Not today."

I called again. "Sorry, I can't help you."

I kept calling until finally I got an agent who told me, "I'll get you onto that flight." I knew that if I just kept asking, eventually someone would say yes. My intention to get on the flight was stronger than the airline's intention for me not to be on it. Soon after 9 o'clock, I sat back and enjoyed the view from the sky.

Every great invention or world transformation was once considered impossible. "Impossible" is a momentary and illusory belief in limitation. Expand your vision to see the big picture, and you will live in an infinite universe.

Help me to remember Your ability to manifest my good. I say yes to love and welcome Your answer of yes to me.

All of God’s power lives within me. I am unlimited.

bluidkiti 08-26-2016 07:19 AM

August 26

Step by Step

" ...(M)y life has had a purpose, not in great things accomplished but in daily living. Courage to face each day has replaced the fears and uncertainties of earlier years. Acceptance of things as they are has replaced the old impatient chomping at the bit to conquer the world. I have stopped tilting at windmills, and instead have tried to accomplish little daily tasks, unimportant in themselves, but tasks that are an integral part of living fully." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, "Alcoholics Anonymous Number Three," Ch 10 ("He Sold Himself Short"), p 295.

Today, may I not be self-critical or deflated if something I hope to achieve isn't realized because, if I have worked toward it without drinking, I have achieved one of those "little daily tasks" that might be "unimportant in themselves" but "are an integral part of living fully." If I have gone through the last 24 Hours without drinking, that in itself is an accomplishment of gratitude and inspiration for the next 24 Hours. And if doing today without drinking seems like something not to be fully appreciated, a comparison to what I DIDN'T accomplish on a day of drinking should provide a measure of the magnitude of not drinking today. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


I've shut the door on yesterday
And thrown the key away.
Tomorrow holds no fears for me
Since I have found today.

~ Vivian Y. Laramore ~

Living in the now is one of the most important ways of finding lasting recovery. One of the favorite slogans to be followed is “One Day at a Time." We willingly accept the fact that yesterday is gone forever and tomorrow is only an expectation. When we have finished with yesterday and have no fear of tomorrow we can be assured that we can truly be content with each new today.

Living in the now is an acceptance of life's realities. Honesty is the keynote to being happy throughout each day as it comes. Today surely is the "first day of the rest of our lives." It can be, if lived with gratitude, love, and honesty, the best day yet in our newly found today.

Today truly can be that wonderful exciting day that on yesterday I eagerly called "tomorrow.” I can greet every today by exclaiming, "This day can be the start of the best years of my life."


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.

~ African proverb ~

Only by meeting many different conditions and being challenged by problems do we develop great skill in dealing with life. We say a man is soft who has always had everything handed to him. We admire a man who has met great challenges and come through them. However, while we are struggling and when the challenges are really on top of us, we may not feel that we are in the midst of some admirable battle. We are more likely to simply feel burdened and stressed, not knowing what the outcome will be.

When the sailor is in the midst of the storm, he focuses intently upon what he has to do right now. He learns to read the wind and the waves in these extreme conditions by being there and by learning from others who are more experienced. That is a model for developing our skills on this sea of life.

Today I will focus on what I need to do just for today, and I will learn from those who are more experienced than I am.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

Whatever the mind pictures and expects, that it will also build and produce for you!

~ Catherine Ponder ~

Our addiction fed our belief that others were responsible for how we acted. That has made it hard to accept that we are in charge and have been all along. Our personal power is nearly beyond comprehension. The images we carry in our minds become our reality.

This program and its principles can guide our thoughts and so give us hope that we can have more positive lives. We can quiet our minds and deliberately decide what to dwell on. We usher in the reality we deserve when we picture joy and loving interactions with people, when we create the positive details we long for in our relationships, our jobs, our personal attitudes.

I am in control of how I see and experience my life today. My mind is always at work, but I’m its boss!


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I need, to be gentle with myself

As I am seeing my emotional illness and addiction more and more clearly, as I am coming to see just how they have affected my life. Some- times I feel afraid and ashamed and guilty and overwhelmed. Sometimes I don't like the way I am or what I've done.

At times like these, it usually helps when I promptly share my struggle with my support person. He reassures me that my feelings are not unusual. Then he reminds me to keep thinking about three things: (a) being gentle with myself as my awareness deepens; (b) respecting myself for the courage and strength I have already shown; and (c) forgiving myself. When I think of his helpful words and his acceptance of me, I can better accept myself and move through this difficult stage.

I will write down one positive thing I have done today and then add one reason I like myself.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

God is in the details.

~ Mies Van Der Rohe ~

The Swiss psychoanalyst C. G. Jung had inscribed on his front door, “Whether invoked or not, God will be present.”

It may be difficult for us to believe that God is closest to us when we are farthest from God. Do we think God comes to us only through virtue and goodness? Do we continue to view God as judge and stem parent? Loving ourselves and others unconditionally is impossible if we feel we have to prove, and reprove, our worth to our Higher Power.

Accepting that God never leaves our side is our security blanket. If God doesn’t keep score, why are we so hard on ourselves?

How would we act today if we believed that we were perfectly protected? What difference would our acceptance of God’s ongoing presence and love make in our daily lives?

Today let me accept God’s presence and unconditional love in every moment of my life.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

Courage is only an accumulation of small steps.

~ George Konrad ~

In a Sioux Indian story about courage, the Great Creator gathers all living things together and presents them with a challenge. “I gave each of you courage,” the Creator says. “But it is something I want humans to work hard to dis-cover. Where can I hide it?”

The eagle spoke. “I am not afraid to soar high into the sky. I will place it among the stars ” But the Creator said, “No. One day humans will fly into the skies and easily find this.”

The dolphin said, “I am not afraid to dive deep into the ocean. I will deposit it on the ocean floor.” But the Creator said, “No. One day humans will go far below the surface of the ocean and find it.”

Then a tiny gnat spoke up. “I cannot soar into the sky or dive deep into the ocean or dig into the ground. Even so, I have courage. Why not place it inside of humans? Then it will be up to them to discover it themselves.” And so it was.

Until you discover your courage, you will not be able to see how high you can soar and all of the things that you can accomplish.

I will seek the courage within me and use it to guide me in all that I do.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.

~ Marcel Proust ~

How have we felt when we return to our home-towns, childhood homes, old playgrounds, or high schools after years of absence? Suddenly each place isn't as it once seemed because we're looking through the eyes of someone older and changed. Where we once saw our high school through the eyes of students, we now look at it through the eyes of adults—in a much different way.

So it is with all areas of our lives: our jobs, homes, families, friends, or partners. Many of these people and places haven't changed for a long time. Yet, we change every day. Instead of seeing our job as the same old job or our home as the same old home, we can start to look at them differently.

Tonight we don't need to change things on the outside to feel better on the inside. We can change how we look at things from the inside out. We can start to see who and what are outside of us as if we were looking at them for the first time. Tonight the ho-hums in our lives can turn into ah-has just by changing the way we see them.

There may be many things in my life that haven't changed, but I'm not one of them. Tonight I can see them all with new eyes.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Letting go of fear

Some people talk about the Four Horsemen of chemical dependency: Terror, Bewilderment, Frustration, and Despair. The Four Horsemen have a leader, Fear, and there are a thousand forms of fear for the horsemen to command.

The way to combat the horsemen and their leader is with abstinence, honesty, and faith (fear cannot exist where there is faith).

Am I finding the faith to let go of my fear?

Higher Power, help me find the faith I need to let go of fear.

