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Old 11-02-2016, 08:08 AM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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November 2

Step by Step

” …(Y)ou are ready to take certain steps.
“At some of these we balked. We thought we could find an easier, softer way. But we could not. With all the earnestness at our command, we beg of you to be fearless and thorough from the very start. Some of us have tried to hold on to our old ideas and the result was nil until we let go absolutely.” – Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, Ch 5 (“How It Works”), p 58.

Today, I stand on a precipice that appears uncertain and terrifying, at least as much as the certainty and terror of continued drinking. But I must begin recovery. If I don’t, the certain terror of an alcoholic disintegration or death are all that await me. And as I set out on this journey, grant me the wisdom to yield to the experience of those who have already been where I am headed, and the humility to seek and do only the will of whatever higher power I find. Let me also understand completely and be willing and ready to accept whatever change comes about as I hopefully leave behind those days of drinking and take on whatever changes sobriety brings. Today, if I am setting out on the path toward recovery, let me be know and appreciate how demanding it will be and that I must be “fearless and thorough from the very start.” Anything less is a prescription for certain relapse. And our common journey continues. Step by step. – Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


Cheerfulness keeps up a kind of daylight in the mind and fills it with a steady and perpetual serenity.

~ Joseph Addison ~

All spiritual growth points us toward serenity. When we find it, we also find a cheerful attitude. When we feel at peace with the world we "put on a happy face." In our Program, we refer to that state as being "happy, joyous, and free."

Cheerfulness is a personal choice. It begins with our acceptance of reality as we continue to grow spiritually. When we give our cheerfulness to others, we are also keeping for ourselves the peace that emotional growth brings us.

Cheerfulness is a big part of a positive attitude. Without it, we wouldn't be able to accept the things we need to accept. Cheerfulness can't exist without freedom.

Peace of mind and serenity are never forced on me. I must have an open heart and open mind to receive it.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

It is not the employer who pays—he only handles the money. It is the product that pays wages.

~ Henry Ford ~

Our work gives us meaning and can be the source of many good feelings. Even when we wish we had a better job, we feel good when we do the job we have well. Sometimes at work we get caught up in resentments or personal feelings that tear down our self-esteem. The best tonic for negative feelings at work is to focus on doing a good job, regardless of all the other issues we have to deal with.

Whether we are building complex technical equipment, cutting meat, or managing a team, the product we turn out is the bottom line. It expresses our character. In the long run, an excellent performance will come back to reward us. Knowing that we gave it our best is a source of inner pride.

Today I know that self-respect comes from doing my job well.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

I truly want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

~ Kathy Kendall ~

Honestly assessing how we perceive our experiences reveals how prone we are to create problems. Seeing the glass as half-empty is a habit, perhaps one we can’t imagine breaking. Fortunately, now we are surrounded by the good example of other people. Through listening at meetings we learn that the women we most admire understand our outlook. They have had it too.

We are in the company every day of women who have changed in the very ways we want to change. No matter how hopeless we feel at times, their very presence reminds us that we can do what they have done. Turning to their Higher Power was their solution. And that’s ours too. We can turn to our Higher Power every time we begin to dwell on some experience, making it a bigger problem than it needs to be. Turning to our Higher Power becomes easier with practice and, in time, newcomers will admire our perspective, just as we have admired the perspective of others.

I can emulate the good example of other people today rather than getting stuck in a problem. It’s all in how I look at my opportunities.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

My appetite is returning

It's been a while since I cared much about eating (this is not like me). My old favorites didn't appeal to me and trying new foods was out of the question.

But I am happy to report that my appetite is getting better. Recently I had a craving for a cookie—and sure enough, it tasted good. As much as I love cookies, I'm looking forward to regaining my interest in other foods, too.

In my journal I will make a note of my two favorite foods, my two favorite meals, and one person I like to share meals with.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

I finally realized my family needs to understand what I’m going through, and now I can share that with them.

~ Ken J. ~

During active addiction we often became secretive, hiding our behavior out of shame and fear of rejection. Our families and friends didn’t know what was happening with us, how we felt, or what our lives were like. Now they may feel baffled again about what is happening to us. They may feel resentful or jealous when we spend time away from them.

We must always maintain the anonymity of others in our Twelve Step fellowship, but we can explain how a meeting works, why it’s important to our recovery, and what it brings to our lives. We can explain the meaning of a Higher Power and the important role our sponsor plays in our recovery. We can talk about program principles such as powerlessness, letting go, and surrender.

Talking about our recovery program is a wonderful way to share our lives and our feelings with family and friends. We can reassure them and help them understand the process of change. By sharing with them, we welcome our families and friends into our new lives in a loving way.

Today help me share my recovery with those who are dose to me.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

Everything gives birth to something... I water the peach, peaches feed me

~ Mike Garofalo ~

November is often viewed as the beginning of the season in which nature becomes dormant and many cycles of growth cease. And yet within such dormancy lies growth. Bulbs and seeds are entering a cycle in which they are preparing for future growth in the spring. Animals ensure their survival for the warmer months by growing thicker coats that will protect them from harsh temperatures and weather.

So too do you need to engage in continual growth as you go through similar cycles of activity and inactivity, Each day offers the opportunity to renew your energy and commitment to recovery. Each person you meet offers companionship and support so you are reassured that you are not facing your challenges alone. And each time you engage in daily prayer and meditation, you develop and strengthen your spiritual connection.

