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Old 12-06-2016, 04:22 AM   #7
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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December 7

Step by Step

When membership in a fledgling movement hit 2,000 members in March 1941, “(AA) then entered a fearsome and exciting adolescent period. The test that it faced was this: Could these large numbers of erstwhile erratic alcoholics successfully meet and work together? Would there be quarrels over membership, leadership and money? Would there be strivings for power and prestige? Would there be schisms which would split AA apart? Soon AA was beset by these very problems on every side and in every group. But out of this frightening and at first disrupting experiences the conviction grew that AA’s had to hang together or die separately. We had to unify our Fellowship or pass off the scene.” – Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, 1976, Foreward, pp xviii-xix.

Today, my sobriety and recovery are not entirely my own and reflect the effectiveness and success of all AA, to some extent. This is my obligation to AA – to represent it to the best of my ability, and the best is measured to some degree by my role in my home group. From this passage in the Big Book when AA’s membership hit 2,000 people, that number since has multiplied by literally more than a thousand times. But there are still arguments in groups about who is to be allowed to attend meetings, who is in charge, if the group’s treasurer can be trusted with members’ money, if members are out for power. We as individuals and collectively need only look to the 12 steps and principles that require only the desire to quit drinking for membership, that we have no leaders and instead only trusted servants” And our group politics are dictated only by a group conscience. I ask today if I am a contributor to any friction in my home group or if I am a mediator in divisive issues. Either way, I am representing not only myself but the effectiveness of AA. Today, if my choice is to die separately or hang together, I could have had the former by continuing to drink. Today, I choose the latter. And our common journey continues. Step by step. – Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility.

~ Rabindranath Tagore ~

No single characteristic brings us greater joy than humility. There is no greater defense against the cunning, baffling, and powerful disease with which we live. We must learn to understand the strength and wisdom which comes from a truly humble person.

It is good to get rid of our misconceptions about humility. Humility has nothing to do with shyness, weakness, or putting ourselves down. When humility becomes an ego-booster, then it turns into a character defect. Humility is living in a proper relationship to God. When we walk with God, we don't have to try to be humble. We are humble.

The reason there is strength and power in humility is that God is strong and powerful. My own daily abstinence is but one result of this Power.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

All action ends in passion because the response to our action is out of our hands. That is the mystery of work, the mystery of love, the mystery of friendship, the mystery of community—they always involve waiting.

~ Henri Nouwen ~

In our desire for control, we want to not only say the right thing but control how it is heard. We want to take an action and have others respond just as we planned. But the spiritual path takes us into the mystery where we accept the truth of what we do not control. We would do well to think of ourselves as an archer. To shoot an arrow, we have to let it go.

We can do our best to say what we sincerely believe and then let others listen and respond. We can do what we believe is the right action and then wait for others to take it where they choose. That is the only authentic dialogue. Our faith comes into play when we engage in the dialogue, knowing that we can only say and do our half of the exchange. Out of the process something real will emerge.

Today I will live in the mystery of my life, let go of the responses to my actions, and simply wait.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

We can’t create transformational spiritual experiences by sheer will, but we can encourage them by being open to them.

~ Veronica Ray ~

How does one define a spiritual experience? Perhaps the most we can say is that we know, oftentimes very subtly, that something wonderful has happened. We suddenly sense that we are safe, in good hands, and the pain or turmoil of our lives is passing.

Our spiritual guide or our Higher Power is always with us, always trying to help us, always acting as a protector and teacher. Unfortunately, many of us can’t quiet our minds enough to capture the essence of God’s presence in all our experiences, the mundane as well as the obviously significant. Making the Second Step of this program the foundation for daily living opens us to the myriad possibilities for the spiritual experiences we seek. “Coming to believe” is right next to “believing.” Believing is next to knowing.

My life is on a spiritual plane. God’s presence, thus my safety, is as close as my next thought today.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I need to take my meds

I know I have a dual disorder, although I don't like to admit it. I know I need to take medication, although it has taken a while to accept it and its side effects. I know that the medication helps me relax, think clearer, and generally get on with my life. But lately, I keep forgetting to take it.

