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bluidkiti 06-01-2015 07:56 AM

Thought For Today - June
Hungry Plus Angry

When you get hungry, do you get cranky and snappy? If you get angry, you're probably feeling ‘hangry’! As seen in the ads, "You're not you when you're hungry", and no one likes you when you’re ‘hangry’, do they?

If you don't want ‘hanger’ getting the better of you, stay on top of your hunger. Make the time for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a few snacks, here and there.

Eat healthy, eat regularly and you'll keep ‘hanger’ at bay.

bluidkiti 06-02-2015 07:40 AM

Blooming Near You!

Snowdrops break through the frozen ground. Tulips and daffodils pop up as the grass begins to grow. In every season, there's always something blooming.

Take a walk through the park, the garden or any green spaces. Notice what’s blooming around you and take a moment to enjoy it.

bluidkiti 06-03-2015 08:09 AM

Shake It Off

When life throws something at you, or when someone says or does something you don’t like - do you stew over it?

No matter what gets thrown at you, try this instead: accept and respond appropriately and effectively, and then just shake it off and move on.

bluidkiti 06-04-2015 07:12 AM

When Promoting Yourself, Avoid

To stand out from the crowd and get ahead, often we have to promote ourselves.

When promoting yourself:
- Avoid sounding like you're bragging or boasting. Highlight your accomplishments when and where it’s relevant.
- Avoid coming across as arrogant or annoying. Communicate your value as well as the value of others.

Maybe, every time you promote yourself, promote someone else too.

bluidkiti 06-05-2015 08:42 AM

Pass It On

Everything that comes to us, comes to us to pass on. Not just the money in our pocket, but wisdom, objects, ideas, opportunities, all comes to us, for us to put to good use, and then at the right time, to pass it on.

So come on, pass on what you love, pass it on with love.

bluidkiti 06-05-2015 09:33 PM

Go Getter, Go Giver

It's good to be a go getter! But why not be a go giver as well as a go getter. Take action and make things happen, but at the same time, give.

Give what you want to give. Give your time, attention, ideas, knowledge, compassion, smile.... Give through your mind, words, actions, presence....

Just keep going, keep getting things done and keep giving.

bluidkiti 06-05-2015 09:33 PM

Beyond the Surface

Most of the time, we skim over the surface without exploring what's below. So take time to look beyond the surface. See the people behind the structures; the intentions behind the actions. Look deeply to understand and respond wisely.

bluidkiti 06-08-2015 08:03 AM

What's Your Relationship With Technology?

What’s your relationship like with technology? Are you a little in love with your digital devices? A little too consumed by it all? And in your relationship, who is in charge?

This week, re-examine your relationship with technology. Rethink how to use it, how not to use it, and how to keep the relationship healthy.

bluidkiti 06-09-2015 08:23 AM

Wish Yourself Well

Start your day wishing yourself well. Then during the day, if you get a moment here and there, create some more good wishes for yourself.

Not only will your good wishes fuel your day with a feel good factor, but you’ll naturally wish others well and create good wishes for all.

bluidkiti 06-10-2015 06:06 AM

What You Know

We know. And the more we know, the more we rely on what we know.

Imagine if you were to put aside what you know, just for a moment. Potentially, it could spark creative insights, different perspectives.... You may even explore new routes, new ingredients, new....

So be confident about what you know. But every now and then, put aside what you know and see where it leads you.

bluidkiti 06-11-2015 06:48 AM

The Worst in You

Who or what brings out the worst in you?

1. Recognize who or what brings out the worst in you.
2. Ask yourself, can someone or something really bring out the worst in me?
3. Consider this, no one and nothing can bring out the worst in me, unless I let them.
4. Take responsibility for a) the worst in you, and b) bringing out the best in you.

bluidkiti 06-12-2015 07:03 AM

Make It An Opportunity

Ever waited for the right opportunity to come along? Is it ever handed to you? Sometimes, but mostly not, right? So, why wait for opportunities to come along or be handed to you? Where you are right now, what’s in front of you, the one in hand; make that an opportunity.

Make opportunities happen. And if one does come along, or is handed to you - make the most of it.

bluidkiti 06-13-2015 07:33 AM

Young at Heart

Feel young at heart? You've heard the saying, "you're only as old as you feel." Or even, "you're only as young as you feel."

No matter what age you are, here are 3 things to keep you feeling young at heart:
1. Embrace your age and the aging process.
2. Stay curious and keep learning something new.
3. Find something to laugh about in everything.

bluidkiti 06-13-2015 07:33 AM

Take Up Courage

When we get disappointed and disheartened, we often stop and give up. That's when it's important to renew our courage and enthusiasm. This week, choose one thing that you've given up on that you would really like to take up once again. Hold onto courage, think "I am going to find a way to make things happen", and then create a plan and work on it. You'll find that one step of courage brings multifold help - from others and situations.

bluidkiti 06-15-2015 08:40 AM

Shrink Your Fears

Does fear hold you back? When fear shrinks your world, shrink your fear. Here's how:

1. Take your fear & give it space. Observe the fear & it'll loosen its hold over you.
2. Recognize that most fears never materialize & those that do are not as bad as you feared.
3. Realize that you are bigger than your fears. Put things into perspective & see what you need to do.

Shrink your fears & widen your world.

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