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Old 02-03-2016, 11:04 AM   #4
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Icon24 Even More Recovery Readings and Meditations - February 4

February 4

Step by Step

Today, motivated by Einstein’s wisdom that individual happiness should be pinned on goals rather than a person or thing, I will build my sobriety and recovery to attain the full grace and redemption of the program. In doing so, I will not gamble by basing my recovery on what another person does or does not do or on a situation that may or may not play out the way I want or fear. I am playing with fire, not to mention using manipulation and abusing AA, if I decide I will not continue in recovery if the spouse who left me because of my drinking doesn’t return, or if the employer who fired me because of my drinking doesn’t rehire me, or if the judge hearing my DUI case doesn’t dismiss charges because “I’m in recovery.” In keeping my recovery goal-oriented, I am not only paying respect to the integrity of AA’s steps and traditions, I am also reinforcing the truth that I and I alone am responsible for both my alcoholism and recovery. Neither is because I might have been dealt a bad hand in life. Today, I focus on the goal of sobriety instead of people or events to maintain and progress in my sobriety and recovery. And our common journey continues. Step by step. – Chris M.


~ EASY DOES IT ~ (A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations) ~


Nothing on earth consumes a man more completely as the passion of resentment.

~ Nietzsche ~

Resentments are among the greatest roadblocks along the route we travel toward a more rewarding way of life. We recognize resentments for what they are: real or imagined grievances against some people, places and things. They give us an excuse to brood and plan revenge.

Resentments come to all of us at different times. We our hurting ourselves by holding on to them. It is a waste of time that could be spent enjoying the more positive aspects of our lives.

Our Program can teach us how to respond with love, understanding, and compassion to the people, places, and things that displease us. We learn not to fight the windmills of resentment.

Today I’ll remember, resentment doesn’t hurt others; it only hurts me. Time wasted in getting even can never be used in getting ahead.


~ WISDOM TO KNOW ~ (More Daily Meditations For Men) ~

What is laid down, ordered, factual is never enough to embrace the whole truth; life always spills over the rim of the cup.

~ Boris Pasternak ~

We like control. We want to know what to expect. We like to think we have things figured out and know the answers. But God cannot be contained by a human definition—and life will not stay in place after we try to put it there.

When we go to work, we expect our routine to fit the normal pattern, but sometimes surprises await us. When we talk to our partner about an important topic, we expect a certain outcome—but our partner is a separate person with a separate outlook. Something happens that throws us a curve ball. When we accept that life will spill over the rim, there is no need to add our anxiety to the situation. We already know that we cannot contain it, and we learn to go with the flow. We are not in charge of everything, and we never will be. We are not responsible to keep the world on track, only to deal as best we can with what comes our way.

Today, as life spills over the rim of the cup, I will strive to go with the flow.


~ A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ~ (More Meditations For Women) ~

Absolute miracles happen when I can trust enough and be vulnerable enough to get honest feelings out of my mouth to another person.

~ Kathy Kendall ~

Seldom do we know in detail what we or others need at any moment. All of us harbor desires and dreams, but they are frequently fanciful and motivated by our not-so-healthy egos.

Nevertheless, we want to grow and that’s good. We want to feel more secure in our journey. We will have made real progress when we have learned to trust that what we need is contained in every experience, every conversation.

We are miracle makers, each of us. Though much that happens between us seems unimportant, none of it is accidental. We can’t be sure what information is needed by our sister travelers. We can know only that God has brought us together. If we share with honesty and genuine compassion, we participate in God’s plan.

I can trigger a miracle in someone else’s life today by being honest and compassionate in every shared experience.


~ TODAY I WILL DO ONE THING ~ (Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope) ~

I need a group that accepts my dual disorder

I wonder if I should have let my Step group know that I also have a psychiatric illness. It didn’t go well—they got so quiet and looked away. I doubt they would ever have known the difference. I only mentioned it because I was trying to be honest, as I’ve learned to be in recovering from chemical dependency.

Right now I feel hurt and misunderstood. I even feel rejected, ashamed. But why should I be rejected? All of us in the meeting are chemically dependent. It’s just that some of us are tall, some short; some black, some white; some men, some women. And some of us—I suspect more than one of us—have a dual illness. We are all more alike than different.

If needed, I will contact Central Service or my local Intergroup to find a Twelve Step group that fully accepts my dual illness.


~ BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT ~ (Inspiration and Support for Recovery) ~

In every enterprise, consider where you would come out.

~ Publilius Syrus ~

Relapse starts long before we pick up the drink, use the drug, or eat the donut. First we may skip a meeting or two. We might be too busy or forgetful to call our sponsor. Then one little thing leads to another, like drops in a pail, until we reach the overflow point.

In recovery, we know how dangerous those little things can be, so we need to think our choices through to the end. Missing a meeting may be a symptom of impending relapse. If we’re feeling negative toward our sponsor, it’s vital that we talk to him or her. Being critical of others, especially people in the program, is dangerous. One of the first signs of relapse, in fact, is refusing to go to meetings because we’re angry at one member.

Thinking our feelings and thoughts through to the end works something like this: “If I don’t go to this meeting, it’ll be easier to skip the next, and the next. Then if I also avoid my sponsor, I can convince myself I’m doing okay even though I’m not. Then if I reject the program, I’ll have no support, no reminders about recovery. And without those support systems, I’ll probably relapse.” To maintain solid recovery, we need to see the parts of our behavior as a whole. Now, we can make healthy choices.

Today help me see all the parts of the puzzle as they really are. Help me see through my own denial.


~ MORNING LIGHT ~ (Meditations to Begin Your Day) ~

You never move forward if you stay in the same place.

~ Meghan McCain ~

Making the decision to be clean and sober marks your willingness to embark on a new way of living. It is a time of joyous deliverance from your past. With deliverance comes a gradual release from unhappiness and un-healthiness, bitterness and regret, and fear and anxiety. Through the support and tools of the program, you are breaking free from your habits and old ways of doing things. You are changing for the better!

While recovery represents a huge and positive change in your life, the forward progress you make will not al-ways consist of giant steps or even grand “a-ha” moments. For the most part, you may find recovery to be repetitive and predictable. Even though you are deeply committed to your sobriety, you may find that there will be times when your new beginning feels rather unexciting.

At such times, it is important to remember that in order to get to this new place, you had to crawl out from a very dark hole. That, in and of itself, is truly amazing. Try not to forget that being clean and sober each day is a glorious achievement, and one that is necessary to progress forward.

I will remember that what I bring to each day and what I receive are what matter the most.


~ NIGHT LIGHT ~ (A Book Of Nighttime Meditations) ~

“You silly thing,” said Fritz, my eldest son, sharply, “don’t you know that we must not settle what God is to do for us? We must have patience and wait His time.”

~ Johann R. Wyss ~

The story of the shipwrecked Robinson family is a lesson in patience. It was years before their rescue. They didn’t know what their fate would be on the unfamiliar island. Yet they survived every day by working together and keeping strong faith in a Power greater than themselves.

We are certainly far from the adversities faced by that family. But at times we may feel our lives would be better if our Higher Power would do what we wanted. How many times have we prayed as hard as we could for something we felt we needed?

Today might have been one of those days where we felt our prayers weren’t answered. But we need to remember our prayers are heard. Now it is up to us to Let Go and Let God work His will in His own time.

Have I tried to be in control of my Higher Power today? How can I Let Go and Let God tonight?


~ DAY BY DAY ~ (Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts) ~

Carrying the message

When first we experience the joys and blessings of this program, many of us are filled with a fever to carry the message and do God’s work. We absorb some spiritual principles and grow elated at the prospect of our do-gooding! At this point vanity becomes a danger. We may feel that we, above others, are true messengers of God. Perhaps we are even tempted to start preaching the way to spiritual growth. What vanity!

God works through everyone—not just a select few. God even works through the failure of others, to remind us of our past. None of us knows the way, for God has provided many ways.

How do I carry the message?

As I do my work today, may I know that all of us are from God and all are returning to God, and none of us is more beautiful than the next.

Today I will humbly try to show others the way by

God help me to stay clean and sober today!


~ IF YOU WANT WHAT WE HAVE ~ (Sponsorship Meditations) ~

No one knows what he can do till he tries.



I feel as if I have no energy. When I get home from work, I force myself to go to a meeting, but all I really want to do is sleep.


At the end of active addiction, we were exhausted. Our bodies were used to brief, intense pickups—from drugs or cigarettes, from foods containing large amounts of caffeine and sugar, from the high of acting out behavioral addictions- after which we “crashed.” The boost to our physical or mental energy was brief. Low blood sugar, depression, and renewed craving were the other side of this depleting cycle.

