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bluidkiti 10-31-2015 08:51 AM

Thought For Today - November
Be Like Little Children

When little children stumble and fall, they may cry for a bit, but then they stand up and carry on. In the same way, we too have to be persistent like little children. Get over your embarrassment and self consciousness. Pick yourself up and carry on.

bluidkiti 11-02-2015 05:56 AM

Calm in a Jam

Stuck in a traffic jam? Getting annoyed and irritable doesn’t get you through the traffic any faster. Accepting the traffic jam can offer you other options:
- Listen to music or sing along loudly and calm any stress
- Look out of the window and really notice the surroundings
- See it as an opportunity to practice patience

Keep cool and calm, and enjoy the journey.

bluidkiti 11-03-2015 12:57 AM

Lost Your Equilibrium?

Are you being pulled in too many directions? Does life feel out of balance? Do you feel as if you’ve lost your equilibrium? Next time you lose your equilibrium, stop. Step back from your thoughts and emotions into a place where everything is calm. Here you'll find your inner stability.

Gain your equilibrium and then pinpoint: What pulls you off-center? Which elements of your life are out of balance? How to bring life back into balance? What adjustments do you need to make to maintain your equilibrium?

bluidkiti 11-04-2015 07:48 AM

Like A Highlighter

We use a highlighter to highlight material we find important or interesting, things we want to emphasize or examine in more detail. We even use a highlighter as a beauty product to brighten up our complexion and accentuate our facial features.

How about doing the same in our minds and in our lives? Like a highlighter, emphasize and accentuate what's positive, what’s important, what's interesting.

What are you highlighting, right now?

bluidkiti 11-05-2015 07:22 AM

Expressing Feelings

How are you feeling? What are you feeling? Often we’re a little out of touch with our feelings and not able to articulate them.

How about getting in touch with your feelings and expressing them? If you can’t do it verbally, do it creatively. Paint and give shape and color to your feelings. Draw, doodle, scribble, sketch or write a poem.

Express your feelings in a healthy way and increase your capacity to understand yourself, other people and situations.

bluidkiti 11-06-2015 07:24 AM

Feel Like Running Away?

When you're going through a difficult situation and feel like running away from it all, replace run-a-way with runway.

Use the difficult situation as a runway to take a leap of faith in yourself and in life. Take off and face the situation or move towards creating positive change.

bluidkiti 11-07-2015 07:48 AM

Filtered View of the World

We see what we want to see, not what's actually there. It's as if we view the world through a filter. Recognize the filter through which you view the world.

If it's negative or it's not working for you, think about changing the filter. Make it positive, or remove all filters and view the world as it is.

bluidkiti 11-07-2015 07:48 AM

Creative Writing

Put yourself in a creative space and make time to write. Write poetry, fiction, anything. You don’t have to write for anyone, just write for yourself. Don’t let the rules of language become a barrier. Evoke a moment in time, a person, an event, an impression, a feeling, an insight. Give voice to the deep and meaningful part of yourself. Be creative, be honest, be brave and write.

bluidkiti 11-09-2015 07:15 AM

Clouds of Anxiety

When anxieties grip your mind, try this:
1. Loosen your grip, and create distance between you and the anxieties.
2. Visualize the anxieties as clouds and see the clouds change shape or create
patterns in the sky.
3. Watch the wind carry the clouds away. Now there's no clouds, only an endless
stretch of clear blue sky.

Clear your mind of anxieties and return to your day.

bluidkiti 11-10-2015 07:02 AM

Making Ideas Happen

Are you pushy with your ideas? Often we have to be pushy to make our ideas happen; otherwise we'll wonder 'Have I done enough?' But if we push too hard, we may meet resistance, and then we'll wonder, 'Have I gone too far?'

Maybe there's another way. Maybe you can draw others to your ideas without being pushy. Get excited and enthused and you'll make your ideas contagious. Others may then be cooperative and go the extra mile to make your ideas happen.

bluidkiti 11-11-2015 06:45 AM

Relax by Candlelight

Just as moths are drawn to light, so are we. Light a candle and everything soon feels soothing, comforting and calm.

If you want, you can enjoy a candle light meditation. Rest your eyes on the flickering flame of the candle. If your attention wanders off, simply bring your attention back to the candle flame. Meditate by candlelight and you’ll soon relax your mind, warm your heart and illuminate your soul.

bluidkiti 11-12-2015 06:27 AM

Re-contact and Reconnect

As life happens, it's all too easy to lose touch with old friends. So, if you've been meaning to reconnect with someone you've lost touch with, procrastinate no more. Today, re-contact an old friend.

Send an email, a text, a card or a Facebook message. Or simply pick up the phone and give them a call. Get in touch and reconnect. It'll make you feel good and you may just make their day.

bluidkiti 11-13-2015 05:40 AM

Being An Ambassador

Be an ambassador of life. Faultlessly polite and dignified. Building bridges and forging connections. Always interested, never bored.

You may not be an ambassador of a country, corporation, or a brand, but you do represent the human race and you're always representing yourself. Be an ambassador of humanity. Be an ambassador of you.

bluidkiti 11-13-2015 12:40 PM

Gossip, A Good Idea?

'Did you hear about...?' Even though we know gossiping really isn't a good idea, who hasn't repeated a story. But did you hear about the research that says that gossiping can be good for you - as long as it's positive.

If gossiping is almost a second nature to you, go ahead and get gossiping - just make it positive.

Say something positive behind someone's back. Affirm someone's successes and strengths, and spread positive stories.

bluidkiti 11-13-2015 12:40 PM

Stop Being Controlling

To end most of the struggles in life, stop trying to control everything around you. When you decide and accept that you no longer need to control everything, you’re able to be at peace and flow with life.

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