Thread: QUESTIONS???
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Old 12-19-2015, 06:52 PM   #11
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May 2004

“When we became alcoholics, crushed by a self-imposed crisis we could not postpone or evade, we had to fearlessly face the proposition that either God is everything or else He is nothing. God either is or He isn’t.”

Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, We Agnostics, pg. 53
This reminds me of the phrase, “Are you an alcoholic?” “I think I might be just a little bit.” The both statements are the same as saying I think I am a little bit pregnant. Either you are or you are not. I had to find my own truth, and although I was in denial, there was something within me that kept me coming to the rooms of recovery for two years until I had reach total acceptance, and I know it wasn’t me.

When I looked back over my life, some force was working in my life keeping me alive and to the doors of recovery, because I qualified twenty years before I got here. Some are sicker than others. When I took an honest look at my life I realized God didn’t go away, I did!

God works in my life today. He utilizes people, places and things to show me a better way of living and to help me in my journey.
God still is in my life. With the pain and health issues in my life today, I would have been long gone if it wasn't for God in my life. I see so many people with the same issues who are on heavy medication and totally isolated and into self and I want to tell them, get a 12 Step Program. You know me you qualify for Al-Anon, even if you feel you don't qualify as an alcoholic or an addict.

I identified so much with ACoA (Adult Children of Alcoholics), and I was so grateful that I went to AA first, or I might have died in my disease because of my denial.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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