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Old 10-07-2013, 11:06 AM   #2
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Default Daily Feast - October 8th - 15th

October 8 - Daily Feast

St. James says to keep quiet, control your tongue - though no one ever has. Your boat may be huge, but your little tongue is a rudder that can turn a very big ship in the wrong direction. The tongue is like kindling wood that can set a whole woods on fire. Keep your tongue quiet, very quiet. And then St. Mark says to speak - speak to the mountain and tell it to be gone. Not only be gone but sink into the sea. A mountain of trouble needs us to use our tongues. Speak what you want and need, not what you do not want. There is a time to speak and a time to keep silence. These are the times that make us who we are, what we are, and what we will have. Life and death are in the power of the tongue.

~ You say you are right and we are wrong. How do you know this to be true? ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 8

"I think there was a big mistake made (when) people separated religion and the government. That was one of the big mistakes that was made, because when they did that, then they removed the Creator from their life - or at least from half to three-quarters of their life."

--Tom Porter, MOHAWK

The Elders tell us that every thing the Creator made is interconnected. Nothing can be separated. The Elders say we should pray before we do anything. We should ask the Creator, what do You want us to do? We are put on the Earth to do the will of God. If we run our governments, communities, families or ourselves without the spiritual we are doomed to failure.

My Creator, guide my life to include the spiritual in everything I do.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Isn't it true that when someone says something is wrong, our first thought is, "What have I done wrong now?" That constant fear of having a finger of accusation pointed in our direction - that guilt complex that can plague us into admitting guilt when it isn't ours.

Shakespeare wrote, "The mind of guilt is full of scorpions." And surely it is. For we often take more on with a feeling of guilt than is required of us. It is more often a feeling of fear, fear of being ridiculed, blamed, or even threatened.

A guilt complex can be erased. Not in a day, and maybe not completely, unless we are dedicated to keeping it out of our minds. We are so prone to throw fuel on the fire that we must always be completely aware of the thoughts we entertain.

But certainly, with turning to our innate faith and wisdom we can find enough courage to recognize the ghosts of guilt and see them for what they are.

Perhaps in the final analysis we find we were not guilty at all. We feel relieved, but if we were guilty, the relief of admitting mistakes is just as great.


October 9 - Daily Feast

Never take on more than is yours to handle. When you are a caretaker by nature, it can appear that the whole world rests on your shoulders. Some of it does, of course, because no one is without responsibility. But when you begin to think you have to do it all, it is time to back off and reassess your position. Life is a matter of give and take - and if you try to do all the giving, someone is going to get the idea they don't have to do anything. The only way they can receive is to give first. And if someone else does all the giving, there's something amiss - and it may be you.

~ Our exhausted, and we are discouraged from persevering any longer. ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 9

"That spiritual power I wear is much more beautiful and much greater. We call it wisdom, knowledge, power and gift or love. There are these four parts to that spiritual power. So I wear those. When you wear that power it will beautify your mind and spirit. You become beautiful. Everything that Tunkashila creates is beautiful."

--Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA

When I was young, I asked my grandfather, "What should I pray for?" He thought for a long time and then he said, "Pray only for wisdom and for the knowledge of love." This makes a lot of sense. No matter what happens I ask the Creator to show me the lessons I should be learning. I pray for Him to help me learn the lessons. By doing this everyday we become beautiful human beings.

Great Spirit, grant me Your wisdom.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

It has become increasingly noticeable how the power grab has reached even the lower levels of living. It is a right thing for us to try to raise ourselves. To fail to try would earmark us for failure....and yet up the shaky ladder of success climb so many bodies without spirits, so little understanding of what is ahead....and often less of what is past.

If we could only realize our power comes not from grasping the coattails of others, but from a higher source that knows the way....that places before us the right steps, the correct manner, the much needed wisdom and inspiration.

Why is it that when all this guidance is available to us, we let the littleness of our souls hold us back, believing all the time that any forward motion is because we have learned how to twist situations to our own avail.