Should I feel afraid about anything today, I will pray that

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

In search of my mother's garden l found my own.



I heard someone say that no one is in our lives by mistake. But am I supposed to believe that my boss is the best of all possible bosses? That people who've hurt me somehow did the right thing? Should I avoid people who threaten my recovery or shouldn't I?


When we say, "No one comes into our lives by mistake," we don't mean that we're at the mercy of whomever we happen to encounter, but rather that every situation involving another human being offers us an opportunity for getting to know ourselves better and for growing spiritually.

We can choose our friends and associates. We're not required to like or trust everyone. But as we look at those we spend time with and those we avoid, those we embrace and those we fear, we learn a great deal about who we are. What part of ourselves are we intolerant of when we encounter it in someone else? What part of ourselves are we willing to face and deal with? What part of ourselves are we prepared to love unconditionally?

People in our lives can become our teachers, if we let them.

Today, I take the opportunity for growth that the presence of someone in my life offers me.



With fiery zeal we devote much energy to going through the motions of living AA. We speak on every occasion we are invited, we rush ourselves dizzy carrying the message to all who call on us, but in the process we sometimes neglect the one man we are most interested in—ourselves. Our AA has become muscular.

To reach ourselves requires quiet meditation, daily use of prayer and a comprehensive study of the Program and of ourselves.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Thank You for My Friends

I give You thanks, O God, for those who mean so much to me. For those friends in the Program I can go to anytime. For those with whom I can talk and keep nothing back, knowing that they will not laugh at my defects or dreams. For those whose fellowship makes it easier to be good. For those who, by their warning, have held me back from making mistakes I might have made. Above all, I thank You, God, for giving me all of my recovery friends who are bound to me by a common problem; together we find a common solution.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


Read Revelation 6.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse give the key to the nature of man as we know him. When you understand these symbols thoroughly you will understand your own makeup, and you will be able to begin the work of getting dominion over yourself and your surroundings.

The Bible is not written in the style of a modem book. It has a method of its own of conveying knowledge through picturesque symbols, the reason being that this is the only possible way in which knowledge could be given to people in all ages in different parts of the world and of different degrees of spiritual development. A symbol appeals to any audience, each individual getting just what he is ready for.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse stand for the four parts or elements of our human nature. There is, first of all, the physical body—the thing that you see when you look into the glass. Then there is your feeling nature or emotions, and although you cannot "see" your feelings, you are tremendously conscious of them. Third, there is your intellect, which contains every bit of knowledge that you possess. Finally, there is your spiritual nature, your real eternal self; the true you, the I AM, the Indwelling Christ. This is your real identity, which is eternal. Almost everyone believes in its existence, but most people are very little conscious of it as an actuality.

Ultimately the time will come when the first three will be merged in the fourth, and then we shall all know instead of only believing that the spiritual nature is all.

And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13).


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

See Perfection

It is done unto You as You believe.

~ Jesus Christ ~

Helen was very nearsighted for many years. The moment she woke up each day, she would reach for her eyeglasses; she would take them off only when she closed her eyes to sleep, and she became very uncomfortable when she was required to be without them for even a short time. Then Helen read a book on metaphysics in which she learned that physical challenges stem from inner decisions we make. Vision, Helen read, is related to our willingness (or resistance) to see what is happening in our life. Helen decided she would test the theory and shift her attitude to see all things as perfect. Whenever she was tempted to see a situation as faulty or victimizing, she reminded herself, ''I see perfection, and l see perfectly.'' Before long, Helen’s vision began to improve, and eventually she threw away her glasses. The vision of perfection manifested in perfect vision.

If you wear glasses, a powerful question to ask yourself is, “When I first began to need eyeglasses, what was happening in my life that l did not want to see?” When I ask this in my seminars, I hear some profound answers. Many people began to wear glasses when their parents were getting divorced, or they were feeling abused by family or friends, or they faced a life trauma. I began to wear eyeglasses when I was bullied by several boys in elementary school, and I felt unprotected.

Our physical body is always sending us messages about what is happening with our spirit. Just as we shut down on seeing or hearing when we don’t want to see or hear what's happening in our physical world, we can restore our health by making a new decision to see and hear through God's eyes and ears.

Your will for me is perfect health and happiness. I accept your gifts and magnify Your love.

I see perfection as it is.

bluidkiti 08-27-2016 08:28 AM

August 27

Step by Step

"I will never know all the people I hurt, all the friends I abused, the humiliation of my family, the worry of my business associates or how far-reaching it was. I continue to be surprised by the people I meet who say, 'You haven't had a drink for a long time, have you?' The surprise to me is the fact that I didn't know that they knew my drinking had gotten out of control. That is where we are really fooled. We think we can drink to excess without anyone knowing it. Everyone knows it. The only one we are fooling is ourselves. We rationalize and excuse our conduct beyond all reason." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, "They Stopped in Time," Ch 10 ("It Might Have Been Worse"), p 376.

Today, may my experience with "hiding" serve as a hint that I'm hiding nothing and fooling no one but myself about my drinking. If I am drinking today, let me give up the illusion that no one is paying attention and turn my energies that I expend on "hiding" to sobering up. And if I am not drinking, let me consider that I may have missed in my Eighth Step people to whom I owe amends because I may not know or remember who I have hurt. To them, my greatest amend may be continued abstinence. Today, if I am hiding, let me see that I am hiding in plain sight and, if I can't remember all the people who are owed amends, let me make them by staying sober. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


The Eye Opener

Everyone agrees that excessive drinking is an evil. The alcoholic is convinced that for him it is a necessary evil. He thinks he would surely die if he didn't drink. We know now that it only appeared necessary while we were doing our thinking with our appetites.

No evil is necessary except in the sense that friction is. Without it, we couldn't get traction and without traction we could not move onward and upward.


Around the Year with Emmet Fox

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him (Revelation 6:8).
The first horse is the Pale Horse and "pale" stands for the physical body. If you live but for the body, there is nothing but hell awaiting you on this plane or anywhere else. The body is the mot cruel taskmaster of all, when it is allowed to be the ruler. The Pale Horse indicates all other physical addictions too--what the Bible sometimes calls the "world"--money, position, material honors. Whoever lives for worldly pursuits is the rider on the Pale Horse.

And there went out another horse that was red" and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth (Revelation 6:4).
The Red Horse is you r emotional nature, your feelings. It is dangerous to allow your emotions to have control. This does not mean that emotion is a bad thing in itself. Uncontrolled emotion is a bad thing. A strong emotional nature is a splendid endowment if you are the master, but if it is mastering you, you are riding the Red Horse.

...And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand (Revelation 6:5).
A pair of scales is here a symbol of unbalance. The Black Horse stands for the intellect. Riding the Black Horse is letting your intellect dominate to the exclusion of the emotional, and especially of the spiritual, nature. It is a good thing to have the intellect well trained, but it is a misfortune to let it be the master. Western civilization has been definitely riding the Black Horse since the close of the Middle Ages. Humanity has developed scientific, intellectual knowledge far beyond the point to which it has developed the moral and spiritual understanding of the race.

bluidkiti 08-28-2016 09:11 AM

August 28

Step by Step

"I realize that all I'm guaranteed in life is today. The poorest person has no less and the wealthiest has no more - each of us has but one day. What we do with it is our own business; how we use it is up to us individually." - Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, "They Lost Nearly All," Ch 2 ("Promoted to Chronic"), p 473.

