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MajestyJo 09-26-2016 01:35 PM

Topic of the Week, words beginning with the letter "L"
L is for Leap. Take a leap of faith. The program worked for me, it will work for you if you work it. I can't, my God can, just for today, I choose to let Him.

Let us love you until you can love yourself.

MajestyJo 09-27-2016 07:05 PM

L is for Love. Love yourself. You are a child of God. God doesn't make no junk.

When you learn to love yourself, then take the next stop, and learn to like yourself.

dwmoeller 09-29-2016 10:21 AM

L is for Laugh

Let the little kid in you out -- learn how to laugh from the gut!

MajestyJo 09-30-2016 09:09 PM

L is for Live. Live and let live. Live your own life. Keep your nose out of other people's lives. Respect yourself by setting up boundaries and make your space a safe place to live.

MajestyJo 10-01-2016 10:20 PM

L is for Let Go and Let God. So often we struggle. We feel we should be able to handle situations. We feel that God isn't interested in us and we hesitate to reach out and ask for help. God doesn't come and grab us by the scruff of the neck and say, don't do that! He sends us thoughts, good orderly direction or he sends someone else to help us, quite often a group of drunks and/or drug addicts to show us the way. All we have to do is let go. Easier said than done. Letting go is not giving up, it is surrendering and giving over.

MajestyJo 10-02-2016 12:21 PM

L is for Last. When was the last time you got down on your knees to pray. Did you know that God answers knee-mail. What is the last thing you do before going to bed? Did you thank your God for another day? Those who have gratitude, last in this program. They don't have a reason to relapse, just a lot of excuses.

When a lot of things are stressing you out, pause and say the Serenity Prayer.

MajestyJo 10-04-2016 03:57 AM

L is for Like. I find it is much easier to love myself than like myself. There is a difference. I can say, "Love the skin I'm in" much easier than saying "I like my skin."

MajestyJo 10-06-2016 07:01 PM

L is for Low. How low do you plan to go before you reach out and ask for help. You don't have to go all the way to the dump, to get off the truck and seek recovery. The people in the rooms loved me back to good health. They accepted me for who I was and didn't judge me for being where I was at. You only get out of recovery what you put into it. If you don't invest in your recovery, you will get low dividends.

dwmoeller 10-07-2016 08:30 AM

L is for Listen

Listen in the meetings. By listening you will learn how to cope with life without going to the bottle. By listening you will learn how to live a life of sobriety. By listening you will learn the tools of recovery. Open your heart and mind and listen.

MajestyJo 06-06-2017 08:16 PM

L is for Love. Love the skin your in. When you work the program, the inside will match the outside. That is a good thing, we are God's Children and we are Loved.

MajestyJo 06-08-2017 11:13 PM

L is for Listen to Learn and Listen to Learn. We can't know what we have never been taught. This is a we program, we don't go it alone. It is one alcoholic sharing with another alcoholic. It is one addict sharing with another addict. The drug is but a symptom of our disease. The problem is me, and I had to learn to live a new way of life.

MajestyJo 06-10-2017 10:37 AM

L is for Like. We not only need to love ourselves, we need to learn to like ourselves. Let go of the old self abuse and give yourself affirmations. Fake it until you make it they say. Not a slogan that I like, I faked things for too many years. It was a great day when the insides matched the outside. I could like myself and be my own best friend.

MajestyJo 06-12-2017 04:04 AM

L is for Last. Do you remember your last drink? They say if you can't, you are open to relapse. Ironically, my last drink was a shared half decanter of white wine in Kelsey's with a good bye dinner for my friend Lorraine who was going back to Hawaii. We met at Mohawk college and she went on to McMaster University while I baby sat her son. He didn't like our Canadian winters, so he went home to Hawaii to his grandmother's. He accepted me because I knew how to play Lego's. Not sure if that is the right spelling. It is according to spell check. ;) I thought it had two 'g's

dwmoeller 06-13-2017 09:26 AM

L is for Live

Live Today! Not yesterday or tomorrow

MajestyJo 06-13-2017 01:30 PM

L is for Live and Let Live. Live your own life to the fullest and allow others the opportunity to work their program. We can't change people, all we can do is work on our own recovery.

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