How sad the lot of those who discover all the rungs on their ladder are on the same level. "Power will intoxicate the best hearts, as wine the strongest heads," wrote Caleb Colton. "No man is wise enough, nor good enough, to be trusted with unlimited power."


October 10 - Daily Feast

If you argue with stupid reasoning you end up being stupid. Expressing an opinion can run you out of bounds and into areas that are not yours to argue. And no one has any business matching wits with someone who hasn't a notion of honor. Consider what good can possibly come from a heated debate with someone who is in it for the argument alone. When there is noise and insult, the reason is weak. Someone said ignorance is behind every argument - but let's not let it be ours.

~ You pretty good fighter, Quanah, but you not know everything. ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 10

"I think that's what unity is - knowing one another and coming together and working with no conflict."

--Chief Alan Wilson, HAIDA

When we are aligned with spiritual values, we cannot be in fear or conflict. When we are aligned to spiritual values, we have the Creator whispering solutions in our ears. Unity is one of the spiritual values. When we value unity we value solutions. If we think this way, then we have no conflict within ourselves.

Great Spirit, let me see through Your eyes.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

We all know that if it were not for the little kindnesses, the helping hands that we receive from those who touch our lives daily, we would fall more often and much harder. Yet, we must remember there comes a time when we cannot expect others to rush to our aid. It is then that we test the strength of our own self-reliance.

We should make every effort to be worthy of the concern and help of others. It is sharing all phases of life that makes living more than just an existence. But none of us can support others for long who have no will to use their self-reliance. It is said that God helps those who help themselves, but even God cannot help where help is refused.

Then, how much can we depend on ourselves? How could we react to the same situations we see other people experiencing daily? We, who depend on much on our external advantages to pull us through, cannot truthfully foretell our actions in a crisis. But we can have a reserve of faith and strength behind us so that when others reach out to lift us up, we will be worthy of their time spent in helping to build our self-reliance.


October 11 - Daily Feast

Know who you are and don't worry about what other people think. Be your own best friend and resist trouble like wildfire. Be steadfast in good times and bad, tell fear to get lost and do away with doubt the way you would turn a hose on a fire. Never fall into the habit of believing you are always in the wrong. It can be a sufferer's trap, like a wastebasket that catches all the trash. Time is precious and you don't have time to stand in a hole. Make a difference now by lifting your vision of yourself. There's no such thing as bad blood when your heart is right.

~ French trappers said a great many things to our fathers, which have been planted in our hearts. ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 11

"Men and women have an equal responsibility to restore the strength of the family, which is the foundation of all cultures."

--Haida Gwaii Traditional Circle of Elders

The family is the heartbeat of strength of the culture. The grandfathers and grandmothers taught their children; they in turn had children who taught their children. If the family isn't taught the culture, then the children become adults and the adults become the grandfathers and grandmothers and the result is the culture becomes lost. This is how language is lost; this is how dances are lost; this is how knowledge is lost. We need to listen to our Elders, today, before it's too late.

Great Spirit, teach me the culture so I can teach the children.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

In those moments when we quietly sit with mind centered on the fact that God is only good, and that no situation devious or twisted in appearance, has any power except that which we give it by dwelling on how terrible it is - then, there is hope.

If we can become quiet enough in our own minds to know God is good, it will produce one of those times of sweet serenity that settles like an invisible veil between us and our troubles. In those moments of growth and faith will come peace that passes all understanding.

It is good to live an active life, but some of life's most productive moments are not when the mind and body are hurled through hectic hours at a furious pace. Life offers many tender and beautiful times that demand nothing and give only a quiet calm that will never come in pill form.

Contrary to the belief in any power except God's, there is a happy medium. It does not come simply by demanding, and there are times when it can be touched on only so briefly. But even in our sore travails there is a time when life finds balance and we live in harmony with God's laws.