Today, fully understand and accept that all I have today is just that - today! Whether I have little to nothing, or all and more than I can use materially, I am no less and no better than anyone because, in the end, all we take with us to our final chapters is ourselves. But, especially in recovery, I cannot foolishly look too far beyond the forest in my goal to achieve a landmark anniversary of sobriety or any other goal; one of the trees in the forest could cold-cock me. Grant me wisdom and prudence to see first what is in front of me instead of beyond and what must be done to get me to the long-term goal. Today, I do with what I have - today. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


To know what you know and to know what you don't know is knowing what it's all about.

~ Anonymous ~

When we work our Program, we are reintroduced to a person about whom we knew very little and understood not at all. This person was ourselves. We traced our personal histories back in time and discovered the many ways our addictions were living our lives. They walked for us, talked for us, cried for us, ate for us, made love for us, and, on many occasions, tried to murder us. This power overwhelmed us. It wasn't until we began our recovery that we discovered a way out.

We have been given our lives back. We are now in possession of all our senses and skills. However, they have not been used much; they are rusty. We need to practice being ourselves. The slogan "Think, Think, Think" reminds us that what we tell ourselves affects our actions.

I must remember to "think, think, think" before I act, react, or pursue my desires.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

The creative process is a process of surrender, not control.

~ Julia Cameron ~

When creative artists describe the experience of creating a painting or writing a novel, they often talk about feeling that they are given inspiration, as if it comes from outside them. They tell us that if they are too willful or too deliberate, they get in the way.

When we begin to walk the Twelve Steps, we enter that same kind of process. We are led to surrender—not in defeat, but to let ourselves be cared for. As men we may know little about becoming so vulnerable. Many of us concluded long ago that vulnerability only led to pain and defeat. Perhaps we could let a lover care for us, especially in an erotic or sexual way. But opening ourselves to the care of our group, our sponsor, our Higher Power was outside anything we had ever tried.

On this path, our whole life is a creative process. We can’t know exactly where it will take us. That is the adventure—and it is infinitely long. We continue the creative way, daily learning new things and developing new experiences. We are present and open, and we know the feeling of being spiritually awake.

Today my life will be a creative adventure.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

Spiritual experience is personal and individual.

~ Veronica Ray ~

We envy people who have had profound spiritual experiences. In comparison, our experiences often look meager. But the tiny awarenesses we have that God has always been present in our lives are as convincing as the most awesome experiences. We simply need to recognize them as evidence.

When situations fail to please us or other people seem out of control, we long for our Higher Power to be more present in our lives. But we are slowly coming to understand that everyone else has a Higher Power; when others aren’t living according to our will, perhaps they are living according to their God’s will.

When we come to terms with God’s role in our lives, we’ll feel more assurance about our own role and be more aware of the myriad, concrete examples of the spiritual experiences we have had.

My experience with God is very much my own. It does not resemble someone else’s experience. God considers my needs unique.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I feel better today

It used to be that each day was just as dull or unhappy as the one before it. I kept doing the same things that kept me down—using street drugs, ignoring my medication, and ignoring the professional help that was offered me. The week I hit bottom, each day was worse than the one before.

But now it feels like I'm finally into recovery. I've been drug-free for several weeks and attending my group. Last night I took my meds on time and went to sleep at a reasonable hour. Today I woke up in a good mood, did my daily recovery activities, and then wrote a while in my journal. I even took a risk: I called a family member just to talk. It was good to hear his
voice (I think he accepts me more these days). Things are looking up.

Today I will give myself a healthful reward for my commitment to recovery.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

Every day is a new day.
The past is gone, the future still to come;
but today is ours to do with as we will.

~ D. M. Prescott ~

Recovery means we can make choices on a daily basis, choices that will be in our best interest. Now, we can choose to be loving, forgiving, and positive. We can choose the people, places, and things that bring comfort and joy to our lives. Now, we can choose life.

In recovery, we have tools to help us make these choices: our Twelve Step program, sober friends, slogans, and literature. We have a new physical and mental stamina to help us make and fulfill healthy decisions. And our spiritual rebirth gives us serenity and peace no matter what problems we may face.

We are saying good-bye to our past. We can’t look into the future, and only work on ourselves today. But, truly, “Today is ours to do with as we will.”

Today guide my choices, as I lead a sober life, one day at a time.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

You start by saying no to requests. Then if you have to go to yes, okay. But if you start with yes, you can’t go to no.

~ Mildred Perlman ~

There may be times when a friend, family member, co-worker, or others ask for your help, and you say yes when you really do not want to. There are some requests made of you that may add to an already full schedule, deprive you of the time in which you need to do something for yourself, or make you uncomfortable.

One of the first words you learn to say in recovery is no. You must say no to your addiction in order to stay on the right path. You must say no to someone who asks you to be a sponsor if you cannot devote the time and attention needed. You must say no to invitations to parties if the presence of alcohol or drugs will put your recovery at risk.

outside of the program it may be more difficult to say no. You may feel guilty if you do. But your recovery must come first. This does not mean you must be selfish or say no to everyone. It simply means you need to make sure your needs are met first.

I will not say yes unless it is right for me to do so.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

It takes more than a soft pillow to insure sound sleep.

~ Anonymous ~

Our minds may be the most difficult part of our bodies to relax. From our toes to our fingertips, we may find we can easily make the limb and torso muscles grow heavy with relaxation. But when it comes to the muscle that exists above our necks, we may find our heads so loaded with facts and feelings that signals to relax get blocked.

If we were to open the top of our heads and see the crammed things as slips of paper, what would we find? On one slip of paper we might see the word guilt. On another, shame. Others might read anger, stress, jealousy, pressure, fear, or distrust.

All these papers do is clog the channels of creativity, fun, and relaxation. When these channels are clogged, even the most comfortable bed and the softest pillow won’t help us have a peaceful sleep. To make the most of our relaxation time tonight, we need to place those papers where they belong in the trash.

Tonight I can do a little "head cleaning" before I go to sleep. Help me remove all the unwanted messages and let the peaceful channels flow free.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Maintaining conscious contact

At meetings, it’s fairly easy to be in touch with our Higher Power, but it’s the rest of the time that’s most important, time when we face our problems on our own. It helps if we can work the program throughout the day, to keep in conscious contact with our Higher Power.

Many of us use the Serenity Prayer. Others use personal prayers, meditate, or set aside quiet moments during the day.

Do I have a way to hook up with my Higher Power?

Higher Power, help me to make the time to maintain conscious contact with you.

Today I will improve my conscious contact with God by

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

It is not the weak but the strong who practice tolerance, and the strong do not weaken their position showing tolerance.



What if I can't forgive myself?


Many of us in recovery are harder on ourselves than we'd be on anyone else. The spiritual awakening that occurs through the process of taking the Twelve Steps can help us to let go of the habits of self-blame and self-punishment.

Entering recovery was an action that took faith and courage; for most of us, it was the most difficult thing we'd done in our lives. Now that we've taken that step, can we genuinely believe that growth and change are over and that happiness and freedom are for others, but not for us? In time, with the help of our Higher Power, our capacity for forgiveness will grow to include ourselves.

If we think that we can't forgive ourselves, we can pray to become willing to forgive ourselves. If we think that we can't pray to become willing, we can simply say the words, "For today, I'm not yet willing to forgive myself." Putting it this way leaves the door open. We haven't ruled out future change. We've left room for the possibility that there will come a day when we will have the willingness. In time, more will be revealed.

Today, I trust that my Higher Power hasn't brought me this far only to abandon me.