For me, exhaustion returned after the “high” of early recovery. I badly needed rest. This meant sleep, nutritious food, and, in my case, vitamin and mineral supplements. To my surprise, it also meant exercise.

How can we think about jogging around a track when we’re feeling exhausted? If we haven’t been exercising regularly, the key word to remember is gentleness. We can begin with a few minutes of gentle stretching in the morning. We can put on sneakers and walk for a short time each day. Or we can choose some other activity that appeals to us and that feels more like play than work. Surprisingly, regular physical movement increases our feelings of energy and well-being—sometimes more effectively than napping. It helps our digestion and circulation, balances our body weight, strengthens our bones, and helps us feel centered and refreshed.

Whatever we choose to do to get our bodies moving, gentleness and consistency are the keys.

Today, I nourish my body and spirit with gentle exercise.



In the hurry and press of our everyday living, too many of us fail to stop occasionally to allow our souls to catch up with us. We have no time to think upon those things which are of lasting value. We reserve our spiritual thinking for Sunday mornings and meeting nights, oblivious of the fact we must live every day. Find or make time this very day for just a minute with the Man Upstairs. Remember you need Him and He needs you.


~ WALK SOFTLY AND CARRY A BIG BOOK ~ (Official & Unofficial Sloganeering From the 12 Step Programs) ~

1) Anxiety is fear of oneself.

2) Our need is God’s opportunity.

3) FGO’s: ****ing Growth Opportunities


~ The 12 STEP PRAYER BOOK ~ (A Collection of Favorite 12 Step Prayers and Inspirational Readings) ~

O Great Spirit

O Great Spirit,
Whose voice I hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me! I am small and weak, I need Your strength and wisdom. Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things You have made, and my ears sharp to hear Your voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand the things You have taught my people.
Let me learn the lessons You have hidden in every leaf and rock.
I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy: myself.
Make me always ready to come to You with clean hands and straight eyes.
So when life fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to You without shame.


~ AROUND THE YEAR WITH EMMET FOX ~ (A Book of Daily Readings) ~


He that prayeth well, who loveth well
Both man and bird and beast;
He prayeth best, who loveth best
All things both great and small:
For the dear God who loveth us,
He made and loveth all.

~ Coleridge ~

But ask now the beast, and they shall teach the; and the fouls of the air, and they shall tell thee: Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the Fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee… that the hand of the Lord hath wrought this (Job 12: 7-9).


~ A DEEP BREATH OF LIFE ~ (365 Daily Inspirations for Heart-Centered Living) ~

Doctor in the House

Use three physicians still: first, Dr. Quiet. Next, Dr. Merryman, and Dr. Dyet.

~ Regimen Sanitatis Salemitanum (1607) ~

Health is our natural state, and it is within our ability to maintain good health at all times. Any notion to the contrary is a limited belief system and must be discarded without hesitation. The length and quality of your life is in your hands, and no external force has power over your vitality.

The first prescription, quiet, is essential to well-being. How can you hear the voice of God if you are preoccupied with the outer world? Each day, take time to be with yourself. Meditate, walk in the woods, or lock yourself in the bathroom. God lives not on a distant cloud, but within your heart. Spirit is not playing a hide-and-seek game. To the contrary, God is utterly desirous of being known and enjoyed. If you feel distant from God, who moved? Go to the quiet inner temple regularly, and all outer activity will be more peaceful.

Joy is as vital to good health as air. Every enlightened being I know is filled with happiness and laughter. Do not fall prey to images of God as a somber, mournful entity. God is not a mean old man; She is a joyful child. You do not need to analyze and process every thought and experience; go out and play, laugh, get silly, and cast fear to the wind. You will find truth more quickly through delight than gravity.

Diet is extremely important. Our bodies were constructed to function at a high level of efficiency, flexibility, and well-being. To keep the body healthy, we must feed it in harmony with nature. Eat fresh, live, whole, pure foods, free of artificial ingredients or preservatives. Avoid sugar, fat, salt, and processed food. Make your meals a sacrament; take time to be with your food, thank God for it, and digest it. Give your body love in the form of quality nourishment, and it will respond with robust health.

I pray to be fully healthy and manifest the well-being I deserve.

I am healthy, whole, vital, and happy as I live in harmony with my natural spirit.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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