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Old 02-05-2016, 08:42 AM   #6
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Icon24 Even More Recovery Readings and Meditations - February 6

February 6

Step by Step

Today, ACCEPTANCE of the things I CAN change and those I cannot. In accepting what I can change, I need both humility and courage to make changes even if they are not what I want but know I need – wisdom to accept that I cannot change what I might want. Above all, I must accept that I am powerless over alcohol. AA has quenched any desire to change that fact. With that knowledge, then, I can have faith that my Higher Power will give me the desire, strength and courage to change what I can and leave alone what I cannot change. Today, acceptance is my focus. And our common journey continues. Step by step. – Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

~ Kahlil Gibran ~

The things that really count in life are not those we can hold in the hand, but those we cherish in the heart. Material possessions can be replaced, at least in part, if they are stolen, lost or destroyed. But those things which are of greatest value to our security, serenity, and continued growth, are safe within our minds and hearts.

Even when we give generously from this store of precious spiritual tools, they magically remain with us to be given away again and again. We are taught to give, share, and be helpful without expecting others to be in our debt.

When I give of myself, the sharing doesn’t stop after a single act. Those gifts are passed on from one to another to form an endless chain of love.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

In marriage, being the right person is as important as finding the right person.

~ Wilbert Donald Gough ~

No matter how much two people love each other, no matter how compatible they are, no matter how great they are as lovers, they will confront matters and situations where their habits and differences will clash. When we face a frustrating obstacle, our first impulse is to blame the other person who doesn’t fit what we want. However, our most effective way of improving our relationship is to look beyond that first impulse and focus on what we can change: ourselves. We need to persistently be the best partner we know how to be. Our partner is not a model of our own creation and was not put on this earth just to fulfill our own image.

As good partners we try to be good listeners and open ourselves to our beloved. We cut our partner some slack when it’s needed; we offer forgiveness. We don’t use our partner’s immature response as an excuse for us to be immature. We practice the kind of detachment that allows our partner self-determination. We don’t try to fix or mold our beloved to our wishes.

Today I will focus on being the best partner I know how to be, regardless of what my partner says or does.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

Take time for solitude. How else can you contemplate the blessings of recovery.

~ Abby Warman ~

Is it human nature to focus on what we lack? We waste many precious hours, hours that can never be recaptured, bemoaning what we think we deserve. While it’s true that what we get may not be what we want, the circumstances that have come our way snugly fit God’s plan for our unfolding lives.

It’s far more productive to spend our quiet times acknowledging the array of gifts we have received. Perhaps we need help from a sponsor or a friend to discover that we have not been shortchanged in this life. If we always gaze upon others, comparing their blessings to our own, we’ll never come to believe that each of us receives what is truly necessary to our personal growth. We are where we need to be. We get what we are supposed to have. Let’s practice gratitude.

I am grateful. I sometimes forget that Cod is in charge of my life. I will remember and pay special attention to the gifts I’m given today.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I need a sponsor

Sometimes my attitude doesn’t help; sometimes my attitude even hurts. I want to do things on my own, in my own way, and in my own time. I don’t much like authority or rules. I have a strong will. Yet thinking and behaving based solely on this attitude is part of my chemical dependency.

Now that I’ve taken Step One and admitted I can’t do this alone, it’s clear to me that I need the help of a support person, someone to prevent me from being my own worst enemy. I don’t want my resistance and fears to lead me astray or hold me back. I need a guide, a coach, someone who has already walked a mile (or two) in my shoes.

At my next Twelve Step meeting I will take the first step. I will look for someone to be my temporary sponsor.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

All our power lies in both mind and body.

~ Sallust Crispus ~

Addiction affects every part of our being — physical, spiritual, and emotional. In the early glow of recovery, we often forget the physical part, as though our bodies don’t matter as much as the rest of us. But sobriety doesn’t end at the neck; our spirit and emotions can’t get to meetings without our bodies.

During addiction, we neglected and abused our physical selves. Now that we’re in recovery, our bodies need care and repair. A balanced diet is important every day to rebuild bones and nerves and for energy and strength. Exercise strengthens our muscles, improves our endurance, and brings a great feeling of well-being. It also helps relieve stress and tension. And some of us cut back on or eliminate caffeine and nicotine to help soothe jangled nerves and improve our sleep.

All these changes pay big dividends. It’s hard for our spirit and emotions to prosper when we neglect our bodies. But with some loving care, we’ll feel better, look better, and work a better program.

Today help me remember how important my body is. Let me give my physical being the respect and care it deserves.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

Rather than viewing a brief relapse back to inactivity as a failure, treat it as a challenge and try to get back on track as soon as possible.

~ Jimmy Connors ~

Remaining clean and sober, especially in the early days of your recovery, can be challenging. You may even question whether you really do have a problem. But even “old timers” in the program know how easy it is to get into trouble. “Sobriety,” it has been said in meetings, “is the leading cause of relapse.”

Most relapses happen with a gradual shift in attitude, feelings, and behaviors. If you start to notice that your general outlook is becoming more negative than positive, if your emotions and feelings are difficult to control, or if you skip meetings or avoid your sponsor, these are warn-ing signs that your sobriety may be in jeopardy.

Whenever you feel stressed or vulnerable, you may need extra help. Just as you might take more vitamins when you feel a cold or flu coming on, so too can you in-crease your relapse prevention dosage. Reach out to your sponsor and those in the program, attend more meetings, meditate and pray, and avoid situations and people who could trigger a relapse.

Today I will not take my sobriety for granted. I will give thanks for everything and everyone who will help me maintain my sobriety for another day.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

God give[s] us a mind that can or can’t believe, but not even God can make us believe. . . . You have to believe first before you can pray.

