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05-18-2014, 01:49 PM
No More Missed Chances

Read Psalm 104

May the glory of the Lord endure forever; may the Lord rejoice in his works . . . I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
-Psalm 104:31, 33 (NIV)

MY husband and I were on vacation in southwest England, enjoying one of our favorite cliff-path walks on a blustery day of sun and showers. As we came around a curve, the sun lit up one of the headlands in front of us while the rest of the cliff was still in shadow. It was a beautiful view. The sea below shimmered blue in the sun, and brilliant white waves broke in spray far below us.

"That would make a beautiful picture!" I cried. I wrestled the camera out of its case, took off the lens cap, and looked through the viewfinder. But I was too late. While I was busy with the camera, the sun had gone behind a cloud and the light faded. I had missed my chance.

I was sorry to miss my "perfect" picture, but on reflection I felt I had learned something valuable. God spreads many beautiful things all around us - the wonders of creation, great music and art and books, the people we know and love and those we have yet to meet. If we are in a hurry we can miss such moments, even fail to recognize them while we're busy looking for something else. On the other hand, if we slow down we can notice these things, savor them, and praise God with thanksgiving.

Susan Hibbins (Lincolnshire, England)
Lord of creation, help us to pause daily and be refreshed by the wonders you scatter in our path. Amen.

Thought for the Day
Instead of rushing through our days thinking only of the destination, why not enjoy the journey with God?

06-01-2014, 12:18 AM
Thought for the Day
Instead of rushing through our days thinking only of the destination, why not enjoy the journey with God?

The other day I realized that people may not think I have a very happy and active life. I realized that what I do I enjoy, and I try to live life by living the program.

It is when I get a glimpse of those pictures, I still get them and appreciate them; and I can enjoy them for what they are and be grateful for their appearance, and even more grateful that I could see them.
