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MajestyJo 02-01-2014 02:41 AM

Praying Each Day


As art is a journey of discovery, Lord,
so may I grow more aware this day
of your life-giving presence.

And so we pray:
Lord, we come before you as we are.
We ask you to take away from us
all that makes us less than human.
Strengthen us
with the power of your Spirit
that our attitude and outlook
may develop,
and our “way of looking”
may become more like yours.
Help us to remain positive -
encouraging and appreciating
one another,
looking upon people
in the same way that you do.

MajestyJo 02-02-2014 02:30 AM

The response to our prayers will be:
May your light be reflected in us.


Make us aware that we are the Temple
of your Holy Spirit who lives in us.
May your light be reflected in us.

Open our eyes
that we may always recognise you
in our midst.
May your light be reflected in us.

You said that you are the light of the world.
May your light be reflected in us.

MajestyJo 02-03-2014 12:42 PM

Let’s pray for the gift
of being able to see what is needed:
Lord, there are times
when we are so concerned
about ourselves
that we don’t think of others.
We ask for the gift of your Spirit
that we may grow in awareness
of others:
- noticing when someone is unhappy,
- sensing when there’s something
wrong for somebody,
- seeing when someone feels cut off
or isolated,
- knowing when to say the right word,
- expressing thanks and compliments,
- being thoughtful when someone is ill,
- giving words of encouragement,
- helping someone to feel welcome,
- realising when someone needs the
opportunity to talk.
May we grow in sensitivity
towards others. Amen.

Firmly believe a thought is a prayer.

MajestyJo 02-04-2014 03:31 AM

Dietrich wrote this short prayer about
love and hatred, and we can make the
prayer our own today by thinking of
those people with whom we haven’t get
on very well over the years:

“Lord God,
give me such love
for you and for others
that it will blot out
all hatred and bitterness.”

MajestyJo 02-05-2014 06:59 PM

Let us pray in the words of Saint Ignatius:
Teach us, good Lord,
to give and not to count the cost;
to fight and not to heed the wounds;
to toil and not to seek for rest;
to labour and to ask for no reward,
save that of knowing
that we do your will.

MajestyJo 02-06-2014 01:01 AM

You and I and everything in the universe

exist as a part of the endless flow of God's Love.

Realizing this, we recognize that all creation

is bound together with the same benevolence.

To harmonize with life is to come into accord

with that part of God which flows through all things.

To foster and protect all life

is both our mission and our prayer.

- Morehei Ueshibahtere


When you feel like lamenting anything, ask yourself, How am I likely to feel in a week?- a month?- a year? Sooner or later, surely, you'll stop feeling badly. So why waste all that time? Be happy now!

From Do It Now!, by J. Donald Walters
Please include a link back to The Antesian Road To Enlightenment in forwarded material, Thank you.

MajestyJo 02-07-2014 01:33 AM

Let us pray:
God our Father,
teach us to distinguish clearly
between right and wrong,
that we may grow in character
and develop a true sense of values
through following Jesus,
your Son and our Brother.
We pray, too, for all
who are in positions of leadership
in our country
that they may be inspired
by the values of the gospel.
We pray that they may live
as people of integrity and honesty,
growing in a sense
of duty and responsibility,
always being aware of the needy,
and ready to be of service to others.

“I die the King’s good servant, but God’s first.”

MajestyJo 02-08-2014 10:09 PM

Let us pray:
Lord, we ask you to open our eyes
that we may value and appreciate
all people,
recognising what we have in common
rather than focusing
on what our differences might be.
Inspire us to distinguish
between what is important
and what is not,
and open our minds and hearts
that we may always be people
of good will
who bring life and joy to others.

MajestyJo 02-09-2014 12:55 AM

Let’s pray that each of us makes good
use of our talents, and that we set out to
work well with others:

Lord, you have enriched our lives
in many ways,
and we remember with thanksgiving
all who have loved, cared for,
and supported us over the years.
Show us how best
to use the time and talents
you have given each of us,
and lead us to grow in appreciation
of the contribution that others make.
May your Spirit empower us
to work well with others
and bring out the best
in those with whom we share our lives.