October 12 - Daily Feast

The path to the woods is soft and silent underfoot. Wet leaves pad the ground beneath the trees and bright patches of green moss cover every rock. Many plants in sheltered places thrive even now. This place is sweet solitude-but never silent. Twittering birds have moved in for the winter and the red and blue of the cardinals and bluejays color the darkening woods. Time hangs between autumn and winter in mellow breezes and a few bright yellow sunflowers. It is a pensive time, a time to reflect and let go and enjoy.

~ The old Indian still sits upon the earth instead of propping himself up and away from its life-giving forces. ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 12

"The obstacle to the internal nature is the mind. If it relies on logic such as the white man's mind, the domain of the inner nature is inaccessible.The simple fact is a man does not challenge the wisdom of the Holy Mystery.

--Turtleheart, TETON SIOUX

Why is it we need to analyze and understand everything? The Great Mystery has designed certain areas of creation to be a mystery because humans usually miss-use it. We use the Great Mystery and see It unfold only under the direction of the Great Spirit. The Creator is in charge.

Great Spirit, let me realize You are in charge. I'm to do what You want.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

It is easy to have faith God and love everyone on days when the world is all in order.

There are other days that seem to require more effort than any normal person can possibly muster. Each step seems to be an obstacle to overcome. Every hurt and thought of resentment presents itself in a clamorous roar.

Weariness of body, soul, and spirit will nag the strongest beings into dark moods unless they can find a time away from all that plagues them. That time may be hard to come by, but even a few moments can bring a problem to light.

Twinges of jealousy, feelings of anxiety, all scatter in that light. When the attention is turned from those things that make life all too ordinary they immediately, like a procession, march toward the God-self.

To spend only a few moments counting our blessings will tell us that life is well worth living....the satisfaction of a job well done, the companionship of good friends with whom we share the lighter side and the ones who understand our darkest moods are all blessings.


October 13 - Daily Feast

Luther, a Tsa la gi, explained his creative God by saying, "God take Himself and make the fish, God take Himself and make the tsi s du [rabbit]; He take Himself and make the wa ya [wolf]; He take Himself and make the squirrel, and He take Himself and make me. These things my brothers." But, Luther, what do you do when you want to go squirrel hunting? Merriment danced in his black eyes and he added, "I just say, Squirrel-Brother, God made you for me!"

~ I traveled thousands of miles along our winding trails, through unbroken solitude's of the wild forest, listening to the songs of the woodland birds. ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 13

"So unbelievable things like that happen. But you have to believe it first. Not wait until you see it first, then touch it, then believe it... You have to say it from the heart."

--Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA

The power of our belief system is incredible. The power of faith is a very natural power. How do we have faith? Inside of our minds we form a mental picture with our self talk. Self talk is recorded in our minds in three dimensions - words that trigger a picture, which has a feeling or an emotion attached to it. Once we get the words and the picture, it is the emotion that makes the idea turn into a belief. You get the right emotion by saying things from the heart. The heart is the source of emotions which can cause unbelievable things to happen.

Great Spirit, with You everything is possible.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Everyone must have a way of life. The home, the position, the social level, the health of the body and of the emotions are all a part of daily living. But beyond that there must be a reason, a way of life. We must believe in something, live by something, and have a shelter within ourselves where there are no pretenses.

Life cannot be one carefree round of living on the surface. It is a thing of depth and width and height, and full of avenues never investigated. Like the body, it is made up of many parts. Beneath the skin there must beat a heart, a network of nerves, the strength of muscles, and much we cannot begin to explain.

As the body depends upon the heart we must have in our lives something to depend upon, something with which to identify ourselves. There must be a central point, a hitching post to keep all of life running smoothly.

We need something to help us retreat as well as to go forward. We must have something to live by, as well as something for which we would willing die. We need divine wisdom to see, and the strength to break away, those almost invisible fingers of possessiveness that grip our lives.

We do not simply live, we live because. We live because of others, because of beautiful things and times and places. We live because God gave us life, to be happy in, and to find a special way.


