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MajestyJo 10-02-2014 04:56 AM

The Scripture Tree

When you don't know what you need, click on a flower and you will get a message and a bird will sing you a song.

God's Yellow Pages

When you know what you need, click on here, and you will get some scriptures to help you deal with your issues in the moment. If you are not sure what it is you need, it may jog your memory or it may be a combination of several things.

God Bless.

MajestyJo 10-03-2014 03:19 AM


Do you own your life?

"The meaning of life is to give life meaning."

-- Ken Hudgins

When we own our lives, we accept what we've inherited and the experiences we hold in our memories. We also claim our right to create new conditions if we're not happy with what's come before. We assume responsibility for changing what does not suit us. We acknowledge our own special talents and skills, and truly comprehend our right to enjoy the journey. In short, we embrace the meaning and purpose, the mystery and the beauty of our lives.

Do you feel that you own your life at the moment?

"I think of life itself now as a wonderful play that I've written for myself... and so my purpose is to have the utmost fun playing my part."

-- Shirley MacLaine

"Life is too short to be little."

-- Benjamin Disraeli

"Every man dies, but not every man lives...."

-- Garth Brooks

Higher Awareness
For many years this was a big issue for me. Then I realized that I had to accept my limitations and my fibromyalgia and just try to be the best me I can be each day. To do what I can do and not wish the world away.

I was the only one who could make it happen. I wouldn't let my pain rule my day. I made some healthy choices and learned to live each day as it came, not look into the past or project into the future. Just live each day as it comes. Some days i can, some days I can't, and that is okay.

Posted this at Recovery Inn in 2010, surprised the link still works

MajestyJo 10-04-2014 10:22 PM

If you want to beat traffic. . .

Pick some fruit!!

Yesterday it took me an hour and fifteen minutes to go 10 miles.

I was frustrated.
I was powerless.
I was exhausted.
I was grateful.
I was victorious.
I was energized.

Heavy traffic volumes are a fact of life in any big city. Many of the local governments fund road improvement programs, only to close lanes as they improve the roads.

Lanes close, traffic increases, people get more frustrated and distracted, they have accidents, they cause more traffic pile-ups.

It's a vicious cycle.

It is often said that a person's first reaction in times of crisis tells a lot about that person. I say that a person's reaction while traveling six inches per minute tells even more about that person.

Sitting in traffic is one of the best times to pick some fruit.

Pick some patience. . .
You'll be able to relax. After all, you'll be sitting there for a while anyway.

Pick some peace. . .
Try something different --- instead of listening to the radio traffic reports about the traffic you're sitting in, turn the radio off. Play a classical CD.
Or better yet, just enjoy the quiet time.

Pick some kindness. . .
Smile at the person in the car next to you. Now that's really different!

Pick some love. . .
Start a conversation with your spouse or child about something you know is bothering them. Time spent driving can be time spent talking and understanding each other.

Pick some joy. . .
Be thankful that you're not the person involved in the calamity that's causing the traffic.

Pick some faith. . .
Take this time to look up at the sky, observe the trees, marvel at the birds. Think about your own life. Then you'll know for sure that there is a God.

Pick some gentleness. . .
I know you have a cell phone, so pick it up and call someone you haven't spoken to in months. You still remember the number.

Pick some goodness. . .
Plan a good deed that you'll do for someone as soon as you get out of the traffic. Maybe there's something you can do immediately to help the person on the side of the road.

Pick some meekness. . .
No matter what kind of car you're riding in, understand that it's not by your own works that you were able to obtain it.

Once you pick your fruit, your frustration, powerlessness, and exhaustion will transform into gratitude, victory and energy.

You'll have a new outlook on life all because you pulled over,
. . . and decided to pick some fruit.

~A Mountain Wings Original by C. Elijah Bronner~

MajestyJo 10-05-2014 04:25 AM



While your character is formed by your circumstances, your desires can shape those circumstances.
The one thing over which you have absolute control is your own thoughts.
It is this that puts you in a position to control your own destiny.

Nature is constantly at work around you.
Character and destiny are her handiwork.
She gives you love and hate, jealousy and reverence.
You have the power to choose which impulse you follow.

At any time you can decide to alter the course of your life.
No one can ever take that away from you.
You can do what you want to do and be who you want to be.

Your greatest power is the power to choose.


Originally posted on my site The Gathering Eagles

MajestyJo 10-06-2014 07:45 AM

This may be a rerun, found it on an old site and probably already posted it here, but it spoke to me and too tired to search for more, going back to my bed. ;) It looks like I took from my site to post at Recovery Inn in the first place.

I took a step and with new strength
I’d never felt before,
I kissed my Comfort Zone "goodbye"
And closed and locked the door.
I couldn’t let my life go by
Just watching others win.
I held my breath and stepped outside
And let the change begin.

I claimed to be so busy
With the things inside my zone,
But deep inside I longed for
Something special of my own.
I said it didn’t matter,
That I wasn’t doing much
I said I didn’t care for things
Like diamonds, furs and such.

I longed so much to do the things
I’d never done before,
But I stayed inside my Comfort Zone and
Paced the same old floor.
I used to have a Comfort Zone
Where I knew I couldn’t fail
The same four walls of busy work
Were really more like jail.

If you are in a Comfort Zone,
Afraid to venture out,
Remember that all winners were
At one time filled with doubt.
A step or two and words of praise,
Can make your dreams come true.
Greet your future with a smile,
Success is there for you!