MajestyJo 02-10-2014 08:48 PM

Let us pray:
Lord, lover of life,
you know the depths
of my innermost self,
and you understand me.
You protect me on every side,
shielding me from all harm.
When you put me together carefully
in my mother’s womb,
you knew all about me.
I thank you for the wonder of myself
and I stand in awe
at all that you have made.
Guide me in your ways.
(from Psalm 138/9)

MajestyJo 02-11-2014 08:00 PM

Let us pray:
Father, we pray that we may live
cheerfully and patiently and positively
both in sickness and in health.
We bring before you all who are sick
and all who care for them…
Bring healing of one kind or another
to those we know
who are ill, afraid or worried.
We think of those who suffer
from constant sickness or weakness
and those who never get well.
Father, be with them all, and be with us.

MajestyJo 02-12-2014 07:58 AM

Let us pray:
God our Father, open our eyes
that we may sense the wonder and awe
in the splendour of all your creation -
from the stars
that are large and far away,
to people and the tiniest creatures
near us each day.
Help us to become more aware
of how every living thing is special
and to be treated well.
Lead us to respect and value every person
as unique and important,
made in your image and likeness.
We ask this prayer through Jesus,
who became a human being
because you love our world so much.

MajestyJo 02-13-2014 02:34 AM

Let us pray:
God our Father,
the Bible reminds us
that your love for each of us is great
and that you are faithful for ever,
never letting us down
or forgetting your promises to us.
Inspire us to value friendship and loyalty,
that we may be faithful
to those who love and trust us.
We pray that we may live in such a way
that we may make others feel
welcome and secure.
Show us how
to look upon other people
in the same generous way
that you look upon each of us.
Extend our horizons
that we may understand better
those who are far from us.

MajestyJo 02-14-2014 03:06 PM

Let us pray:

Father, we read in the Bible
that the best way to describe you
is to use the word “Love”.
Your love for mankind is so great
that you sent Jesus, your Son,
to live as one of us.
We pray that we may appreciate
and value one another.
God of love,
lead us to grow in love. Amen.

MajestyJo 02-15-2014 03:45 AM

Let us pray:
God our Father,
there are many difficulties
and challenges in life,
and we see or experience
more of them
each day we live.
Give us the power of your Holy Spirit
that we may have courage and
and may live in such a way
that we encourage one another.
Enable us to transform
whatever is negative,
and remain positive in attitude
throughout our lives.
Lighten our darkness
and keep us safe. Amen.

MajestyJo 02-16-2014 01:37 AM

Let us pray:

Lord Jesus,
as you touched
the eyes of the blind man,
touch us
so that our eyes may be opened
so that we can “really see”
the many wonderful things around us
and in our own lives.

MajestyJo 02-17-2014 01:16 AM

Let us pray:

Inspire us, Lord,
to take the gospel more seriously,
that we may be credible witnesses
of your love. Amen.

MajestyJo 02-18-2014 03:50 AM

Let us pray:

God our Father,
give us the power of your Spirit
that we may see and love in others
what you see and love in them.
We want to see the positive in people
and bring out the best in each other.
It’s easy to say that,
but not always easy to live it out,
and so we ask you
to help and inspire us
to live as you would like us to live
this day.

MajestyJo 02-19-2014 01:51 AM

Let us pray to be appreciative of all who influence our lives,
including many whom we will never meet:

God our Father, I thank you today
for those people
whom I will never know
who make my life better
for what they offer
- those far away, and those very near.
More and more
may I come to appreciate and respect
everyone who is a part of my life.

MajestyJo 02-20-2014 10:33 PM

Let us pray:

God our Father,
we pray that we may grow
in such a way
as to be welcoming to other people,
and generous in every way
to those people we don’t agree with.
Lead us to appreciate others
in the same way
that we would like to be appreciated.
Never let us look down on others,
or consider anyone
to be less than ourselves.
Show us how to be open-minded
and able to learn from each other
so that, together,
we may grow as the people
you invite us to be.