~ Harriet Arnow ~

Sometimes it’s difficult to focus on our Higher Power after a hard day at work, after an argument with a loved one, after the frustrating experience of a flat tire, long bank line, or after any of the other nuisances that are part of each and every day. “Why me?” we may cry out in frustration. On a day like today, it may be easier to believe that a Power greater than ourselves is out to get us.

But God does not choose sides. We have not been singled out for punishment. God is on our side, if we only choose to open our hearts and believe that.

As we reflect back on the events of the day, we need to remember the times we asked God for help and the times we didn’t. And we need to believe first—before we pray tonight—that God is there to help us every minute of every day.

Did I ask my Higher Power for help today, or did I decide to “go it alone”? Which do I choose to do tonight?


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Seeing the good

The beauty of our souls shines in many ways: The greatest of these is love. In the spirit of loving kindness, every day a little ugliness is removed; our perspective on life grows broader and deeper.

In the spirit of love, our lives become fresher, our souls humbler; evil seems to disappear, and we learn to distinguish sinner from the sin.

Do I see the good in people?

Higher Power, let me walk in your love and see the good in all things.

Today I will look for the good in

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

This disease is like an elevator going down; you can get off at any floor.



What does it mean to say, “I’ve hit bottom”? People seem to mean different things by it. I’ve heard some who have been homeless, others who have lived luxuriously. And a whole lot of people seem to have had pretty ordinary lives with typical human problems.


I’ve heard it said that if you stay in recovery, your story gets worse as time goes on. For me, that means that as I cleared up and listened to recovering people tell about their lives, I gradually remembered more about my own: places I’d forgotten my addiction had brought me to. Actual places, yes—but even more important, places in my soul. Feelings of uselessness and despair, feelings that somehow, somewhere, I’d lost the dreams I’d once had for my life. Whether you and I consumed the same quantity of what we’re addicted to, whether we had trust funds or were living on the street, spiritually we arrived at the same place. Instead of comparing my story with yours, I think about what, exactly, brought me here. No one gets here by mistake.

Today, I remember what got me here. I know that I’m in the right place.



We alcoholics were saved from un-numbered deaths in our drinking days and preserved for a purpose that only we could accomplish. God has His way of doing things and He selects people to be the instrumentality through which He works.

If you fail to fulfill your appointed function, then just that much of God’s work goes undone until He finds another instrument through which to work.

You were not dragged from the gutter so that you might be able to enter your home and lounge before an open fire in ease. God saved you because He had work for you to do. Go do it.


~ WALK SOFTLY AND CARRY A BIG BOOK ~ (Official & Unofficial Sloganeering From the 12 Step Programs) ~

1) There is a big difference between being a mistake and making one.

2) Be yourself today. You are perfect for the part.

3) Sobriety is not for people who need it, it’s for people who want it.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~


Today I pray that I may understand there are some things I cannot change:
I cannot change the weather.
I cannot change the tick of the clock.
I cannot change the past.
I cannot change another person against his or her will.
I cannot change what is right and wrong.
I cannot change the fact that a relationship ended.
I can stop worrying over that which I cannot change and enjoy living more! I can place those things into the hands of my Higher Power. Save energy. Let go. Instead of trying to change someone else:
I can change my attitude.
I can change my list of priorities.
I can change my bad habits into good ones.
I can move from the place of brokenness into wholeness, in the beautiful person God created me to become.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


If we trace the derivation of the word hallowed we will discover a most extraordinarily interesting significant fact. The word hallowed has the same meaning as holy, whole, wholesome, and heal, or healed; so we see that the nature of God is not merely worthy of our veneration, but is complete and perfect—altogether good. Some very remarkable consequences follow from this. We have agreed that an effect must be similar in its nature to its cause, and so, because the nature of God is hallowed, everything that follows from that Cause must be hallowed or perfect too. Just as a rosebush cannot produce lilies, so God cannot cause or send anything but perfect good. As the Bible says, “The same fountain cannot send forth both sweet and bitter water.” From this it follows that God cannot, as people sometimes think, send sickness or trouble, or accidents—much less death—for these things are unlike His nature. “Hallowed be thy name” means “Thy nature is altogether good and Thou art the author only of perfect good.” Of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity.

If you think that God has sent any of your difficulties to you, for no matter how good a reason, you are giving power to your troubles, and this makes it very difficult to get rid of them.

Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on antiquity . . . (Habakkuk 1:13)


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Get Outside

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.

~ John Muir ~

One winter day while I was with some friends, I began to feel depressed and anxious. My friend Tom noticed my condition and suggested, “Why don’t you take a walk outside?” I continued to stew in my own juices, and later Tom offered again, “I’ll bet you’d feel better if you took a little walk.” Again I did not heed his suggestion, and my tailspin become worse. Finally, he said, “I know you’d regain your perspective if you just got outside.” Then I listened. I went to a little park where I walked around a crystalline ice-covered pond. I breathed the cold air deep into my lungs and felt the blood coursing through my veins. The stark beauty of winter was wondrously invigorating, and I returned to my friends feeling healed and renewed.

Nature is the great healer. Many of the ailments that plague our society stem from the way we have alienated ourselves from nature. We live in little boxes piled high atop one another, breathe fecund air from auto and chimney exhausts, eat food tainted by artificial chemicals, and sit at desks in front of computer monitors for many hours a day. Then we wonder why we do not feel well.

Even small doses of nature will begin to restore our sense of balance, wonder, and aliveness. I love to walk in the mountains, swim in the ocean, and enjoy the warm blessing of the sun. I am a spiritual being, and I honor my body as a friend and vehicle to feel the presence of God.

Choose an aspect of nature that you love, and immerse yourself in the world that God created. Nature will heal you.

Help me return to my source. Thank you for the beauty of nature, which feeds my soul.

I am healed by the natural world.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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