The subconscious aim of practically all men is to get the most and the best out of every day of their lives. It is a simple creed and if honestly followed, day by day, act by act, it cannot help but lead to greater heights.

Like AA, it is so simple it is incredible. Why not try it? It's what you honestly want anyway.


~ WALK SOFTLY AND CARRY A BIG BOOK ~ (Official & Unofficial Sloganeering From the 12 Step Programs) ~

1) Don't "have" a nice day, MAKE a nice day.

2) God's will: You can't do His will, your way.

3) When your head begins to swell your mind stops growing.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Easy Does It

Dear God, help me remember to take things slowly, for spiritual progress requires time for growth. Maturity is not an overnight miracle. Help me to be productive and keep me from procrastinating or being impatient and rushing ahead too quickly. I will remind myself today not to push myself faster than I need to go. I won't push the river; I'll let it flow.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


And I saw, and behold a white horse : and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer (Revelation 6:2).

The White Horse is the spiritual nature, and the man or woman who rides the White Horse achieves freedom, and joy, and ultimate happiness and harmony.

We are told two very interesting things about the Horseman on the White Horse: the Bible says that he that sat on him had a bow. The bow and arrow is an ancient symbol of the spoken Word. When you speak the Word you shoot an arrow. It goes where you aim it. The Horseman on the White Horse speaks the Word. The rider on the White Horse also wears a crown, and the crown is a symbol of victory. The rider on the White Horse is always the victor.

This, then, is the story of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. If you want peace, an understanding of God, there is only one way—you must ride the White Horse.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

A Little Bit of Heaven

In the middle of every difficulty lies an opportunity.

~ Albert Einstein ~

In a documentary about the 1969 Woodstock Music Festival, a woman who had been there told how participants had to pull together to help each other in the midst of a city of 500,000 people that had formed overnight. People pushed each other’s cars out of the mud, shared food, ministered to hippies on bad drug trips, and delivered a baby. “I guess there’s a little bit of heaven in every disaster area,” she noted.

Sometimes disasters set the stage for blessings that would otherwise go unnoticed or unappreciated. When Hurricane Iniki destroyed or damaged most of the dwellings on the Island of Kauai, residents had to pull together to take care of each other after the storm. One fellow told me, “It was the first time in many years that the aloha spirit returned to the island."

After the 1989 San Francisco earthquake, teams of massage therapists volunteered to treat firefighters who had worked nearly to exhaustion. Businessmen ate lunch next to homeless people in outdoor cafes while the damage was being repaired. Many heroes who would otherwise have remained anonymous came to the fore.

No event is entirely negative. Sometimes a hell can set a stage for an unexpected heaven.

Show me how to find the light in the darkness. Help me be a light to others.

I have the power to create heaven wherever I am.

bluidkiti 08-29-2016 07:32 AM

August 29

Step by Step

Today, understand that serenity comes from within and not from people and things on the outside. I wasted too much time, emotion and energy in my drinking days searching and even clinging to outside things and people in whom I vested my sobriety. But now I must accept that my sobriety comes from within. I no longer can demand or hope that the world and other people can change to accommodate my recovery but that I must change to fit into them. AA gives me the road map to arrive at such a lofty destination, in Step Four: "Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves." Steps Five, Six and Seven, then, guide us through the admission to God, to ourselves and another human being the "exact nature" of the wrongs we find in Step Four. The steps are dependent on action by me, not someone or something else. Today, I assume responsibility for both my addiction and recovery. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


To teach is to learn twice over.

~ Joseph Joubert ~

At every meeting, there is an abundance of teachers, ready, willing, and able to pass on to others the results of lessons they have experienced through constant openminded attendance at meetings. New arrivals to a Group frequently hear, "Find a teacher and you will find a new friend."

This truism is soon apparent to any who choose to listen to teachers. The passing on to others of the useful lessons learned in recovery comes from those members who have savored recovery for lengths of time ranging from a few months to several decades.

Beginners readily accept the advice they receive because one of the first realization's a newcomer enjoys is that they are hearing honesty. He or she knows they can believe what they hear and will never have to take the painful steps of learning facts from personal experience.

I have met many teachers in my recovery. They hold the torches that light the way for me to learn. I will continue to follow the light.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

God provides minimum protection, maximum support.

~ William Sloane Coffin ~

People often ask how a just God could allow innocent children to starve to death, or how an all-powerful God could send devastating storms that cause pain and destruction across the land. Great theologians tell us that we cannot hold God responsible for the evil and pain in the world. Bad things happen, and they aren’t the work of God. In a random universe, God’s design is to be present with us and support us through the troubles we face.

When we turn our life and will over to the care of God, we can’t expect God to bring us special magical favors. Instead we turn over our willfulness and childish demanding nature to God who helps us be strong, maintain our spirit, and continue on our path. Then God never leaves us alone, even when we defy God, even when we make bad choices. God is there loving us, even when we feel worthless.

Today I will open myself to the support of my Higher Power.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

Willing to be oneself is not always easy, especially when ... we are not at all sure who we are.

~ Mary McDermott Shideler ~

It’s normal to mimic the expressions and the opinions of the people we admire. We did it as girls. We continue to do it. Fortunately, our taste In friends and models has improved. We have now surrounded ourselves with women who are abstinent from mood-altering chemicals and who have chosen honest, spiritually focused lives.

A goal of our recovery is to discover and celebrate who we really are. It’s time to focus on what we actually think, what we really feel, who we prefer being. This self-discovery is empowering, yet arduous and humbling. Because we are human and not perfect, we come face-to-face with traits that signal our need for growth. This journey into self- discovery changes us forever. We can never so easily mimic others again.

I can be the person I want to be today. I now have the courage to choose my actions rather than imitate someone else’s.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I know what to do if I have a setback

Recently I had a slip with my addiction. My sponsor quickly helped me get back on track. Then I asked myself, What would happen if I had a setback with my psychiatric illness? Would that be a different matter to deal with? Even though I'm stable on medication, I understand that it could still happen.

So I wound up asking a friend from my support group if he would be willing to watch out for me, just as my sponsor does. He said yes. Then we agreed on what steps should be taken if I had a setback and couldn't take care of myself. Even though I don't expect a problem, I feel better now that I have a good plan in place.

I will write down my important setback/relapse plans—just in case.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

One of the mixed blessings of early recovery from chemical addiction is the remarkable healing power of the human body. Except for those in the late stages of addiction, most of us begin to feel better fairly quickly, often within a few days. But complete physical recovery from alcohol or drug abuse takes a long time. Likewise emotional and spiritual recovery, which usually take longer.

We can easily get discouraged when our emotional and spiritual recovery lags so far behind the physical.

Most crucial to our recovery, especially early recovery, is patience. We need to have patience with family and friends who may not understand that we have an illness called addiction. We need patience with Twelve Step group members who may sometimes move too fast or seem not to understand us. Above all, we need patience with ourselves. Our Higher Power can help us learn to love ourselves, even when we seem to be moving slowly.

Recovery takes time. We do what we can, and let our Higher Power and time do their share of the healing.

Today let me be patient. Help me know that, like a growing plant, patience will grow within me if I nurture it.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

God gives every bird his worm, but He does not throw it into the nest.

~ P.D. James ~

A young girl loved to ice skate at every opportunity. In the winter she would find a frozen pond; in the summer she used indoor rinks. As she grew older, she won several competitions. Some of the best coaches in the world noticed her and vied to lead her to Olympic glory. She selected a coach who had trained gold-medal Olympians and began working with him.

