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Old 11-29-2013, 11:12 PM   #4
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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Do not suffer in aloneness. there is no such thing.

- Gary Zukav -

It is so important to stay in today. Sometimes it is in the moment.

I woke up with a head ache, it disappeared. My feet weren't swollen like they have been for months, then I had two gentlemen friends arrive, one invited, the other the man in my life who dropped by unexpectedly, and then my son showed. I had a friend from his girlfriend early, and all of a sudden the feet are swelling, the body is in pain, and all from stress. The thing I came to realize was, it wasn't my stress and not mine to take on.

It is so important for me to be in the moment, look at where I am at, take ownership for my part, and let go of the rest. A lot easier said than done, especially when it concerns those you love.

I received an e-mail earlier today which was about how we use the "blame game" to justify our behaviour, thoughts, etc., but anything from outside of ourselves is but a reflection of our own inner truth.
From my site The Five A's posted in 2003

So grateful for the new awareness, clarity, understanding, and experiences in my life that helped me grow and heal.

I am worthy of being happy, of having people love me the way I want to be loved, and of making my own choices about what happens to me.
It's my life. Today I take it back.

You are reading from the book:
Time to Break Free by Judith R. Smith

Love always,


I share because I care.

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