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Old 11-04-2016, 07:28 AM   #5
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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November 5

Step by Step

Today, if I woke up sober and went through the day without a drink, if I did at work, home or wherever else what I was expected to do and did it without complaining and maybe even thanked my Higher Power for something good, if I reacted with logic and ethics and without emotions like anger, fear or revenge, if I am ending this day without a drink, a hit or a pill, then today was good. For that I owe gratitude and indebtedness to AA and its members who have ever been part of my journey from the despair of emptiness, loneliness, drunkenness, fear and a shattered soul. Tonight, I am grateful because I am sober – and, God granting, I will awaken sober. Today, it was good. And our common journey continues. Step by step. – Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


A problem shared is a problem halved.

~ Anonymous ~

Working the Steps strengthens us to meet crises head on. Above all, the Steps show us that we never need to fear problems like we did in the old days. We learn to face crises with confidence and a faith in our ability to cope. When a crisis brings us up against a problem that is a complete surprise, we meet it with an effort to do the best we can. We ask the help of others and our Higher Power.

Crises come in all sizes. They can be minor annoyances or earthshaking adventures, but we know that we must always confront a crisis as soon as it develops. Recovery doesn't promise us a life without crises, but a better way in dealing with them. Helping others in trouble and giving away the knowledge we have been given by coping with crises helps us grow spiritually.

Today, I'll remember to face crises when they happen, and cope with them. I will ask for help when I need it.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare.

~ Juma Ikangaa, Tanzanian runner ~

Recovery and healing are not a matter of triumphantly grasping victory in our hands, no matter how much we might want to do that. Rather, our part is the hard work of getting ourselves ready to receive the healing that comes to us. The Twelve Steps are the work of preparing ourselves. We can work at learning what it means to surrender; we can work at taking personal inventory—and these things help prepare us.

The healing comes when we are ready, not as something we bought and paid for, but as a gift in response to being ready.

Today I will continue to work to ready myself to receive the gifts of recovery.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

We are following a mystery we can never understand until we experience it.

~ Jacquelyn Small ~

How many times have we exclaimed, “If only I had known that was going to happen!” We think we’d be better off knowing the future before it arrives. It’s quite by design that we don’t, however. We are given all the information we need when we need it, just as we are given the experiences that fit the plan that God has for our lives.

It helps to reflect a few moments each time we fear the unknown. We’ll easily recall that much of the past confused us at first, but all of our experiences dovetailed appropriately, bringing us here, now. And our lives no longer look mysterious given the gift of hindsight.

We are on a charted course to a planned destination. We will understand our role in this life when the proper time presents itself. Until then, let’s enjoy the mystery.

My life is special and fully understood by my Higher Power. I’ll get glimpses of understanding as I need them today.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I want to let people know me better

People ask me how I'm doing these days, but even if I could tell them, would they understand? At my support group, people often seem like strangers. Nobody knows me. Would they accept me if they did? I'm lonely.

It's hard for me to trust anyone right now. I'm afraid to let anyone get close. And yet people seem to want to help me. If I let them, maybe I could make friends. I know I would feel stronger and less lonely if I did. Maybe now is the time to let go of some of my fear.

At my next meeting, I will practice being friendly and make eye contact with my fellow members.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

Despairing adults seem to forget that they can take care of themselves, and that they can solve most problems alone.

~ Brenda Schaeffer ~

All of us were frightened as children. None of us had all our needs met growing up and as adults we are left with the challenge of filling in the empty places. Sometimes we get so lost in the pain of our past that we bring that “frightened child” into our daily lives and feel small and powerless again.

Learning to grieve the losses of our past and, at the same time, to claim our power as adults, brings balance and direction to our lives. As adults we have the ability to take hold of our lives and make healthy changes. We are no longer powerless children, but choice-makers who deserve to be happy and have our dreams come true.

In moments of panic and indecision it helps to remember that life is different today. We do have choices. We can make good decisions. We have the resources to follow through on healthy choices. Remembering we are powerful, gifted, and resourceful will help lift our spirits and bring us renewed hope.

Today let me remember my strength, resources, and power. Help me move forward as I claim the life I want


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then I we shall find the way.

~ Abraham Lincoln ~

It can be a common experience for those in recovery to experience times of dark thoughts, despair, hopelessness, or even suicidal feelings. If you have been depressed for a while or if such feelings have caused disruption in your life, it would be a good idea to consult a therapist. Some forms of depression benefit from prescribed anti-depressant medication and regular sessions with a therapist.

But if you find that you experience bouts of depression from time to time, it is important to be aware of this occurrence and to stay as active and engaged as you can. Even when you do not feel like going to a meeting, go. Even if you feel that you have nothing to give to anyone or anything else, volunteer. Even if you feel like you do not want to leave your house, get outside.

Partner such efforts with a reward system. Go to a meeting when you least feel like it, and then reward yourself with the opportunity to stay at home the following evening. By giving yourself an incentive, you may be more inclined to engage in an activity that will help ease your feelings of depression.