MajestyJo 02-22-2014 02:27 AM

Lead, kindly light, amid th’encircling gloom:
lead thou me on.
The night is dark, and I am far from home,
lead thou me on.
Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see
the distant scene; one step enough for me.
I was not ever thus, nor prayed that thou
shouldst lead me on.
I loved to choose and see my path; but now
lead thou me on.
I loved the garish day, and, ‘spite of fears,
pride ruled my will; remember not past years
So long thy power hath blest me, sure it still
will lead me on
o’er moor and fen, o’er crag and torrent,
till the night is gone,
and with the morn those angel faces smile
which I have loved long since and lost awhile.

John Henry Newman left the Anglican Church and
became ordained as a Catholic priest. He
was created a Cardinal in 1879, and died
11 years later.

MajestyJo 02-22-2014 02:29 AM

In the Bible we find this passage from
Saint Paul about filling our minds with
good things.
“I want you to be happy,
always happy in the Lord.
I repeat, what I want is your happiness.
Let your tolerance be evident to everyone:
the Lord is very near.
There is no need to worry:
but if there is anything you need,
pray for it,
asking God for it
with prayer and thanksgiving,
and that peace of God,
which is so much greater
than we can understand,
will guard your hearts and your thoughts
in Christ Jesus.
Finally, fill your minds
with everything that is true,
everything that is noble,
everything that is good and pure,
everything that we love and honour,
and everything
that can be thought virtuous
or worthy of praise…
Then the God of peace will be with you.”
Let’s pause for a moment in silent prayer,
asking that our minds be filled with all that
is good…

MajestyJo 02-23-2014 02:52 AM

Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
you called Zacchaeus by his name
and enabled him to grow.
I ask you to enter my life
in a new way this day
that I may grow
in stature and wisdom and grace
as the person you call me to be.
Inspire me to follow you more closely
and help me to live in such a way
that I encourage others
and bring life to them.
No one is small in your eyes;
let no one be small in mine.


The site were I get my pictures is down, all are boxes on previous posts. Hoping it is under repair and not out of service. It said the pictures were free, so hope the site hasn't closed. It has been a blessing to me and have used it for many years.

MajestyJo 02-24-2014 10:17 AM

I thank you, Lord,
for knowing me
better than I know myself.
I thank you for letting me know myself
better than others know me.
Make me, I ask you then,
better than they suppose I am,
and forgive me
for what they do not know.

Words of the Father-in-Law of Mohammad

MajestyJo 02-25-2014 04:39 AM

Let us pray, using some words from one of
the psalms in the Bible:

I thank you, Lord,
for the wonder of myself,
and for the wonders of all your creation.

(Psalm 139)

I thank you
for your faithfulness and love.
You stretch out your hand
and save me.
(Psalm 137/138)
Jesus, remember me
when you come into your kingdom.
(Luke 2342)
Lord, you know that I love you.
(John 17)
The things, good Lord, that we pray for,
give us your grace to work for.
(St Thomas More)
Let us remember
that we are in the presence of God.
And let us adore Him.

MajestyJo 02-26-2014 07:23 AM

Let us pray:
Lord, be the foundation
on which I build my life.
May my door be wide enough
that I may be welcoming,
inviting others to grow.
May my door be narrow enough
to keep out what is not good.
May I build no walls
that keep anyone out,
but build your Kingdom
together with all whom you give me
as my brothers and sisters -
valuing all who are a part of my life.
May I live in such a way
that those “who trespass against” me
- who hurt me -
may know my forgiveness and generosity
- as I know yours.
Surround me with your love
and shield me from all harm.

MajestyJo 02-27-2014 03:40 AM

O God,
lead us from death to life,
from falsehood to truth.
Lead us from despair to hope,
from fear to trust.
Lead us from hate to love,
from war to peace.
Let peace fill our hearts,
our world, our universe. Amen.

