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Old 02-14-2015, 03:40 PM   #10
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January 16

For our prayer today we will use words that
are based on an ancient Chinese blessing:

May God guard us and keep us
in safety and comfort
and in health and strength,
sending us nothing but good.
May God send down
so many blessings
that the day is not long enough
for them all.


January 17

Let us pray:
I ask you
to help me to be generous
when I think
of the attitude and actions of others.
Forgiving someone
isn’t an easy option,
and I know that forgiveness
isn’t somehow pretending
that something wrong
hasn’t happened.
For what I have done wrong,
forgive me Father,
to the extent
that I am generous in forgiving -
or hoping to forgive -
those who have done wrong to me.


January 18

Pope John wrote a prayer which we will
make our own today:

“Renew in our own days
your miracles
like a second Pentecost.
Grant that the Church,
re-united in prayer,
may extend the kingdom of Jesus
- a kingdom of truth and justice,
of love and peace.

January 19

Let’s pray for our school community
that, students and teachers together,
we may learn to recognise the face of
God in others today

teach us to recognise your face
in the people
you put into our lives today.


January 20

Let us pray:

God our Father,
with the gifts you have given to us
we have responsibilities and duties.
Inspire us to take the initiative
in treating others
as we would like them to treat us.


January 21

Let us pray:

inspire me to live in such a way
that I always give of my best
and be welcoming and generous
towards others. Amen.

“If only I’d known, I’d have given my best.”


Love always,


I share because I care.

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