- - Unknown

ad this or something similar on one of my sites. Have finally unearthed some of my books and found a poem on the same subject today when I was looking up a book called "I will lift up my eyes."

The piece I remember told me that if I was in a comfort zone, I was in a danger zone and that comfort could be a place of complacency.

The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature, and God. Because only then does one feel that all is at it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. As long as this exists, and it certainly always will, I know that then there will always be comfort for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances may be.

- Anne Frank

MajestyJo 10-07-2014 03:48 PM

I am an adult child of an alcoholic and an addict and have my codependent issues, and I am grateful that I went to AA first or I might have died in my disease. I went to AA to get sober and let go of my denial, went to NA for identification (always knew I was an addict), and went to AL-Anon to find myself, but that is where my issues were rooted.

Grateful that in today, I don't have to pick up, no matter what as long as I connect to my God, and have the honesty, open mindedness, and willingness I need to stay clean, just for today.

Wrote this a year ago, these are still true. I am given daily reprieve. I am still an addict. Just for today, I choose not to use.

I am truly blessed and I pass that blessing on to you.

MajestyJo 10-08-2014 11:58 PM

Do we aspire to things or do we flub them off as not possible or do we take action, like say a prayer?

MajestyJo 10-09-2014 08:05 PM

A Hymn of Thanksgiving:

How Good It Is To Thank The Lord Hymn

How good it is to thank the Lord,
And praise to Thee, Most High, accord,
To show Thy love with morning light,
And tell Thy faithfulness each night;
Yea, good it is Thy praise to sing,
And all our sweetest music bring.

O Lord, with joy my heart expands,
Before the wonders of Thy hands;
Great works, Jehovah, Thou hast wrought,
Exceeding deep Thine every thought;
A foolish man knows not their worth,
Nor he whose mind is of the earth.

When as the grass the wicked grow,
When sinners flourish here below,
Then is there endless ruin nigh,
But Thou, O Lord, art throned on high;
Thy foes shall fall before Thy might,
The wicked shall be put to flight.

Thou, Lord, hast high exalted me
With royal strength and dignity;
With Thine anointing I am blest,
Thy grace and favor on me rest;
I thus exult o’er all my foes,
O’er all that would my cause oppose.

The righteous man shall flourish well,
And in the house of God shall dwell;
He shall be like a goodly tree,
And all his life shall fruitful be;
For righteous is the Lord and just,
He is my Rock, in Him I trust.

MajestyJo 10-11-2014 08:40 PM


Bring soul into the world

"We live in a culture that is greatly biased against the imagination, because our culture is very materialistic, objective and literal. Our culture lacks soul, and doesn’t know it, although it experiences the consequences. When you don’t know what’s missing, then of course you don’t know what to bring in, even though you feel something is missing."

“We live in a world that needs more soul, more meaning. We, as conscious beings, have, as our primary responsibility, at this time in human history, the task of bringing soul into the world, or releasing soul into the world. We do this, first of all, in ourselves and in our own personal world; then we do it in our groups – including family; then we do it in our society through our work, relationships and presence there.”

- Higher Awareness

-- Andrew Schneider

From Higher Awareness

Never thought I would ever get to the stage where I could find peace and serenity.

MajestyJo 10-11-2014 08:52 PM

I shall tell you a great secret, my friend. Do not wait for the last judgment. It takes place every day.
—Albert Camus

MajestyJo 10-11-2014 09:02 PM


"God is not asking you to make a promise you cannot keep. God is asking you to believe a promise that only he can keep."

"God made you the way you are, so he wants you to be real when you talk to him. "

"Why should I praise God? Because it gets my focus off myself and onto God -- so I can talk to Him and not at him. "

Purpose Driven Life/Rick Warren

When you pray, give God your life
by Rick Warren

MajestyJo 10-12-2014 10:54 AM

Never fear God is near. If he doesn't seem to be present, it is you who have gone away!

MajestyJo 10-13-2014 05:42 AM

The Bear has been coming up for me recently, more than once, and I clicked on this link this morning, not my normal go to site and here is what I got:


Deep in slumber, dreams unending,
Wise old bear, patient, strong,
Send me dreams of transformation,
Grant me intuition along
With introspection of my life,
Inner listening, no more strife.

- D.J. Conway, Animal Magick
I have this man's book and today, I realize how bad my Fibromyalgia was and how much it had been in remission. It has been the cause of my memory loss and my feeling totally out to lunch. I prefer to be going through transformation than being a dumb lug who can't stay awake to do her postings.

There are links to other animals, perhaps you can identify with some of them.

I also have a crystal with a bear carved inside of it. It is suppose to be the guardian of the dream time according to some cultures.

Have also been meditating with another crystal with a spider carved in it.

The spider means for me, going within and finding your own answers.

MajestyJo 10-14-2014 09:32 PM

My Sweet Friend

~ A Friend Like You ~

There's lots of things
With which I'm blessed,
My problems have been few,
But of all, this one's the best-
To have a friend like you.

In times of trouble
Friends will say,
"Just ask, I'll help you through it."
But, you don't wait for me to ask,
You just get up and do it!

And I can think
of nothing more
That I could wisely do,
Than know a friend,
And be a friend,
And have a friend like you.

- Author Unknown

MajestyJo 10-16-2014 01:52 PM

Think every morning when the sun peeps through
The dim, leaf-latticed windows of the grove,
How jubilant the happy birds renew
Their old melodious madrigals of love,
And when you think of this, remember too
'Tis always morning somewhere, and above
The awakening continents, from shore to shore,
Somewhere the birds are singing evermore.

~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ~

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