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Old 06-11-2014, 03:33 AM   #12
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Hamilton, ON
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AA 'Big Book' - Quote

All changes made over the years in the Big Book ( A.A. members' fond nickname for this volume ) have had the same purpose: to represent the current membership of Alcoholics Anonymous more accurately, and thereby to reach more alcoholics. If you have a drinking problem, we hope that you may pause in reading one of the forty-two personal stories and think: 'Yes, that happened to me'; or, more important, 'Yes, I've felt like that'; or, most important, 'Yes, I believe this program can work for me too.' - Pg. xii - 4th. Edition - Preface


Hour To Hour - Book - Quote

When we feel like we can't hold on for a whole day, we get a clock and hold on for an hour. When an hour is too long, we hold on for 10 minutes. At the end of 10, do another 10, and another and another, until it's OK.

Help me make it from hour to hour, or minute to minute if need be!

My sponsor has Narcolepsy and can have a seizure any time. She always said to me, "Most times for me it is a second at a time."


Tian Dayton, PhD. - Book Quotes - Emotional Sobriety


Today, I accept that without truth there is nothing. Truth is the soil out of which sustenance grows and nourishment comes, so that we can move in healthy directions. Lies have no food value and starve my spirit; but truth though it can hurt, has a way of hoeing and tilling the soil so that some new growth can occur. Even though knowing the truth may seem unnecessary somewhere inside, I know it anyway. Bringing truth out into the open gives me a chance to lift the veil of secrecy that has made a wound feel like a dark hole. It allows angst to transform and break into a thousand little somethings that each contain usable and illuminating information that can again nurture health and life.

I am willing to live with truth.
- Tian Dayton PhD


Member Submitted Quotes

Dear God, Help me keep my opinion out of your way today.
( Maria E. )


Misc. AA Literature - Quote

We need to distinguish sharply between spiritual simplicity and functional simplicity.
When we say that A.A. advocates no theological proposition except God as we understand Him, we greatly simplify A.A. life by avoiding conflict and exclusiveness.
But when we get into questions of action by groups, by areas, and by A.A. as a whole, we find that we must to some extent organize to carry the message--or else face chaos. And chaos is not simplicity.
I learned that the temporary or seeming good can often be the deadly enemy of the permanent best. When it comes to survival for A.A., nothing short of our very best will be good enough.



Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote

'Take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth� applies to the old-timer as well as the beginner�anyone who is too fond of their own voice.

Ironically, the first time I heard it was from a guy who shared at a meeting, and when they had a cigarette break, he would go into the restroom and have a few swigs of whisky from a decanter. I didn't pay much attention, but one night I went to a speaker meeting, something I seldom did, went to open discussion meetings. This same guy was 7 years sober, and I heard the words, and it was just what I needed to hear in the moment.


From "Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

You must go within or you go without.


Don't explain why you can't drink just say your allergic to alcohol and people leave you alone put to rest the debate...
I'm allergic to alcohol, I break out in felonies....

Relationship: Really Exciting Love Affair Turns Into Outrageous Nightmare Sobriety Hangs In Peril
Carrie C.

You can never be Perfect BUT; you can ALWAYS be better! - Mike P.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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