Today I will create a reward system to use whenever I feel depressed.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done.

~ Marie Curie ~

Here's a familiar scene: Several people have come to our homes ready to sit down to a turkey dinner with all the fixings. In the kitchen is a dirty oven, messy pots and pans, cluttered counters. Which do we think about—the wonderful dinner we have prepared for family and friends or the kitchen?

Many times we notice what has to be done, not what has already been done. When we first came into the program, we learned we had so much to do: detaching, admitting, accepting, working the Steps, working on ourselves. We may have felt overwhelmed at what needed to be done, but old-timers may have pointed out what we already had done—we came to the program to find help.

Tonight, are we thinking about tomorrow or a week from now? There are many things left for us to do. But for right now, we can look at what we have accomplished in our lives, our careers, our families. We have done so much, if we can only recognize it.

Tonight I can give myself credit for all the growth and gains. I have done well!


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Giving joy

We deserve to have beautiful things and need not continue disparaging and punishing ourselves for our past behavior. If someone wants to give us something, we can accept it! They have a right to the joy of giving, and we have a right to the joy of receiving.

We also have a right to the joy of giving so others may receive. We can give material things, we can give moral support, we can give a friendly ear, and, best of all, we can give love. These are the beautiful things. Have I learned to give?

Higher Power, help me to be able to give and to receive in a true and loving spirit

Today I will give something of value to

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.



Everybody in recovery seems to have his or her own prescription for enlightenment: a self-help book or therapist or meditation group, a guru or religious institution. People are always telling me what works for them. I've tried so many things that I'm starting to feel like a New Age cliché. Why can't I stick with something?


I can hear your hunger for spiritual connection. Once we've gone through the early stages of recovery, once survival is no longer the primary issue, many of us discover our capacity and desire for a spiritual path.

This is a spiritual program; that's why it works. It saves lives. Like you, I'm committed to working the program, coming to meetings, sharing, giving service, "practicing these principles" in everything I do. Without this program as my foundation, I wouldn't have much of a life today. But, for me, the program is a gateway to spiritual practice, not the practice itself.

Your exploration of various spiritual paths suggests that you're searching for a spiritual center. But why the constant darting from place to place that you've described? Perhaps you haven't found your "spiritual home" yet. Or perhaps sitting still and experiencing feelings as they arise may be frightening. Though facing these feelings may seem over-whelming, they won't destroy you.

All true spiritual paths lead within.

Today, I have the willingness to be still and go within.



One of the first things we should endeavor to do is to kill the lawyer instinct in ourselves. In our effort to get the new guy straightened out we try to cure all his troubles by giving advice on subjects on which we possess neither the training nor ability to talk constructively.

Let us confine our efforts as far as possible to those things of which we have real knowledge — his sobriety and the AA Program.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Fear and Insecurity

Lord, continue to show me I don't have to fear people. When deep in my compulsions and obsessions, I was terrified of people, especially those who loved me. This new way of life has created a feeling of safety. My new friends, surroundings, and tools for living are lifesaving. Managing finances within a budget has produced far less stress. I pray for an attitude of financial responsibility in thought and action.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


You all know the Great Law. One way of stating it is to say: Like produces like. What we sow in thought we reap in experience.

People know that these things are true, and yet in spite of this transcendent knowledge they constantly use the Great Law for their own destruction. They would not dream of pouring water in the gas tank of their car, or sand into their watch, or broken glass into their food; but they do something just as foolish every time they think, speak, or act negatively. One cannot help wondering what such people have inside their heads—brains or excelsior.

In future, when you catch yourself thinking negatively, say to yourself severely, "Brains or excelsior?" and immediately switch to what you know to be the Truth of Being.

Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord . . . (Ephesians 6:8).


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Whose Business?

It’s not enough to be busy The question is: What are we busy about?

~ Henry David Thoreau ~

When Jesus was young, his parents took him to Jerusalem. In the midst of their errands, they discovered that he had wandered off. After searching, they found him on the steps of the great temple, lecturing to learned men. When they asked Jesus why he had gone off on his own, he answered, “I am about my Father’s business. ”

Whose business are you about? Do you remember your purpose as a divine being, here to give and receive love, discover great truths, and celebrate life? Or, have you become so caught up in the busy-ness of every–day life that you have all but stifled the voice of peace that calls to you from deep within your heart?

My teacher Hilda gave a lecture in which she affirmed, “If you take care of God’s business, God will take care of yours.” After her program, someone asked me for a ride home to an area out of my way. At the time, there was a gas shortage, and only a few stations were open at night. Remembering Hilda’s lesson, I trusted Spirit to care for me, and I gave the fellow a ride. After dropping him off, I had just a little fuel, and I had to go onto a freeway on which there were no services. On the last corner be–fore the freeway, there was a gas station open at midnight?a practically unheard-of situation at that time!

Remember your purpose as a spiritual being, and all of your needs will be taken care of, sometimes in miraculous ways.

I pray to keep my priorities in order. My business is love.

I live from my heart and trust that all my needs will be met.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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