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Old 08-12-2014, 04:45 AM   #12
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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

You are reading from the book Food for Thought

The Beacon

There are times when we get tired and depressed or elated and confused. We are mentally uncomfortable, knowing that something is wrong but unable to pinpoint the trouble. Our first thought may be to reach for food, but we know that way leads to disaster.

We compulsive overeaters have a beacon light for our dark and confused moments. It is our commitment to abstinence. No matter how confused we may be, we can remember that abstinence is the most important thing in our life without exception. Whatever happens, we will not be lost if we hold fast to our abstinence. From the commitment, everything else follows. As long as we do not overeat, we will be able to find our way out of a difficult situation.

Our Higher Power gives us the beacon light of abstinence, and with it He gives guidance out of our perplexities. Patiently waiting until we clearly see His will keeps us from getting lost in the darkness of self-will.

Thank You for the beacon light of abstinence.
Not sure I should respond, went to sleep in my chair, with a bad head ache and woke up stiff and sore with a worse one. It might have helped if I had gone to bed.

When I first saw this reading, I thought 'bacon' and then it grew into "bring home the bacon." It is ironic because I have trouble smelling bacon cooking.

As the reading says, "The beacon of light is there." It is up to me to acknowledge it instead of putting on the mask and shutting it out. Some people seem to find the darkness comforting because that is what they are use to and are afraid of what the light will reveal. It isn't about playing Blind Man's Bluff, it is about bring things to the light so they can heal.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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