Thread: Relationships
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Old 12-15-2013, 02:28 AM   #3
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Love can be its own reward.
Arnold Lobel

The feeling of attachment, of being related, of caring about someone, is what life is all about. Before recovery, we may have feared we could not love anyone When we feel love, we may also feel cheated because our affections aren't returned as we want them to be. Or we may think relationships are just too complicated and painful. It's true that relationships are difficult at times. The only thing more difficult is having none.

In this quiet moment, let's reflect on our relationships. Close attachments to both men and women essential to our progress. Without them, we would not be in recovery. We don't need to say to our friends "What have you done for me?" We can feel an inner fullness and satisfaction, knowing we have relationships we truly care about and we are accepted as are. That alone is a remarkable reward.

I appreciate the joys my relationships bring.

Original Source Unknown posted in 2005
The only relationships I had with others, were those based on my using. What I could get from or talk some one out or something that I wanted to continue my using. If I wasn't happy, they were not doing their job, only to find out in recovery, that it wasn't their job in the first place. I was responsible for my own happiness. It was my first resentment. How dare you say I am responsible, when in fact, it was because of them I used in the first place.:wink:

My second husband was suppose to be my supplier, the bread winner to allow me to party and live in the style that I wanted to become accustomed and how dare he get fired, three months after we were married. More importantly, how dare his boss blame me for his actions. I didn't know that my husband didn't trust my actions while he was away on the road. I wonder why???

The most important relationship in today is the one I have with my Higher Power. It allows me to have a relationship with myself, and through Him, I can have a relationship with you.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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