For the first few weeks, the coach had her focus on the basics of jumps. She begged him to let her practice ice dancing, but he refused. Finally she fired him and hired mother, who led her to the Olympics. During the competition, she was locked in a fierce battle with another skater. Their numerical scores were so close that one tiny mistake could spell the difference between a gold or silver medal.

On the final day of competition, she thought back to her first coach, who had made her practice her jumps. She realized that he had provided her with a very valuable lesson. Perfecting even the simplest components of her routine could lead her to victory.

I devote focus to all that I do to be the best I can.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

The awareness of the ambiguity of one's highest achievements (as well as one's deepest failures) is a definite symptom of maturity.

~ Paul Tillich ~

While we were still living with the effects of the disease, we may have ridden the roller coaster of highs and lows. But once we got off that crazy ride, we learned life isn’t so dramatic. Life has its wonderful moments and is not-so-wonderful ones, but on the whole it takes us on a steady ride.

Once we begin to mature in the program, we learn how to become a passenger of life without gripping the rails and strapping ourselves in. Now we can open our eyes for the whole ride, look around us with wonder and appreciation, and feel less breathless about the movement of it all. Life without the highs and lows is a wonderful trip.

Tonight I can feel the quiet pace of my life and not question whether it is normal. I can relax and trust this quiet pace as a sign of my maturity.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Working the Twelve Steps

There is a good reason why the Twelve Steps are numbered one to twelve: They are meant to be taken in order. For instance, we must admit we are powerless over our addiction (Step One) before the other steps can help us. Likewise, Step Four would be too painful if we had not turned our wills and our lives over to the care of God in Step Three. And how can we make amends in Steps Eight and Nine unless we realize whom we have hurt in Steps Four and Five? Of course, we can do Step Twelve only after doing all the other Steps.

The hop-skip-jump method of working the Steps is not reliable and might hop- skip-jump us right back into our addiction.

Do I work all Twelve Steps of the program in the best order?

Higher Power, give me the strength to take each Step—as hard as it may be- in the most helpful order.

Today I will review my progress on each of the Steps and re-enter the order with

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

Don't be humble: you're not that great.



I'm still confused about the issue of forgiveness. What if someone takes advantage of me, harms me, or cheats me? Do I just do nothing?


We're not required to be doormats. Self-esteem requires us to speak our truth, when doing so isn't harmful to ourselves and doesn't harm others. We're not really doing people or institutions any favors by not acknowledging problems.

Not long ago, I bought a piece of equipment for my home office that turned out to be defective. In my days of active addiction, I'd have yelled at the salesman, threatened to sue the company, created a huge drama and a lot of ill will. Or I might have done nothing at all—simply swallowed my anger and taken a loss, or had the equipment repaired at my own expense. Both of these paths are those of a person with low self-esteem. In recovery I could be clear, firm, and persistent about my expectation of having the defective equipment picked up and replaced.

Today, I expect myself and others to keep promises. Asking a manufacturer to stand behind a product is a way to express my respect for truth. Had my efforts failed to get results, I'd still have felt successful: simply by speaking honestly, I'd have achieved something important.

Today, I acknowledge my needs firmly and clearly, to myself and to others.



The relationship of hours to a lifetime is comparable to the relationship of bricks to a house. Every brick that is laid must be a separate and distinct operation, yet so tied to the preceding and the following brick that their positions are level and plumb. Each one is an entirety in itself but all the bricks are either supporting or are supported by each other.

Our hours, lived one by one, are in no sense different. The beauty, strength and durability of our lives will be determined by the individual hours viewed collectively.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Shinto Blessing

I humbly speak in the presence of the
Great Parent God,
I pray that this day, the whole day, as a child of
God, I may not be taken hold of by my own desire,
but demonstrate the Divine Glory by living a life of
creativeness, which shows forth the true individual.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


Genesis means origin or beginning, and this, the first book of the Bible, explains how things and conditions come into existence. Genesis deals with this creative power of thought. The first section deals with generic thought. The second, the story of Adam and Eve, deals with specific thought, or how a given person builds every condition that exists in his life. The sections concerning Cain and Abel, the tower of Babel, the flood, the story of Abraham and his family, the story of Joseph and his brethren, all deal in different ways with the creative power of thought, showing how it is the genesis of all things that exist. The book of Genesis is partly allegorical and partly historical. Unless you have the spiritual meaning behind the story you do not possess the Bible at all.

The covenant of Sinai, necessary and good in its place, signifies the attempt to order things from the outside and is, of course, much better than anarchy; but he who is on the spiritual path must pass beyond this to the spiritual Jerusalem, which is the ordering of things from the inside by the Practice of the Presence of God. This is the new Jerusalem that cometh straight down from God out of heaven.

And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven . . . (Revelation21:2).

The book of Genesis having explained the creative power of thought, the other books of the Bible then proceed to illustrate the way in which the laws of thought work in different circumstances, but Genesis is the foundation of it all.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Where to Start

Can the world be saved if you are not

~ A Course in Miracles ~

“Daddy, will you play with me?" was the last thing Bill wanted to from his five-year-old son. He had just come home from work tired, and all he wanted to do was relax and read the evening paper. Suddenly, a scheme dawned on him. He took a picture of the earth out of the newspaper, tore it up into a hundred little pieces, and gave them to his son. "Here is a jigsaw puzzle, Scottie," Dad explained. "Take it to your room and put it together. When you're done, Daddy will play with you." Scott enthusiastically ran off with the game, and Bill sat smug and proud that he had bought himself some time.

To Bill's surprise, Scottie returned in just a short time with the entire page intact. "How did you do that?" asked Bill incredulously. "I couldn't have done that puzzle in three times the time you took."

"Well," answered Scottie innocently, "the picture of the earth you gave me was too complicated; there were so many pieces, and they were all the same. So I turned over one of the pieces and on it was the picture of a man's hand. I turned over another piece, and there was the picture of a foot. It was easier to put one man together than the whole earth. Then I discovered that when the man came together, so did the earth!"

Often, our need to save the world is a distraction from the real work of saving ourselves. In many cases, a crusade against world pollution conveniently shifts our attention from the psychic pollution of our own fears and upsets. Of course, world peace and environmental healing are extremely important, but it's even more crucial that we come to terms with the issues that undermine our own inner peace. It's hypocritical to try to end international war if you're ravaged by internal conflict. Personal integrity is the foundation of world transformation. Fill your spirit, and your service will be infinitely more effective.

Help me remember that my primary responsibility is the healing of my own mind and heart.

My own peace is my first contribution to world peace.

bluidkiti 08-30-2016 07:55 AM

August 30

Step by Step

Today, Step 10 because it is one of the most integral maintenance steps: "Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it." The 10th is the extension of the Fourth in which we "Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves." We cannot and should not believe that our personal inventory and admission of our wrongs is a one-time exercise. Not only can those wrongs be resurrected in recovery and even after we've asked our higher power to remove them, but "new" defects can and do evolve in recovery. But why should we look in the mirror long after our last drink or use? Failing to do so risks old character defects to rise again, possibly undetected, and a fearless honesty will likely tell us that our active addiction was fueled by those defects. And a relapse, even a so-called "slip," is too high a price to pay for neglecting our maintenance of the progress we seek. Today, I have to muster the honesty required of a continued personal inventory - my recovery is too precious a gift to risk. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


Stick with the winners.