October 14 - Daily Feast

Contentment happens when our emotions give place to common things that in other times can draw little attention. It is releasing a deep inner peace that heals sadness and lifts a sagging spirit. Contentment is an intensely personal thing, adjusting to different people in its most effective way. It rides a shaft of sunlight to put on the gray bark of a tree, or it rises from laughter, deep and kind. It is nearly always unexpected and settles as softly as a bird lights on a limb. It is a remarkable fact that we simply let contentment happen. Socrates called it a natural wealth, but most have called it a miracle.

~ Kinship with all creatures of the earth, sky and water was a real and active principle. ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 14

"Each soul must meet the morning sun, the new sweet earth and the Great Silence alone!"

--Ohiyesa (Dr. Charles A. Eastman), SANTEE SIOUX

The most important thing we can do during the course of the day is pray in the morning. There is a special time in the morning that has great power. This is the exact time the sun is rising. During the rising of the sun, everything on the Earth is waking up. Animals, plants, birds and humans will be blessed at the rising of the sun. This is a special time to help us prepare for the day. During this time we ask the Creator to bless our day. We ask Him to guide us, to protect us and to give us courage to overcome the day's obstacles. Doing this everyday will give us knowledge of God's will for us.

Grandfather, Grandmother, guide my path. Let my thinking be guided by You.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

When there's thinking to be done a person does well to have a little private retreat.....a place where there's no worry that any minute someone will interrupt. And the very ease of knowing that here is a little time to do nothing but just think.

Except that I must carefully direct those thoughts so never to let them roam to things that serve only to disturb. But where does one find a place these days that affords a time alone?

It doesn't take much room to think. Some have little special places hidden from view.....a hillside maybe.....a sunny spot along a path.....a closet not so large.....a park bench.....or they may even take a drive.

But that place that is always available to us is that place within our own selves. This is the secret place within the heart where desires are stored. And no matter what we do, where we go, thoughts are productive.

Here is where thankfulness is is where love is is where the very life of life is built and rebuilt. This is our retreat when there's thinking to be done.


October 15 - Daily Feast

Some of us go to great lengths to keep from doing detail work - anything from flipping through a directory for one name in ten thousand to guessing at amounts in a recipe. No time, no time. Time isn't saved by guessing. Even when we hit it right once in a while - most of the time we are just a little off. How many of us take our basic instructions from hearsay - how many don't really want to know anyhow? Life itself has an instruction book. There's no reason to guess at what is right or wrong. We have a script for every part we play in life. When we have a need of any kind, the script has the wisdom to handle it. The Scriptures leave out nothing - and the biggest mistake we can make is to say we don't believe it - and go off to figure it out by guessing.

~ We were put here by the Creator and these were our rights. ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II' by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 15

"All of us begin to rethink what is good about ourselves - put the past where it belongs - and get on with the possibilities of the present!"

--Howard Rainer, TAOS PUEBLO-CREEK

There is a saying, you move toward and become that which you think about. So the question for today is, what are you thinking about? Are you thinking bad things about yourself or are you thinking good things about yourself? Are you thinking about a worldly life? Are you thinking good things about people or are you gossiping about people? Are you focusing on past things or are you living in the future? We need to bring our thoughts into the NOW, right here.

Great Spirit, let me experience living in the present moment.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

When winter presses a cold, gray hand against every living thing and temporarily puts to sleep all outward growth and activity of other seasons, there is within a quiet, invisible, but very active preparation for a lighter, warmer time.

There are times when the winters of life press hard upon us, seeming to keep from us any hope for good. But as the coldest winter does not prevent a tulip from developing a blaze of color within the bulb, there is nothing to prevent our own inner growth.

We quite naturally want the things that will make us happy and we want them now. But there is still a time of preparation, the development of our abilities to recognize the good and the beautiful when we see it. Otherwise, we are apt to look past them, still searching.

The tulip has a plan drawn by God's hand, and more beautiful than anything we can make. We have a way of moving from one time to another, waiting for life to come to us instead of having a plan. But during those waiting periods we need to make a little effort to determine the course and to be ready when the right time comes.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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