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bluidkiti 05-28-2016 07:08 AM

May 31

Wisdom for Today
When working with a newcomer, it is important to describe what addiction was like, what happened and what life is like now. Tell him or her about the insanity of repeatedly attempting to solve a problem with no answer except recovery. Explain how you found acceptance and surrender to a Power Greater than yourself. Describe how you took an honest look at yourself, how you worked to straighten out your past, and what you are doing to stay that way. It is important to share why you are attempting to help them now. Let them know how helping others has become a vital part of your own recovery.
In sharing all these things, the newcomer will likely be more open to accepting what is said. They will see that there is no hidden agenda and that you are sincere in your effort. Should the newcomer show genuine interest, offer to share more; perhaps a phone number or let them borrow your Big Book. Suggest meetings that you have found helpful, and offer to take them or meet them there. In doing this, the newcomer is more likely to accept the suggestions you offer. Do not be afraid to offer this help, for you can be assured that God will work through your effort. Seeds will be planted; and you will find that even if they do not take with the newcomer, they will take and grow in you. Can I share the message of hope that the program offers?
Meditations for the Heart
Making twelve step calls and helping the newcomer is not so much about what you do, as it is about how God works through you. Step out of the way, and let God do the work and remember that you are only an instrument in His hand. Your Higher Power knows far better the needs of the newcomer than you do. He can see in them just as He could see in you when you first walked through the door. He knows what is needed and when it is needed. We only need to trust in His wisdom and in His strength. God only desires us to be obedient to this new way of living our life. Let Him choose how to use you. Be sure that God will offer you opportunity after opportunity to carry the message. Let Him decide when the time is right. Do not turn down the opportunities He presents, for you will be rewarded in the ways that He chooses. Accept every opportunity you are given to tell your story, whether this is at a meeting or in the home of a new prospect. This willingness provides reward after reward. Am I willing to be His messenger when the opportunity presents itself?
Petitions to my Higher Power
Let me be Your messenger in all that I do. Let me be Your representative in my actions, words, and thoughts. Grant me a willing heart and a courageous spirit. Today I pray that I do not act as an obstacle to Your plan, but an active participant in it. Let me keep You central and in charge of my actions.

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