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Old 12-13-2013, 04:04 AM   #8
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Years ago when I went to the meeting of my Women's group, after I had left it and joined another, was a real joy. I also found myself with a bit of an inflated ego and a pat on the back for looking good and I found myself comparing favourably with other women of the group. We all have aged, widened, greyed, and wrinkled and it was good to see so many long time recovery women and it was sad to see so many missing that were a part of the group over the years.

There was a woman there that told me once that she would never darken the doors of the women's group if it was the last group in the city. How our perception can change.

I have a much more open mind and found that I wasn't as judgmental as I have been in the past. I use to think, they have all those years of sobriety, why are they still doing that, why haven't they grown or changed. Since then I have found that in my own case that I have slid back a step or two, become complacent, and other times made great strides. It is nice to be able to look at the whole picture and be grateful.

Posted in 2009

In today, it is good to recognize where people are coming from, most times I have been there and done it, or they carry me a message to be ever watchful or I could find myself in the same position.

I found myself through the women in the group, they were a great reflection of my inner self that I had kept hidden for years. I hated it when the lady came out, seeing as I spend years trying to prove I wasn't one. A big resentment, one that had to go, toward myself and other women. I joined the Women's Group to learn how to get along with women, because I had been living in a man's world, either with work or I drank with them.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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