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Old 05-15-2015, 10:21 PM   #15
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John Baptist De La Salle was declared the
Patron Saint of teachers on this day in 1950.

300 years ago, John Baptist De La Salle
encouraged teachers to look upon their
students as individuals, rather than as a
group. He talked of people needing to
“touch hearts”.

“Touching hearts” is about acknowledging
and relating with people as individuals -
helping each person feel that they are
noticed and matter, and are significant
and special. A personal approach or reaction
can make all the difference to an individual,
showing that someone is “bothered
enough” to care.

Someone today can be made to feel
“worthwhile” if I call them by their name.

I can show human warmth and concern
today if I acknowledge individuals with
eye-contact, a nod, a smile, or a word.

I can “touch someone’s heart” if I set out to
remember what the person says or does. At
another time I can repeat those personal
details, showing that someone cares enough
about them to remember.

I can build up people today if I help them
to experience success or meaning in their
lives, and feel good about themselves.

I can help raise someone’s self-esteem
today if I show that I respect and appreciate
that individual and bear in mind their
own special circumstances.

Someone today can feel valued if I invite
them to become part of conversation, to
become part of what is going on; setting
out to make sure people feel included
rather than excluded.

I can “touch hearts” today if I compliment

Let us pray:

Loving Lord, inspire me
to bring out the best in others
and “touch hearts”
by being welcoming and generous
and always positive in attitude,
showing individuals
that they matter and are important.
May those
who are part of my life this day
treat me in the same way
as I treat them. Amen.

If I am lacking love; O let all who thirst;
We come to you, Lord, teach us how to pray.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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