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Old 07-23-2018, 11:49 PM   #7
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You are reading from the book Each Day a New Beginning.

For this is wisdom; to live, To take what fate, or the Gods, may give. --Laurence Hope

We can't control the events of our lives, but we do have mastery over our attitudes. The chances will be many, today, to react negatively or positively to circumstances we find ourselves in. We can consider that each circumstance has something special in it for us.

Positive expectations regarding the planned as well as spontaneous activities of the day will influence the activity's flow, our involvement with it, and our interactions with the other people involved. A positive attitude seems to breed positive experiences. In other words, we attract into our lives that which we expect. How often do we get up angry, feeling behind when the day has only begun, short-tempered with our children, "ready" for a tough one at work? And we generally find it.

The Serenity Prayer offers us all the knowledge, all the wisdom we'll ever need. We can accept what has to be, change what we can, and not get confused between the two. We can inventory our attitude. Are we taking charge of it? Our attitude is something we can change.

I won't get trapped today by a negative attitude. I will accept the challenge of turning my day around.
When I looked at a little cross-eyed and saw, "Take what fits." how many times we heard, take what you need and put the rest on the shelf. i had a new concept of the idea. They sometimes say leave the rest, but that isn't an option for me. A good friend who is celebrating 23 years clean tonight said one time, "Take it even if you don't need it, perhaps you can pass it on to someone who does need it, even if you don't." I came to realize later on when you do need it, the thought is there.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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