(‘The Universal Prayer of Peace’)

MajestyJo 02-28-2014 06:08 AM

The Signs of Inner Peace

Frequent Attacks of smiling
A loss of interest in conflicts
A loss of interest in judging self
A loss of interest in judging other people
An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment
A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others
Contented feelings of connecting with others and nature
Loss of ability to worry (This is a very serious symptom)
Increased tendency to allow rather than force things
Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation
A tendency to think and act spontaneously
An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others

- unknown

When we pray, it shall be given onto us.

The regular prayer says, "Pause for prayer." It didn't give a prayer, I took it to mean to pray for what we feel.

MajestyJo 03-01-2014 07:19 AM


It is not only amidst our joys and hopes
but also in our grief and anguish, Lord,
that you are with us.
Sustain us today in your love.

Let us pray:
Lord of life,
we give you thanks
for the beauty of creation,
and we rejoice
when we see signs of new life.
May we be Spring to others
and never Winter.

MajestyJo 03-02-2014 09:40 PM

An old one, but a good one.

I've never made a fortune, and it's probably too late now.
But I don't worry about that much, I'm happy anyhow
And as I go along life's way,
I'm reaping better than I sowed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

Haven't got a lot of riches,
and sometimes the going's tough
But I've got loving ones all around me,
and that makes me rich enough.
I thank God for his blessings,
and the mercies He's bestowed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

I remember times when things went wrong,
My faith wore somewhat thin.
But all at once the dark clouds broke,
and the sun peeped through again.

So Lord, help me not to gripe,
about the tough rows I have hoed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

If God gives me strength and courage,
When the way grows steep and rough.
I'll not ask for other blessings,
I'm already blessed enough.

And may I never be too busy,
to help others bear their loads.
Then I'll keep drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

MajestyJo 03-03-2014 09:53 PM

Let us pray:

Lord, you have watched me grow
in my mother’s womb,
and I know that you love
all that you have made.
Help me to transform
my difficulties and disabilities
into opportunities for growth.
Shine the light of your Spirit on me
that I may grow
as the person you are calling me to be.
Inspire me
to develop the talents
you have given me
for the benefit and the service
of those people
you have placed in my life.
May each of us
become a blessing for others.

MajestyJo 03-04-2014 01:49 AM

Let us pray:
into your hands I place my successes.
Into your hands
I also place my failures,
and I pray that, through your Spirit,
I may face the challenges of life
with courage and determination.
Help me to think anew
and see things more broadly
than in terms of “success”
and “failure”.
Lead me always to trust
and place myself confidently
in your hands.

MajestyJo 03-05-2014 08:10 AM

Let’s pray
in the words of St Francis of Assisi:
Lord, make me an instrument
of your peace:
where there is hatred,
let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled, as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning
that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying
that we are born to eternal life.

MajestyJo 03-06-2014 05:34 PM

MajestyJo 03-07-2014 03:04 AM

Let us pray:

Praise the Lord, all you nations.
Speak to him, all people of the earth,
because his love is great
and he is always faithful.
(Psalm 117)

MajestyJo 03-08-2014 06:10 AM

Let’s remind ourselves in silence that God is with us and we are in his presence…


Let us pray...

MajestyJo 03-09-2014 12:42 AM

Let us pray:

Lord God,
Creator of light,
at the rising of your sun each morning
let the greatest of all lights - your love
- rise, like the sun, within my heart.

MajestyJo 03-10-2014 01:46 AM

MajestyJo 03-11-2014 10:32 AM

Let’s reflect and pray:
I shall pass through this world but once.
Therefore, any good that I can do,
any kind act that I can perform
for any fellow-creature,
let me do it now.
Let me not delay or omit it,
for I shall not pass this way again.

(attributed to Stephen Grellet)

MajestyJo 03-12-2014 02:05 PM

Let us pray:

God our Father,
you call each of us by name
and you know
the innermost thoughts
that we keep to ourselves.
Stay with us, day by day,
in good times and in bad.
Empower us with your Spirit
that we may grow in character
and develop a true sense of values
and ideals
through following Jesus,
your Son and our Brother.

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