I am not sure what is going on with me, but I am scared and don't want it to get out of hand. To remain stable (and abstinent) in dual recovery, I need to talk about this with my therapist and my dual recovery group. I need their experience and support.
I will post reminders to take my medication and ask a friend in recovery to confirm it once a day.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

The easiest person to deceive is oneself.

~ Edward Bulwer-Lytton ~

Telling people how we feel is honesty. But when someone says, “I told my wife all her faults because the program says I should be honest,” this is not at all in accord with our program.

Sometimes we may twist the meaning and words of the Steps or the slogans in order to hurt or manipulate someone. We may not even realize we’re doing it. But this is working against the program, and it won’t help us stay sober. When we work our program in a spirit of fellowship and honesty, we don’t need to resort to taking someone else’s inventory.

It takes fearless honesty to keep us on the path of recovery, and we need the help of others and our Higher Power to recognize when we’re avoiding responsibility.

As we come to believe in ourselves more, it is easier and more natural to be genuinely honest. In time we can own our defects and focus on ourselves, rather than others. One day at a time with the help of our Higher Power, we will find a new, honest life.

Today let me focus on my own changes.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

It is not the situation.. .it is your reaction to the situation.

~ Bob Conklin ~

Sometimes the pain you feel can linger for too long, particularly when you are unable to let go of the past. This can cause great unhappiness, strain your relationships, and distract you from work and responsibilities.

Letting go of the past enables you to move forward so you can change your life. This does not mean you must erase your past from your memory. Nor does it mean you can undo what has been done or change how others have treated you.

But unless and until you let go of the influence the past has upon your present, you may continue to hold onto hurt, sadness, anger, and resentment. Once you commit to letting go, you can put your past to rest and move on to a better and more comfortable place. Remember to be patient. You are not going to be able to let go of your past in a few hours or even a few days. Remember also that every conflict, hurt, or misunderstanding has two sides. You may have been partially responsible for a past hurt, such as a bad ending to a relationship. Recognizing your part can help you let go.

I will identify something from my past that is weighing me down, and release it from my life.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.

~ Harriet Beecher Stowe ~

After every downswing there is an upswing. It may not be immediate, like a roller coaster ride with its constant dips and climbs. Sometimes there will be a long stretch of level ground after a downswing, making us feel we are sinking lower and lower. But the leveling off period strives to bring us stability before the upswing.

Listen to those around us. They will talk of bad times and say, "I never thought it would come to an end." But they'll also tell us the end did come and things did get better. Each time that happened they had more faith and the next downswing wasn't as devastating or hopeless. By trusting in the natural up-and- down motion of life, we will be able to say, "Things won't get any worse. In fact, they will get better."

I need to listen to others with experience and trust their stories. Tonight I will believe and trust as they do.


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Accepting responsibility

Our troubles are of our own making. At first it’s hard to comprehend that our trials and tribulations are the result of choices we’ve made. Sometimes we ask ourselves, Why does my Higher Power let these things happen to me? This may be our Higher Power’s way of saying, “You’re on the wrong path! This is the way—take this path!” From suffering comes growth. Maybe we have to suffer before we’ve “grown” enough to realize our path.

The longer we fail to accept responsibility for our actions, the longer it takes to have a fulfilling relationship with our Creator. We have to acknowledge that our failures and hardships are ours and our doing. Society, our parents, or our Higher Power are not to blame.

Do I accept responsibility for all my actions?

Higher Power, may I turn to you for guidance and stop blaming others for my misfortunes.

Today I will look at my personal responsibility in relation to problems such as

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

Love is wiser than ambition.



I thought that nobody was supposed to make any money out of this program. What about the people who work at program intergroups and get paid regular salaries?


