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Old 06-24-2014, 01:34 AM   #24
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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

You are reading from the book Food for Thought

A Program for Living

The OA program does much more than promote our recovery from compulsive overeating, essential as that is. It gives us a structure for our daily lives. Before OA, we chased illusions and despaired when they let us down. Now we have a concrete plan of action for living richer, fuller lives.

We have found like-minded friends who help and encourage us. Instead of isolating ourselves and consuming, we are experiencing the fellowship of sharing. We find that the more we contribute to OA, the more we get out of it.

Practicing the Twelve Steps involves every aspect of our lives. We cannot be honest in our efforts to work this program without being honest in all our affairs. What we learn about ourselves through OA can be applied to our other activities as well. We were eating compulsively because we did not know how to cope with the rest of life. As we become better equipped for living through the guidance of our Higher Power, we recover from our disease.

Bless our program, we pray.
Love the words "A Program for Living." When I was using, I was existing, from one bite to the next, one drink to the next, one pill to the next, and when I wasn`t using, it was on my mind and took up my whole being and my thought of my substance of choice took over my mind, body, and spirit. I stuffed and didn`t allow myself to feel.

They say work the Steps and that is true. What I had to do was take the words off the pages of the literature and apply them to my life.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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