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Old 04-12-2014, 07:41 AM   #14
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Saturday, April 12, 2014

The power to choose

The pains, disappointments and frustrations tug at you. And yet, you are infinitely more powerful than all of them put together.

With your very next thought, you can rise above any kind of negativity. With your next action, you can begin to put real distance between yourself and whatever was bringing you down.

You have the power to choose the way you see life, and the way you experience life. You can take whatever comes, and make something positive out of it.

The more you make a conscious, intentional choice about how to live, the stronger you become at doing so. Over time, as you continue to exercise your power to choose, you add real richness and fulfillment to your life.

Look at this day, with all its problems and challenges, and see the positive possibilities. Look inside yourself, and find the dreams, goals and desires that have the strength to push you forward.

Choose to live a life of unique greatness, and to give that greatness to your world. In every moment you have the power to choose, so choose the very best.

— Ralph Marston

August 21, 2007

One Day At A Time

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