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02-22-2014, 09:44 AM
Not for Sale!

Read Numbers 24:1 through 25:18

Doing the right thing and being popular with others aren’t always the same. Sometimes we have to do what is right, even though that makes us unpopular. When that happens, we should remember the example of Balaam from the Old Testament.

Balak, the king of Moab, tried to pay Balaam to pronounce a curse on the Israelites. However, God commanded Balaam to bless the Israelites, not to curse them. When Balaam obeyed God, Balak became very angry with him. But Balaam replied: “Even if Balak gave me his palace filled with silver and gold, I could not do anything of my own accord, good or bad, to go beyond the command of the Lord—and I must say only what the Lord says” (Numbers 24:13).

Balaam’s honesty made him extremely unpopular with Balak. But speaking well of Israel was the right thing to do because it was what God had commanded him to do. And God’s Word is not for sale to the highest bidder. Neither does obedience to God come with an asking price.

When you’re faced with the choice between doing the right thing and being popular, ask God for the courage to do the right thing.

Thought for Today: In what areas of your life are you tempted to be popular rather than right?

Quicklook:Numbers 24:10–14 God's Word For Today

02-22-2014, 11:27 AM
This reminded me of a sponsor I had who only had time for me if I went to her house and worked for her. I began to feel very used. She phoned me and said, "Would you contact all your support people and get them to help." The help was for her own personal stuff and nothing to do with recovery. She was a counsellor at a treatment center and what she wanted me to do was an outside issue. It was one thing to use me, but didn't like using and involving my support group.

She had me doing her typing because she didn't like typing numbers. I was very hurt by it all. I was grateful for the lunch she gave me, but our talks were more about her and what she was doing rather than the issues I wanted to deal with.

I enjoyed doing the service, but didn't get from her what I need as a sponsee, so found someone new. I was invited to her wedding. The invitation came just a few days prior to the wedding and you know how we can take things personally, and I thought I was an after thought, or someone cancelled, and she need someone to fill in.

As they say, my recovery must come first. Recovery starts with me, and I can't put other people's wants, desires, and situations before what I need to recovery. I was 2 years sober and glad I didn't go out and drink over it.

My recovery isn't for sale. My recovery is meant to be shared. I no longer abuse myself or allow others to abuse me. I want to be clean and sober.