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Old 01-11-2014, 02:55 PM   #14
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Reality/Wishful Thinking

"So much of my life had been wishful thinking and projecting onto others what I wanted things to be, like rather than what they really were."

How can you be in 'reality' when you continue to use people, places and things to take you out of it?

I don't like how I feel. I don't want to eat right now and I would grab a cigarette." I really can't handle all these emotions right now and I scarf down a KFC dinner. I can't stand all this pain, let me take a pill and make it go away. I don't like my life and how it is going let me smoke a joint and mellow out. I have just too much stress, let's have a double!

I want life to be smooth with no ripples and I just want to sail along on life's journey without a care or worry in the world. If I just turn a blind eye and pretend that it isn't there, perhaps it will all go away.

As someone once said to me, "Why shouldn't it happen to you?" It happens to others, why should you be exempt? What gives you the right to be different?

God grant me the Serenity to accept the things...

Life doesn't get better, I do. I have recovery tools to handle life on life's terms, not always as I think they should be.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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