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Old 02-04-2014, 06:04 AM   #4
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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

No need for frustration

Frustration is a painful, debilitating feeling that can often cause you to do things you’ll regret. So choose to quickly let it go.

Frustration, as automatic and overpowering as it may seem, is a choice. And you can always make a different choice.

The habit of reacting in frustration is just that, a habit. Like any other habit you’ve developed, you can get rid of it when you choose.

Yes, life regularly presents you with difficult dilemmas for which frustration is a perfectly understandable reaction. Other than grabbing your attention, however, your frustration never does accomplish much.

So once you’re aware of the frustrating situation, make the choice to find a more useful, effective response. Step back from the desire for instant drama, and work on creating some long-term positive results.

Channel the high-powered energy of frustration into intentional, focused, positive action. Give yourself the option to act effectively and appropriately, and you’ll find you have no need for frustration.

— Ralph Marston

August 21, 2007

One Day At A Time

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