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04-26-2016, 09:10 AM
Inner Peace
I am a radiating center of love. I am peaceful and free.

In the midst of any challenge, I remember to pause and affirm: I am a radiating center of love. I am peaceful and free.

Affirming this does not mean that outer challenges will not happen. Being at peace means I have the resources to handle whatever arises in my life.

Through prayer, I can reconnect at any time with God’s presence within—my source of peace. Here, nothing can disturb the calm serenity of my soul. I let go of mental chatter and bring my attention to my heart.

I rest in the Silence. I monitor my breathing, slowly inhaling love and exhaling peace. I gently move into a sense of well-being. I affirm again: I am a radiating center of love. I am peaceful and free.

Go in peace. The mission you are on is under the eye of the Lord.—Judges 18:6

Daily Word