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Old 06-06-2014, 03:22 AM   #7
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Hamilton, ON
Posts: 25,085

AA 'Big Book' - Quote

For the type of alcoholic who is able and willing to get well, little charity, in the ordinary sense of the word, is needed or wanted. The men who cry for money and shelter before conquering alcohol, are on the wrong track. - Pg. 97 - Working With Others


Hour To Hour - Book - Quote

Compulsion is a word you will hear a lot now that you have made the decision to begin recovery. You may often feel compelled to drink or use drugs again even when you don't want to. Compulsion is a symptom of our disease and we use all the new tools of our program to counteract compulsions.

Please help me understand that compulsion is a symptom of my disease and as such need not be acted upon. I offer my compulsive behavior to God, as I understand God.


Entering the Darkness

Today, I will allow myself to enter into the dark and searing painful experiences of my past, and cry it all out. If I can bring emotional literacy and forgiveness into the 'occupied territory' of my inner world, I can give myself the freedom I desire. I have a world within me that is deep and peaceful. The grief that I carry hidden in silence has great feelings in the present, and I release them. There is no longer any safety for me in hiding. My security comes from full awareness and acceptance of who I am. Until I understand my grief and allow myself to know it, I will not be free of its grip.

- Tian Dayton PhD


Member Submitted Quotes

Fear knocked on my door... I opened it and there was nobody there.


Misc. AA Literature - Quote

We recall, a little ruefully, how much store we used to set by imagination as it tried to create reality out of bottles. Yes, we revealed in that sort of thinking, didn't we? And, through sober nowadays, don't we often try to do much the same thing?
Perhaps our trouble was not that we used our imagination. Perhaps the real trouble was our almost total inability to point imagination toward the right objectives. there's nothing the matter with truly constructive imagination; all sound achievement rests upon it. After all, no man can build a house until he first visions a plan for it.


Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote

You must be prepared to make some unpopular decisions when you live by principle. You will not be able to please everyone. Be firm with others as you chose the principle and not the personality; be firm with your personality as it butts heads with your principles.

By practicing principles in all my affairs, I learn not to 'people please� but to 'Higher Power Please.'


From "Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

If a solution isn�t practical, it isn�t spiritual.


The very things that once destroyed me, have become the very foundations of who I am today in recovery.

I put down the food to get closer to GOD. - Renee M.

If God takes us to it, he will take us through it.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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