~ Anonymous ~

We came to the Program with different opinions about who were the winners. Some of us thought a fat bank account meant winning. Others looked to how little one had lost before coming into the program as criteria for winning. There are those that are smart, some pretty, eithers with good jobs, We discover rather quickly that winning has nothing to do with how one appears to be or what one has.

Winning is about how one lives. Therefore, we want to watch the men and women who have had time in the Program. We don't look for just birthday numbers. We watch how the Steps have been and are being worked. We look for the men and women who exhibit humility, gratitude, and spirituality. The winners are usually the ones involved in service. They understand that to keep what they have, they must give it away. The winners freely share their experience, strength, and hope with all of us.

I want to stick with the winners. If I do, the winners will stick with me.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

It’s just human. We all have the jungle inside us. We all have wants and needs and desires, strange as they may seem.

~ Diane Frovlov and Andrew Schneider, Northern Exposure ~

Sex is a driving force in our lives. Many of us in recovery find that our sexuality is another part of our fives that is changing. Some of us suddenly find we can’t perform in sobriety as we did while we were using. Others of us are recovering from addiction to sexual behaviors. When we are facing difficulty with our sexuality, it is sometimes hard to think of it as a source of pleasure and reward.

In fact our sexuality can recover and heal, just as any other aspect of our personality can recover. Grown-up, adult sex is more comfortable, more sensuous, and more fulfilling than adolescent sex. That is only possible when we are sober and awake to our fives. Many of us need to start by tuning in to our bodies and the sensations we experience now in our sobriety. Along with that, we may need to embrace the fact that we deserve to have sexual pleasure, not as something we are owed, but as something we can seek and indulge in. These changes happen gradually over time as recovery progresses.

Today I am grateful for the energizing force of sex and passion in my life.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

I cannot have what I want if I do not wish it for others.

~ Betty MacDonald ~

Envy is familiar to many of us. We may spend far too much time comparing ourselves with others and grading ourselves as inadequate. Focusing on what others have never allows us to feel grateful for our blessings or generous in spirit. Paradoxically, what we want for others comes back to us.

This is a simple principle, but like other new ideas, we have to “wear it” for a while to get its meaning; we have to practice it faithfully to get its effect. Perhaps initially we can better see its reverse. Let’s recall a few times when we have harbored mean thoughts toward another or wished ill will on an acquaintance. Our own spirit felt the repercussions. Maybe bad luck didn’t overtly trip us, but we never feel good for long when we cultivate a mean-spirited attitude. Everyone is served by our good wishes. Let’s work on that today.

If I catch myself feeling jealous or mean, I’ll take charge of my thoughts. Only I can turn them around.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I need to keep talking

I feel sad, sometimes even helpless these days. Sometimes I end up crying at work and then I feel worse—fragile, out of control. Even if I tried to talk about my fears and feelings, I don't think anyone would understand.

Or would they? Am I just feeling sorry for myself? When I start feeling this bad, it's tough for me to get past my shame and fear of rejection. But if I don't try I start to isolate myself and that only makes matters worse. Perhaps I really do need to talk. I need to keep moving through the pain.

I will call a caring friend to listen to me. If need be, I can begin the conversation by stating the truth: it’s hard for me to be open with my feelings.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

I can hear music- sweet, sweet music.

~ Brian Wilson ~

We often find it helpful to think about the role music has played in our lives. Sometimes, it has been a problem for us: time spent listening to loud, blaring music was a time of physical and emotional isolation, usually under the influence of drugs.

In recovery we may find ourselves drawn to a different kind of music, that speaks to our changing way of life. Perhaps it is more soothing or relaxing. Perhaps it is a new artist.

Whatever type of music we choose, we find it is much more than a pastime for us. It is an appreciation. Our favorite artists, our favorite songs: some never change, some do.

Our relationship with music is growing and changing. In recovery we find music engages our minds and relaxes our bodies in a new way. Music lifts our spirits, too. We are grateful that music is part of our life and that we now have a chance to think about it and perhaps even develop some new interests. Music is an excellent way to get to know other people, helps us unwind after a hard day, and adds a new dimension to our enjoyment of life.

Today I thank You for music. Help me to love and appreciate it even more now that I am sober.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

Ritual will always mean throwing away something....

~ G.K. Chesterton ~

A young student of Zen came upon a chapter in his reading that talked about how a cat must be tied up before the meditation ritual could begin. Confused, he sought an explanation.

Long ago, the Zen master told him, a spiritual teacher was about to begin his evening meditation with his pupils when a cat who lived in the monastery started to howl outside the door. Its howling was so distracting that the teacher ordered the cat to be tied up. After the teacher died, the cat continued to be tied up during a meditation session. Then, after the cat died, another cat was obtained so that it, too, could be tied up during meditation. Tying up a cat, the Zen master explained, had simply become part of the ritual. “But it serves no purpose,” the young student pointed out. “You are right,” said the Zen master and immediately tore the chapter out of the meditation book.

If a routine or habitual way of doing something in your life is no longer helping you, it may be time to get rid of it. You can replace it with a beneficial habit, or simply let it go.

I will hold on to those routines and habits that help me.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives you roses.

~ Chinese proverb ~

Remember reading fairy tales where elves would come in the middle of the night to build toys or repair broken dreams or help another have more free time? They would work furiously, yet happily, knowing they were doing something that person really needed or wanted. They asked for no reward; in fact, they didn’t even stay long enough to see the surprised, smiling faces. They knew without seeing the results that they were creating happiness and gratefulness in another.

We can do the same thing for others. We can decide to be more caring, to watch for opportunities to reach out to others. We can bring some flowers to a friend. We can remember someone's special treat. We can write a letter or send a card or make a long-distance phone call.

I will brighten the life of another tomorrow, by doing something special and unexpected. I will feel the joy of giving and brighten my day, too!


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Accepting others (and ourselves)

We must guard against judging other people: As we judge, so are we judged. In other words, if we keep thinking that others will slip, we are more likely to slip ourselves.

It seems that unconsciously we try to feel better about our own character defects by projecting them onto others. If we practice accepting ourselves, however, we will be better able to accept others.

To help this practice, we must realize that our defects will be removed by our Higher Power in time, as long as we desire and pray that they be removed. We must also realize that we are not perfect and that we need and deserve love.

Can I fully accept myself and others?

Higher Power, help me to accept others by working on self-acceptance.

I will work on what I find difficult to accept in myself today by

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

If you don't remember history accurately, how can you learn?



Someone from my past called yesterday. He left the message that he'd be speaking with me soon. I haven't seen this person since I started recovery. I know he can't take my recovery away from me, but I feel threatened. All I can think of, when I imagine seeing him again, is how the two of us used to act out together.


People, places, and things from our past continue to be an issue even after the first few months of recovery. It takes time to accumulate enough sober experience for the habit of recovery to feel stronger than the habit of acting out our addictions. Even now that saying no and asking for help have begun to seem like second nature to us, we're not invulnerable. People with long-term recovery have been known to have relapses.

You're right: another person can't take recovery away from us. But why subject ourselves to stresses that endanger our serenity and our sense of connection to people in the program? Sentimental feelings about the past and hopes of leading others to recovery are better put on the shelf, Relationships based on mutual enabling and acting out have no place in our recovery.

Today, I have a healthy respect for my disease. I keep my serenity by avoiding people, places, and things related to my addiction and by staying close to the fellowship.



You can't swim like a fish, run like a deer, fight like a tiger, or fly like a bird. Every one of your five senses is excelled by some member of the animal kingdom. Man, physically, has many superiors and would long since have been extinct but for the fact that he alone possesses reasoning power.

