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bluidkiti 02-01-2016 07:34 AM

Thought For Today - February
Be Like a Rock

Like a rock, stay true to yourself and stand by what you believe, no matter what.

Just as a rock can be shaped by water over time, in the same way, we too can be shaped by life.

Like a rock, be strong, not stubborn

bluidkiti 02-02-2016 06:27 AM

Momentous Memories, Amazing Achievements

Can you remember all your momentous memories, amazing achievements? It’s so easy to forget, isn’t it? Keep a track of things and note down your successes, lessons from failures, memorable moments, projects you’ve completed, places you’ve visited, things you tried for the first time, special events… It doesn’t have to be detailed, it can be bullet points, a list.

Keeping a track of your memorable memories allows you to see what you’ve achieved, how far you've traveled, and it can encourage you towards further growth.

bluidkiti 02-03-2016 06:38 AM

Today I Will

Begin the day with "Today I will..." Today I will live in the moment. Today I will be thankful. Today I will be more tactful.

Affirm how you want to feel or be. Set a positive theme and keep it in mind as you set off into the day.

bluidkiti 02-04-2016 06:58 AM

Talk Too Much?

We all know how good it is to talk, but are you guilty of talking too much? Talk too much and we exhaust ourselves and others. And when we talk too much we miss the opportunity to build a rapport.

So, it’s probably a good idea to check yourself as you talk: Have I been talking for too long? Am I being long winded? Have I given the other person a chance to respond?

To be a better conversationalist: Leave space for the other person to talk. Let them speak and then let them speak a bit more.

bluidkiti 02-05-2016 05:58 AM

Something New for the Commute

Try something new on the bus, train or tube.

Sit comfortably or stand tall. Feel your feet on the ground and observe your breath. Do this for a bit and you'll start to feel more present and peaceful. Then through your presence, let the feeling of peace reach out to all the other passengers.

bluidkiti 02-06-2016 07:42 AM

February 6

Past is Past

Most of us revisit the past. The past is important but if we keep on revisiting it, we miss out on all that the present moment has to offer.

Starting from today, remind yourself: The past is past. The past is always past and we are always in the present moment.

Let the past be the past and you'll make the most of all that the present moment has to offer. And then, if you do revisit the past, do it productively.

bluidkiti 02-06-2016 07:42 AM

February 7

The Waiting Game

How often do you find yourself playing the waiting game? Waiting for someone else’s decision, waiting to see someone, waiting for things to happen …. What do you do whilst waiting? Waiting unproductively is a waste of time. Acting productively increases the value of time. What will you do to NOT lose in the ‘waiting game’ again? Maybe read, make those phone calls ….

bluidkiti 02-08-2016 08:42 AM

How Do You Perceive Yourself?

How do you perceive yourself? Strong, shy, interesting, incapable, creative, considerate, awkward, amazing...? Where do these perceptions come from? From your life experiences, other people's comments....? Your self-perception is very important because it influences how you project and present yourself.

Is your perception of yourself accurate? Are you underestimating or overestimating yourself? How about adjusting your self-perception to 1) reflect who you really are and 2) give yourself the best chance possible for success.

bluidkiti 02-09-2016 06:32 AM

Rise To The Challenge

Every now and then, obstacles and challenges come along, be it at work, in your relationships or elsewhere. It may seem impossible, but rise to the challenge of trying to face and overcome the obstacles.

Rise to the challenge and you may get to see your attitudes and habits at work, see what needs tweaking and, in the process, you may discover the strength of your ability and increase your self-esteem.

bluidkiti 02-10-2016 07:33 AM

Not Feeling Well?

When you’re not feeling well, do you feel miserable? Do you complain? When you're in pain, are you a pain?

Instead of being a pain, try to see the lesson behind your pain. Be patient, and give the body time to rest and recuperate.

Instead of feeling miserable and complaining, try and stay positive. This influences the healing of the body. You’ll also get positivity from those around you and this too can get you feeling better sooner.

bluidkiti 02-11-2016 05:46 AM

Difficult or Easy First?

Do you prefer to start the day with your trickiest task or the easiest one? Difficult tasks require willpower, focus and energy. Easy tasks require less. Do the easy task first to get a momentum going. Save the difficult tasks for when you are more focused and energetic.

But sometimes it's best to tackle the difficult task first, so that you don't keep thinking about it. Once you’ve tackled it, the rest seem easier.

Easy or difficult tasks first? What works for you?

bluidkiti 02-12-2016 06:51 AM

Buy Yourself Flowers

Who doesn't love a fresh bouquet of flowers? Why wait for someone else to bring you flowers! This Valentine's Day, do something nice for you - buy yourself a bouquet of flowers. Sunflowers, tulips, lilies, orchids... whatever you like.

Buy some flowers and treat yourself. Brighten up your space and boost your mood.

bluidkiti 02-13-2016 08:03 AM

February 13

The Love We Want

All we want, all that anyone wants, is love. We want it, but expect it to come or happen to us. But the love we want is actually within us, it's in our heart, in our soul.

Instead of expecting love, realize: I am love. Believe it and feel it.

Love who you are, as you are. Love others as they are. Love all that you have. Love what you do.

bluidkiti 02-13-2016 08:03 AM

February 14

Fall in Love with Yourself

You’re the most important person in your life, so, fall in love with yourself! How? By appreciating the best in you – your qualities, your inner beauty. If you don’t love you how do you expect others to love you? And when you love yourself, you’re able to love others unconditionally.

bluidkiti 02-15-2016 08:13 AM

Look in the Mirror

The most important person in your life, is you. So, every time you look in the mirror today, say to yourself, “I love you.” Don’t wait for someone else to tell you, tell yourself “I love you” with a lot of love.

See what is beautiful in you and you’ll want to be your best. Start to love who you are and you’ll love others for who they are and then others will love you for who you are.

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