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rkelly6280 01-22-2014 11:34 AM

There Is Hope!!!!
“My name is Rob Kelly, I am an alcoholic and addict!
Today January 10th 2014 I celebrate 2 years clean and sober, this is the longest I have been clean and sober since I was 12 years old, & I am 51.”

For me the journey into darkness began after being physically and sexually abused.

I sought to fill the hole inside me with alcohol, drugs, sex, a successful career as a teacher, coach, and contractor, my marriage, as a parent, and an active Church member.

Gradually I lost them all and I put a hand gun in my mouth and pulled the trigger… the firing pin dropped and hit the primer… nothing happened…

I didn’t realize it but God had a plan for me.

The pain and darkness, the desperation, the self loathing spiraled out of control.
in total surrender I cried out to God!!!
Help me, I cant live like this anymore, I want whats real!
If you are real you have to show me!!!

From that earnest plea, that small act of faith, God did respond in a way that changed my life.

Today I have a peace and serenity in my life that comes by the grace of God, Jesus His only Son is my Lord and Savior and I have been redeemed through the salvation he supplies.

There is hope in him, please know this.

This is a very abbreviated version of my story.

If I can share my story anywhere or help you or a loved one struggling in darkness please let me know.

Remember my God always responds to faith. I am given a daily reprieve based solely on the maintenance of my Spiritual condition, my relationship with the God that created the universe and breathes stars into being!!!!

Thank you for letting me share.


yukonm 01-22-2014 12:32 PM

Hi Rob,
I replied to your post in another thread but will repeat my welcome here :15:
Congratulations on 10 years sobriety, that is AWESOME!! Thank you for sharing your story with us. I am so glad you are here. We support and encourage each other in recovery and I am looking forward to hearing more from you soon. Welcome to our community!!

cherylandrebel 01-24-2014 06:38 PM

Thank you for your story
Hi I'm Cheryl. I understand. Thanksfor sharing.

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