With this advantage he can build ships to outswim the fish, motor cars to outrun the deer, perfect weapons to out fight the tiger, and airplanes to outstrip the fastest of birds. With this reason he can visualize the reason behind all Nature and thus avail himself of a Power greater than himself and all the forces with which he has to contend.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Healthy Pride

O Lord, deliver me from false pride. Before recovery, my false pride led to grandiosity, arrogance, egotism, self-pity, misunderstanding, and fear. My misguided pride was out of control, and I thought I knew everything. In recovery, I have learned my accomplishments are not mine alone. I rely on the guidance of others and faith in my Higher Power. When I indulge in false pride, I close my mind, which desperately needs to be open. Healthy pride in my progress, if coupled with gratitude and humility, will not cause harm. Help me, Lord, remove the intellectual false pride that blocks me from others and the principles of our Program.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech (Genesis 11:1).

Read Genesis 11:1-9.

The story of the tower of Babel is so simple, so concrete, and so clear, that if you only heard it once when you were a child you could never forget it. It is, of course, a parable. The word Babel means confusion and this parable teaches that when you deny the omnipotence of God, and you do this whenever you give power to anything else, only confusion can follow. To be guilty of that sin is really to have many gods, and that was the characteristic fault of the heathen. Those who knew the truth about God worshiped Him and Him alone, and they received the protection and the inspiration that only the Truth can give. At times, however, many of those who had known the Truth, forgot it for a season, and inevitably things began to go wrong.

If you should be in difficulties of any kind, it is certain that you have been committing the sin of the heathen in some way; it may be that at some point you have seen the higher and deliberately chosen the lower. Now, if you will tum back to God once more, and reaffirm your faith in Him, all will be well again.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

The Choice for Divinity

The spirit is smothered as it were, by ignorance, but so soon as it is destroyed, light shines forth like the sun when released from clouds.

~ Shankara ~

I knew a man named Jessie who was an idiot savant, the technical name for someone who is partially mentally handicapped and partially a genius (like the character played by Dustin Hoffman in Rainman). One day while I was sitting with Jessie, he casually asked me, "What day were you born?" When I told him the date and year, he blurted out, “That was a Tuesday.” Astonished, l threw some more dates at him, and with equal swiftness, he rattled off the precise days of the week on which the events occurred. A few minutes later, Jessie was led on to a little yellow school bus because he was unable to find his own way home. He could not dress himself, drive a car, or handle money—but he could calculate long-gone dates as rapidly as a computer.

In a way, each of us embodies the characteristics of an idiot savant. We are sometimes inept at making common sense decisions, yet moments later the wisdom of the ages shines within us, bubbling forth when we need it.

There was a time when I developed a huge physical desire for a certain woman. Every time I saw her, I was amazed by how quickly my mind and values would go to jelly. Then she asked me for a counseling session, and the most wonderful miracle happened. The moment she began to speak, I felt a sense of clarity and truth roll through me, and I was able to move beyond my primal attraction and be very helpful to her. My bodily desire gave way to a sense of service, which opened up an important channel to assist her. She walked away with a gift, and I walked away amazed.

At any moment, we can play the fool or the genius lf we happen to revert to madness for a moment, let us have compassion for our humanity; we are bound to make mistakes. At any moment, we can claim our spiritual power and bring the highest light and service to any task at hand; our results will proceed naturally from our intentions.

Let me be all I can be; I allow You to live through all of me.

I am a spiritual being going through a human experience.

bluidkiti 08-31-2016 07:51 AM

August 31

Step by Step

Today, Step 11 to answer honestly if I have "Sought through prayer and meditation to improve (my) conscious contact with God as (I) understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for (me) and the power to carry that out." Simply acknowledging a higher power and looking to Him as a guide through recovery is not enough. We must also seek what He requires of us and the knowledge and power to do what He wants of us. Why is the 11th Step important to both the early and later stages of recovery? In seeking our higher power's will for us, we are getting away from one of our most dangerous and contributory spiritual afflictions - selfishness. We dare not risk what progress we have made or seek by holding onto those poisonous character and spiritual defects like selfishness, anger, hate and bitterness that will undermine either the quality of recovery or sobriety itself. Today, seek through prayer and meditation the will of our higher power, not ours. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


Our patience will achieve more than our force.

~ Edmund Burke ~

"Easy Does It" is a slogan and a philosophy of all 12 Step Groups. Those who seek success in the Program are advised to resist being hasty and to be willing to wait. When we mature and solutions to our problems appear, we can take action. Then who we are and what we do will be lasting.

Waiting patiently and carefully is not procrastinating. Every moment we spend learning is an investment in the knowledge that we have found the right answers.

Self-doubt can cause us to put things off. But all we need is to be willing to turn it over to our Higher Power. Accepting this does not mean that we rush blindly into action. It means we also become willing to wait for our Higher Power's direction in all things. Waiting or even just having a willingness to wait is action.

I'm no longer rushing around in "the fast lane." With acceptance and willingness, I can now tell the difference between what is and what is not. Easy does it.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

Solitude is the furnace of transformation.

~ Henri Nouwen ~

In solitude we quietly unwrap the honesty that is deep within us. Sitting in the company of just ourselves and God, we gradually realize that no one else is observing us and the image we present. Solitude may throw us into some confusion at first, or some discomfort. We might feel pushed to escape, to get out of there into a place with some action and distractions. Transformation is frightening because it is a process that we do not fully control. We can block it, or stop it, but if we allow it to progress, it is controlled by our deeper honesty and by the spirit of a Higher Power.

We can make a simple decision that we will enter the experience of solitude. We can do that for a few minutes every day in a special place we set aside, or we can set aside several days of retreat. However, we cannot create our own transformation by a simple decision. Our solitude prepares us and softens the guards we have set against the frightening process of transformation. And as we are ready, change and growth arrives.

Today I will open myself through moments of solitude.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

It took me years to get this way. I can’t expect to change in just one day.

~ Jill Clark ~

Now that we are sober, it’s not unusual to expect everything to be perfect overnight. Placing unreasonable demands on ourselves is symptomatic of our disease. We are filled with shame for all the time we have wasted and all the people we have disappointed. We feel we must make up for all our transgressions at once so we can get on with our lives. But we can get on with life anyway. Simply deciding to change one thing is a significant Step in the right direction.

Consistently working on a behavior we want to change promises us immense rewards, but until we try it, we doubt that it will work. Fortunately, if we go to enough meetings, we’ll learn from the stories of our friends. They have experienced profound changes in their lives. We can have what they have found. It’s guaranteed.

I can change any part of me that I really want to. Today is as good a day as any to begin the process.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I am learning to say yes

Living with both addiction and emotional illness, I see that I have many issues to deal with. When things don't go my way or when I don’t get my needs met, I quickly feel hurt, frustrated, angry. Sometimes I even feel mistreated. Sometimes I ask, Why me?

But as I grow in dual recovery I am slowly learning acceptance, to say yes. I am learning to accept who I am and what happens to me—to say yes to it—whether to stress, symptoms, or setbacks. When I say yes, I let go—and the moment I let go, I am stronger.

I will write out a reminder to myself that reads, "Yes. This is the way it is. I will be OK."


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

In order to arrive at possessing everything, desire to possess nothing.

~ St. John of the Cross ~

Expectations can cause havoc in our daily living. We all have a basic right to be treated with dignity and respect, but that doesn’t mean life will always go our way. The twists and turns of life often carry us up rivers of disappointment to shores we never chose to visit.

