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bluidkiti 10-01-2013 07:15 AM

Thought For Today - October
Comparing Moments

"Yesterday was such a good day!" "The food yesterday was really tasty!" Does that mean today isn't a good day? The food today isn't tasty? Compare one moment to another & you don't enjoy the present moment.

Drop the comparisons. Understand: every day, every moment, everything is different, unique & special. And then you'll experience contentment in the present moment & enjoy what is.

bluidkiti 10-02-2013 07:14 AM

Your Body is like a Car

Just as a car needs fuel and maintenance to run smoothly and efficiently, our body needs the same.

How well do you care for your body? What's your maintenance routine? Starting today, what ONE healthier choice will you make?

bluidkiti 10-03-2013 07:06 AM

The 3 R's of Relationships

Here are the 3 R's to make the relationships that matter most, easier: Roles, Rules, and Rituals.

Roles clarify what is expected of you. Otherwise there's frustration and confusion when roles are unclear. Know your specific role in each relationship and play your part well.

Rules are boundaries that outline what your limits are and where you stand. For healthy relationships, it's good to discuss and review your rules regularly, and know when to compromise.

Rituals are simple things that build meaningful connections, such as making eye contact as you say 'good morning' and 'goodbye'. Make up and keep up with rituals that work for you.

bluidkiti 10-04-2013 07:42 AM


When we take on too many things & over-commit ourselves, most often we under deliver. To fulfill our commitments, maybe it's better to be fully committed to a few things rather than partly committed to many things.

So before you make a commitment, make sure it's well considered & thought out. Be committed, not over-committed!

bluidkiti 10-05-2013 07:19 AM

Too Quick to Judge

Are you quick to judge others? Right and wrong become good and bad so fast, as our thoughts jump to negative conclusions about ‘the other’. Don’t be quick to judge. You don’t know the whole story. Exercise an attitude of curiosity. Try to understand what makes others tick and what compels someone to do something a certain way. Remember there is always more than one way and it’s not necessarily your way!

bluidkiti 10-06-2013 09:29 AM

Learning to Be Still

Even though the world around you may not be quiet, you can still learn to be still. Instead of blocking out sounds, focus on NOT reacting to sounds. Quiet your chattering mind and then slowly let your focus become still.

bluidkiti 10-07-2013 07:37 AM

Downsize Your Problems

Problems come and go. Keep thinking about a problem again and again, and you make it bigger and more challenging than it really is! So instead of magnifying, downsize your problems.

Think: The situation will pass. I am bigger than whatever is happening. I can handle it.

Make the problem smaller and you'll find solutions easily.

bluidkiti 10-08-2013 07:22 AM

When You Are Wrong

"You were right. I was wrong. I'm sorry." Can you willingly apologize when you're wrong?

Being right doesn't really matter. But what does matter is acknowledging when you're wrong, taking responsibility and apologizing humbly.

Admitting you are wrong not only helps you to be more open-minded but it also enhances the quality of your relationships.

bluidkiti 10-09-2013 07:34 AM

Mind Gardener

Be the gardener of your mind. Remove the weeds of doubt and worry. Plant the seeds of your hopes and dreams. Water them with love. Cultivate with patience and trust.

What are you planting and growing in the garden of your mind?

bluidkiti 10-10-2013 08:09 AM

How You See Yourself

See yourself as incapable and you won't know where to start. See yourself as awkward and you'll get nervous. How you see yourself is very important because it affects how you project yourself. And as a result, it creates your reality.

So change how you choose to see yourself. See yourself as confident and you tap into courage. See yourself as capable and you'll make the best use of opportunities.

How do you choose to see yourself?

bluidkiti 10-11-2013 07:14 AM

Creativity and Fear

We are all creative beings. Yet, fear has a way of getting in the way. Are you going to let fear stop you? Address your fear and find a way to move through it.

Ask yourself: What would I do if I had no fear? Let the answer energise and inspire you to move towards creativity.

bluidkiti 10-12-2013 07:01 AM

Approval Seeking

Do you seek others’ approval? When you don’t get your regular “fix” of approval how do you feel? Others’ cannot constantly give you approval. So, instead of seeking and needing approval from others, give yourself approval! Let go of the need to hear others say that you're beautiful, smart, or good enough. Practice self approval. Then whether you get approval or not, you’ll be unaffected and undisturbed.

bluidkiti 10-13-2013 08:37 AM

Human Being Doing

We spend most of our lives doing things. And in the rush and hurry, we forget that we’re in fact - human beings. So, remember that being comes before doing. Make an effort to "be." When we stop and “be”, we discover that life will show up with exactly what we need when we need it.

bluidkiti 10-14-2013 07:28 AM

Home Sweet Home

How do you feel when you walk into your home? Is there the feeling of, 'home sweet home!'?

This week, explore what you can do to make your home your sanctuary (even if your home is just a room).

bluidkiti 10-15-2013 07:18 AM

Impossible to I'm Possible

If you think or say, something is impossible, it probably will be. ‘Impossible’ disempowers you and stops you finding a way to make things possible.

As Audrey Hepburn said, “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” So change ‘Impossible’ to ‘I’m Possible’.

Break through your self-limiting thinking and all things remain possible. When you are open to all possibilities, you will find a way to make things possible.

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