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Old 02-03-2014, 12:17 PM   #38
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Sometimes, in the midst of trials and troubles,
it is very easy for us to think that we are all alone.

It is very easy for us to believe that there is no help
for us when we in the midst of a "spiritual battle."

We can feel like the fight we are fighting is unlike
anything else ever faced.

We can feel like our struggle is too great,
and there is no relief, nothing that anyone can do,
an no what that this fight ends well.

When are are facing temptation, facing that struggle,
we can feel as though there is no way out, no hope, no chance.

We can feel defeated before the fight has really even began.

Listen to the words of Hebrews 2 today.

Jesus Christ was made like us, walked as we walk,
talked as talk, faced everything we face.


If you face it, Jesus faced it. He was tempted
as we were. He faced temptation. He faced struggles.
He faced trials and troubles.

And hear what it says. Because He did this,
He is able to help us in our trials. In our troubles.
In our struggles.

You are not alone. You are not forgotten.
You are not forsaken. You are not alone in this trial.
You are not alone in this trouble. You are not alone in this time.

God is with you. Jesus will uphold you.
The Spirit will strengthen you. His Church will be there for you.

Yes, we face real temptations and trials.

And yes, through Jesus Christ, the God of creation
is there with us, in the midst of them, upholding us.

So, today, when you feel alone, forgotten,
forsaken. Remember, Jesus is there. He faced what
we face, and He has overcome.

And through Him, we will overcome.
Today, may we find our strength in Him.

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