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Old 12-13-2013, 04:04 AM   #9
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For the most part, I feel that I am a pretty reasonable person. When I tend to be unreasonable, is when I am given the whole picture and I am dealing with people with tunnel vision or those who are choosing to turn a blind eye.

This morning when I woke up I was approach by a girl on messenger. Her first statement was "I wish you did...." Instead of just saying what was wrong and asking if I could help, I found myself with a little resentment. I said a prayer, asked her what her problem was and was able to help her find a solution.

It is difficult to help someone who isn't willing to help themselves. I know I am fighting depression at the moment. What I know is that I am not fighting it alone and that I don't need a pill to make it all better.

Sometimes I need to be reasonable with myself. I can talk myself out of anything, especially if I don't share it with others. When I become aware of my problem, acknowledge it, and accept it for what it is, I can take the Steps I need to change the attitude, or in my case, change the attitude in order to take the action.

God is Good.

Posted in 2004

It is unreasonable to expect perfection. The say progress not perfection, which was a good thing, because I thought I had to do it right. This was according to my mother who said, "Do it right or don't do it at all." Often I didn't or I wasted a lot of time trying to do things her way.

What seemed reasonable in the past, doesn't always appear so in today thank to recovery and looking at things from a new perspective.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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