We figured out some time ago that certain kinds of work get done more efficiently by paid service workers, rather than by volunteers. Running offices, programming computers, publishing, filling book orders, answering volumes of correspondence from all over the world, preserving historical records—such work requires training, continuity, and consistency.
But our traditions do keep the direct Twelfth Step work of helping other people suffering from addictions forever nonprofessional. We share our experience, strength, and hope voluntarily and freely, to help bring recovery to others suffering from our addictions. Whether we're speaking, performing other services that keep meetings going, answering telephone hotlines, or sponsoring newcomers, we are never paid.
I don't have to question the motives of someone who is giving it away to keep it. The message goes straight from his or her heart to my own.
Today, I'm grateful for opportunities to carry the message.
I share my experience, strength, and hope freely and voluntarily, without thought of gain.



Every person at some time in life has a spiritual experience of some kind. It may have been no more than a soul- stimulating experience after hearing a beautiful hymn, beautifully sung. Perhaps it is only an undefined hunger within when viewing alone a star-studded sky, or an awe-inspiring view. Maybe it was experienced when looking upon the miracle of a baby.

The soul of even the most callous will light up when it glimpses the beauty and power of God.


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

Through These Doors

Dear God,
Please get me through these doors.
A meeting is what I need.
Remind me to leave my ego and intolerance outside.
Help me to hear the strength and hope in everyone's words.
We are the same but appear so different.
I will remember that others' experiences will help my
recovery just as my experience may help another.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


Thoughtless people sometimes say that our affirmations and meditations are foolish because we state what is not so. "To claim that my body is well or being healed when it is not, is only to tell a lie," said one distinguished man some years ago.

This is to misunderstand the whole principle. We affirm the harmony that we seek in order to provide the subconscious with a blueprint of the work to be done. When you decide to build a house your architect prepares drawings of a complete house. Actually, of course, there is no such house on the lot today, but you would not think of saying that the architect was drawing a lie. He is drawing what is to be, in order that it may be. So, we build in thought the conditions that will later come into manifestation on the physical plane.

What is your intelligence for if not to be used in building the kind of life that you want? Very primitive men in prehistoric times rejoiced when they found food growing anywhere, and then they waited, perhaps for years, until they happened to find another crop. Today we use our intelligence, and plant in good time the actual crops that we want; and the amount that we consider necessary. We do not sit about hoping that wheat or barley may fortunately come up somewhere. If we did that, civilization would collapse.

The time has come when intelligent men and women must understand the laws of Mind, and plant consciously the crops that they desire; and just as carefully pull up the weeds that they do not want.

Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me; ... and they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work (Nehemiah 2:18).


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Flesh and Spirit

What is born of flesh is flesh, and what is born of spirit is spirit.

~ Jesus Christ ~

Many on the spiritual path have a difficult time with their family of origin. Nearly all of us grew up with some (or a great deal of) dysfunction, and we advance on the spiritual path we may feel that our family relationships hold us back from being who we are and living the life we choose. I have seen many different reactions to stifling family-of-origin relationships—from total denial, to numbness, to fearful clinging, to hurt separation, to passive-aggressive hostility, to ongoing conflict. None of these responses wok, for they all create only more pain and separation. How, then, are we to deal with our blood families?

Love them, give them the respect they deserve, and live the life you choose. Our primary pain comes not from the life our family lives but from compromising our life to meet their expectations. If you are true to yourself and you live in integrity with your ideals, you will see your family clearly and know how to deal with them.

Our real family is our spiritual family—the people with whom we feel safe, supported, and free to be ourselves. Sometimes our blood family matches our spiritual family, and that is a great blessing. If your spiritual family is elsewhere, then you must be where your true nature is honored. Meanwhile, do you best to bring your family-of-origin relationships into harmony. Pray for your family members, tell them the truth, love and support them where they are without requiring they be otherwise, and do not compromise your well-being for the sake of dysfunction. Honor your family's path, but not at the expense of your own.

Family healings are the most rewarding for, as A Course in Miracles tells us, "the holiest place on earth is where an ancient hatred has become a present love." Remember that forgiveness is the greatest gift we can give, and continue on your path to the light.

Help me find peace with my family.

I live the life I choose, and I bless my family as they live theirs.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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