Facing life as fully involved travelers, without expectations about outcomes, is perhaps the brightest way to travel. Making plans without setting up for certain outcomes makes us flexible people who learn to go with the flow. It has been said that there is a direct proportion between our level of expectation and the amount of stress we have in our lives. Trusting the results to a larger plan allows us to relax and enjoy the adventure of the journey.

As we grow closer to our Higher Power, we find we can let go. We are more peaceful and confident, less frantic and controlling. Trusting that our Higher Power will protect us, no matter what we encounter on our journey, helps us face the future with a calm and loving heart.

Today let me relax into life and let go of my expectations.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

Even when we know what is right, too often we fail to act... putting off the unpleasant and unpopular.

~ Bernard M. Baruch ~

Recovery increases your awareness of the ways in which you have hurt or harmed others. This includes reflecting on those times when you have inflicted physical, emotional, and spiritual pain. Because of this, Step Eight presents you with realizations that can lead to shame and asks you to face up to it.

The first part of Step Eight asks you to identify those people you have harmed, but this list represents only the beginning of your work. It is the second part—being willing to make amends to those you have harmed—that requires greater insight and contemplation. Writing down a name is not the same as remembering that you hit or yelled at this person in anger, that you repeatedly lied to this person, or that you caused this person to feel incredible sadness. You may see these images in your head and want to simply erase them forever. But you cannot.

Your willingness to make amends must be heartfelt, which means that you must go further than simply saying, “I’m sorry” How did your actions affect each person on your list? What harm did you cause? The more clearly you can identify those things, the more willing you can he to make amends.

I accept the challenges presented to me in Step Eight.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

The secret of being miserable is to have the leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not.

~ George Bernard Shaw ~

How much time do we spend thinking about our problems, our pasts, our miseries? We may spend a great deal of time feeling negative feelings. We may even find ourselves thinking miserably in happy, fun situations.

How much time we spend alone may have a direct bearing on time spent thinking miserable thoughts and feeling miserable about our lives and ourselves. Until we can spend time alone with positive feelings, we may need to depend a great deal on others to spend time with us. We need to change our belief that we will never be happy. To do that, we need to learn from others that things do get better. Tonight, it is up to us to spend our time with good thoughts of including others in our lives. This is the antidote to misery.

Tonight I can choose to be miserable or happy. I can plan some positive actions to avoid misery by including friends and the program in my life.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Accepting misfortune

We all know that misfortune, great or small, is a part of life. But what we may not realize is that it involves both defeat and victory.

The defeat involves knowing that we can’t change the results; the victory involves letting go of control and knowing that our Higher Power will always help us carry our burdens.

Am I learning to accept misfortune?

Higher Power, help me to accept the fact that there is great mystery in life.

Today I will work on accepting my misfortune by

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t.



There's someone I tried to help, earlier in my recovery. She called me again recently and told me a long story about how hard it was for her to stay sober; how difficult her life was. I mentioned meetings again, and she promised to come to one, but then went on talking. I’m exhausted from staying up late listening to her.


Trying to reason with someone on a binge does neither them nor us any good. When we sense that we're letting someone who's active pull us around and around on his or her merry-go-round, it's probably the disease that’s in charge of the conversation.

Some people are genuinely drawn to recovery but just aren't ready to commit to it. No matter how good our intentions, there's nothing we can do to hurry their process. Some people use our desire to be helpful to manipulate us; if they can keep us listening, they don’t have to change.

We stop engaging in this process by detaching from argument about their many objections. We put it simply: Recovery is now the center of change in our lives. They’re always welcome to come to a meeting and try it out, if they want what we have.

Today, I don't cajole anyone to try recovery. I'm available to people who want what I have.



It is a constant source of amazement to some of the Old-Timers to answer a call for help from some alcoholic and to find that the person in trouble is a neighbor, relative, friend or fellow employee of a member of AA.

It sometimes happens that the new man preferred it that way as he would rather discuss the matter with a stranger than someone near him.

It is also true that some of us are not quick to grasp the opportunities to pass the Message along. If you see a man is beyond his depth and can't swim, why should you wait for him to yell for help? He might be deaf and dumb.


~ WALK SOFTLY AND CARRY A BIG BOOK ~ (Official & Unofficial Sloganeering From the 12 Step Programs) ~

1) You can speak your mind here. Nobody is paying attention anyway.

2) Sarcasim is derived from a Greek word meaning to "tear flesh!"

3) It's a 24 hour program.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Reason for Hope

God of hope and serenity, I sing for joy because You have given me hope and serenity as I demonstrate the principles of our Program in my life. My world is sometimes full of problems, yet You give me reason for hope. I have come to You today to surrender my will to Your unfailing wisdom. Give me wisdom as I go out to my places of daily life. Teach me and guide me as I deal with problems, real or imagined. Thank You. Your will (not mine) be done.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


The story of the tower of Babel begins by saying that the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. That is to say, there was unity of thought and expression. Your faith was firm and dynamic. Then you allowed your consciousness to fall. And it carne to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there (Genesis 11:2). The plain means any kind of negative thinking in contradistinction to the hill or mountain, which stands for prayer or spiritual insight. The Bible mentions that they dwelt on the plain (or in that state of mind). It is not an occasional negative thought that does the harm, it is the thought or the false belief that is dwelt upon that causes your trouble.

Habitual wrong thinking, false beliefs, long entertained, build up a conviction, both conscious and subconscious that we have to rely upon, ourselves, Of course, nothing could be more discouraging than such an idea, and in its turn it produces more fear.

In the parable these people got the absurd idea that they could reach Heaven (regain harmony) by building a material tower. This describes that sense of insecurity and apprehension that has always beset the greater part of mankind because they have not realized the Presence and Power of God, and their essential unity with Him.

Then the account says that the Lord scattered the people abroad, and confounded their language so that they could not understand one another’s speech. The confusion of tongues is a graphic description of the state of mind of those who have not yet begun to center their lives on God, for only fear and chaos can come to them until they do.


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

One More Shot

When things go wrong, don't go with them.

~ Anonymous ~

Frustrated and disheartened, the budding author threw his manuscript into the wastebasket. His latest rejection felt like the last straw, and he decided that his search for a publisher was fruitless. That night, his wife noticed the discarded manuscript, and she picked it out of the trash and cleaned it off. She believed in her husband and his work, and she was not about to see him give up. In the morning, she placed it before him at the breakfast table and told him, "Norman, don't quit now. You have a lot to offer; somehow you will get published."

The writer was Norman Vincent Peale, and the manuscript was The Power of Positive Thinking, which went on to become one of the most successful inspirational classics in history. The book has changed millions of lives, offering hope and motivation to people all over the world.

Sometimes the universe tests us with rejection; life asks us if we are confident enough in ourselves and our creations to keep going in the face of obstacles. Rejection is not always a statement about the quality of our material; it may simply be a reflection of the critic's consciousness. While we must be open to feedback, we must also hold a faith that supersedes the opinions of those who do not agree with us. If you believe in something enough, you will not be put off by obstacles or setbacks. Like the little Pac-Man icons, every time you gobble up a putdown, you gain power; the very thing that tried to devour you becomes your fuel.

No one and nothing in the world has the power to put you down; the only time you fail is when you agree with rejection. If you feel like giving up, remember Norman Vincent Peale. You may need just one more try to put you over the edge. Act with the confidence of a master, and you will find strength that you never knew you had.

Help me remember my worth and the importance of my creations.

I believe in myself as God believes in me.

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