When you view each day as a time for a new beginning, you are building a stronger future and enhancing your quality of life. Consider that everything you do, everything you see, and everything you hear is enhancing your growth now, and in the future.

Today I will continue to grow in positive ways.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

Our daily thoughts should be elevated above the ceiling.

~ W W. Loflin ~

How optimistic are we? Do we see problems as solvable or impossible? Do we see our abilities as expanding or limited? Do we set goals for ourselves, or do we feel goals are unattainable?

Not everyone can scale the highest mountain or find the Titanic or survive great disasters. We can't all be president of the country or director of our department. But elevating our daily thoughts above the ceiling doesn't mean we have to strive for recognition or undertake the most difficult tasks. All we really have to do is believe we are good people, capable of enjoying health and happiness. That belief can buoy us up against any obstacle.

We can learn to raise our thoughts whenever they start to go down. First, we can say we are inherently good. Then we can show others our goodness by being kind, friendly, and helpful. Finally, we can ask that our spirits be kept high by the help of our Higher Power. By doing these things, there is no limit to how good we can feel.

I can learn to raise my thoughts when they start to go down.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Becoming selfless

Only through the grace of our Higher Power can we feel peace and serenity. We know that self and self-based decisions end in pain. We have to replace self with love. If our hearts are full of our egos, there is no room for a Higher Power.

We begin to become selfless when we recognize that we need a Higher Power in our lives. We have learned from experience that no other way works for us. This does! The only point in talking about self is to know what we’re trying to be free of, what we’re substituting for a Higher Power.

Am I a selfless person now?

Higher Power, let me put a little more of you into a place where I still have much self.

I will do things for others today, such as

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

When you pray you are opening a window within yourself.



I don't know if I can pray the way I'm supposed to.


There's no wrong way to pray, no place or time, no posture or language, that's inappropriate. We can pray anywhere. Some of us pray on our knees; some pray while sitting, standing, walking, or performing sacred movements. Some of us use prayers from the religion we claim as ours, some use prayers found in program literature, and some of us write our own. Many prayers are said spontaneously. Some prayers may even be unconscious or involuntary. All are holy.

Prayer can be a medium for expressing gratitude, joy, and acceptance of what is; it can be a cry for help or understanding; it can be a reaching out for relationship, an attempt to find our way to the Spirit, or a means of maintaining contact with our inner guidance. I've heard someone in recovery say that prayer may come before we find out who or what our Higher Power is. Most of us, once we have the habit of prayer, find it a necessity.

Today, I nourish myself with prayer.



Have you ever visited the General Service Headquarters in New York? Do you have any conception of the vast amount of work that passes through the Foundation every year?

It is highly possible that your Group would not exist today were it not for them. It is likewise probable that if your Group did not exist you would still be beating your brains out.

The New York Office is functioning beautifully but they require the support of every Group to do so. Make it your business to see that your Group is doing its share.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Losing Interest in Selfish Things

God, help me choose the path away from selfish things. I came into the Program an expert in dishonesty, deceit, envy, and grandiosity. Selfishness fitted me well. I was shameless in the ways I took advantage of and manipulated other people. Help me remember that selfishness and self-centeredness are a product of a sick ego. God, I must remember, every minute, that my reborn purpose in this new way of living is to help other people.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


Most people feel intuitively that the simplest things in life are the most important, or, if you prefer, that the most important things in life are found to be the simplest. This is a very profound discovery. What is more important to us than breathing, for instance?

Another simple thing that is of great moment is a smile. A smile affects your whole body from the skin right in to the skeleton, including all blood vessels, nerves, and muscles. It affects the functioning of every organ. It influences every gland. Even one smile often relaxes a number of muscles, and when the thing becomes a habit you can easily see how the effect will mount up. Last year's smiles are paying you dividends today.

The effect of a smile on other people is no less remarkable. It disarms suspicion, melts away fear and anger, and brings forth the best in the other person-which best he immediately proceeds to give to you.

A smile is to personal contacts what oil is to machinery, and no intelligent engineer ever neglects lubrication.

Rejoice evermore (1 Thessalonians 5:16).


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Unforeseen Circumstances

Never make forecasts, especially about the future.

~ Samuel Goldwyn ~

I was taken aback to read a newspaper article about a convention of psychics that had been canceled “due to unforeseen circumstances.” If we can’t depend on a group of professional psychics to know their own future, who can we look to? Is the future knowable? Can anyone truly predict what will happen?

A psychic, seer, or prophet can look down the road and see likely out–comes of actions and attitudes that are currently in motion. But at any moment, a human being can make a new decision and alter the course of events. A good psychic always leaves room for free will. Because we are imbued by God with the power to create, we can re-create our life at any time.

Experts in worldly sciences, too, make predictions based on history and trends. A doctor may tell you your chances of recovery, an economist may forecast market cycles, and an astrologer may indicate fortuitous times to act. But all of these predictions are based on you and others continuing what has always been done. If you choose a different course, you will create a different destiny. “Terminal cancer,” for example, is a very dishonest term. A long time ago, I read that more persons have survived cancer than make up the population of Los Angeles. I am certain that that number has increased immensely by now. I know of support groups for “former terminal cancer patients"—now there is a beautiful oxymoron!

You have the power to create unforeseen circumstances. You were not born to be a statistic; you were born to be ecstatic. Choose your own destiny, and live by your own rules, not the world’s.

Help me to live by the laws of love and create the future I choose.

I step forward into the world I create by my choice.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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